The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 23, 1898, Image 3

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■ you WANT ■ V)L A GOOI) PORTION? ■ spieling a thorough ■ u ,. ge at Rome BusintSß Col ‘ ■• g i ‘- V. ■ Ilte personal iniiueuee of a ■thousand graduates who are ■hilmg responsible positions. I. the recogniz'd comnierc ■’.lueofa diploma from Rome ■ Busmess College whose mpu- ■ ntionaml high standing in all ■ t i,e principal cities and towns ■ jn tbe South has been maiu- ■ taint’d lor the past thirteen ■ years. ■ want a good situation the ■ following extracts from recent ■ col . resp ondence may interest ■ you. Pead tjienu ■From large Iron Mfg. Co., ip ■Ala- I ‘Ji about thirty days we de lire to employ a stenographer; ■ one whois also up in book-keep- ■ inti enough to assist our regular ■ book keeper.” ■ From Dry goods house, Ala. “Your communication t o I hand. Yes we desire to employ I a saleslady ; one can write I a good hand. Want her to take I charge of our retail department I We pay a good salary and want someone who is thoroughly up in selling drygoods.” From law firm, C. “Replying to your letter of •oine days ago Xyill say that we shall need a stenographer soon. Want a .young lady who is spetdy and accurate at* type writing.” From prominent lawyer, Sum Ga. “I want a young man to do my work add' study law. Will pay a reasonable salary, furnish good board, access to a tine law library.” <t Q From Uw f firm in La. “We do not need a stenogra pher npw, but believe we shall have need of ope soon. Prefer a young, man of sober habits and must write a good hand.” From law firm in Brunswick, Ga. “Yes we need a stenographer now, and you may have one of your graduates write us. No ex perience necessary, just so he is speedy and accurate at type writing and has good moral character.” From Mfg. Co., S. C. “Have you a young man who oan keep accounts by double en try, write a good hand and is rapid and accurate in figures. Have him write us. We need a geed man And will take the one you recommend.” From Mfg. Co. , Arkadelphia, Ark. “Thanks for your recent com .naunication, Yes vve need a .young man to keep our books And as you have filled the place • before satisfactorially with one your graduates, you know the ; Jund of man we desire.” hom Mfg Co., Chattanooga, Tehn. “Replying to you valuable fa vor of recent date will say that fce do not need any more otlice apaibiants mow; but in the course of a month will like to employ more help. Then we will give you an opportunity to fill a place with us with one of your graduates again. Trdm large Mfg. Co., Ala. In about thirty or sixty days We will employ one of your young men graduates. Will want hi'm to keep books and do general office and store worK. We pay what we consider a good salary and will want good men. 11 you desire to make personal investigation of the above appli cations call or write, ißome Business College Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To »ll whom it may concern • H P. Cressman. .J 8. Espy ttud j ( ', hn Davin. Roster Committee lor C>. “D”6sth Ga. Vol. have mud their report. Notice is hereby given that eaid report will be passed upon at the ordinary’s of fice in the court bouse city of Rome, Ga., on the first Menday in March 18S9 at 10 o’clock a. m. I his is to cilh n|j survivors or dt scene lints ol the members ot said Conipnuv oi their representa show cause if any they can, why said report should not be approved and m».de the judgment ot tie ordinaiy «nd filed with ’he clerk of the sup-rior court and ad mitted to the final records as a true R Rier of said Company U ith’ es iny band and official sig nature.'(his 7ib Hay of Nov 1898. John P. Da ’i«, Ordinary, Flos d Co.. G>i. NOTICE. GEORGFA FLOYD COUNTY. • To all whom it may concern • T. 8. Burney, L. R. Wmgg and H. T Moore, R >ster Committee for Co. “Q ’ Ist Gh, Cavnlry have made their report. Notice is nereby given that said report will i>ep;sa. ed upon at the ordinary’s - ffice in the court house city of Rome. Ga., on the first Monday in March 1899. at 10 o'clock a. m. This is to cite ail survivors or descendants of any ot the members of said Company or their representatives to show cause if any they can whv saia report should not be appioved and made the judgment of the or cinary and fined with tne clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true Ras ter of said Company. Witness my hand and official sgnature this 7th day of Nov, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Floyd Co , Ga. ■ '.MSS NOTICE. GEORGIA F OYD COUNTY. Ti» fill whom it Dian concern. F. W. Quarles, Sr , C. M. Harper and T. J. Glenn, roster commit tee for Co. “E” Bth Ga , Vol., have made their report: Notice is hereby given that said report will be passed.upon at the Oidinary's office in the Court bouse, city of Rome Ga., on the first M< uday in March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. This is to. cite all surv vors or de scendants of any of the members of said company or tneir represen tatives to show cause if any they can, why said report should not and made the judge - ment of the O.dinary and filed with the clerk of tbe superior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster of said company. Witness my hand and official signature This. Nov. 7th, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Floyd Co. Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may} concern. J. A. Tucker, J. L. Hardin and J. E. Mu'lin, roster committee for Co..“B” 21st Ga, Reg’t have made their report: Notice is here by given that said report will be passed upon at the Ordinary’s of fice in the court bouse, city of Rome Ga, on the first Monday in March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. in. This is to cite all survivors or de scendants of any of tbe members of said company or their repre sentatives to show cause, if any they can, why said report shou'd not bo approved and made the judgement of the Ordinary and filed with tbe clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster if said company. Witness my hand and official signature this 7th day of Nov. 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary, Floyd Co. Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA FLuYD COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern. G- K. Gre. n, John A. Muy and Joel Stowe, roster committee for Co., “D” 29th Ga, Vol., have made their report: Notice is here by given that said report Will be passed upon at the Qrdinaiy’e of fice ; n the court house, city of Rome Ga., on the first Monday in March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. This is to cue all survivors or de scendants of s id company or their representatives to show cause if any they’ can, why said report should not be approved and made the judgement of the Ordi nary and filed with the clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true ros ter of said company. " itness my hand and official signiture. -his 7th day of Nov. 1898 John P. Davis. Ordinary! Floyd Co. Ga. Rlpans Tabuies: lor sour mmacn. NOTI E. GEi RGIA. FL'.YDC t NTY. Bv vir ue of nn order of tbe court of Ordiiisi' 1 -aid count will tie Holo at pubnc uuicrv on the tiisi Tunday u. 1) c. 1898 a» the Ciurt hous door in said coun ty between the usual hours of sale the following real es'ate towit. Lying and being in the Fifth ward of the city of Ruiuh Flovd county Ga. Beginning on the East side of Spring street nt dividing bnei between lot of John Rupee and lot hereby described. thence East erly along said line 88 feet, thence Southerly 80 feet, thence Westerly 132 feet and 8 inches to Sp ing St, thence Northerly with Spring S’. 88 feet to the star' ng point Sold as the propertv or Mis Nicv Kam merer, deceased . Term- ot sale cash. This Nov 7th 1898. Peter J Kammerer, Administrator. NO I E. GEORGIA FLoYD CoUNTY Pursu mt to an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, will fie sold at public outciy on the fiist Tuesday m December 1898 at rhe court house door in said county between the legal hours of sale the following real ‘• state mw i», Siu divided lo's Nos . 11. 12. 13. 14 15 16 and 17. ac eoiding to the pl m aifd platt of a tract of 51 acres surveyed and platted by Dr, J. »V Hicks from land lot No. 316 in th° 23rd dis trict and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga. Sold s the property f Mrs. Jane H. Ciyne, deceased. Terms of sale on - liird cash, ba - ance in one and two years with 8 per cent interest. This Nov. Btb, 1898. Foster <H A.RPEB, t Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINIRTRA- TION. , , GEORGIA FLOYD C UNTY . To all whom it may concern,Mrs M . J. Morrison having in proper form spp.ied to me for permanent letters of adnn n.-tration on the estate of E. T. Myrriton. late cf said county, decs J his is to cite all and singu h the creditors and next of kin oi E. T. Morrison to he and appear at my offic.e witnin the time adowed by law and show cau.-e I any they caw. why permanent administration should not be gi n’ed to Mrs. M. J. Morrison on E T. es’ate Witness my hand and of ficial signature tba 7ih‘ dqy p,l Nov. 1898. John P. Davi--, Ordinary, PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ES TATE. