The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 25, 1898, Image 2

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Knifing 3E very till nG- » SPECIALS FO i THE NEXT TEN DAY®? £r T’ fA' GENTLEMEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MACKINTOSHES: A|l new f .Y, 111 L > . I • I I 1 Stylss and to be sold for LESS than COST FOR CASH! j I 107 4*V * r/zkv. Just rece ' ve d a Sample Lot of Mens’and Boys’ Fine Over Coats and all of them vz\ Ci Llkllu are good and most desirable styles. We will sell the lot at one-half regular prices < CAFES AND JACKETS- Sample Lot of Jackets and Caqes in all the Latest P Js styles; -ajstd colossi These Beautiful doos just received and the entire lot < > Tst’F Will be sold 33 1-3 per cent less than original c®st W i to manufacture. "7- T;''Jg Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery and all kinds of notions, you can Iv XJdJg&hr 5338 always find here at the very lowest prices, and very best qualities. Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underv eai", wool and cotton, you will find tso here at prices much lower than any other ' ouse in Georgia, and you will get the w very best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. *rT» JjS I >s\ I,J1 ,J \\ \ Stetson Hats Have Brains in Them Yes, there are brains in Stetson Hats— brains in making them and brains in wearing them. New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats on sale. It’s a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat. GOL. PIGQUART ; Broke Down and Begged JUdc es Simplify Ordeal. THE WIFE OF DREYFUS ___ • Given Permission to Notify her Husband. Paris, Nov. 25. —Madam Dreyfus, the wif* of the prison er of Devil’s Island, has been authorized to cable to her hus band. Despite attempts to maintain secrecy regarding the matter, it has leaked out that Col. Pic quart's deposition before the court of cassation was sensation al. Col. Picquart, it is said, broke down and appealed to the Judges te simplify his terrible ordeal. It is believed that the court’s demand for the secret document will lead to a renewed conlict between the military and civil authorities. It is understood that M. Defreycuiet, minister of war vainly appealed to Gen. Zurlin den, the military governor of to grant Col. Picquart ovisional liberty. indignation is manifest by the Dreyfusites at the decis ion to try Col Picquart by court martial. As the outcome of the quarrel H ft I S I We carry by far the largest and best line of Hats in Rome, and can sell them at less than other hous es pay for them. By al] means come lard see them. i between M. Defrej cinct, th* French minister of war, and Gen. Zur inden, the military governor of Paris, arising out of the dreyful affair, Gen. Hurlin den may be called upon to re sign. M. Hadamard, a brother-in law o f Dreyfus, says the family of the prisoner kncnvs nothing of what is passing in the court ol cassation. It is true, however, that Dreyfus has been allowed the liberty of walking about on the island. It is not believed that he is permitted to reply by cable to his wife’s message. 2-. f _g? AUBURN WON in The Georgia-Alabama Foot ball Game. Atlanta, Nev. 24.—The filth an< nual football gamj batween the •levins from the University of Georgia and the Alabama Poly technic Institute, commonly known as “Auburn,” met at the exposition park in this c’ty yes terday afternoon, and as a result ths Georgia team was defeated, the score being 19 to 18. Just five minutes before the last halt was over, when on account of a decision made by the referee, Joe Rein of Atlanta, th* team fiom the university y4it the fidd, much to the disgus’ of everybody pres ent. The game was in many re spects one of most brutal ever seen in this city, indulging in much slugging. Jones, the left ha f-back of the Georgia team, was hurl very b.dly and was taken from the field by his fellow , CHILD; 'S CLOTHING- Knee p. ;ts 13c Child'. its 65c $2.00“ “ SI.OO $3 00“ “ $1.50 $4.50 •' $2 25 Boyess. 03u’ts$2.50 " $7. 3 “ $3.75 _2_si<-90 2 $5-oo * KCLnSr* T IWJ KEZ R* BERN AFRgID That Umcrians Will Woßopa liieYhe Trada BRITISH SHIPOWNERS Have Raised A Howl Ov«r Por to Rico. London, N< v. 25. —There is dis cord in Anglo-American harniouy almost daily < f late, usually a , howl from t in British manufac turer or shij; owner. Making it legal for on' American ships to engage in tra between the Uni t d States an Porto Rico was a severe blow t the English vessel men, who torn erly had had most of this trade. Now these ' aged in the Eastern trade fear a s nilar regulation will shilt them < in the Philippines Germans 1 taken a large slice of the Bril European trade, and the t.; r d State* is regoguiz «d as aft rn dable rival in more distant mar“ 18. The feeiindoes not go be yond grummg thus far, and fervent wi-. sin letters to the newspapers Americans will modi rat their tariff re«m- CT lations Pin olitical importance <>f good / n. o-Anterican feeling, however, o great that busi ness hostilr , has small force. —j . i SPINAL WEN’S SUITS. $5.00 Evi's for $1,50 i $7.00 “ “ $3.50 $9.00 “ “ $4.50 $11,00“ “ +5,50 $15.00“ “ $7-70 All wool pants 75c 4300 “ “ $1,50 i#s ULTIMA W 1 i Seat is Hie Silitan by Italy ail Reply Demanded < WITHIN EBHT DAYS. 11l Treatment and Detention of Italians Alleged. • Tangier Nov. 25.—The Ital ian government has tent an ul timatum to the Moorish court in reference to the arrest, de tention and ill treatment of Italians, giving the Sultan eight days to re ply. The Italian warship Umbria is coming here to receive the Sultan’s answer. EDITOR ON THE WARPASH. Selma, Ala., Nov. 25.—Geo. R. Mason, deputy collector of internal revenue, and Percy Clark, editor of the Saturday Telegram, a democratic newspa per, had a difficulty on Alabama street yesterday. Blows passed and Clark drew a pistol, firing three shots at Mason. One ball took effect in Mas ui’s thi di. Causing a serious wound. WHITEGAPS IN fAXAS. Branham, Tex , Nov 25. —White- caps are operating iu this vicinity At Gay Hill negioes have been or dered to get out under pain of ! UNDERWEAR- ; Undershirts Isc| 50c kind 25c ‘‘ $ 1 OO wool 50c Canton flannel | drawers 18 o Heavy Canton flan nel drawers 25c w 50c I RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city t that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. • Its war news service is unapproachably the best. Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD. Madison street, Chicago. ■4 death. AtGreenvini the well of' R®b«rt Boyd bos poisoned ■ —w DEADLY FUSILLADE. Os Bullets Poured Inio Arkan. sas Whitecaps. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 25.—A baud of Whitecaps at Black Rock, Ark., hac Henry White, n negro, in austody for h getealing and whip going to chasti-e him, when th<-y were fired upon by a party of the negroes f.i n's One hundred shots were exchai d Henry Hal 1 WHS shot and killed. Chubby bpalo.s was fatally wounded and George Wigner was seriously w< unded. It is not known wheth er any neg roe« were killed. The SHOES! For m- T,toys, ladies and We 2iya you the very best quality for the the very lowest price. Ladids good shoes 75c Men’o “ “ SI.OO Tirey are solid leather alleged thief escaped during tbs melee. He is now charged with murder and is being hunt*! by * mob. BIG SCREW TRUST. One Formad in New York.and Prices \/111 Go Up. . • u Pittsburg Nov 25. -Private ad vice* received here say the •' r ® : man: met yesterday > D Nev York, formed a trust and de i cided to raise prices 5 p®r cent. Quarterly meetings will be b®l hereafter to take action on prio®*' The 12 large films in the country engaged in the business ar* ® m braced in the trust.