The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 23, 1898, Image 6

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LKO, ®D His Papa To Fight ' » ■’ A A PISTOL’S WiUXXLE ’8 < ' ' 'J ; . ", • ' 1 Qrdera^, Hup, Into The Parlor i Arid'S hot, Hite Dead. I * Greenville S. C.'* Nov.*22.— The hilling of George iT'Ogh’t'b’ by bis wife, Mattie Hughes, at Greers, promises to be one of the m< st MBiatiunai.of. homi cide*. ' ddioper’e inquest dtvel •peifacts boxetofore unpublish ed. f - ; .. . The coolr'and testified that Mrs. HaghesA'Add'ier husband •he would him jtwo minutes rlO. fight her f-airiyybut his reply Was that be pot'hurther for He attempt 'd to have tfcVlfowe, but with' a'd-iSwn pistol •w ’oracrixP bin# into the parlor and finally shot him as lie s arted Co the pistol . 'A; only’child, a boy of nine,.was the only witness to the •hooting? He' made- a statement which, agr es with all .other teeti .jnopy, He-snid. mamma if she had aßyUfiVg- to say. Mamma then coin’liienctd cursing papa, saying. ‘lf out. I’ll kill you.’ Pa pa Mm.t bju-.k. Mamma followed, ■ with the pistol pointed at papa, •nd said said she would kill him, ■ >aud would give him two minutes to fight but he refused. Pupa gut • op #nd mamma shot him,” kfljSbVerul witnesses testified that Before Mrs. Hughes was hubljand thatit LtttcWitljer again she would kill him, and cursed him terri bly. now in jail, is a bold, lEmYTHUra AT COST JOB CASH! WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE .v , BUS SI A m ' fiAcsiTM lh- ! sawis mww ’ <: <& ! — x 7 : - r ~ , ; ——.® -<i2L?!SE2^^ »_ - . AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE MEAN* ’THIS SALE Inc lucles All Our CLOTHING, I'l ' I\.\ IS-! 11 N( i GOOI )S ,ii .i H ATfe j J. A GrA.M XC >T --———— —■ ■ ■I I 1- Mil I ,1-- -- . - ■ •/1 MiMjjj*--" - —'- ■Lggwsg atr , handsome creature - Several years ago she vas involved io a local scandal and a sh®oting scrape. She arid h*r husband occupied separate i rooms, the.boy staying with his ! father. Mr. Hughes was success-- ful in business, being assisted by A few weeks ago the de posited in a Creenville banka I large sum of money in her own -name, instead of her busband’s .•as usual. Just before his. death i Hugh es made a will, leaving every- I, tbirifc td.i.the son. He stated that »the shooting was not accidental, ’ and when his wife kissed him ex it claimed it was the first time in 3 years, 1 NEGRO ACCIDENTAL! 7 SHOT. Sandersville, Ga , Nov 22. Puis morning about sun up, while Amos Perry and Andrew Forbes 4 were playing with a pistol, it was j accidently discharged so it is re s ported, and Perry was shot in the stomach. It is thought the ball f passed through the bowels The extent of the ii jury has not been 8 learned. Both parties are colored. 1 No arrest nude as yet. r j FOOTBALL GAME. f Athens-Auburn, the Western A e Atlantic R. R. will sell tickets to t Atlanta and return at one and a _ third fare, on sale for all trains Nov, 23rd and morning train 24th j limited Nov. 25th, trains leave at a i■3o a. m. 4 ;25 p. m. C, K. Aver, P. & T. A. 1 WW’nterW ‘ t i v z Wf I’ Klpans Tabules cure Indigestion. ST THE fIERGT ‘ „ I • Os Flames, was the Town of Browmilk, Tenii. i WATER SUPPLY OUT. | Chureh Destroyed and Ma**iy Residences Damaged. Brownville, Tenn., Nov. 22 A great fire is raging here. The loss may reach between $150,000 and $200,000. The waterworks I have given out and the flames I are beyond control. The fire originated in John son’s gin mill which burned. ;The handsome Methodist church 1 • has gone up in smoke and many residences are on file. WAY OFF INAFRICA • —. A Telegraph Line Is To Be Con- ETKUCTEP. London, Nov 22 .