The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 25, 1898, Image 4

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IBITLBU-GOMIWiII THE HUSTLER OF ROME established, 18tc. ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, ils>. tsu*d every svsßing. except Satui*-?. 1 Snaday and weekly, PHIL G. BYRD, EBITOR AND MANAGER. ■BaßHaHMLi.'uv Dani th* Etowah ! Ma) or Seay continue to please the people. The Georgia University feet ballists can’t play, even a little bit. With cotton at 4 cents, its time for the tarmes to wring th. chamgee. —■ l.' W.J —• The negro problem is becom ing quite pronounced in the ?r --my.—Augusta. — Augusta Chronicle. The distance from the farther eet point of polar, disc*veiy to the pole itself is 400 miles. Diplomacy as she is practiced i» bluff in all its scientific intri caees pure and simple— so to •peak. Where is the fellow that said ' that Allen D. Candler would not be governor after Le was elected ? Some men get very indigo: nt when they fee a woman doing a man’s work'—that is kissing an other woman. = Dewey continues to wear; well. Make hie fare well—dif ferent to the farewell of Samp son and Shafter. And now it is proposed to float the Maria Teresa again, •nd next time start her across in a floating dock. - Anniston is having a hot time with Alabama “coons.” So far all the victims have been plant •d in the negro cemetery. Bnw 11..I 1 .. H 11 W' 1 "" Uncle Sam has more use for Cuba than for unweildly Cana • da. Cuba can be made self sus taining—Canada, never. J Gen. Breckinridge is evident ly of the opinion that there was too much Michigan in the lat* war.-—Atlanta Constitution. *■ Shafter, Alger & Co., (limit ed) will retire from public life, permanently when McKinley’s term ends. Mark that prediction. Why should Senator Stewart despair of re-election I There are only forty-five members of the Nevada Legislature—and Stew art is no pauper. Spain has taken the Columbus monument at Havana down and shipped it Lome, we can replace it with one in memory of Schley. —Waycross Herald. Th* Georgia Legislature ba* ■ot disgraced itself so far, and theJub’h* of the City-by-thc- Kimball draweth nigh. Lwt ev erybody car-shed tears of joy. City smoke-houses and corn— cribs come high, but the 4 cent cotton farmer is the supply mer chaat’s petted horny-handed •on-ef-toil, and must have ’em. Wherever negro troops ‘have been thrown with the whites in the volunteer camps, clashes have resulted, and it goes with saying that the governmen been tauget a thiug or tu<, will not be forgotten next time an army is to be raised.— Albany Herald. Po’ r old Frank Evans I We - i:der what kind of a Tbanlcs iv.ri; day he spent. Orphaned in L 'by-hoo.l, bound out and his ( hi.'d-liood spent under a cruel am’ ielent’ess stranger ; no ad vai * .es amj not even a chance unit s he made it for himself .nder adverse circumstances, a stranger, al.>ne in a strange land, knocked down by a man of superior physical strength, a man whom l e had been drink ing with and who was much so berer than he. Thon, while still un eiiscious or dazed from the io v that had felled him, he is alleged to have tired the fatal shot ; tried, and the jury held out for a week and forced to a verdict, and then condemn toed imprisonment. Red handed murderers in Floyd go fre* 99 limes out of a hundred —and al ways if they have money for a se—but here is this lon* boy, generous-hearted to a fault, frank of nature, and over o[ en-hearted, doomed to a life time imprls t.inent, Why not b. g of the brave, just man ntfw governor, a pardon for this boy nee . i let him taste of :ty. Give him another chance in life. — 3 rigli t:“Tbe holders of Spauish.bcndsbought i them at rates which they con d a good investment, and It; y took th?m subject to any contingencies that might arise ifleeting their value and securi ty. The government that issued i. era still exists and is responsi lie, and to that and that alone the Spanish creditors must look f payment. The United States i iias a plethoric treasury, but there is not a dollar of Amern can m. ney available for paying off Spanish debts. a is a veritable wonder land. The iaore it unfolds itself rhe greater the amazement. A ew clays. ago an unparalleled discovery of gold was announced —afi :d which out-Eldorades I idorado. On the heels of this : ! •'ligence came advices from Lieut. Sparr, that he had dis covered a new range of moun tains, 400 miles long, with an average height of 7000 feet. On* can almost hear the expansion ists exclaim : “And it’s all ours ! All ours!” - - Fancy the peace commission ers of two great nations, each costing its government a per diem that wnuld buy a wholesale dry goods house and a small retail bar room, after having met and kept steady company for six weeks, just fancy one writing ths otlier a note and asking the other if he really meant what lie said at first I Oh, i’aree, gay Paree! thou *nter tainest a drove of jassacka t.,at are thoroughbred lulus ! 