The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 28, 1898, Image 5

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Knifing Bv< rythln.Gr- J \ '-^ECULSJ ■sl ■ l THE XE V■' '< . DAYS? ,X' fl 1 GENTLEMEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MACKINTOSHES: Ajl new J :: *|| ([ j Stylos and to be sold for LESS than COST FOR .ASH! j ; It nVdVO3 CS '* USt receive d a Sample Lot of Mens’and Boys’ Fine Over Coats and all of them - ? i e and most desir&ble styles. vVe will sell t**e Sot at one-half regular prices CAPES AND JACKETS- j|r Sample Lot of Jackets and Caqes in all the Latest STTLES -A-ITXa COLORS! These Beautiful Goos just received and the entire lot Will be sold 33 1-3 per cent less than original ccst ? t to manufacture. ■ Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Glove?, Corsets, Hosiery and all kinds of notions, you can •'“’"always find here at the very lowest prices, and very best qualities. Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool and cotton, you will find no here at prices much lower than any other house in Georgia, and you will get very best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. IfllWioatQimtil [g 1/• I 1 - J' lx , - nL —— / HftTS! CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. I MEN’S SUITS. I UNDERWEAR- I SHOES! ft/ carry by far the Knee pants 100 sr>.oo$ r >.oo Suits for 60 Undershirts 1.5 c For m?a, boys, ladies largest and best ■ lin® Child’s sniUi 65© i $7.00 “ $3.50 ‘ 500 kind 250 and unildrOn- We l of Hats in Rome, and $2.00“ “ SCOO /I '< we can sell them at $3 00 “ “ $1.50 $11,00“ ‘ $5,501 Canton flannel quality for the the Have Brains in Them es P ay or them. Boys ss.ooSui Lbs2.So All wool pants 75(3 He vy Canton flan Ladids good shoes 750 Yes, there are brains in Stetson By all means oomej “ $7.50 “ $8.75 $3-00’' “ $ ,00’ nel drawers 25c Men’s “ " SI.OO llitm and &nd see them. “ SIO.OO u $5> n o^s-<0 u “$2 50 - h 50c Tb*y are solid leather New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft "" ” Hats on sale. It’s a wise head 1 ’WJ I t ■ MDiML GIBBONS TUi’Jsses 1118 Nace Riots of the Carolinas. WHITE DKiiAfiOGUES ERE Mfeie to BHme Than Negroes. Suffrage Restriction Needed. Baltimore, Nov. 26.—Car<li ■il Gibbons, in discussing the recent race troubles in trie South, • lid to a representative of the Baltimore Sun today : “In th® history of in dikind it has been observed that when two distinct races co-existed in the same territory one race has •Iways exercised a certain su premacy over the other. \\ hilt this principle is admitted, it is the manifest duty of every pa triotic statesman and Christian to see that the relatio . between the race Hiould be fri n.lly, har monious and mutually benefi cial. 'The race conflicts, antago ttunasand bloodshed whicn have occurred recently in several tales of the Union ca,. bolarge- J traced to two great causes — the one-silt d, il 1-direct - J system of negro education and the in diicrimiu ate exercise and conse quent abuse of the ballot boy. “The abuse of the billot box *• chargeable more to white themselves. The politicians use! the negro vote for their own sei- ‘ fish purposes. lam persuaded > that a restriction of suffrage by I propertv qualification would be a wise measure. It would be an j incentive to industry and as men are instinctively disposed | to protect their own property I they wili naturally vote for those rulers and public officers who, in their judgment, are more; qualified to protect their proper ty from unjust and exorbitant taxation and to promote the material prosperity of the com monwealth.” SHAFTER AND GARCIA MEET Conversed Pleasantly on a Sidew® k of Now York. New York, Nov. 26 —While passing out of the Fi*f n avenue hotel last night, Gen. Hhalt' r «ud Jen. Calixto Garcia met f r tie first time since ihr capitulat on of Santiago. I'he generals saluted simultaneously, then shook hands and conversed pleasantly for sev eral minut-s. Each seemed phas ed with ilm meeting. what joyful feeling. With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and interi al cleanliness which follows the use of Syrup of I ig-, Bu known to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substi tutes sometimes offered but m.