The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 23, 1898, Image 8

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OEM SLAUGHTER OH MELOLWISE AT PRIVATE SALE OR AT AUCTION 'R-. AAA ' . J This great sfifefe shall be closed out. Every piece of woolen goods in this house used in making a dress will be < offered from this hour until it is sold At Less Phan it Cost Delivered. We are going to quit retailing dr goods in Rome, We want to quit by January ist if possible. Cur prices should wind up the stock by . that time. Not a piece of woolen dress goods in our store to be sold at as much as cost. Every pat- Do you want any fine hose? We will let you have 3 pairs for less than the nrice of a bargain unequal able. Not a'oieceof woolen dress goods in our store to be held as high ? nly 3 theße to a eustorae r, and in this way : Select 2 pairs of ou r finest Maco Yanv nrlu ‘I ' * ° hose (they are worth 40c to 75c per pair.) To these we will put a oair of extra tin -ii . 00 per yard, though some of it cost $1.50, $2 00 and $2 -50 per yard. worth SI.OO or $1.50 For all the three pairs we will ask you to pay us but one dollai ft* '° 8 * You may buy $3.00 silks and $3.00 dress goods at 98 cents ! A big stock of black silks. We !,Jl »^ il ’^ vei c^ e ’ e d i n l^ oln e Li fine goods. C • 7 .,' ' > b icWO pairs knppendorf’s fine ahoes just .received. We bought these to help pav exnan. ML l-y far the* best stock of silks, satins and woolen cress fabrics within this city—meeting while selling out, and we shall not offer them at cost, but we’ll cut the usual margins • 861 'llT.of the requirements of the latest styles. and give you new stylish shoes for less than you can buy the like in North Georgia 0 \r ln ? w ° Do net driss without calling to see us, if there is any affiliation whatever between ' qual to Krinpendorf’s. Buy no others. Our price in shoes beats the Jews and Gentile ° Vk* 8 V vou and v^r’ We shall continue retailing dry goods in Rome until the stock is Our shoe department is a beautiful shoe store within itself. Mr. Owens in charge 8 a lk *‘ ; produced bblow^^,.ooo; and we expect not to buy over $3,000 more to ke» p the stock up before B'g stock of new capes and jackets just received. Last year’s styles that we h A U .* ham iVto a v , and $15.00 are now on sale at only $2 50. ‘ SO.OO U , - A.STARTLING OFFER TO MERCHANTS IN ROME AND ELSEWHERE?" |WeMve resolved, irrevocably to atop retailing: dry goods in Rome soon. We should be most happy to sell ?<the stogk^in-btilk at 69 cents on the dollar of original cost-=nothing for freight or other expense, and . - ,we open offer to so sell the stock, our salespeople to be cared for to the end of their contracts t ■“ • • v£’' is a good stock of most desirable m rchandise and is worth much more than we ask for it ; ’ - , We are very anxious to sell out. and we shall wholesale it or retail it at prices much under values. BASS BBOTMERS & CO. Tai: AW'*? A.. ■ ' fM&V■' ' - _ 'W w ■ W gpteJ • . -i’’ ' Have beeuTlie to Ladies Appeal FDJt ST. .joWe y _ Christmas s BelhgTpW^3^ ! ’'^' UV ‘ ! ' k ; - . - f 'f f ? 4 The'7 ladies of the I‘fipi’scttpa’l •hutch are bu?y preparing' tb*ir Bazaar Lq- o^etp ih~ Noble’s block on T.uesdayvNov. 