The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 28, 1898, Image 2

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GOIraG W W w 5 MMI wtmbsi’jeet? ’.- ;• «..’.xJKß®wr. .-rar. i z.c~."' *.’.; . '7TJ MEW WITWre ¥W¥'lW®llil r 1 B B 111 i"I ’ I I fc™ |ll I <•" M HI Mi HMI HI HI • * ?4sm V ■ Kti ' ; so ' Mi HI k. ‘ia t- ■ ? n. I ® O Ki fes H& ' ;j T H! ftlj fek iMI EH dS V? - rK k hk I I m is iM O HIJEI B H wii ■ip w ilßr Hhk W JB. itiiMr W J Hav Decided to go Out of the Millinery Business. This is the First Tim: I Have Offered My Stock at Cost, or at Closing Out to Quit Business Figures. I Now Throw the Entire Stock on the Market and Will Proceed to Close it Out at Once-Everything Goes! EVERYTHING GOESY- t “W W B V A A H"V nn&l KHA MS «spi KVM i V fWHA Mfc .j !**> . 4 1181 fHH Mm Mm m V 3 MSI MSk IMR f C 'zj Orr W ' ’**, S- '-• ; ' ‘ I Mr I BH w P 4 ‘/V &.■ ' r aw SR® Bm HL WH F MM > « •**.- ■ t 4 vm ; A tAA HL AJB Aw/ A HL JA w A / WANT REVENGE Armed farmers Are ChasißC • * Fleeing Negroes 3HAVEDiSAPPEfIRED Riotous Mississippi Negroes Reaping The Whirlwind. Meiidian, Miss, Nov. 28. Re* ports have reached here that three Degrees wre lynched last night •bout four milse west of Met diam. Newton county fa r mers are said to be on the trial of others impli cated in an assaalt on a white man. " The young man came to Meridian on Friday from the Vici- Ditv of Oaktubee, Newton county, fur the purpose of selling cotton and puiching supplies. After disposing ot his produce •nd after bujing what he needed, he left for home for eamp near Oaktubee river, about four mil#' west of the city. About the lime he was breaking camp a hug came up and got into his provisions and he drove it off. At this juncture a negro came up ai d told the white man lhe hog belong'd to him. abusing him. The Newton county farmer hitch ed up bis team and started towards home, and did his best ‘>o avoid trouble, but tbe negro was bent on a row aud was shortly joined by four others. They chased the white man •cross Oaktubee river, firing re peated volleys, one load of which lodged in oue of the young man’s suns, producing a painful wound . After crofting the river the blacks gave up the chase and the white man went to bis home and notified his friends and neighbors. Last night a dozen or more white men boarded the eastbound ’ train at six miles west of Meridian, with the avowed purpose of killing the negroes in the as ault. The young man who was assaulted recognized the blacks and the white men started at once to hunt them down. Sheriff Reed and p »rse returned tonight from the scene of the trou ble, bringing with them three ne gro prisoners. Eaily in the day h frightened negro reported to the sheriff that a mob of white men were shooting into negro houses and threatening to kill every ne gro in the community. He said they fired over a hun dred shots into the house of the ringleaders of Saturday’s trouble. The sheriff organized a posse and started for the scene, but no ar rival could find no trace of the white men nor anj corpses. - However, the three negroes con cern* d in yesterdays outrage “disappeareu’Tt is said the Newton county mob has taken iu charge. Ibe three negroes arrested were relatives of the rioters and the sheriff took them iu safe Keeping until the trouble subsided, MERCEDES IN DANGER. Only Quick Work Will Save the Spanish Cruiser. Santiago, Nov. 28. —Lieu'euant Luvien Young, of th > Hiet, wlu lonie days ago examined tho wreck of the bun ken cruiser Reina Mer-> cedes and found h r with about ICO feet banging over the channel bank, made another examination yesterday. He found that the wreck hud moved slightly and is now in an extremely dangoreus position. A southwest wind of any strength would send the vjssel in to the channel leading to Sandago harbor and coaipletely b'oek it. Parties who have gone on board have felt the wreck moving. If work is not started soon the vessel will probably be lost. At the pres ent moment on'y a comparatively small amount of effort would close the valves and pump out the hull. YOU R B EST 1N TE RE SIS. Will be served by making hgoitb It will be a loss rr F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 3 I THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. | £ Plumbing: and Tinning. 5 g Engineers’ and machinists* 3 supplies. Stoves, rangesand ™ £ tinware. Gas and electric fix= 5 C hires. INSURANCE gasoline x stoves. Water meters. e— g 325 Broad st Phone 32. £ of time a <1 money to be stricken with serieu* illness. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and purify your blood. In this v y all gerstrs of disease .'.ill be expelled, sickness and suffering will be avoided, and your health ill be preserv ed. Isn’t this a wise course? Hood’* Pills:! • the only pills to take with lloou s [Sarsapar.l la. Pj ice 25 cents bolting bride repents. Becomes wife of Man She De saifed at The altar. Scranton, Pa.. Nov. 28. —Mar- garet Moore, who last Thursday bolted out of St. Catherine’s Church, at Moscow, this county, while the ceremony that was to unite her in marriage to Timothy Foley was being performed by Father Walsh, after a week < f meditation has rep ntrd of her ac tion and yesterday became Foley’■ wife. The ceremony did not take place in the church, but in the home of the brides’s mother, Father Walsh officiating. Yesterday morning the bride and grioui waited upon t ie cl irgy miu, th*e former in a repentant mood and s’ated that they were a xious that the ceremony as pre viously arranged tako place Miss Moore said she *as so over come With excitement that she scarcely knew all she did . Tnere was a talk between th-» paster and the couple, in which Miss Moire rogretted htr action, and then the weeding arrangements were car-« ried out FOR BAILIFF Deputy Sheriff J. M. Johnston announces himself a cand date for the office of Bailiff of the Rnnie District, and asks you 'o vote for him on election day. • I announce myaolf at a candi date for bailiff of the 1919th dis trict, Floyd county, and request the vote of friends and others in the election on the first Sat urday in January. Gxo. W. Bkauforp. I ? KMC I 5 £ MN. MS I PU_J uJ JJI j if] LJU JIIU I ! We will Sell New, I Bosks wholesale I I PRICES’ I P FOR CASH. Second Hand ■ Books cheaper uhan the 1 cheapest. Give me a calk 1 I H. A. SMITH. I I ThF old RELIABLE book stoke. I 1 jfti t mjjffl £H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., 1 Successors to ROME PHARMA cY ' 9 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the S Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wan M the drug, piescription and patent medicine line- |fl stock is complete and ol the very highest grade. H We solicit a part of your patronage and slm M deavor to the host of our ability to please you • M times. We should be pleased to have you ca /J 011 1 C Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet artic e _ M such things as are usually carried in a first cla sS fl Z® store. Cigars and tob a cco. fl ejj Come to see us. .fl L?<< 3> A¥ Sfi *A 6MB0 ‘’