The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 24, 1898, Image 6

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wV■■ V V w ¥ * John M Prostor ¥j >”-> is Ntm v_.z 'Hr* J AGIi-E* S-* FOR . ""•■< * ROME BRfIRGH MUSIC HOUSE "MT yli/ lie solicits the ii fluence and patronage cf the peo r • i pie of Rome and the surrounding country. It will ba to year interest to call and get prices. 2 Marvelous % Lo Figures! * Will be quoted on all PIANCS, ORGANS, BICYCLES, SEWING MA CHINES and other goods now includ b2 the big stock at No, 327, Broad &. street While this entire stock is lo _££ oe closed out at reduced Mr. Pi oct: ris empowered to make the £*£ terms decided y easy to ali buyers. — _ J BIGYCX-Es At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, and will be sold regardless of c< st. f< ur w h* at once—it will pay you to take a look. * Sheet Music S This stock will be closed out at 10 cents per copy. .’’x K ■’X ’^K f .* X. | iigral 1 * $ Cfr "Bi » , ,w£4 '«• fIS RffW 3 W * Wateß * /|\ BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, W A For Sale at Soda Founds of:j 4> CURPY-ARRINGTON CO, J. ’Jk T.Crouch and Jervif&Wright. X* >V .• Xjk* --Mb- '% lk « Xfb- ' Xix- 'X,- X' ©®©©©<WW%3oO©f [•J I F. .HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. £ TfIEHAHSON SUPPLY CO. | Plumbing and 'Tinning. j J Engineers' and machinists' $ supplies. Stoves, rangesand C tinware. Gas and electric fix- S ! tures. INSURANCE gasoline « j stoves. Water meters. J [ 325 Broad st Phone’ja’. f _ ... .M* V A OF , < •It. Upo.i the mustering out of the |S<Cond Georgia, it is said that j Colonel Oscar Brown will return I to the Sixth cavalry, now station*, ed in the wm t, i f which he is cap- I tain. o o o I He—He that courts and .runs away, will live to court another i day. She—But he that courts and dees not wed. iw find nnnself in | court instaad —Tit-Bit». 000 Gearge VV. McNear, of San Franciaco, is a self-made million aire and a man of many enter prises. “They tell me, Mr Mc- Near,” said du interviewer the other day, “that you had no cap ital to start with.” “They do me too much honor,” courteously re pleid McNear, who is consciously md pleasantly a little egotistical, “my rivals in business will tel you that 1 I egan with a capital ‘l,’ and that I have never lost it.” I o o o The polite declinati' n, with thanks by A miral Dewey 1 of an 1 oiler of $5 000 lor one short mag azine aiticle ui the Philippines, ! will strike most people favorably, and this without any depreciation ‘ of any o hers who have done dif ferently. It is p easant t) be able * ,to continue t j think of Dewey cs ( in a class by himse’.f. oo o 1 Moritz Frank!, who as a child was exhibited as a mathematical f prodigy, recently tried to coir, nit suicide by j imping from a Vienna bridge into th • D luube. H < p> v - ' 1 t rto add figures was fxili g u.,d .io had learn d no other m ans of 1 earning a living 1 ! 0 0 0 Henry Nor nan in his L indon correspondence to the New York ' limes says Mrs. Humphrey Ward 1 r. c ived £14.000, or about $70,000, for h r la'est novel, “Helbeck, of Banisdale,” 1 000 1 A little fourteen year old g rl, 1 the step-grand daughter of the ‘ t< stator has been willed enough 1 property by a Lei g Island man to * make her present income $41,95 a 1 -lay and the best pajt of it she has ( control and cai spend it as she 1 vills, Os course the wi’l was con- 1 'es'ed but the court held it valid, 000 1 She (quoting)— 1 A woman, a dog and a na nut tree, the more vou beat them the better they bs ” The Brute—“ Well, I don’t <now about the walnut tree.”— Li le. 000 One of the funiest things that he Philippine question Las devel >ped is localise a French paper to threaten the United States with the hostility of Germany. 000 Four men w. re p aying draw . oker One was cheat ng and he dad only one eye. One of the party <aw him cheat. He diew his revol-| ver aud plac°d it on the table be . fore him, sayii g; “The first man I catch cheating. I’ll shoot his other eye out. ” I 000 John W. Keely, the motor man I is dead. t His motor has never reached success, though he devel t oped it enough lo astonish the - mechanical world. His secret b. 'hich he refused io divulge pre r ferringto spui d a time in jaU, will . probably uo.v be made public ana j perhaps some wizard will perfect \ it. s 000 L The youngest chaplain in the | navy is said to be Fredrick C. L Brown. 25 \ ■ ars ol J, now on th* fe lowa,.which is on her way to Ma uila, He will be the only chap'am a in thb fleet, i-ince there it none on a the Oreg-m. lie was appoin ed tc 7 the service List April,being nt that •j time pastor of the Unitarian J Church ot Middleboro. M sa. 000 ; It is understood that Lord Kitch ner while on his visit to Balmo- NO WASTE OF WORDS Evidence M hk h Is Right to Thk Point anit Reliable. Judge Frank Ives of District Court of Crookston, Minn., eavs: , For some time I have usedStuar.