29.i1r? "TA response to appeals sent - them through 1 tb> iCorhe mer •haute the folio h|ve beenmade fftrAhe' benefit the new St.' Peter’s ifif fund: >• ■ * J. Kuttuer frafli'ir Ji. Claflin A Co , New J. Kusner from J. A Son>, New York^jwek-TTOfCX) J. Kuftner from .L 4 Co., Baltimore Md J, Kuttner from Co., New A ork, 100 thread Vai. S4O 00 . Thomas Fahy from sko. 4 Co,. Philadelphia, chUjWIOTOO. Thomas Fahy from Partner & Fnederheit. New York. 20 scarfs y.i. 15.00 Cantrell <fc Owen frotfeu." Hess, Baltimore, cash $5 00 V; ..-Hanson & Co. from W. C. V«.bargh, ■Brooklyn, N. Y., lamp VakiWiO. •Taylor ife-Norton fre’rfi 7/p.a'rU Davis <fc Co.,.Detroit Mich, tooth $12.00 - Baylor <fe Norton from Lampton Cr*»»lk Ramey Co., Louisville, lamp Vai. aip.Ou . Bobiusou (run A. Fri- Co., At'auta, barrell ba- B*um Vai. $3.60? u ■'<«ll*y It from Cas- MttyOilCo., Nashville, Tenn. ** • , . ■■ t - ’ ,J — Tok io soap Vai $6 00. Kelley & McWilliams from Mus catin Oat Meal Co. , lowa, oat Vai. $9.00. F. Schlapbach from Pickett & Norfolk, Ya. Oysters Vai. $6.00. Hanks Furniture Co. 1 bed room suit. Co., P |. reefer. L&s.ter, 10 cans Coffee. TYxfe). t°as, spice? &c. 'faßjy MARTIAL LAW Takes Charge of the Town. . has issued a proc lamation, placing Para under mftrtiatTaw. v ■ *' r commanding officer is or dered,to .take possession of all 4p . ‘' r *•* arms’in the ha£,ssipf miners or district.. ' ■' . I’erso.ris with arms in.. their hands wi.ll .be •_ arrested by the military authorities as if they funded. a disturbance of the public peace. - ? j ‘‘ft#. t.‘l' Jll-? 'TO F/IKE-4 FACTS. ~ IVI rS j. '• AI- O. Garrard from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out heij.large win ter stock. Choice Felts 4 for ladies and children 741 prices' that cannot be found elsewhere. Belts, Hair Ornaments aed w ßutkles, ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and-get prices before buying in Millinery. = ’ ~'~.T Successful Physicians. We heartily recqmmsud DE Hathaway 4 Co. jf 22 A 8 Broad St., Atlanta, G-*„ as betag par reptly reliable and remarkably atweeaafu] in the treatment of ohropic &iaeaMwof man and women. lUvy.-cuee Wbeu othera fail. Oar read jrk if in need “of medical help should certainly write these ?■ya'ipt doctors and you will receive a free and exjiert opinion of your case toy return a*U without owt, ■ NOW GORGED ■I I— - That Gapt. Gen. Slancti Stele The Fifncis. TROUBLE TO GOME. ■ * Troops Are Maintaining Their Threataning Attitude, f ■ <. Havana, Via Key West, Nov. 22. ■—ls American troops don’t come poou to Havana there will proba bly be gjeat disorder and blood shed will occur. • Blanco is unable to control the situation; He is paying out to the troops the money sent by Sagasta but the moneywill only last a day or so. Th ? soldiers keep up their threatening attitude while await ing piym nt. When they are convinced there is not money enough, an outburst will comp. The soldiers openly accuse Blan co, Aroias and other high officers of stealing 'he funds. Discontent is growing among the subordmat officers, from Captains down. Yom correspondent interviewed yester day a Lieutenant in the C.v'l Guards w ho headed the mutiny ir the Belascoain barracks, In front of the b-rracks two cannons are placed, and a detachment of artil lery. The men inside keep their aims, and are allowed to commu nicate wi;h, but not to go < ut themselves, ‘We have profited by the les sons of unpreparedness in the Spanish American war. Should a resumption of hostilities with Spain or any other international entanglement force us into war again, it is safe to say that the first clash of arms will find us better equipped than we were on April 21, 1298. W. J AR.R, ' THE WEST. TGARKAMSA3 . »g? TEXAS. Schedule in E.Tect Oct. 4th, 1898. KOBTbbound. No. 2 No. 4 N 0.70 j N 0.73 Lv Atlanta. . Blf arm 8 80pni| fliCpin - 6 30pin Ar Marietta.. 