The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 24, 1898, Image 8

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Stw .:p BE MOGEOEHSE > AT PRIVATE SALE OR AT AUCTION! This great stock shall be closed out. Every piece of woolen goods in t his house used in making a dress will b e offered from this hour until it is sold At Less Than it Cost Delivered. VVe are going to quit retailing d goods in Rome, We want to quit by January ist if possible. Cur prices should wind up the stock by that time. Not a piece of woolen dress goods in our store to be sold at as much as cost. Every pat tern a bargain unequalable. Not a piece of woolen dress goods in our store to be held as high aa |1 00 per yard, though some of it cost $1.50, $2 00 and $2 ’SO per yard. You may buy $3.00 silks and $3.00 dress goods at 98 cents!' A big tuck of black silks. We ate I y far the best stock of silks, satins and woolen c ress fabrics wit a this city—meeting all,of the requirements of the latest styles. Do in t buy a dress without calling to see us, if there is any affiliati u whatever between vou and vour pocket book. We shall continue retailing dry goods in R )ir : until the stock is reduced below $20,000, and we expect not to buy over $3,000 more to ke p the stock up before bringing it to a finish. A STARTLING OFFER TO MERCHANTS IN ROME AND ELSEWHERE! I We have resolved, irrevocably to stop retailing dry goods in Rome soon. We should be most happy to sell I the stock in bulk at 69 cents on the dollar of original cost-=nothing for freight or other expense and I we make the open offer to so sei I the stock, our salespeople to be cared for to the end of their contracts I whith us. It is a good stock of most desirable merchandise and is worth much more than we ask for it. I We are very anxious to sell out. and we shall wholesale it or retail it at prices much under values. I BASS BROTHERS & CO. juw Iffloog The Spanish Soldiers In Cuba THIS TIME IN iMTftNZAS Troops Have not Baen Paid for A Year. Havana, Nov. 23 —Another iq - miLg of Spanish troops has taken ' place at Mantanzas. The news r«- 1 wived there that the troops in Havana had been paid by Blanco aroused the indignation of the sol diers, whose are a year in arrears. They revolted in their! barracks,shouting “Death to tr u toraP’and “Death to Blanco!” Geu. Molina, tie Spanish mili tary commander at Matai.zaj, telegraphed Gen. Blanco, dem in i lug money Gen. Blanco has al ready distributed all available funds to pay the Havana troops, in order to keep them quint, but he authorized Gen. Molina t.j de maud money from the braneh office of the Spai ish bank at Ma tauzas. This news alarmed the share* holders of t e bank in Havana. The governor of the bank, Sent r Glabis, has already placed funds in iLngland to save th? institution ■ ftum possible attack by Spanish •ofdiers and the iiujust demands ot Gen Blanco. The countelor of the bank told 1 a correspondent that ths situation of ths bank was very grave while the Spanish governm»nt remains I iu control of the is’and. The Span-! ish generals believe they have a right to axtort money ir>>m private Spanish resident when Madrid fails to send money for the army . j “Our only sa'vution,” said the the United