The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 24, 1898, Image 2

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■.. ■ t>;agfcsdj gK ‘ I EVERYTHING AT COST FOR CASH? SfcX WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE clothing BUSIMEt AND WILL SELL DUR ENTIRE ST K I /*!*' JB m JWB ■ BJI ■ V A F ■'■UTS- •f) 9 -atKMUM ni , . AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE MEAN) THIS SHL& Includes All ()ur CL()THING ' FURNISHIN(G GOOI3S a! >d If.\ r h J,AGAMMO. V & SO WILL SIGN TREATY 111 IhMobs Point To An Early figreciient SPAIN lifts HAD ENOUGH; i Last Answer Promissed For Next Meeting Paris, Nov 24. —At the request of the Spanish peace commission there v ill be nc joint session today pending instruction from Madrid. The date of the next meeting is not fixed. The postponement of today is regarded as a hopeful sign that the treaty will be signed, While the Madrid government has not yet received the text of the American ultimatum, the Spanish ministers received quit? enough of it by Monday night to enable them to in; ti net there commission to retire were auch their intention. The belief was confidently ex - pressed by several of the Anrri ean c iininisstoners in conversation whb the correspondent of the As sociated Press today that before the expiration of the time fixed by the Americans—Monday next —the Spaniards will acquiesce in the L'uittd States Philippine offer, and that ultimately the treaty will be signed by all the Spanish oemmissioners. It is true that the course which Secor. Montaro Rios, president of the Spanish commission, will fol . low, it> atill unceitain, a8 ne ccu ■ Unuea to “play to the gallery,” F but a leading member of the Amer ican Commission believe he will sign with the other Spaniards. In any case, hia place on the com mission will sptedily be filled, i.- r ably b Senor Leouey Castillo (he Spanis i ambassador here. genor Hunt -uo Rios sent a com munication to the American com mission last evening asking a num ber of questions, Tbo most im por’ant of them, and to get an answer to which the latter was un doubtedly written, was tucked away in the middle of the letter. It was asked, in tftiect, it the Americans really meet that the ultimatum must be answered by Monday. The Spaniards were as sured lha such was the intent and the answer has cisard the air. A member of the Spanish com mission yesterday assured the cor respondent of the Associated Press 'hat the next meeting of the com-' mistioners will take place on Fri day or Saturday, and that Spain’s answer then will be the last she will make, and that it will be a definite conclusion of the matter in hand. I is looked upon as indicating that Spain will sign the treaty of peace. BRANDED BY A LIVE vVERE Atlantic City Hotelkeeper’s Wife Shocked. Atlantic City, N, J.. Nov 24. Mrs. Edward P. Donnelly, wife of a (r tain nt hotelkeeper on North Carolina avenue, while, .vlkaing in the yard last night, came in cons tact with a live electric wire. The wire was heavily charged, and she was stunned almost into ’^sensibility. Physician stated that the shock was a savere one, but wou d n<U prove fatal. The imprint of the wire was left on hsr forehead where it struck her. LEFT A FORTUNE. A Department Clerk is Given $50,000 by Will. Washington, D. C.. Nov. 24. Dr. LlsweLyn Jordan, a clerk in I the Treasury Department, has been given judgement by rh» I courts for $50,000, this sum hav ing, been wii led him by Miss Mat tie Lee Fennell, a relative and a former sweetheart. For several years Mi»s Fennell was dying with consumption and during these years Dr. Jordan d d not se» her, for she would nut kt him. They were once engaged, but the engagement was broken because ,she thought the relationship a barrier, X sister contested the w ill. Aft- r two trials the jury bus- • tamed the w 11. J ——-r ; SPAINS’ GREATESTNEEI). ' Mr. R, P. Olivia, ofCarcelon- ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus !ed severe pains in the back of 'his head, On using Electric Bit- Iters, America’s greatest blood i and nerve remedy, all pain soon iieft him. He says this grand ''medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up ’the stomach, strengthens the • nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life intc every muscle, nerve , and organ of the body. If weak, ; tired or ailing you need it. Ev {cry bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curry Arring ! on, druggists. ■is* i i, ■ ■ ■ STEAMSHIP COBLE'iTZ SAFE • German Lloyd Liner Believed to Have Been Lost. London, Nov 24, — It is annotin i ced in a dispatch . from Lloyd’s agent at Bremen that the steam ship Coblentz, of the North Ger man Lloyd Steamship Company, about whose safety fears had been entertaii ed, arrived safely at Oporto yesterday. It was reported yesterday that a i steamship, the City of Coblencr, with GOO persons on beard, had {foundered at sea, and it was fear ed that Coblentz, of the North German Lloyd Steamship Com pany might have been the steam ship referred to. WTREL TCNIG-T • -•— Fplendid Aliraction at the l Opera Hoilst. FIELDS i HANSON'S Black Faced Artists are “Away Up in G• ’' This? evening Fields & Han sun’s Minstrels will appear at the opera house and will pre sent that which is announced as a refreshing program of refined form of entertainment, “min strelsy.” Ihe ensemble are artists of recognized ability, consisting of comedians, vocalists, and musi cians of the highest older. In Fields it Hanson’s per formance the program in its en tirety is new, novel and pleas mg, embracing as it does a succession of timely fea’ares and special numbers never be fore presented in minstrel pro gram, and as patrons of ;miuse ments are anxious to witness something new. It is safe to predict a big house for Fields & Hanson,and we would advise our readers to secure reserved seats at once end avoid the rush at night. Prices are $1 00, 75c and gallery 25c.* The report that Fields & Hanson had advanced I the gallery price to 50c is posi | lively false. All will have a ; chance to see this splendid show ' for 25c in the gallery. SPINAL o J T F r ' 1 I AND( GM FORT and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth iim like an open surry for either V. inter or Summer.- Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies, traps, can.-, wag enettes, canopy top, or op< n sur reys. nre light, easy, comforta ble and beautiful in construc tion, trimmings and finish.' We also repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big line of fins harness and lap robes. Rome Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad *treat,Ronie Ga. d Williams, A- ents. is. ® 5 T have been taking Piso’s Cure for Consumption since 1883, for < ’>ughs and Colds. 1 had an attack of Ladrippe in l<*d)o, awl have hud othf ■- since. In the Winter of 1896-7, I !fcd a spell of Bronchitis, lasting all winter, and leaving a wouuiesoine cough, until 1 again tried Piso’s Cure, which relieved me.—-lira. M. B. Smalley, Colprada Springs, Colo., August 19, 1858. gq t.' Clints WHERE ALL ELSE FAIIS. ■ r d Best Cough Syrup, Tastes K •■J in time. Sold by r’' ■ v-’ The Hso Company, Warren, Pa. * -• L’VERSALE AND FEED STABLEST « Offers thp public i>'n tin nt te iH i, brio ey ances and most polite and courteous drivers 'lho best sto< k of horues and mules op s?)e co stnntlv. _ " 7 — . " — .— i i hl ——; , _ . -—m— “■■■■" CANDY M CATHARTIC Wv CUPJE CONSTIPATION • A/