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas on the 18th day of No vember 1896 Frank Murphey exe cuted to Mrs. A. II Cheney a note for the sum of S3O 00 and at the same time executed and delivered to her a mortgage on the lands described below to secure said note, and whereas in said mort gage the mortgagor g ive to the moitgagee the full power to sell said lands at public sale before the court house door of said coun ty, in case he made default in *be payment of said note and mort gage us to princi[ al and .nterest, which mortgage is recorded in the Clerk’s office of Floyd superior court in Book K—l of mortgages page 111 and hereby referred to. And whereas said mortgage and note came dueon Nov. 18 1897 and has not been paid by th mortgagor. Now therefore by the power So vested in the undersigned the mortgagee in said mortgage, which power is more specifically showi in said mortgage hereby referred to, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidd- r fur cash on tbe first, Tuesday in Dec mber 1898 during the legal hours of sale be fore the court house door of county the following tract of land with the imp-uvemepts thereon, all tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the 23rd District ard 3rd sectici) of Fl iyd county Georgia and being pare of land lotll7. tbe trac Lenin described oeing the Southeast corner of sfldlot on th i E ist sid i of Jth i Dalton road containing tbre acres more or les and being tbe land conveyed to Frank Murphey by D. P. Pbidips on Oct. 4. 1896 and recorded in book “P P” of deeds page 584. _ The total am untof principal am; interest that will bp due on said note and mortgage and aso the costs of this advertisemei t af ter allowing cert, in credits is $34.16. ' Fee simple titles will be’ made to the purchaser at said sa'e and the proceeds will be applied to the payment of said mortgage and costs uLid the balance .will be tun.* ed over to Fiank Muiphey. This 7th day of Nov. 1898. J Mrs- A-H. Cheney, Mortgagee. . bill's T q i sales \i’ GEORGIA,FLOYD COUNTY, Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county G*., between the legal hours of sale in the IstTues ; day in December 1898. the follow ing described property bv v : tue of state and county tax fi fas is sued by the tax collector of Flwyd coun'y Ga., and against the fol lowing named defendants. Ail that tract or parcel of land in the 22mi district 3rd sec tion of Floyd county Ga , con taining eighty acres mofe or less, it beitiß mi undivided hall interest in Lit nuiubsr tweuty*(hree. Lev ii don by virtue <4 a tax fi fa is sued by \ .T. tSantoid for lax 1897 in tavor of s ale rfl'd- county ys James ware as the pioper.ty oi the defendant. Also at the same lime ami pb ce a l l that lot of land lying ami be ing in East Rome bounded as fel lows, beginning at a po nton the North side ol Spring street 150 ft East from the-Noitheast inteisec* tion of North and Spiii g street and running theuce Nerth along the East, margin <rf lots ot IL lt ,)am- s and i‘s Tin .mas to prop erty of East Rome town Co., thence East along siiid properly of East Rome Towir*Co v , # SO feet •to property hN’ Ed*G Warr,en, theom- 8 u'n obg-sa d margin of said E. G. Warren prop erty 150 feel to Norton margin of Spring street, est along said North.margin of Spring fftreet 50 feet point cf beginning Levied on by virtue of ?ajax fi ta issued by V. <T.. tax col - lector for tax 18SK in favor ot state and county ViTML. J Patton as tbe pr<ypte!ftyl‘ of' the de* fondant. ’’ * - Also at the same time and place a certain lot and improvements thereon, -siluated .ip „ tTie Fifth ward of the ci y Rome F 6yd Co., Ga., fronting ICO fe»-t more or less on Spring street and. Juuning back same width SOO sees, jam re cr 'ess. Bounded on the TJast by the propeitvk)f O. 'U.*4)gzter on the West-' by ~p opgrty*\’ Of’ the - • by viriufe ifafi is 4 rsaued b>. V.,T San fold, tax collector for. tax 1897 i.h favr r df West & Cd., traiif-fcn-e-* VS .MeAr- thur, a& the pr. t,he pfeft,** J ' 1 SBIFF SiLE'S'• ■ fll BEiEBBI Ml GEORGIA FLOYfit ' Vv ill be sold? bq/ore. the court house door in.Ahe.cliy of Romp, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tnerday, in December 1898 the following described property to wit:— . One 1 horse Wrgpn and harness, oue poney plow, one Towers plow stock, one side narrow, one top hirraw, one Cuttoo planter, one hog. 10 acres cotton in field to gather, six ac-es more'or less corn in field to gather, Levied on by virtue of a distress warrant issued from the ju°tice ccurt of tbe 919 h District G. M. in favor of J. P. McConne 1 ! receiver against Oliver Bearden, as the property of the defendant. A'so at the same time and place all that ract Or parcel land sit uated lying and being in tbe 22tid district .ind 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., originally Cherokee county known and distinguished as lot of land number 227 in said district and:section and contam ng one hundred and sixty acres, imre or less L“Vi> don by virtu * of a mortgaged! ta issued from Floyd superior gourt iu favor of D . B. Hami ton vs Alfred John s n as the property of the defend ui t. Al.