1 1 Alphabetically ai_d in point of ■hied, Rear Admiral Schley has a w yof coming out strongest'Jn t!. : fit h act, lie waited with his hying Squadron at Hampton i ds tili Dewey had sent up the I ■-.•st grand rocket, te waited off antiago till it was time for the ist horn to blow, and now he has jus' c me 'ut of ths Hobsoniau gHiitkt with color* flying arid tho much,as a black aye. Once ■ more we congratulate the heroic - Schley ! I he spiiitof that “nigger pa triot’ who put his uniform i a ' Must the cow-catcher of Jesse j Waiter’s buiLgineon the South ern at Silver creek, is doubtless b lug taught to dodge imps and give Go!. Satan's through line a . I car right-of-way. 11 is supposed th. it the spirit of the mat who struck Billy Patterson is the artful dodger spirit acting as , tooter. !■ n< i., but an arbitration will do . tin, why, we agree Wuh th luatgomery Adverti ser, and :..gestDowey, Schley and \\ . ler for America’s side. We ji told that th* fanners are in a id way. Well, the) de serve the punishment, for didn’t I f lus new aper men warn em agin pitciiin’ a 4 cent cotton I crop? Tne highway rubber finds more m. yin “shootin’ ” craps than in lootin’ 4-cent—cujtton farniers— specially when the dicj ami the farmers are botli “loaded.” - ■ JJ*. >U1 — Chic; > has a woman who tried sev n times to drown her self and still alive and well . If the n ne of Chicago’s river is jiot “A u then that woman must be cat. LTic" ain’s civilized Indians threaten to go wild again, un-i less t! e overument pays th* money . u > them. It does make a man . savage when a fellow can pay nd —won’t. , . .. wOMsnssssHr. .r»s.n-M A Mu uri youth has just mai- the f‘pm;>ther of ni* step mother. 'o should n®w elope with aa or; i and rescue bjßM»lf prompt rum the meshy mazy meshes . o »hich he has fallen. . MUI it Schh did the work, but only gets pub c approbation, a few jeweled voids and tho privilege of brusi iig a poor man’s hair, bampsc the pretender,, gets the priz money. It wus ever thus. 'Hie S .vtli negro regiiopnt at Macon still under arrest, and has be*placed at hardworb . If tbeyw'.e put in stripes and marched into the penitential v but few innocent men would suffei. The v <y the people's- money has been appropriated and spent extravi c utly by the legis lature is enough to justify a man in 1 dodging” tho full re turns of ‘lie property. Mariet ta Jour 1‘ Yes, J ie, dear, it’s your duty to be th-v kful, with the accent cm the that ' “Also at the samw time ami ’ac»” it’s y<»ur duty to tell your ' rother that it is not his duty to 1 thankful—with the 4ac cent on 'full. If Torn Reed has promised Alger protection from congres sional fire, all well and good— for Algo - —otherwise the Michy gan’ei 1: ;d better be equipping his ma-ked batteries with srnokeh Powder. The fi. t thing some one knows Huntsv. will make a leap from 15,000 , uianent citizens to 30,- 000. 1 11 do* their pars, bear ». portion < the burden, have no sap suckers n the back of the columns' of progr ■, we will succead be yond qua lion.—Huntaville Tri bune. ——r—. mu- Youn men, with co’d'-slaw crysant > .ums and ’their hair par ed e middle spend lot of time in rry company, in ladies parlors, fnrls, why do you make them wait iiy their lonelies for only a iiM.ll hour? You seem to be • leaping ver fine opportunities for mi»»iona v work—while the heath ens rug-4 think vain thinga. It is ither singular that both St. Ste'. '..9, the first territorial, capita', ;d Cahaba. the capitol’ of Alai i, have passed from th*- face of I eanb. Both were thriv ing citi< no l , and boasted hand some tv > and three-story brick building . C rn and cotton now grow v. I e Cahaba once flourish-* •d, and t 3 proud littl* city of St. Stevens !