Stales. But if the American troops do not come soon we will be utter ly robbed by our own peop'e. ’’ THE REV. IRL R, HICKS. Annual Almanac and monthly paper, Word and Works, are ■known from sea to sea. We art? pleased to call the attention of our readers to the almanac for 1899, now ready . It is a splen didly printed aid illustrated book of 116 pages and the storm forecasts and diagrams and as tronomical and scientific matter are superior to anything that lias ever been seen before in a 25 cent book. His monthly jour nal, Word and Works, >s one of the best literary, home and scientific magazines in thecoun try, betides containing his ] monthly storm forecasts with explanations. The subscription pi ice of Words and Works is SI.OO per year and a copy of the Hicks Almanac is sent as a pre mium to every yearly subscrib er. Single copied oi Words and Works 10 cents. Send your or der to Wc rd and Works Pub. Co, 2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. NO FAKE-- BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children a L prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Bets, Hair Ornaments and Buckles,all to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices before il 1 i n e ry. ~ —— ST NOb GHARCED That Gapt. Gen. Slam Stele File Filnds. TROUBLE TO GOME- Troops Ara Maintaining Their Th itsning Attitude, I Havm Via Key West, Nov. 22 . j —Jf Am can trojp? don’t come .’soon to H vana there will proba* bly be g: ■ ' disorder and blood shed wil. cur. j Blanco unable to control the J situation He is paying out to'he troops ‘ money sent by Sagasta, but the iiiw.ey will only last a day l or so. i soldiers keep up their • threate. attitude while await* ing psyni nt-. When they are convinc there is not money T > enough, . outburst will come. . I The-' .era openly accuso Blan ; co, Arol uid other high officers of steal; .he funds. Discontent is grow- among the suburdinat officers, in Captains down. Your correapi „ lent interviewed yester day a lieutenant in the Civil Guard* \ 10 headed the mutiny li the Bel oain barracks, In front of the b. i acks two cannons are 1 placed, t n a detachment of artil t I lery. i. men inside keep their ' a; ms, ai <i are allowed to comuau nicate . i b the people outside, but not to go rut themselves. 'DNEGRO ASSAULTS LADY. Lynn, Mass., Nov. 23.—An un- 1 known n gro murder, u 'yaws ult- 1 ed Miss Louise Butterick, of this city, yesterday, battering her head ' wth a sione. Miss Butteru k is lat the point of death. Her assail- ■ |ant escaped to the wood and the police are searching for him. Do you want any fine hose? We will let you have 3 pairs for less than the price of o.m only oof these to a customer, and in this way : Select 2 pairs of our finest Maco Yanv or fid hose (they are worth 10c to 75c per pair.) To these we will put a pair of extra fine dlk V, ! worth SI.OO or $1 ;>0 I'or all the three pairs we will ask you to pay us but one dollar. No such bargain w r as ever offered in Rome in fine goods* C1 1,300 pairs Krippendorf’s fine shoes just received. We bought these to help pav exnn. lßO while selling out, and we shall not offer I hem at cost, but we’ll cut the usual margins in and give you new stylish shoes for less than you