** Dyspepsia Tablets » i h seeming ! great benefit with few exceptions, I ha/e not been so fr e from indi gestion in twenty*fivfc y*ars Os urge W. Roosevejt, U. S. Con sul to Brussels, Belgium: Stuart’s Dyspepsia 'Tablets, safe, pleasant to take, convenient 'o csiry, give keen appetite, perfect digesti n Mr. W. D. Tomlin, medianical engineer, Duluth, Minn : One box of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tal l ts has done its work, and I am again gaining flesh and s reng h. O. E. Kans m, Hustonville, Ky.. I was distressed aud annoyed for two years with throwing up food. oi»en two cr three times a day; had no certainty <f letaining a meal if I ate one. Four boxes of the tablets from my druggist have fully cured me I find them pleas ant to take, convenient to carry, Rev. G, D. Brov-n, Mona .vi, Wis.: The fefl'ect of Stuart’s Dys pepsia 'Tablets is simply marve lous a quite h-arty dinner of brciled beefst ak cau-es no dis tress since I b>-guo their use. Over six thousand people in the state of Michigan alone in 1894 were cured of str much troubles by Stuart’s Dyspegsia Tablets. Full sized packages may be found at all druggists at 50 cents, or sent by mail on receipt of price from F. A, Stuart Co., Marshall, M ich. Send for litt'e book on stomach diseases, mailed free. rai presented to Queen Victoria many inti resting relics ot the bar t. e of Omdurman. The final des tiny of the Kbalifa’e standard i« not at prerent known, but as it seems to have be«n captured by tbfSlld4.lo.l- <r »ps it is thought not impn.b bl t at it may hair; in the ICh’s p at Cairo. 000 Albert Ham, a f.rtnrrof West Dresden, Me,, has ao apple tree in his orchard which measures ; nine feet ten inches in circumfer ence a foot from the ground, and at th* height of six feet the trunk branches into feur limbs almost as large. Its great limbs are full of crooks and angles, but the wh le makes a rm>et shapely tree. It is oVr't a century old and has born well for each year of the forty s vtn ii has been in Mr, Ham’s possfSsion One y ar it gave him forty-three bushed of good apples. 000 Improvement have been made recently on typewriters and Eaby buggies—the la*ter are made per fectly noisi less. An independent fortune awaits the m-m who will invest noiseless babies and type writers that spell correct y.--North Alabamian. 000 Mr. Joseph Chamberlain would seem to say, in the chaste d ction of Mrs Robert Fitzsim mons, that if France peisists m 1 being bumptious England may find it necessary to “jab her in the slats.” —Americus Herald. Annual Salas ever 6,000,009 Coxos /GR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS »<jeh as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Diddiness, Fulness after meals. Head tche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings >f Heat, Less of Appetite, Coetiveucas. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful. Dreams and al! Nervous and Trembling Sensations THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEJ IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffers will acknowledge them to be . A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HEKC'HAM'M I*llXß, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com ( plete health. They promptly remove obstructions er irregularities of tho sys tem and cure kick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver t IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Hills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE - i»fany Patent Medicine in t lief World. , 25c. at all Drug Stores,’*' 800 J SI I g K j Wewii bNew I I Books wMssale I I FBIC.ES! | J FOR CASH. Second Hand B Books cheaper uhan the . cheapest. Give me a call, | | H. A. SMITH. | iHF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. | I* H. P. WOOTEN & BRO., fe ...s Successors to W' - .g i " Ru.viß PHARMACY. 399 Broad st.—New Clark Building. ' We baVe bou - !,t the entire stopk of the Rome gjf ’ n icy ana are pp pared to supply your wants in f o' - ’ 1 ,"• piescription and parent nr j lieine lino. Our stt ">ck is complete and of the very highest grade. _ '3 W e solicit a part of youi patronage and shall en " to the best of our abib’y to please vou at a St kimes. We should b pleased iha ■ >u fall on a B ull line of druggist’s sundries, toilet a ticl 53 i j n t g - st c [ as3 [. * store. Cigars ami Job a cco. Come to see us. *5? '' ’ ■' ' - 1 1 i ni*— ” . .iifyxin a r- p . ; ; ‘■m 17 . ... ! .k K, s KJ % ** is g UDlfii AHU ,i.L LCB S Dougherty Bldg, 2ndS* A NARROW ESCAPE. I hankful words written by! Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton 8. D. “Was talon with a bad cold which settled on my lungs cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones move. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis- 4 covory for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles It has cured me, and thank Uod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman. trial bottl. s free at ' uiiy Arlington s Regular size 50 cents and .11.00, guaranteed l *r price refunded. I Ann- unce.— Io th-! public that I huve secured the s-rvin-e of A dliam McClellan, an exp rt hiicy candy maker, who hag b e. for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchm is , Atlanta. We are new making dai * ■ all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nmgats, etc. All we ask i» a trial. We an please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Currv’s drug store Tc Memphis and Return.— On account of the National Quar antine Convention, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 17—19th, 1808, the Southern Railway wd sell tick ets nt the rate <’f one fare, or $lO.lO for tho round trip. Tic kets on sale Nov. 15. h and 16th ' with final limit returning 21st. J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. TH .T With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use es Syrup of Bigs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sorn‘times offered but never accepted by the well inform d. Buy the genuine- Manufactured by the California ! Km Svru’i Co.