The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 23, 1898, Image 2

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SSOO BOND Ssjessed Against U Year Oli Will Camp. CHARGED WITH MURDER ♦ » •Os Hudon Wright, Aged 8. Waived Preliminary Trial. Justice ■ P. Tread aw ay this morning bound over \\ ill Camp the sum of SSOO, holding him subject to the action of the grand jury. Will Camp is the 14 year old eon of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Camp, of the Fourth ward. He was arrested on a warrant; charging him with having caus ed the death ol little Hudon, the eight year old eon of Mr. and Mri. Sam Wright, who also re aid* in the Fourtn ward. The defendant waived trial this morning and was bound •▼er in the sum of s’oo, his father and Coroner Schlapbach | figuing the bond. It seems that the defendant had on two diffeient occasions I beat up the deceased, and it is alleged that at the last tight the email boy’s head was pouaded •gainst the brick pavement so terribly that he died from the 1 effects of the injuries. The parents of the living de fendant and the dead victim are •11 good people,and many hearts •re burdened with grief or sus pense because of the alleged fatal affray. The grand jury will sift the matter at its next sitting. In the meantime thanksgiving dinners will net be served in two house holds in ths Fourth ward tomor row. SPAINS’ GREATESTNEEI) Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had cans ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood •nd nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He hays this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones upj the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life inti every muscle, nerve and orgah of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curiy Arring on, druggists. —' l — " " ~ ‘1 I T*“ ’ ® A HAT THAT IS FINE AS SILK in quality and smart and stylish in shape and finish, marks the man of good taste and elegance in d r ess. Our fine Derbys and Alpines bear of style, and we have such a large as sortment of both shapes and colors that any head can be fitted and any face be suited to a be coming and handsome hat. ' W. H. COKER. P. S.—Special sales in ladies’ fine shoes, $2 00 kind go at 11..79 this week. W. H. COKI B 1] Biccd St. SHARKEY WON. '! Fight Awarded Him on a Fowl. • 'j MCVEY'S INTERFERENCE Believed to Have Been a Put Up Job. 1 New York, Nov. 28.—The Shar -1 key-Corbett fight, which was wit nessed by the largest and most representative gathering of sport ing men that aver congregated to see a ring contest, ended in a most disgraceful fiasco last night at the Lenox Ath etic club. Corb< tt had all the worst of the 'encounter when one of his seconds, j “Conuio” McVey, jumped into the ring, appealing to the referee, thus violating the rules, and th.i referee, “Honest” John Kelley, had ro al ternative but to disqualify Corbett and award the bout to Sharkey. McVey's interference was abso lutely inexcusable, and the referee, I believing that there was a “job” in McVey’s action, took it upon himself to ceclare al 1 b ts oft. Before Kelly’ did so, however, many of those who had bet on Corbett, and they were legion, ap-< pealed tc the referee to take such action, while Sharkeyitesclamored I Hgainst interference on Kelly’s i part and protested that he had uo i authority to declare bets oft. How ever the referee’s word w r nt with the majority of the spectators and conrequently all money paid on wag&rs made will be refunded. It was an unfortunate and abrupt ending to what promised te be a most interesting fight. For weeks both Corbett and Sharkey had trained faithfully and careful ly for the contest, and when they stripped last night each of them showed in excellent condition. (■HARKEY A WCNBERFUL FIGHTER. Sharkey was very confident of success, and the manner in which ho acquitted himself in the ring while the fight lasted showed very plainly that his confidence was founded on god grounds. Those who believed that Sharkey could not fight fairly changed theiropin iou after the buqt had gone one round. On the other hand, Corbett hit the sailor in the body rather luw [and Sharkey protested. Sharkey’s ' quickness and aggressiveness was astonishing from the very begin ning and from the fi s’ it was evi dent that he held Corbett safely. In the second round there were wild jells from the admirers of the Irishman when he floored Cor bett with a right swing on the head, precedtd with a powerful bow on the body. Sharkey's rushes were successful invariably, Thut Shaikey lias improved wonderfully goes without saying and on the other hund, that Cor be't is not the Corbett of New Or leans is beyond question. At no time had the-Californian the up per hand of his younger aud more stur y rival, Sharkey is a