-o at the same time and place one undivided one-sixth interest o' Tot number -59 as shown by the •o iginal map of Fores’vilie Floyd eounty Ga.. but now North Rome. Levi d "on by virtue of a fi fa is sued from the Floyd city ccurt in fav >r of Chas. Broadway Roues vs Henry S? Forsyth as the property of tbe defendant. Also at tle same time and place tie dark brown mate mule named “Kate” about Gyeais old, one dmk brown mare mule named “Bell” about 7 years old, one 2 horse wgon. Tennessee make. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fifa issued from Floyd city court in favor of R. J. Ragan vs II Abromson as the property of the defendant. Also at tbe-same time and place one undivided two-thirds interest in a certain tract or parcel of land in. the 23 district and 3rd secti j °f Floyd e)un l y known as the Ouk Hill farm, consi-ting of lots of iand No 299 and that por Hon ot uts N • 300 3"1 and 302 king <>u the Nofib side of 'he Ki uwah river containing about 450, acres. Lev.ed or as the propert. of W. F. Ayer to satisfy three mortgage 11 tas from the superior court of said county ot Floyd, ons in favor of J. B. Sullivan, one in favor of Mrs. S. V. Ayer and ooe in fayor of G. C. Longstreet etui vs. W. F. Ayer'as tbe preperty of tbe defendant. Aho at the same time and place lo’s of lund Nos. 38 and 105 ii the 4tb District and 4lb Sec..ei of Floyd county Ga., as the prop erty of J. F. Turner, to satisfy two mortgate fi *as from the Su perior court of said county . One in favor of K. W. Berrvhill, ano ‘he other in favor ol K. W. Briyhill.' trans f erre» against the said Turin r. The t'*j loss (lesenbed ale included in the fi fn in favor ot B-rryl ill, and lot No 105,uidv is included in the li fa ill favor of Berryhill, trans ferree A'so at,the same time and place one undivided one half interest in one sixty sAw guilei gm feeder and condenser, one half inter* st in 36 inch corn mill, one half interest in standard platform scales U.S., one hall interest ip one up pacK* ing cotton p.*ss. Levied on bv virtue ct a mortgage fi ta issued tioni-Floyd superior court in tavoi ol R. -G. Claik vs A. J Williams as tbe property of the defendant. Also at the iame time and place town lota number 91 and 92 front* ii g on Shorter avenue 186 feet and running back along Divis'on street one hundred and fifty-five feet The dividing line separating said ots bvinc one hundred and fifty- GOe feet id length . According to tne mao of Wi st Rome by Tedcas ile and McK‘o, Said lots are a part of laud lot No. 239 in the 23cd District and 3rd Section of said county. A full description of said property which is now un proved by a residence, out houses and store house is found on pages 572 and 5730 f deeds record in b.>ok “AAA”. Tne above proper ty js situated in tbe suburb ot West K line, And will be sold sub je.cA4,pa Liorfgage, executed by the this fi fa, to The Rome Mutual 1 Loan Association, itsTifch being .older than plain* tiff's judgement. Levied on by virtne ot fi fa isstied.from the Jus :fci.(ie i apurt, of the 919th DistriCtG ,M ~ in favor of Rounaavil'e <fc Bros, ’vs. J-ames A El iron, as the pfroperiy of the defendant, wbo of this levy advertise- gde. Levy made by W. •M- Byars, L. C. October 18th, 18,08. Also at tbe same time and place ail.that piece or parcel of iand ly* ing and being in Floyd county stale of Georgia, and that part of eaid ciunty known as the addition of J. R Stevens, deceased, tc East Rome a plat of which said addition i« recorded ai.d registered in book “X” page 66 of records of the superior court of Floyd county, same being lot No. 3 and containing 2 and 1-5 acres more or less. Said lot fronts 122 feet on the Cedartcwn road running back between parallel lines to a 60 foot street, said lots North boundary line extends 800 feet, said lots South boundary line 'ex tends 825 feet. Levied on by vir tue of a fi fa issued from the citv court of Atlanta in favor of The Southern Home Building Loan As sue atson against Annie S. Lester as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and olace ou“ hundred acres of land in the nhape of a rectangle being the South part of land lot number 126 in the ?4th dis’rict and 3rd section of Fioyd County via. Said property levied on as the proper ty of Anni* E. Fleetwood to satis fy an execution issued from the superior court of Floyd county in favor of Equitable Mortgage Co. . against said Annie K. Fleetwood, as the propesty oj the defendant. Also at the same time and place lot of land No. 84 and all of laud lot No. 85 except twenty-two and three-fourths acres in the N. E. corner in the shape