The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 25, 1898, Image 7

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MB ■■ - ♦ -*•'*-* ifc " frl't Ti'" K Isb 11 minsTo- ■ jiiorrtw N'SM I;. y; and best H. .... ■ Sail AtTrevitte. ■ Drugstore. ■ . t ; ing OU', in the «ay H . c 18 Eatt ’ Good ‘ . , e ;j o ».•» n hobbies and |B We 'tee Iff ’ t gifce ffleus. , is see uh," ignored adage from 1 t .. funny plot was batch- ~ ,<p. said to 1)0 the bright- M Luie9t !-m that popular M tg writer’s pen, bringing the r .y ti.ent of both press ■ h ~ic from the East. ' ,|.H •»n is complete in u > uiatt"r how small, ■i f the most beauti* ■ attempted, even tj, . scenic artists ■nt"? \'.i' college, i .<.ina!sts liibora'.ur . inure as it G. ■ ir l lc tl.r “Uentimi ha 3 been t costumes, as well as the s tart, ii of a m jet exce'- |H : i. • t Pretty Girls, ; I pi.< l ite C'>m> ' . - , ami Refln 'd o|. <• > g win the ■ H->- ?M ’ ' Billy A'- , James Rost r, 7 E'taw' rib. Iff rt Pei uy, j Misst-s May i. - I. Ivm-.'t. J. ssie E. \ .or Sister*, .r ■ is a ni- st exc-ib-nt ;j. : tn the bril- \ s nations. '. is the a i L'oc. |Hr v lICK INNOCENT. IB;.:'- V» I ri'.a Mu dsr. |B eel Captain Illi f • rli .-. 'V, ■_ ; —Th m: :S |H s app ■■■ . g 111 ire ' ves.e-u y. a V» . - a c lor d ■ 'i - nig::'. oi v. In at t'sj>. W s; - x It B'rr t, tar.. It w.ts shown that c;. Utm-ly r.t ( ar; • d the Wes ■ f- in a . Ujct ills'.v b- lb dur- M-' .1 •»..<; he v ..ischiii g- I - ' ■ x-im n. ii n iho <a< t ’ iht Slai.cel was fm ■>' si of C.-ipt. May- »-. ... die-ged murder ’i! is n v eeiv mg a I'fs term England. S aucel was the wit- Pl, 'n 11 111 Pi";' (Intense pinn- llt great'.-si hopes. ■' :t Maj tn r-k’s c unsel sent r b'. iicel, who w>it to T.iv r ih'l it ~t• Itad in li»r behalf d..-ci.;res that Cap'. May- B wa-, n constant user of B* dtl ■■■miu.'un of arsenic, and Bit dt.ring the lust four year? he B efl T(: ;il Amsrici. rsgularly ev ry B he s. nt him out to pur- Bbase the drug. t Maybrick is as innocent B 8 a child,” (j ( claied StM cel. SHE tANG 10 HIM B 1 E apd I,nw z'.nd Was Cheer ed To The Echo. Wa8 Higtun, N<;v 25—Whan r ' l sang her cuke v alk " 1 !■ iitune Telit i I e“t, ihe noticed tbs Chn.nse ,f E v ' u 'ling Fang, in a lox I ■' 1 <1 lhe Chinese verss I c .! to ihe minister. Wu ling I " S l(, 8e and remained standing I Ul ‘ u g the the verse. At the rou- L 1 * bowed to the singer and I -itiie brought down th” nouie. Ai\7 PERSON U ' I’ l ' . L ~. ,1 . " W! . | . ii> regnrd to their ‘ t ; . t f.>r a vnhvibk and t' r . -ii,> wni. i. v -it! Detent FREE I' 1 '- j... muntltwi thiepi per. a: '■> • '• ■ c-il'-brateci phyei* ®. S ' ... ' ■ 1 '• Hathaway a, dIo. of *® ur esß. ) iJ • z i lnnt *> On., whom you eh- old LJT- GFFt KINGS, Gay 4-nd ! esty '—’Posavin Suppers are qu.te the go among the coloj’t ) t opic now. There w i 1 bo one of the royal order at the Sam Jmms bui’idingon Main street tonight.—Courant Amer ican. Home’s L s —Mr. and Mrs. ■Walter S I gford left today for Atlai' a, v here they will re main until Monday. They will leave then for Pueblo, Col., where th y v ill reside in the future. Liked The Purp.—Sheriff elect Rob Maxwell received the other da\ a t-plendrd present in the shape of setter puppy of very fine breed from his friend, Will J. Gordon, of Rome —Caiters ville Courant. Wiioly Smoke !—That is to say, that if you want the best cigar on ; ie market and the one that gives the most fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of the Warters’ Rome made brands. For Rent.— A neat cottage, near First Methodist church, pleasantly located and conve nient to business center, etc. Price reas >nc<ble. Possession on Ist of month, or right, away. A pply to L. A. Lloyd, grocer. Tough on “Handjomi —Bob Berner is no more a colo nel than lie is a dit e. Having shoulder straps put on by a jackass of a governor does not remove absolute ignorance of military matters ai d utter in competence in everything else. —Calhoun Times. A Shei.iff’s Mistake.