90;am 9 16pm &4vpm 625 pm “ Rome 11 ‘itjami 745 pm •• Dalton. 11 Ham 1141 pm felSpm “ t 'hat'nooga 1 loom i 00am 935 pm " Nashville . ft 5,5 pm; 6 40am ** Memphis.. 73 am 43dpm Ev Nashvilfe ; 7:.onm 7 30a ml A- St T.riui.-, 7 lip-ini T.'C’nm Lv xsashvuio < 40pm[ . 0uauit........ .... Ar Chicago.. 9 0-lam; B&)pni| tv Nashville J 7'iltpnii < 2daml | Ar Louisville. 2 3'am 12 2.5 pm ....' “ Cincinnati. 705 am 4 05pm Train No. Scarries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville, F.a., Atlanta and Nashville, con necting with vestibule train for Chicane, Train No. 4 carries, Pullman Sleeper Augustj and Atlanta to Nashville and St. Louie through without ehango. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to Chattanooga, passengers remain in car until T o’clock a. m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to Knoxville via A. K. & N. Ry. Train No. 70 connects at Boyce with Q. ft O. for Cincinnati. This train carries through coach Atlanta to Rome. | 1 To the South and East. , •outhbousd. ■ No. 1 I No. 3 | N 0.91 No.7a J Ev Nashville 1 910 am 10 16pm 1 " Chat nooga 2 55pm 3 20am 5 1 ” Dalton . 4 lipin 4 28am 7 Ham •' Rome 4 25pm . 745 am •• Marietta . 0 43pm 6 45am 9 4uam 705 nm r A tlan TltOpni 730 am. 10 35ami 80vam j Lv Atlanta ..I 750 pm 750 am 4 u6pm Ar Macon. .. 11l 13pniill 10am 720 pm “ Tifton. i 2 50am | 3 05pm ~ “ Jack'nville H 45am 110 25pm . Ev Atlanta ... 7 ;sUpnii i 50am ( ~4 6.5 pm .. '* Ar Macon .11 Lipmill 10am 720 pm “ Albany. I 3 27pm 11 05pm , “ Thm sville j 630 pm l Savannah . ft QQam l t>o6pm Ev Atlanla . 11l 35pm 7 oOuinf'S I'Jpm , Ar Augusta. ..l 5 15am| 120 p 8 25pm ..../ Ar Charleston :11 (klam. 800pin| “ Columbia jlO 55am lOlOpml’ Ev Atlanta. | 7 56um,12 uOm ' ii26Sn~* “ Ar Athens .. ilo2lnm! 216 pm 2 16pm . ..’.’L ' ‘ Richmond.l 6 15pm 715 am 715 am •' Wash’gton 10 IJOnm > 1 31am‘u 81am i 1 " S&.am 52hpm 5 28pm ..”7” H Train No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash- ; Ville, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson- i > ville, Fla. , , Tiain No. 3 carries Pullman Sleeper St Louis ) ♦o Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper j ChattaHOoga to Atlanta open for passenger, ■ Chattanooga 9 o’clock p. ip. Ppltoan Sleeper Knoxville to Atlanta via A- Kft N. Ry. For ' 1 further information write to I J H F SMITH. Q. p. HARMAN. ' Traffic Manager. Gen, Paaa. Agt. r ' . —! l .n. , ■»-, a , , , , 4.V8 ’tty .-•« iMntt.s are Pnjscr i. rnn n <,r ncusei..m» carts. I , •v<iwn •* 4i n Di tiers Rebuilds ur if j j’.nm, aid- L je-jou, 'ensiva cxeesf ji aiU I •VU&KMKaft**. > -ttulMIC. —— - -a sagh " Rfliufiy. j (onilea»v<l srhrdsle is l.ffert July 6, 18»s. ?TA!-n6s. ~ No. IO No. 14 No. 1 Lv Cijutiu oi-. a 6.3t.)am 7.3 ..m 10.10 pm 4r Dalton .. 7.51 am B.42pin r.'.io-am kr Rome 9.00 am 9 40pm l.liatn Ar A i lama li.4oam I n. ; o >.ua Lv All.inta 4 20pm 1 . ;>u. 5.20 am \r Macon i-lopm, 2 amj B.2 (t um yr Jesupl ( 5, ; 2.3Spm I Al- K.-erett. 