fighter and a clever one at that, and his work last rrght stamps him be yond all doubt as being second on ly to Fitzsimmons. NO NEGRO KILLED IN CAVE SPRING. Rumor About a Wild Negro, Only a Wild Rumor. A citizen from Care Spring was seen in this city this fore noon, and was asked about the race war and bloody battle in which a mad black demon is al leged to have shot a young lady and then been riddled with the white citizens. The gentleman smiled and replied that on yesterday a drunken or foolish negro, with a shotgun, had fired the gun a number of times at birds in e th© Ivor, orale limits, and that one ha Riess had hit a dog. Ih stated further that the ne gro had been tried and sentenced to work on the streets for 30 days. THANKSGIVING IN ROME. The Day Wi l be Observed To morrow. Thanksgiving day, always a holiday in this city,will be very generally observed by. Romans tomorrow. Union Thanksgiving services for the First Baptist, First Pres byterian and First Methodist churches will be conducted at the First Baptist, at 11 o’clock tomorrow forenoon. Dr. Headdeu will preach the sermon and Mrs. W. S. McHwn ry will preside at the organ. The song service promises also to be unusually fine. Dr. Hudgins, rector of St. Peter’s will conduct appropriate services at bis church, also at II o’clock. The banks, depots and the postoflice will obserye the day as a holiday. The Hustler-Commercial will observe its custom of giving its young lady typos|a half holiday, and the paper will be put on the streets by 1 o’clocr in the after noon. TOMORROW NIGHT Fields And Hanson Bte Sh >w Comes-Welcomb Minstrel Stars. Fields aud Hausen's always wel eoms minstrel stars ooms tu the opera house tomorrow nigh* for one night ouly. Although the third nSiustrel of the season those who ones this at traction will miss one of the best I Shows of the season. Fields and Hfuson are both well known in the minstrel business and have long teen favorites. Prices are sl, 75c and gallery 25c. This luw price to the gallery should fill it for thio splendid at* tractiou. Those vho attend tc morrow night will thoroughly enjoy the entertainmi-nt •: — i .'-Mt jjt PERSONAL MENTION. Fancy bulk olives, at Lloyds’. Mr. M. D. Pierce, cf Atlanta, is here today. Fancy sliced pineapples, large i cans at Lloyd’s, Mias E iello Mitchell is in Hei - derson, Ky„ the guest of Mrs. Dr. J. E. Letcher. Mr. J. I). Slewart, a j rominent citizen of Piedmont, Ala., was in the city last night. The many friends of Capt. R w e 1 will ba pleased to learn that he is rapidly improving and will soon be out again. Dr, G. T. Goetchius has re'uru ed from Thomasvil e, where he has been attending the meeting if the Georgia Synod. Ladies earn SB.OO per week working at home, no canvass ing, enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Standard Novelty Co., 101 Beekman St., New York City. Go to Atlanta to spend Thanks giving and see the great foot ball game between the Univer sities of Georgia and Alabama. Cheap rates and good schedules via the Southern R’y.J. N. Har rison, C. T. A . Nkgro Slishtly Cut, — Last uight Mr. Z. T. Byars, after hav ing been repeatedly insulted by a railroad negro named Tom Starkey finally drew his knife and enough blood from the black rowdy to make that individual bant a new neighborhood, Mr, Byars didn't leave town or hide out. He is said to have been amp'y justifiable in what he did. The wound was only a slight affair. MOW fIKEfiflU tang The Spanish Soldiers In Cu'ba THIS TIME IN WRNXAB Troops Have not Boen Paid for A Year. Havana, Nov. 23.—Atie'her tq - risiig of Spanish troops has taU n p aes at Mautanzas. Tfi3 re ceived there that the troops io Havana had been paid by Blanc) aroused the indignation of the sol d era, whose wsg- s are a year in arrears. They revolted in tbei harracks.sbouting “Death to trai tors !’’ and “Death to Blanco!” Gen. Molina, the Spanish mili tary commander at Matanzaq t?ligraphed Gen. Blanco, demand ■ ing money Gen Blanco has a'- ready distributed all available funds to pay the Havana troops, in oedar tn keep them quiet, but he authorized Gen. Molina to Ge ar and money from the branch office of the Spanish bank at Ala tan z is. This news alarmed the ahar<- holders of the bank in Havana. The governor of the bank. Senor Glabis, has already placed funds in England to save ths institution from possible attack by Spanish soldiers and the Unjust demands of Gen Blanco. The counselor of the bank told a correspondent that the situation of the bank was very grave while the Spanish government remains in coutrul of the is’and. The Span* i»h generals believe they have a right to extort money from private Spanish resident when Madrid fa' 1* to d money for the army. “Ouro-lvs 'vation,” said the ci'uuse.or, “lies In the United Hates. But if the American troops do not come soon we will be utter ly robbed by our own peop’e. ” Another Arrival.