• s been supplanted by a I forest oj : ill pine trees,—Eufaula I Times. Baking lewder Made frcmi pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food ' against alum* Alam bakinr powders are the greatest menaces to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKINff ROWDfefl CO., NEW YOIM. ■■■ ■arc- ■ ■ ■■—■ -■ —— ——? Both the joker ami the cook have finished’ roasting the tur key, and what the common peo ple did Io the subject was a plenty. The scrapping will be over tonight. Gev. Leedy, of Kansas, also went down m the leceut wreck. Ther* is some compensation for i republican success when it rids pub.ic life of such a freak as Lee dy.—Birmingham News —'* —* 7- Secretary Gag T flop f*r ex pansion is on tiie same old line of Carlisle’s fl q> from silver to gold. Over the door of the cabi net council shou Id be written: “Prepare to flop who enter here.”—Aujus'a Chronicle. »».• wMMKrmc ■ T t*y Windy BilleAlleii denies tint there is any cool, - s i etweeo ( o'. Bryan and hims- ii, .nd declares that he reeogniz is i i the colonel “one of the greatest living Ameri can statesmen.” Bid himself is the other, of course. —Memphis Scimi tar . TVHMMarWiMWW-*»-MB, tl—Pi—*r Penning the ch iff, it takes the North Georgian to beard the wheat whan it stalks forth and heads his w»y ; nd, while it may b ;.!■ b king as binding, its the s< i . a *i: n indicates the direction tl th* uinds of pros perity. Comniibsionei of Agiicultu’e Steven, adds bis urgent advice to the demand which hus gone out .all ever the s?uth, for an abandonment of the all cotton crop, and urges upon the farm ers of Georgia the importance of planting wheat- —IT "* y • Justice Boddam, of the Madras High couit, has just given at a festive function what he describes •* “the degrees of comparison” applying to baris t«r.«. Tha first is “to get on,” 'tne second “to get honor” and t?he third “to get honest.” Blanco has resigned but the Cuban “reconcentrado” still has the yellow f*vt r, the yankee. negro soldier and starvation gnawing at his vitals, If he sur | yives he deserves to be made a 'ward of the nation and put on a parity with th* reservation In dians. • Roberts, the new congress nan from Utah, has three wives. The Springfijld Repub lican says he “will not take them to Wash ngton. His seat may be disputed because of po lygamy, and betides, Mrs. Rob 'ertses might embarrass Wash ington sosiety.” Put little prize-monsy-Samp son-the-pretendei, in Dewey’s place for a minute and for tin balance of his life lie would look like a “G. D.” cap on an old ai mymus k et, a nigger at the ; mule end, a hog at the pepulist end and the gun cocked. Samp will never get in Dewey’s 4 mile limit. ' '-wtiaMr For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles.gdrink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis & Wright and J. 'I. Crouch.’ N to M i- ■'O:i itte’ , . •I) i |j— i(mi . lou heri railway be< •u t I. tr.;iu - ■i. -nt! ily kiile<! rn; of t eir i 'ufades. |,Bv«ry d me icidvnt •■ 1 ■ . that the negru i unlit for * . i ice as a soldi, ’in 1 j volun r army*. —Col imbns Enquir • . ff iit ■ goto ■■ - nal says C.ipt. Pirn Jones pu's it thus : “zk f irm ir b big ; a bale .if cotton ’ • ; 1 ci’ r i’i !it f tch es only 4 > into commu- nity. 4hr ■ nton f;< 1 rias briim a hide oi < tin into d commu nity, ma inf lure it into cotton cloth, ami-it fetuhe U*o.” Let’s have nr r ■ <• ttmi i" .ries. A Cot-’mj Grower’s Conven tion his b< ii call; 1 to meet at Vicksburg; the olj ’jii f the mcetin., i* Ur the pii’posa of reducing th next year. 1 hat it n ?< v ar’s crop will lie even 1 irger than this years’. • ■ is is season wtiea the supply t.. . i l.ant is I■, Iding-up I the ft I mur w.. . > mce I to plant so mat*y acres to the ,D3ule for the vilege 1 rr.ising 1 cent cotti :• and h'.tv iyz.a smoke house and < .■im erib in the city. ROuTC. HE.TI ’UBLE. “My h al h wis very poor, owing to' im /ii e ondition i >no to t..\ Ho-j l’s : rs iparilla and I In a ■ time I :at. . three bo 1 w . a’i. right , I gladly . .. on-- i' Sar- ril 1 Fermin lie , Florida. Hood - s ur ' ver Ills. Mail d f : by . . I. Hood A Co.. Lowe 11 ■ as k/ I V > —» -i ajj w ■. ' . • • -..YSS I ««*.-* aXMMffiiOU-'. -aexm aaare Wl.’l send a letter t? ».-w i joint in L’ncli. 3 ini's big '■'*£.