The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 25, 1898, Image 3

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■ m L’-i* RQfth ■£** u:/'.;& i?l OvvlW * z>fc >r-> JS NOW ■$ # # •$ 1 $ ) : >- FOR "»;* t«.- : ig.®'©; ■ m* «MTO' •*••■»» vA aK®Z. •'’L J ROME BRANCH MUSIC HOUSE- S }.'•■ f-ol'.cits the influence and putrom g < f the peo Jf-x l, ~], .-f R ime and the su rrouiidinu country. It will bj to vk • . ~ . v :ir Hi■.' re«t to ca i end get prices. ' -- I—w - - -. Marvelous S -- > Figuresl &• Vil be quoted ona ! l PIANCS, >£- _ ORGANS, BICYCLFS, SEWING MA CHINES and other goods now includ b? the big stock at No. 327, &:.L. ee . While this entire stock is { o &■ oe closed out at reduced figuies Mr. .‘e Pio-1. ris empowered to make the terms decidedlyeasy toa'l buyers. j BICYCLES S - ■ At any -price to suit the [ ureha-er, for they must go, -yi'/ and will he 8->d r< gardi <ss< fc< tt. v ie <i. i v. 1- jLr a: oiH>'—it, will pay you to take a lot k. - - -o *-a-» ♦— „ «Stoat Hosie ■ f This etock vdll be closed out "f at~lo tents par copy. -x $ llngraft! $ 1 LITHIA t | • Wateß I /ft W BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, W /ft _ r \V For Sale at Soda Founts of:j \f/ & CURRY=ARRINGTON CO, J. S|< T.Crouch and Jervis&V/right. ■• ’ 3 F HANSON. NORRIS N. SMI'l 11. £ I l HANSON SUPPLY CO. I f-- . . X C Plumbing and finning. © f Engineers’ and machinists' x If. supplies. Stoves, rangesand v C tinware. Gas and electric fix | lures. INSURANCE gasoline © stoves. Water meters. • 2 325 Broad st. Phone 32. g | 3 <5 ©O©©O©©©© COOPTED! An American uitiiet on a Visit to Germaay I FORCED INTO THE ARMY. A Complication of Laws of Two , Nations. Waterbury, Conn., Nov. 24. Friend# of Willi tin Heeg re ceived word from him yesterday that he had b n conscripted into the German ;rmy to serve for six years in - ote of the fact that he had deci d Lis inten tion of beconiin, an American citizen. lie is relative of the wealthy Hellma• family of this city, who will > it ion the state department to i r rvene. Heeg left here in March to m; ke a brief visit to the Fath which be 1- t when he was 18. He received word from his father who lived in Hossbacht, near Franken, Bavaria, that he (the son) must return homo or all the pioperty of the father would be confisi ated. One of the laws of that mili tary land is that i youth cannot leave his count! y after he is 17 years old unless 1 elm» served a term in the Germ in army. How ever, a bond can be furnished which will allow him to leave the country, but he must return within the titm . lotted or the bondsman’s properly will be confiscated. At the time II- eg left Bavaria | bis father was burgomaster of i the town. lie vve st bond for the : son and the tun- having expired he wrote forth or to return i w I If he could put an appearance ' and for a lengt >. .time oculd ; fight shy of the u;l : ry officials, , his father’s pr< 1 y would be safe and be mi- t escape across the water. The only point to be j made clear was the fact that he was back in the ountry again. < Heeg crossed the water, made 1 his presence kn vn to the mili tary authorities, saved his fath- 1 er’s property and then started the effort for his escape from the • < country. His brother was a wine mer- , chant and he engaged him as a subterfuge. Young Heeg, armed with his sample case, immediate ly set out for the French fron tier. All went well for the first 1 day, but on the second day, just 1 as he was about to cross into Goal, be was capture! in a Schaffenburg province of the , Cuter Franken Bavaria, by a German policeman. He was taken,, back to Hoos baclit and condemned by a mili tary tribune to erye six years , in the array, the prescribed term being doubled a- punishment for his attempt to estupe. Why he did not show bis American citizenship pa: sis not stated in the letter. Ti matter will be taken to Wash; uton at once. You Don’t Want Ice —Now, Nature supplies ‘.his want, but wo have something you do need and want, and that is the best grate cual on < artb. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on St <<nd Ave., and can supply y<-u vith the Monte vella, Wooldri .Jelico Coai. Promptly deli 'rd. Try a ton , of our choice J lico Lump and I our word for i', y.ou will be pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone 100. ) Yards Second Ave. ’ FRENCH VILLAGES FLOODED * Paris, Nov 23 —Dispatches from Perpigm- capital oi Pyrue essOrientales on the right bank NO WaS ' E OF W ORBS F vide eV ; T Pur Pul I .«M) ibKLiABLK. I Judge Frank Ive# of District Court of Croakaton, Minn., iava: Korsome titiia I have UsrdStuan’a Dyspepsia Tablets wi h Memiog great benefit with few exceptions, I ha?e not been so from iudi gastion in twenty-five y®ars George W. Roosevelt, U. 8. Con sul to Brussels, Bolgiun ; Stuarl’e Dyspepsia Tablets, safe, pleasant to take, convenient 'o cairy, gift keen appetite, perfect d ge»ti n Mr. W. D. i'omlin miKhauical engineer, Duluth, Minn.; One box ol Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tal-1 ts hss done its work, and I am again gtiniug fl eh and s reng h. O. E. Runs -in, Hustonville. Ky.. I was distressed and annoyed fvi‘ two years with throwing up food. ■ Ditentworr three times a daj;| had no certainty <f joiainii g a m-ai ii I ate <>ne Fi nr boxes of the tablets .'rum in v dru .'..'isl h ive fully cured me 1 find them pleas ant to take, cor.