—The Birm ingham Post, pays ■ an >, agreiineut has been arranged with the Congo-, Free State, ailowing'tho survey of an African Transcontinental tele graph line along the’westiern shores of Lakes Tanganyika an*d Albert Edward. * ■ STAR POINTER SOLD I The Famous Pacer Brings $15.- 000. SoldTo Mr. Whita. New York, Nov'22 —Star Poin ter, the famous pacer,’ with the world’s record of 1:59 j for a mile was sold last night at Madison Square Garden to ex-Congresstnan ! W. J. White of Cleveland for ssl,- j 000, S6OO Joss than, he was sold for 'in 1897 to James A. Murphy of ' Chicago. i A GOOD ATTRACTION. ‘ Fields & Hanson Big Minstrel ShowHeie Thursday Night, I Don’t forget the Field & Han -1 son show next Thursday even ing. This’s a splendid attrac tion and should have a big < house. Messrs. Field A Hanson may look forward to a lucrative ’en gagement here, as the theatre . going public of this city is fully alive to the fa«f whin a really meritorious show makes its ap pearance, and a glance at,the array of talent comprising this troupe wifi fully attest to the fact that this is more than an ordinary attractsou.—Clevclajid Leader. Seats are now on sale at Trev itt's. Prices $1; 75 *. and 25c. GUNBOAT SHELLS TOWN •■ _ Insurgents In Philippines Re fuse To Lower Flag. Manila,’ Nov 22 —Paseeuger? who anived here today by the I Steamer Adelanto report ibat two j Spanish gunboats recently visited Sorsogon and fir. d three sheds in'-, to the town claiming that the ii - ’•urgents there refused to lower their flag when ordered to do so. On the insurgents showing-fight it is added, the giirlb >ats left hur riedly. The shell did little dams age. Sergeant Price of the Minnesota regiment, who was stabbed by disorderly Filipinos on Friday night, and who was reported to have bt e r .ki lied is s'jll alive. ANY PERSON wTit-hi-u' to know the truth in regard to their health . botild not fail t nd f r a valuable and • new 6-i-uage Booklet wt i- . will bo eent FREE !tvr a abort time to those who mention tl*in pi. per. This b<» k is published by the Oultbratod ph’yw ctsu- and specialists hr. Hathaway a, d(o. of •2" S Broad St . Atlanta, Ga.. whom yon should «ddreas. Write today. OFF fc'.’ I E AND ( OMFORT and for a jolly good time with family or fiiei ds, there is noth in<t like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bouts, bugji s,tiaps,.carts, wag onettes, ca.iiop.y top, or open sur ire 1 ii, e.isy, comloi'ta-* bl * and be,,u‘Uul. i , tiou, trimmings and fi’uisli.' We also repair an I ov- rhaul Vehicles; slso carry s. big line of fin<? harness and lap ..robes, Rome Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad street,Rcnie Ga, Satteiifikin & Williams, Agents. Etlfl tso> ySIIW* '■, sh® / ! hTe 1 •-i taking Piso’s Cure for Consumption since 1 "i,.for C v ghs and Colds. I had an attack of LaGrippe in Iff'O. a£l have had others since. In the Winter of 1 9(5-7, I lad n -pell of Bronahitis, lastingall winter, ami 1 . ing a /.•ou’ole.sonie cough, until I again tried Pino’s Cure, which relieved me.--Airs. M. B. Smalley, Colorado Springs, Colo., Auguat 19, 1898. Ju WTOIsT” Q pH Best Cough Syrup, Tastes «”«■ ‘ lw » RS in time. Sold by druggists The Piso Company, Wawen, T‘a. ■ ■m■ L'VER/, SALE AND FEED STABLEST ■ , 1 » Oifers th>i public tii fi mt tdt ai, b»tJJ e.V anc s and most polite and courteous drivers The heee-stock of horses and mules on s»le co "tentlv. "‘ ' ? .._...-•. ;±--- 7- —■•• . g 4- A CANDY & 'K CATHARTIC ,4 J VS{ k, f M J W;>. 'i'bW U2URE /Ma —-«\ i .