—Sher iff I shop received a telegram from Rome to arrest a white min natrn d Reynolds, giving discriptie on Friday morning’s south bound train, and that be was a moulder. He found a man on the train that filled the de scription, lie was a moulder, and was from Rome. He took him off the tr n and then examined him carefu'ly and became satis (i'-d tl'.fit he was n't the man, t! • t his In.;ii was t o dark. He < ve him his dinm r - and paid his wai t > Atlanta, letting him depart in : euce. His name is Bagwell.”—.Marietta Journal. a’NOTH eR A RRIV al. —I mpe ri al table jelly, a delicious desert, easily and quickly, prepared; superior to ocher kinds and lilted by all. Also Iryposa, a delicious powdered jelly in Ml flavors and colors, only 10c a package. Try one and you will ipGo®!|fALTil I Tte IMumorJ 11 xW’i" ft 1;;n l mUcl! trouble fora really healthy man to be good humored. Jollity and exhuberant health are a pro verbial combination The hearty man who is always lav hiug doesti t have any ff 0 *I’’ 1 ’’ with his di; stion. It ’’ as ,,V een rS l . l tri th laughing m< kes people healthy, rhe ti .tn is that health makes people laugh. It i* ini ssible to estimate the t. mendous in 1 nene • of 1. a’th upon human character. A man with a headache will not be in happy, contented ra mind A rian who sufi rs fr<>m a we.ik stomach ami an impaired '.iei< stmn w)I. •it and grumble through the best prepared. A bilious tn m who is not a Core, is deserving of a placet in a museum. A nervous in in who 1- not A 1 “ n . fault finding is a curiosity. All these con ditions lead to gw W" '■ " I '' ' victim becomes not only . dlsaß .’X e “^ ll ’ a ] il. pendent m well A "? se i ? ’ th it whi!” the old ,h ; 7 "'X heart is in his stomach, is not literally true, it is a fact that his stomach sweetens ot sours his character according as it « healthy or unhealthy. Dr. I lerce . » Medical Di ('"very isthe best of so, the conditions described. It makes the weak GinuaCh .strong, the impairca '£» ; sa-bs and healthy nerve fibr> s and ~r ‘' h(11 IBs Gundy, IvOgnn Co . Neb • commenced B „d could rot find relief c taking vour ■ olden Medic- „ f liver feed with constipat on «n rostate an d which resu.h’d 1,1 ‘. ‘in,., i had only taken wbenVfmmd great relief. The medF ciue has effected a pet maueut cure. TEIII trc L SP K1 £1) • : . I Y.~~ ; ■ ..’-t .■' w • •i •ff’D.' *'■ .'y.wi k* ' ! ■■ . .. j . • ■ w ■ * .L--P:’.■/P : ■ I ’ th' ■ '.^■7 viivj’y.y' t ■ - T . Warier’c MATCHLESS “TWOFERSA wear the brand of TERRELL SPEED, the “Coon Skin” Statesman of Floyd. The*’sale of this brand has been unprecedented. But then Thomas Warters never pyV a sorry cigar on the market. He is too enter prising and to 3 honest. Every cigar is t- <ici ly what is claimed for its brand, and the War ters cigars are absolutely the best on the na* - ket. . i ' FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS.A order a dozen. You will find both at Lloyd & Co’s, the popular grocer. Confirmed. The f-enate has confirmed the governor’s appoint* meLt of Judge Geo. F. Gober, of Marietta, to be the trustee of the s'ate university for the state a large for eight years, vice Dr. W. H. Felton, whose term expires August 189 V). Returned The Shot. Uncle Joe Smith says the ball that die-, abled the Barret Lane at. Hampton Roads oii'irgthe war, was one that she fired into the eainp of the Fourth Georgia regiment. The boys got the ball, reloaded it in a confederate can non and shot it b ck at the Harriet Lane, striking her nt t..e w iter line, whereupon sfie turn ed around and hastened away, considerably disabled, — Dalton Citizen. Strhben-Yabbrourh —On Wed nesday November 16ih, at 8 o’clock a. in., at the risid uce of the oride's brother, Mr. J. W. ’I ar brougb, Mr, T. N Stephen, one of Cave Springs most p puiar men, and Miss Mattie Yarbrough were quietly joined in the holy bonds nf matrimony. The oride was attired in a traveling suit of navy bit e with hat to match and carried u ) large boqiiet of chrysanthemums they boarded the ten o'cl< ck train for Cave Springs, their future home. Their many friends wish them much success. Courant American. Mr. Simmons’ Successor Mr. W. P. West has been elected the general manager of the old Alliance store in Cave Spring to succeed Mr. D. W. Simmons, who