■• domain.l For this very J’kj, treason, if; c-e ick. *tj t? ' eori or su.i Uta rSSHV I wet y trifli * May E f V.. lifnl s' L“vt , it 'You can ........ v.t ■ in lett ■r, < ,i . !? will take just two ctnts to c«.i y it to the “WasKiigtsa Medical & Sargisai listltirti. Aila’ih, Georgia,” And the fam < ialist v »•. m the etef of that Institute are able to ?ive you advice and -■ ■ i eon to the city. Thie is t > aiistali Thei are do tar it event day. They sow have patient* in •H the adjoinit , lutes, some ol t> >u hundred* of miles awsv.-tid their cures arc sltnplv sea derful. euRES r dive COHSULTATiON FIIt LI ' 1 • v f Spine a, Club Foot, i icel cav alto - in uh forms of Bkin sad Blood dis< rdera,Rheunt> tiam, aoatica, Catarrh of th« Nose. Throat Lttngs, Siota;: :h oi any vital or .n, J.ive; Kid ney and bivd.ler troubles, Nervous Weak aenesof either men or woman, dtaeasea of the sexual . ■ r-ry other b . Biction that ughlv - ia'ista alone c des 1 with. write 1 ts you nothing If we un ?* rt *J t * y 0 1” anall -• 1 yot qiaation ' W .. eK. 1 ' ’ «■< <■ is -ur tu b , und pcr.kct scion•x- WE sIiaLL Clik -. IT. That first ‘ d''damp may gave yottr life. Al) •ettcrs altered! v ■ tivatc. ADDRESS ■ INSTITUTE, WO-! eustdl BM£., Altanu. U. p/'' - s ]• ... College . ; , ' , ■ »mmw. . \. ' -.M ■«,. » ' yiYIOM. f, ' ■ ' SI $ t J? ’’ ' '*• tug cli ui.o.n; n:-i cipr .mmral and . p kard in the - pease . ' ,r 'v . u ■' r tin j ‘ v *' ’ege ptupar- 1 ... . . . , Sou.l for cataloguo t® tho President. < Jos. S. Stk-.vaka , A.II. I HOW'S TH We oiler One Hundred lars Reward for any c a<t i Catarrh that cannot b* eura.l k ; Hall’s Catarrh Cur*. T F. J. Cue-. ev <fc Co , Tnled. « We, the undersigned, known F. J. Chenei fi r th* l Mt 15 years, and beliey* him t* bt financially abl* to carry out * My obligation made by their firre. West <t Truax, Wholesale Brt lg . gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.ff. Hall’s Catarrh Cur* is taken internally, acting directly ups* the blood and mucous surfar** of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle, gold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills ar* th* ' est I* Coke cheaper than Coal- Can. be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No soioke or scot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME QAS OO mffssiom ciidj. ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, East Firstreerst, CHAS V*/. UNDERWOOD Artornay at Law, Crcporaloß OrJyr •W. J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice tn all «cnr». special attention given ■to commercial law and the exatnicallon cf land titlee. offlec in King building. Rome, 6a. -XAZaAILTHNR HARRIS Attorney at law and J. F*. Office over F. J. Kane & Co. ’s. L I PSCOM EJ *r .WILLINOH AM Commercial Lawyers. Office In Arnstrong hotel huilding, Reae, *a M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. Office Ki ng •nildrag. Some, u*. VZ H .ENNIS, Attorney at Law ,Will PraoUoe in all oourte office, MMonio Temple, Rome, Ga, J. SANTA ORWF O< Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collection* • specialty. • Masonic Temple. Rome, *o. MOSUS r KIGHT. *ARPBR KAMN.TON WRIGHT A HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Oilice: No. 14 Postolfice Buildi|s [ I II ..W»— CHARLES E. DAVIS ' -ATTORNET aT LA W- O-llectioß a special. y. V ill praerfee e< eotiiM. Waeonic Temple —*— Wil——■*■* DENTISTS. J. A WILLS, D. D. S.. Office 84C 1-2 Broad. > Over caetreU A *we» J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S..M » RNTI«T -office, AJ6 1-2 Broad street. Otm BaeHß FU* niture 00. PHYSICIANS. O. HAMILTON, ML D- Phytdolan and Surgeon Wffioe, MeduAi Buildlug Rome, Ga. O , ce ’phene No. t®. _ ■ - J - . w- Li F KA.LIMOKO. M. D-* Physician and Surgeon, Office to Mediae outldlug. Residence, No. 4*JB West First tft 1 . .ft IONSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, The -’Old Reliable,” operating the Ceett hotel Barber Shop, invitee you to give Mix* nal, and promises to do the rest. Only »2in*d men employed on the eliaire. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employe orly the very best artiste in his tonsoral ettrdio, th th* Uttrry Building, opposite the Ariastraeg. Were 'eit are made comfortable while your work rt being done. —i— PASTEUR FILTERS T he only Germ Pre of Filter in th® oriel. Makes water pure " and :clear fo J sale by The Hanson Supply Co