—lmperi al table jelly, a delicious desert, easily and quickly prepared ; superior to other kinds and lixed by all. Also Tryposa, a delicious powdered jelly in all flavors and colors, only 10c a package. Try one and you will order a dozen. You will find both at Lloyd & Co’s, the popular grocer. 1 ■ ■ ■ , ■ . - - I f /CT t. Hfe- nf3 ‘‘ZVTI IH®]w IN THE DINING ROOM Every g'od man likes to see a good, solid lookin g SIDEBOARD. It gives dignity to the room and besides it is the right place for the pitcher of ice water. Decide how much you want to pay for this useful and orna mental article of furniture. We have them from SIO.OO to $30.00 The least expensive are well made of oak with 14x24 mirrors. Serviceable and durable. Those of higher price are more ornate in design, some of quartered oak hand carved, with shaped bevel ed French plate mirror. Inter esting to look at even if you don’t buy. Rhudy, Habvev dr C 337 Broad St i KJL. T .-AM] In D >l.l blfeHl'Arf l.rtkjH ‘ «fUI di tC.r »ts «',| - >.wg | ||f f A PAI! CELERY COMPOUND. UniiedStates Senator Tabor Says That it Should Now be Used. I . fill wIW .jf •jij 1.1; W V/fe Decent events showed thkt * camp is more dangerous than a battle. Not only in the army, but in ordinary life, more lives are lost by a heedless disregard of the beginnings of poor health than hy all other causes com bined. Dyspepsia or nervousness it absolutely inexcusable new. There is no more reason for a man or woman eating wi*,h poor appetite or sleeping poorly or suffering continually from neu ralgia cr rheumatism today than there is of his or her going with out the iieces-iiies of life. Every candid person who has dragged along, under the de pressing t fleets of D( ve and brain exhaustion, needs »o take to heart the words of su .-h un biased i ersons as Senator Tabor, j who cannot afford to attich their guarantee to inythipg they have not themselves ia~ yestigated, Denver, Col., Sept 20, IS9B. i Messrs. Wells, Richardson 4 Co , Burlington, Vt.— I hearti ly neo.inmend ysur Paine’s cel-1 ery compound. It is the one remedy which should be widely used. I have u'rd it, and I therefore know where it 1 speak. Very truly yours, N. A. W, Tajjor, ’ U. S. Senate r. TH 7 URNER HEIRS WIN. Dr. McCall W .s Thrown in the Cost. Tn the cit eof Dr. D. T. Mc- Call vs the John W. ’Turner estate, the jury returned a seal ed verdict last night. The verdict was read in court this morning, It was in favor of the defense, throwing the plaintiff into the costs. Dr. McCall, who is s son-in law of the lamented John W. Turner, sued the estate for $1,054 lor medical services ren dered Capt. Turner in his last illness. The other for-irs proved that Dr. McCall eaid, when ask>d to make out bis ' ill, that Cap . Turner had always been 100 good to him for him to charge the estate anything f>. r services. They proved further that in di> viding up the personal eflacta of ‘ fl Do you suffer from insomnia! . Are you one es thoae mueb-to-b* J pitied individuals who wrastls with the pillow through ths I long hours of the night and ris* i in the morning with haggard - features and hollow ayes? If so, take advantage of ths remark » able power of this greatest of all . remedies for restoring strength, i Paine’s celery compound i calms and equalizes all ths ner vous tissues and induces the body to take on solid flesh. Nervous debility causes tim idity, depression and lack of confidence in the struggle of life; whereas plenty of nervous force insures self reliance, en terprise and prosperity. In un told number of cases the lacs of success can easily be traced to a simpk lack of nerve force. There is no better foundation for permanent good health, or a better preparation for coping with the hard work and taxing strain of life thar rich,red, pure blood and plenty of it, acquired .by use of Paint’s celery com pound . Physicians rec ognize Paine’* celery compound as the one *ci inti lie remedy for restoring Itealtb and strength to the worn ‘4t system. • hAestate that they had given Dr. Mclall, for compensation, about ! DKlimiio than his wife’s share. j Injury returned a verdict ; fav<>mf the heirs. Max Mey* r * I hardUor plaintiff, Hoskinson 4 I Ilarri for the defense. Two day* I *ere consumed in the trial- I AN BLOW UP NINE I French '.aoital Startled by * I Terific Explosion. ■ >■ Paris. No, 23.—A terrific •>' I plosion occured thia afternoon) 0 ■ the Case du C’hampeaux, undaf i neath the trices of the H> r ** I Agency. A wman was kil’ed and 2 eight persons ere seriously i°’ I ju red. I It is thought he explosion ■ due to ignited gt, and there * r * I rumors that it wr the result of * B ■ Anarchist plot. j * ffiiSß i No moruhlua or oplJt>n D’ I Al.U*. CBM AH e % I « I I II ■