7.., u i.gfipny jAr jiicK-iuiM !’.'•! , 9. 9. to pm „v Jesup io < tarn. 0.56 pm !Ar Jacksonville —•J 1 ' i". 15pm Lv Freren ?..... ;iJ Ar Mrunewi l< ; 0 a N 10 ■ ■ ' i’i.laa» Sleeping t ,ir Chan, laivioga to Atlanta. , ’ ■ • No. 14 carries I'ulln -an Sleepfng Car und Hay ouches i’ .. ’u o-i-.-a ’o Jueksonvill ■ and At lunta to Brunswick. No. Scurries I'ullmai Sleeping’ Cur Chatta nooga to A . iii.u. stA i ions. ~N6/i3 i No7“irpNoTY' Lv Ai’.intu 4 SOnm] 4 66pm _ -?.snarn Ar Koine- 6.3oui:i 10'JOarn Ar Duiton 7 22:oii 7.34pni’11 3(>um Ar ( iinttanoo,-. 8.10. m; « ,>izj rr. I.oopm Lv Chattanooga 8.5.5 am 9.10; in Ar Burgin 4 20pm| ...L... Ar Lexington.... 5.10pml 4,50am1. Ar Louisyillm ... .... 750 pm 7 .n, m ’ ’ Ar Cim-lrm 77 7.80 pm 7.30 an »' v I.23pmi l. 15amI 1 2r.pni C-' 1 * 11 ? 1 ’I** 1 ** ■ B.sspin ft.4o:im; 6.55 pm No 18 Currie I’u man Sleeping Cur Atlanta .oChattan , r-a i < ’nattunoopa to Ctnoln.-iai.t u , C! ‘ rr Sleeping Car Atlanta o Cincinnati ,i»d Chattanooga to Louisville. J” ’ ' i No. fl. ; No. p, ; N,>. H b v ‘/'u : - ■ I 8 tlam 4?i67 mio K.'nm ArKnoxvii e Il 8,0..; m l. mam Ar Mori i-.. -, r, | j.ipni 9.56 am 2.25 arr. Ar Hot -looN’-i . lipin 11.4 C, m 4 11, In it. ArA-ln-njv. 4.j.,pm 1.15-pml 5. lOurn Ar Suus I’li-y 6 40pm 9.30; m ~ T7’?; ,oro < 2 -10pn ■' r wa 1 : ,■ i-,. n ... Ar New lor’c. je.ilfpm (t.’.Um No. 12 car.iPu’imiu Drawhig lio'.m Sleep- Ing < ar haunnooga to New York via Ashe, vlll . and Sa ■ ,u v to Rl-hrnond. arriving Rich mond 1., I . n.m also Pullman Sleeping Car Gieensboro io Norfolk. 1 * No |fl Is solid '.rain Chattanooga to Salis u 11 Si '-‘’’lL'ig Car Clmttan >.->-ra o salisic.n v and Salisbury to New York with jut rnswitfe. •■‘.''"TTT ii_y67t S '" m"* ‘ 5.110 pm 8. l u, if m 8 4 >)im u v 7/.:..: -7;:. .. No. 6. CUlPullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to a . 1 n-t i> and Cbattani oga to New > a: k without cliangej. vinTJ Pli:lni;u ’ Sleeping Car Knox- villa Loon tol. *!££! “No. li, f-v Rome | ”——-I . •*A’ Anniston7... ”” I ” 11 ■Ar Birmingham I'. lo.oopS •Ar Selma 1 v 1= Ar Meridian ."L;;: I Ar New Orlouns .... 77i 10. iktam Ar Jackson —— —i j.--.v- Ar Shreveport.. t><% 77/7 | *’ N ' 1 > l ’ PNo. 18 IJNo. in 2.or>p m | 4.sHpm Lv ftome’ ... ar 8.50 am 8 35’an «Xi Pr,l ‘ nr ! 6-OOaml fllsoam e.OOgnr 7.10 pm Ar Attalla. Jvl s.Asara; -iauam + Dally except Sunday. J Sunday only. F. S.GANNON, Bdv.r. ft G.M.,Wa«hlng»oa. D.(l J. M CULP, Traf Mgr., Washln<u>n D. Q W A TURK, G. p. ft,. Washington D. 0.- A- BEXfIGOTSH, ,4 «k>. ft.Oixattanooga-Tan* Fancy new seeded Raisins Currants and Citron at Lloyd & Harper’s. Prices to sei] quic . ID A a A A ■ ’•./xOiK JkMJwHw YOUNG AND OLD We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put« right. It’s a comfort to know where you can get them pur* at proper prices. We are not modest about these points—w* can give you what you wanti® patent medicines, druggist sundffes, toilet articles ande*. Prescriptions a specialty. •..fl;’ J. T. Crouch &Co., b.» 300 Broad street. -r.,7 . ' Starke, The Tailor - Mr. & M. Sta/ke the popular tailor i* now open for 01 d rs and ready for business in his new buaitips* b° M * next door to Wooten’s drug •*■■-*• in the Clark building. Mr. Stark* Lae a splendid line of new **a*ou goods and invites you to call see him and them. Beware of Imitations tuor^p" 0 •CjUGt. MHN OUKCAK’* »OM, *«* ***’