-v- nit n‘ to estry, Re' .U, 1). Brov n Mu d vi, A'is. : The efl ot of B'imrt’s Dys pepsia 1 ablets is sitnply marv» lous; a quite h-arty diner of brciled I eetst-ak cati-es no dis tress since I begun their u-». Over six thousand people i, the state of Michigan ah ne in 1894; were cured of st< m;ch troubles by Stuart’s Dyspegsia Tablets. Full sizea ? packages may be found at all druggist-e at 50 runts, or sent by mail on receipt of pric from F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Send for lilt e book on stem ch dieeas s, mailed free. of the i ivi r'l e , repoit tin. tie region has been visi ed *>y Pi vere storms. Many vil 'have hern Hooded and traffic ’s interrupted. ANY PERSON (Vjuhin# to know.ihw truth in regard to tt-eir haalth shou'u not’ail t< f ra valut-.b's »r.i! new 64-pHgv Booklet waieu will t>o esnt FREB for a short time to choe-s who men tion thia papvr. Thie book is vrtb] .flhed by the celibrarttd phyisi ciuns and sprcialiete Dr. Hathaway a:d Co. of KJ* S. Broad St.. Atlanta, Oa., whom you abvuld »ldn»s Wt lie to-dar. j 4 ■r —- —- - i —— ■ ■■ - -r- Albert Ham, a farmer of West Dresden, Me., has an apple tree in his orchard which measures nine feet ten inchea in ciroumfer euce a foot from the ground, and at the height of six feet the trunk branches into four limbs almost as large. Its great limbs are full of crooks and angles, but the whole makes a most shapely tree. It is over a century old and has born well for each year of the forty aeven it has been in Mr, Ham’s possession. One year it gave him forty-three bushels of good apples. o o o Improvement have bem made recently on typewriters and baby buggies—the la’ter are made per fectly noiseless. An independent fortune awaits the man who will invest noiseless babies and type writers that spell correet’y.--Nurth Alabamian. 000 Mr. Joseph Chamberlain would seem to say, in the chaste diction of Mrs Robert Fitz.iim mons, that if France persists in being bumptious England may find it necessary to “jab her in he slats.”—Americus Herald. Annual Sales overe.OOO.CQO Loxes PCT'S c’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOR2E3.B such m Wind and Pir'ninthe Stomach, jiddiness. t iluess aftvr meuls. Head iclie, Dizziness. Prowbinoss. Flushings >1 Heat, Loss of Appetite, Cost ire n<’’,s. Blotches on the Skin. C"ld Chills, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful .Droams and al 1 Nervous aid Trembling Sensations THE m®T DOSE WILL GIVE KELIEI IN TWEET! MINUTES. Every •uff.’rei will acknu'vledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BFKCHAM’N PILES, taken as direct ’d, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver !N MSN, WOMSN Oil CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival I And hnve th« LARGEST SALE >f any Patent Medicine in Hie World. ; 25c. at all Drug Stores. of ft-fifig I rufiiiMV f t »ss iSiHB | Wewili ScIlN i w I I Books wholesale I || PRICES; I FOR CASH. Second Hand j| jiS Books cheaper uhan the ■ cheapest. Give me a call, H. A. SMITH. 1 THFOLR RELIABLE BOOK oTORE. iWWir • « i rftfs/WWWk ’ SH, P. WOOTEN & BRO., B « G S>- Successors to :g PHARMACY. r oad st.—.vew Clark Building, ’ M ° ' )ave bought the entire stock of the Rome ' te? e h'i''n icy ami ;I re prepared to supply your wants in ',lji , u P‘ PSCl *ipti'>n an 1 patent medicine line# ’Our stock r-complete and ol the v-ry highest grade. ? - e solicit a part of your patronage and shall en V> i-’ best of our ability to please you at a p should be pleased to have you call on u 'I till line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles i Jp* ....fc” things as are usually carried in a first-class L- !}« store. Cigars and tob a cco. S* , Come to see us. ’ t AL ".LL _ u -U S | S. M. Stark, S gfrj fi K UUEiJ IM GE NTLBMEN'B HILW S gH S 3 •£, Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave S- -+ -T- A NARROW ESCAPE. 1 hankful words written by Mis. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. I). “Was taken with a bad cold) I which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a sl.oit time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis-* covory for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank Hod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.’’ Trial bottl s free at Curry-Arrington's Regular size 50 cents and ‘I.OO, guaruntetd | or price refunded. I Announce. —To th-» public that I have secured the services of i William McClellan, an expert i fancy candy milker, who has been for the past two ytars with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen is; Atlanta. We are new making dai all kind of fine taffies, coaoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We .-an please you. • t A. M. Antogholi, next door In C nrrv’s drug store • “ ■ ■ - • To Memphis and Retub^, — On account of the National Quar antine Convention, Memphis, renu., Nov. 17—19th, 1898, the Southern Railway wil sell tick ets at the rate of one fare t or $lO.lO for the round trip. Tic kets on sale Nov. 15th and 16th ‘ with final limit returning 21st. J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. , . TJ IU • th iT JOYFUL "FEELING. With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength > and internal cleanliness, which follows tlie use es Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured California {Fi«r Syrun Co.