can buy the like in North Georgia No she/ I equal to Krippendorf’s. Buy no others. Our price in shoes beats the Jews and Gentiles al U Our shoe department is a beautiful shoi store within itself. Mr. Ovens in ch tr<*e. e ' Big stock of new capes and jackets just received. Last year’s styles th ,t we held at $lO 00 and slo.oo are now on sale at only $2 50, - . • I AND THE WEST. TGARKi • -AS Schedule in Eject Oct. 4i.h, 18M • | NORTHBOUND. No. 2 I No. 4 Nc.7i) I N 0.72 , t . I. I H „ Lv AflantH. . 8 1 Him t Wpm 63>pw Ar Varrntta.. 9Oram I 9 16pm 5 : pm 62apiB i “ r.i mell Sfcaml . 45pm *’ Dal on.. 11 ‘lam 11 41pm 4 16pm ■ •• Chat’nooga 100 pm 10mi , 9 15pm I •• Na hvllle . f 166 >m SOam •• Me ami flstpui ■Ev Na lie J JOpmj 7 So« m I Ar St *.ouis...| 7 :’.h ■ 7!<2n-n Lv x, isiirlbe i i Ar Chioagtiz. | 9 03am| 83th>m 11. t,,.... Lv Nashrtlle J 7 bpinf 1 20-im I Ar L iUisvilh, . 2 3 am I;>2.’. i:>' ** <S r. 1 o®m i ■ n 1 Train No. 2carriesPullmaaS'eeper between I Jacksonville, Fla.. Atlan.a a id Na<hvill», con | nectin-- with vestibule ti ain for < hioagu. Train No. 4ea -rios,Pullman ' loapor Augusti i i an 1 Allaata to Nashville and . o. Louis through i without. cnauK-c. Pullman SF e.ier Atlanta (fl ' Chat anooga, passengers r»-... iu car untj , T o’cl i-k a. m. Pullman Sic .per Atlanta Isl i Knexville via A. K. & N. R Train N 0.70 connects at. J .y<-o with-Q. AC. for Cincinnati. This train carries through | coach Atlanta to Rome. To the South and East. | SOUTHBOUND. | No. T-t N< 01 N 0.78 Ev NnUiviile I 9 in n ItTiCpm T7 “.Chat’nooga 266 pm ~ . n “ Dalton .. 4 Jlpm’ 4 2cam. 7 Fam . 1 “ Rome 4 25pm! , 7 4Lam i “ Marietta . 64. pm < 1.’.-r 9 46am 7Csani ,Ar Atlanta 17. <4*lll 7 3t<a .10 35ami 8 obam ILv At anta . 7 Gi-,m , ..... 4 m " Ar Macon... ill 13pm ll Wt : ; ;:op m “ Tifton... . 2 60am 80 “Jack’nvillel 8 45atn110 25tim ... Lv Atlanta ... ,'„*>i,m , i ospm Ar M.-won . 1118pm.11 10am 7 ,opm .. “ AJI-any.. ; 3 2i|»nt 11 igipni ... “ Thm'sville 10.. Savannah ._J> O('.-I>n . /’’s" Ev Atlanta . tn ■ 8 16pm .... I 1 Ar Augusta... 5 Irani 1 t.-npml 8 25pm I Ar Charleston'll O.KUII I “ Columbia .|lO .Wam'l.) IQurnl ’ ,Lv Atlanta 7 st»>n, 12 .Im I.' (Kim ' |Ar Athens . 'lo2lpm, 21- <■ 2 16pm I “ rti :hwion h I.,nm 7L 715 am “ Wash'gton 10 30pm|U „J > 11 . l am ' N<swrSoijc ; &28pm ...4..., Train No. 1 carries Pull> Sieepm- Nash ville, Chattanooga and At.anta to Jackson ,Ville, Fla. Train No. Boarriea Pullman -1... p»rSt. Louis to Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper I Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passengers ‘ I Chattanooga » o’clock p. n.. Pullman Sleeper ■ Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. A N. Ry. For > further information write to H. F SMITH. c. E. HARMAN, I Trafl> Manager. (.on. Pang. Agt. 2b’ ‘nr ■■’<« are tm-xet. ' ’*n A -fw.',—k : -1 i. * v cams. i! 'I iji. ■.<-lnrll»tt. j .■■aid- er,.* v < •„ jin 1 w SOUTH > RfIILW. ton ic m->I Srhedale In Effect Ju'j il. KH. Si' fl* I NoTioTNo. 11 ,<’■>. ~j Cv I ■.. ooga I>..’.'ani ;3 11- . |Upm Ar Dalle: I 7..‘>tum! 8 : I.'. 1 I.lm <r Rome s.wfiin h it, i.-ii.m 4r Atlanta n.-ivami 1 Dam Lv AU:. : 1.1 LfOpmil I ■ . fcrMacos 7.ltni.i 2 ■ ~m M-Jesu j . .. VEv:<r t I 7 I. •; ia Al J., H 111*5 a ' > • - * 4 - v ,■■'■ -■■: ■ . ........ JO Ar Jack' ■ .. >...' 1 ■ .<’. jLvH" z ■■ .-<: 7 , / ~.: n 1 Xr Brun wick <an- oga ig» AL: <i,ta. • ■ " Pullu en Sleeping Cai •.-i t Way » *-ga 'o Jackson . .. Ituita *>n a.ek. No. 8 * ■ ■ t’ullrua''Sleeping Car ( I -tta- aooga to At, . ut.a. * - ' rn * Li : ■ ' * .< 30am 1 ■ Ar Rom« I *<• ■ ■•■*,•;) As Djlton ; 7 . 1.30 am A* t jiur .to., | s 4(i.>ni p.:- ■ l.k .pm Lv I •: ... t g .'’ .um ** | Ar Bur . j .... Ar Lt'.'. 1 . u .. Klprp 4 ■ Ai l. 7 .‘Xlpir. 7 <<n Ar C into 7. 7.30 pm. *7 . 1 v *'i** l * ,'*i I 1.2.' pm i. i . pm A ; ,i* . , 6.s,'ipn: I- :■ . ' tn N-.’ * ' .rri- Pullman Sleeping ' -ir ' U-inta to Chat 1 , , ga-anl Cliattanotira t : ; i:i*i. No. w . Piillinun Sleeping ( :: • Vbmta to Cl'icL ti.,<l and to L;<-iisviile. - ■ . '<■■. n. 1 No ■< , tn.' b” ''' -i 8.-iland 4.10-.1 .1 .pn A’ 11 ■ ; '' II 55amI 8.0.': m l.'i-in, j , j, l ’ " !I -' Itun V. o : nr, I 7 ' 1 ■'■’ )pm 11.4 I i '•■•"pm. Ll.’ ' rv ■ j 16. 1 : *n M..;r*. m I -J' • ....| I'.’ . 1. m I • r .. | 1. : . :,, .3,m: I <._.... 7 I '. v "*n '-T... ....I r.'' •-n ' A •—■■.•j L-TutUTjj. IJ 1 : , -''■■■>■ *- ''■* ■ Pat tuari Drawii.» ! -v cp- ' ■ I*l o m to New Y , . ’ 1 Hjrv Io Kidlhh.>n‘l .. . j. "■’O' l * ■*. a o Pullman i.■< [>.*■,'- ttu, (.icon-'■< 1.. Norfolk i l train C'iattan*x> -a t > Salts tmrv. * I’.ii *na.i Ste. fii <■_*• (. ,r 1 ■. l . - a i to Salls , and Salisbury to Naw '. ~ .• th. "niti-ha | — 1 ~n7. r- j ‘ ... ..... | .*.,in s , iam /V' ' '• “ Kllin 1! ..•> ,m I r : I;’-'" ■ 1 -Pm t -v..- ... ?-.X i j: :: 1 CT - •4<| ••ri-x Pullman ■•)*><■;>!.l.; (',r I' ri-tn ■'<**-'» !■ ■ , * trt m and Cliai-vm < to Now •g: k • nmt **. .jizti. -ri < Pullmai, Sleeping Car Knox- . ilie t<» H t >i. . '■ ■■■ I ' l ' ;s ' ~~ ; n>. ir V .77 . 2 tOaffi £‘."' ■<»" illNlam ir I. * t u’mm ............ ....licoopm- I Ar Mer Aun.;:.::::;:;:::::- i J *? i . ,n " Ar - pni j ’No 15 hNo._9i itN*,. isl |4No'. 10 I ’ pm Lv ftbme .. ar 8. n - , uin ] d* '• ’*'• .77pm Ar ai ’!• •’m f 1.3 -n»» Co* *n. 7,10 pm Ar Attalla. _jyi 5. am, y t Daily except Sunday. | Sunday only” I F' S.G; NNON Bdv.r. A o.M .Washingten, D.O. | J. M f T’LP. Traf. Mgr., Washington O. Cl W. A 1 UHK. <• P. A.. Washing tore, I?. Q. o * < -. u ,vvr Wß A o.g.cutfcwow Tear I “L' _ ■ 11«■ ■ iiNir«nnam • iMaMnas — _ ’ ’ J Fancy new seeded Raisins } Currants and Citron at Lloyd & | Ji ajper>6. I’ri (6S tc H ]] ( bi( I B n ao. - n .]orescr pt on o(pt j I ln 7 2 hay I ,;T'V <1 - L YGI X'd AM.'OLD, ■ We none of us live so careful’®: lv t li;,t v< never n quire the ■■! (Iri:L"2 and uh dieme te putuO| right. 11 s a cciufort to where you can get them pur® ;tl pnqier prices. We are ■oc.'.-t i'.le ui these jioints— ';m give }ou what you Luiteiit m< dicines, drugg ■uiidi ies, toilet aiticies and Prefer |jti< ns a specialty. BB J . T. ( 'Rot ( H tfe vO., B| ; >b(i I; bTAhKL, The Taid-h - Sta-ko 'lie p> pular >w ■ pi-u I rll il- i h nnd ready ii-ii*: s- in hG in-.v liuuiiefes ■x' door in V,’ 'ti n’s drug iu ilia Cla’k liiiibii* «. 'L. I,'u- a spl-iuiid line of u° w ;; oils ai.d inviu> you to eall a.*u Lun mid them i Be v/uro °f Imitations M i B ' Wivesfcr.rfuMty I fyu& I JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, A««