es a triangle, coiivayed to William W. Milam by William McCullough on the 10th day of November 1853 and except thirty two and three-fourths acres in the Southwest corner in the shape of a triangle, deeded to Hugh M. McCul'ougb bv William McCullough on the 20th day o' March 1858. Said land containing io all 270 acres in the 24th dis riel and 3rd section of Floyd county state of Georgia. Said property levied on as the property of Geo. W. Fleetwood to satisfy an exe- ( cution issued from the superior jeou’-t of Floyd epunty Ga . in fa i vor of Equitaole Mortgage Co.. | against said George W. Fleetwood nas tbo property of the defendant -' | Also at the same time and place j two certain tracts or* parcels of land in the 22nd disrriot and 3rd siciiul ot F i'jd iuui>ty Ga., as me propelty < t the defendant James Vt . Mi chell, the same be-* »ng 80 acres off of the East part of kt No 59 i>i d 40 acres off the West side oi said lot. Both divid ed from the utli. r part of the lot uy a straight line running North and South and loth together CCD“ taming 120 ar lea. ’] be first pal cel is the place wl < r»-« i tbe defend** nt resided th• fi st of March 1889. Deed made and recorded in the Clerk’s office for tbe purpose of levy and sale. Levied od by vir tue of afi fa issued from Floyd superior ccurt in favor of Everett C. L en rned ve. Jas W. Mitchel! as th H P operty cf the d.fendant. Also nt the same time and place five ' al. s of cotton w eighing.6o2, 490, 520 585 and 587 Levied on bv vii lt.e of h nj< rtgage fi fa is *ued from Floyn city court in fa vor of W. H . Cokej & Co., va J P, Anderson us the property of the detenduiit. The above lev ied cotton will be delivered to purchastrat Rom cotton factory. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff, WILD LAI D SALES. Will I p pohi I effire tbe court h» use door in the city of Rome, F'o\d county Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1899,the fol* lowing described property towit: \ll that iract or parcel of land to wit, Lot No 333 containing 100 acretj and lot No 316 containing 160 acres, all lying and being in the 22nd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virtue of a tux fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 due said state and county against B H Taylor as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land being ’ known in the plat as lot No 78 in the 3rd District and 4th Section of Floyd conn y Georgia contain ing 40 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V I’ Sanford tax collector fat tar J 897 in favor if said state and county vs Silas F Smith “as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and .place ell that tract or parcel of land be ing lets Nos. 793, 124, 3(58 aud Bosand94in tne 16th District and 4th Section of Floyd cotmty Georgia containing 200 acres more or less. Levied cn by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 in favor of state and county vs Frank L 1 Miller as tbe property 6f the de* f fendant. J. P. McCoNNELL/Shenff. CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern.-^7 W. H. Ennis, administrator of Enjah Perkins, deceased has in * due form applied to the Undsr-, ( signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to tbe estate of effid deceased and said application will ue heard on the fiist Monday December n-xt. This B'h day 61 / Nov. 1898. -‘ji John P, Davls, Ordinary i v APPLICATION FOR LETTERS ‘ OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. f • Whereas W. P. Trout, adminia> tra’or of Jerry Townsend, renrer seuts to tbe court in bis petition duly filed, that be has admhrfs- - tered Jerry Townsend’s estate. Thia i is to cite all persons kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why akid dministrator should not be dil* charged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Munday in Jarfuary, 1899. This Oct. 3rd 1898. ■Dun P Dsvjs | NOTICE., . GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. . r To all whom it may concern. W, J. Hall, W. B. Judkins and W, J. Vincent, Raster Committee for Co, “G” 22nd Ga. VolL have made their report. Noticwjifthere by given that said report, will be passed upon at the‘ordinary’s of- ' fice at th3 court house City of Rome, Ga., on the first Monday inJMarch 1899, at 10 o’clock a, m. . This is to cite all survivors or de scendants of any of the members ot said Company or tbeit repre entatives, to show cause if any they can why said report should not be approved and made the judgment of the ordinary and filed with the clerk of tbe superior court and admitted to the final records as a true meter of said company. Witness my band and official sig nature this 7th day of Nov! 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. ’ Floyd Co.y Ga.