was elected Cleik of F loj d Superior court. Mr. West will assume charge of the store about the 15th of Decembt r, and his numerous Cedartown friends, while the congratulate him and his company as well on their se lection ot a superintendent, will regret to learn that liis family wll remove from this city to Cave Spring—Cedartown Stan dard. Charley Jervis’ Brother The friends es Dr. Lamar Jervis will be glad to learn of his re cent very brilliant victory before the State Bourd of Pharmacy. There were 31 applicants exam ined by the board and Lamar made the highest grade in the -JOTI—TTI~ JI—III Tn Tlf w(\ . "UR** examination, mid received an interstate pharir.acists licei'nji for seventeen states. It takes the very highest gr .de to secure even state pharmacists icense, 1 ! as the lower grades druggists and apothecary’s licen- Dr. Jervish is in charge of ; e med ical dispensary at T >rt McPher son and holds an excelh. t p si tion. —Calhoun Times. Postponed.—The secciid f ot- I ball game which was to, have ! been pl tye I thii a ■ the two teams, c nnpo- I of working bovs and Smith' school wis deferred on account of the absence of several • pi’- miimnt pl.tiers. It will pro';.th , come , off - nne time m xt o t ,! WH AT JOYFUL FEE klNu. With iht-exhilarating ■ nsi. of I renewed health and stie. <th ' nd' int'.ri’al ch anlinees, v hii i fulUws, the use of Syrup of Figs, is un known to the lew wlo 1 ave iot progressed beyond the « id-time medicines and the ch°a} sui sti-> j tutes sometimes offer d lut n v«r i accepted by the wcil-i./crno'd. Buy the genuine ruanu a uro ! ! y the California F'g S' rup o. KING’S W ROYAL CERMETUER Thia plesjßftDt and perfect remedy, M iellghtful to take, so refnx bln£ aad ' axhilaratlng, stands in higl est lavas ! «vEn all who know It best, as the greafc est of all medical remedies for bo'tts sexes, of all ages and in all conditiooc I WHAT IT WILL DO FOR Yo| lwl'l gj»* jou APFETITS jfw'ill give you rastful re.'Gihing SLEEP. Gwl'l stimulate jour DiSESTION. If Bill restore your MER'/O'dS ENERRT It will put your KIDXEYB !»psrfsot et heill purify jw Bleed. It will ohinge jour waiknm Into STIEMfiTiI M Bill bring you ou! ts ttakNU into HEALTH nW PACKAOK, I.ARG.t DOSES OXI DOuLIK SOLD BY ALL DRUQCIBTSL MaarraoTCMD oklt st Bo ItIiLDU Chical Co., ItluU, G&. ■ 'TBiTR PM M-PASI ROOK »<Ci33 ?. ..JILL NLNTION. I 'icy bulk olives, et Lloyds’. 1 cv lic< d pineapples, large I cans at Lloyd’s. Mr Holmes Smith returned from Atlanta today. M . D.illar Turner went down tot dartown this inorning- Mr. M. E. Pentecost, of Gads den, is here for a few daya, I Mr. George Gat' is quite sick at his home in the Fifth ward. So oke a Waiter’s Rome made <ig r, and you will enjoy the best. Mr. Harry Flemming, of Bir , mingham, is here visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hamilton are in New York. —Summerville News. Mr. Charles D. Wood is in St. Louis looking over the stock market. Mr. M. L. Palmer, president of the State Farmers Alliance, is in the city today. Mr. J. M. Bradshaw is in Sei oy attending the bedside of his mother, who is very ill. ■ • Miss Martha Adams is v.siting In R ime the guest of Miss Ethel . Hiles .—Cedartown Standard. I War tor’s “twofers” the fa- imm : ; ‘‘ Terrell Speed” cigars are 'i ‘lng more popular each day. Pennington is cam jriguiug against the “Bob j White” contingent, of Everett Si rings. Mrs. Iff. Bl Hamilton and Mrs. , G. M. itarper are expected home tomorrow from a six weeks visit to New York. Waller Hightowor, one of Rome’s handsdmest young drug gisfs, spent SundayYn town with homo folks and fri’ends'—Cal ’. •- houu limes. at beautiful roll-top walnut de k, iD.ibogony finish, for sale very cheap, can be seen at Mrs. A O. Garrards Mr. J no. D. Taylor, of Sum rnmville, is in the city. Mr. T 'or is one of Chattooga's le 'ting lawyers. To be entirely relieved of the n<s and pains of rheumatism ns a great deal, and Hood’s apari’la does it. Mrs James B. Conyers went over to Rome Tuesday to visit - her sister, Mrs. W. 11. Steele.