«Vt,r accepted by th. Buy the genuine manufactured oy _ • r-1 ! FOR PROTRGTIO/I I I I Marines From Th Boston ; Landed h China. I _ I ' CHINESE ARE UNHEEDED If Pow*r3 Attempt Coup Uncle Sam Will be There. Washington, Nov. 28 —The United State- 1 navy has lai did marines in China. A di3pa ch was received at the navy ilcpnit incut Saturda night stati' g tl t the captain fc cf the Boston had landed his marine guard at lien Tsin. The dispatch was taken im mediately to the white in use by Acting S' cretary Allen. Secretary Hay was called into consultation, with the result of re assuring the officials and a laying their feelings cf apprehension, It seems that the marines wei“ land ed, not because of any informa tion of rioting or attacks npo.i American missionaries, but ,solely te act 88 a guard forth) United legation at Pekin. The was dispatch d L« the mou'h of the Pei Ho river sev eral weeks ago at the im- 'ance <f United St ites Minister Conger to 'provide a guard for the legation. The minister represented that i nearly all of thn legations of the European pow«is were provided with marine guards, and fie did not care to be except.until in this case. Ihe mesencu of these foreign gui-i’ds is not welcome to (he Chi nese government. Win n -he land ing was fiist proposed its repre sentative sought to dissuade the United States government from inflicting this humiliation upon it The effect was to cause a suspen sion of the execution of the pur pose, but as has been already stated most of the European lega tions have provided thems p lv s with guards, and the Chinese hav ing become reconciled to presence, no longer übje.’t in cur Advices that r»-ach the bt’te <’• partment do in t indicate an im mediate outbreak in China. Put t’.e reactionary pc'icy < f the i in ur-rss dowager has cunped a vrrv un asy feeling ano tn v :>ff, rd one ■r m it of the Eu ope u po’.v- r- W o have h (‘it HcliVe tn ea rn i.ff tirs a pretext lor making a coup, \ ith i su ta t fleeting the United St;: ’i S, NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her la r ge w Li ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Be ts, Hair Ornaments ano Buckles,ail to go at cost to ciose them out. uon’t fail to call and get prices before buying in Millingr y. Fancy sliced pineapples, large A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by; Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. 1). , “Was taken with a bad cold f which settled on my lungs;! cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying 1 could not live but a shoi t time. 1 gave my self up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet tny absent ones above. My husband wag advis ed to go Dr. King’d New Dis '•ovory for Consumption,Coughs and -Coids. I gave it a trial, t »ok in all eiglr. |„ tiles It lias cured me, and thank 1 >od I am sav'd | and now a Weil ami healthy woman.” Trial botll s free at Curry Arrin ti n’s. IL gular size 50 cunts and 1.00, guaranteed or price refunded. FRENCH RAH-WAY IN CHINA Loan Os $54,000,000 to Con. [ •truct Important Lines. • • Paris, Nov 28 —The Cabinet[ has decided to authorize a lean of, $54,000 OOU fir the purpose of; Stabl.sbmg an Indo China rail-’ “oad system in c< Direction with', the Chin so rail reads. F ance has received from China ' t-.vo important concessions on the. northern bnrd-rs of Tongking. One of these is for a line to run \ Iropi Pakoi, a the head of the j (iu lof Tongking in the C inesei piovinca of Kwangtut g, iu a! northwest dime ion up to Nanning j in ihe Chin's* province of Ltvangsi, 1 and thence in a southwe-terly di rection to Huifong, the principal French oort. m.tbx Cnff nHW- ! king. The other concession provides for a line from Laokai, in the ex- I tieine northern end of Tongking t<> Yuunafu, to connect via Bur mese Railway with the head of I the navigable waters of ths Yangtse-Kiaug for which extension the British Government has receiv < d a concession (~V; - Ty- < T&F, Ofess-VQ/1 tr. x |A-? YA j Btl > ? Att H 81® M IN THE DINING ROOMj Every gDod man likes to see a good, solid lookin g SIDEBOARD. ! It gives dignity to the room and ' besides it is the right place for ' the pitcher of ice water. Decide how much you want ;to pay for this useful and orna : mental article of furniture. We j have them from SIO.OO to $30.00 The least expensive are well made of oak with 14x24 mirrors, i Serviceable and durable. Those ;of higher price are more ornate in design, some of quartered oak ‘ • hand carved, with shaped bevel :ed French plate mirror. Inter i esting to look at even if you ■ don’t buy. Rhudy, Harvky & 0