— ’ Cartersville Courant. The many friends of Miss Beulah McL' ndmr, will be pain rd to learn that she is quite ill at In parent’s home in East I Rome. Mr. T. J; Pei kins, formerly of Rome but now ot Atlanta, will leave for his home tonight, after spending several days in the city. Corporal Dudley Magruder is up from Macon on a five days’ [furlough. He reports a breezy , time among the colored exam | pies of patriotism in that vicini 'y- i Messrs. Herring, Bolles and McClain have just arrived in the cit with three car loads fl fine Western horses which they will t lion i<ff dining the next few days. Ladies earn SB.OO per week .working at home, no canvass ing, enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Standard YuveltyCo., 101 Beekman St., New York City. Mrs. W. A . Chapman has gone to Rome to live with her bister, Mrs. T. R. Garlingt»n Her many Cedartown friend* , regret her departure, but hope ’ tor her a pleasant stay in the SCROFULA It is Foul aiood’s Advertisa But It Is Soon Cured by Heed’s Sarsaparilla. Yen, Scrofula, if anything, may be called the advertisement of foul blood. It is the scourge of the world—oTcnsive, painful, debilitating, stubborn and well n’gh unendurable. Outward application!) do rot cure, they only drive the diiTically to new quarters. Emollients may palliate, they cannot abolish the evil. There is but one sure way out, and that is to eliminate Mie taint from the blood. There is one remedy that can effect this, and it is the only one that, so far as we know, has almost invariably succeeded even Where the system has been poisoned by long years of taiut. and the ravages to be repaired are tremendous. That remedy is Hood's Garsapr.rilla. Read this: “ My daughter was afflicted with im pure blood. There were running sores all over her body and they caused her much suffering. We tried medicines that were recommended as blood purifiers, but could not see t bat they did any good. A friend told me about Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and I begun giving the girl this med icine. The result was that she was per fectly cured after taking a few bottles. She has ha l no symptoms of scro/ula sores since that time.” Marietta M., Smith, South Ifiddleboro, Mass. Sarsa- Sis wparilia Is the best—ln fact the One True Blood Purifier, insist upon Koon’s; take no substitute. J,,t harmoniously i Iwt v 1 • ILS Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hill City—Cedartown Standard. Prof. C. A. Thompson, for merly of Shorter, now with the Anniston Female college, is here for a day or so. Mr. Felton B. Knight spent yesterday in Rome, and attended a social function last night,— Cedartown Standard. Miss Eva Camp, of Rome, will arrive in the city this week and will be the guest of Mies Ida Lou Milam —Courant Amer ican. Mrs. Ella Milner and daugh ter, Floy went to Rome last week on a visit to Mrs. W. M . Henry and Mrs, J. W. Maddox, —Summerville News. Congressman Maddox will return to Washington the first of December. His family will join him there later in the win ter. —Summerville News. The Alabama boys seem to have had their Thanksgiving Day “habits” on during the ball game iu Atlanta yesterday, and Georgia’s gridiron warriors went down before them like chaff. A CARD. The operatic comedy “As We See It” to be produced at the opera house tomorrow night is one of the best things in its line ever offered Rome theater-goers and the bouse should be packed. Those who remember that splendid comedy “The Prodigal Father” last season should not miss “As We See It” tomorrow night. The company is strong in singing and musical numbers and the attraction is one that will please all comers. The change from minstrel shows to operatic company should prove most acceptable. Manager Opera Hour*. WOUNDED IN DUEL. MINISTFR OF INTKRI R AND DEPUTY Have an Affaib of Honor. Buda Pes'., Nov. 25.— A duet ias been fought between the min* of the interior, Desideriu* de . Perezel, and Deputy Botto, a member of the party, is the outcome of the minister’s «peech in parliament on Novem ber 22J, in which the deputy con ddered himself insulted. The minister cf the interior was se tously wounded "'the forehead m the second assault. <McUurKFH \| • . ~urv..r.a •. WW"