The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 28, 1898, Image 7

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KpM RuCKPTS ' "" Ll Ths Uiiikti Stales Will I paij $20,000,000 I fOR TP PHILIPPINES. | A ni9rlc* n « sto * d Firm and I Co mpe' ed a Compliance. J f f]'is 6 Constitution I 8*’ S: I Paris, Nov. 27. —Senor Mon- I pro Ri(H ’ P rRS ’ dont °* die gpan’sh p> ace commission, is this evening waiting for the re ply from ie Spanish gnv-r - fflrlll. Unless there is e me change j D the situation before noon to morrow the reply will be an ac utance under protest of the |mei'ic‘m otter of $20,000,000 for the Philippines. Even up to a late hour this •ven ng telegrams have been exchanged between the Spanish {ODimissioiiers and Madrid, but •11 the Americans in a position to speak with authority are con vinced that the foregoing out lines the Spanish policy. Senor Aharruza expressed the opinion this evening that there Would be no break in the work of the commissions. Marquis DeComillas, who is (lie largest individual creditor ot Spain ?.nd has been herefrom tl.eoutret in behalf of the nu merous important enterpris-s of which he is the head, also indie < ted th is eye ling that Spain bud made up lit r mind to yield He is in very close touch wit the Spanish commissioners "Nothing that we have done here,” said the marquis, “has made any impression upon the marquis, has made any. impres sion upon the minds of the American commissioners Freni the very first their intention was to take the Philippines and they have never wavered ” There is no truth in the re port cabled here from Washing ton that in the last American memorandum a demand for the Sulu group had been added to the previous American demand. The original American claim v>'s upon teiritory wh’eh in ii sos longitude and latitude is id fined. It embraces the so cdi d Sulu pr- np. There has L fit no change since the first it mand, and according to the statement of one of the Ameri can commissioners, there will be no modification of it, i, ■ . —■—“T® sh ■ •» A HAT THAT 13 FINE AS SILK in quality and smaitand stylish in shape and finish, marks the man of good taste and elegance in d v ess. Our fine Derbys and Alpines bear the stamp of style, and vie have such a large as sortment of both shapes and colors that apy head can be fitted and any face be suited to a be coming and handsome hat. W. H. COKEFL P. S.—Special sales in ladies’ fine shoes, $2 00 kind go at $1.79 this week. V . 11. ( OKI R 11 Biced St. Ono •Lsrp'o S(r<r s ■ 1 Is Aii Th \. 1 ■ v. 'at C r , o’ n : > . ;)Ci Neighbors C :id ft, i Upon H'jr- A c and i Cu;o t-y k.-od'; After C tlicr- r -. j-!, ' *“ ' , n - I hefl " ■ scrofula S c r# ~ », r ... n y 1( .,‘ extending fro;, B ... . l; , . _ Otlu , : < ! right an I ■ I toon i fans ioolutl . • I *• * L • nei/.libj ■ • and »is c . tea rod t., ( make it •.,• • Coulw ■■ - , ... My niece, tv' •irn'l rto ; . . 110 rd <■ j .. , 1 - - -d i. ■ r g a short t- . , f , > li- ra' , • • • ■ h f w I i‘ : .d.r •T; • , jra uallj •/.' / ; 7 re act >u my i trtn j a u ’ u " ’ 7 rereHns of my terrible , c.S3 cured.” Mood’s F •" I SOLITARY vote cost SIOO. Court He’d Special Session to Count It. Wilkesbarre. Pa. Nov 28 —Tha Luz rue Couiry Court, t an tx‘- pause of SIOO. met if. »pe‘>;ai eee siou this a!t-*inoon for the purpose of counting the soldier vo‘e Only one voe was received, that of Cbarhg P>. K ircbt, a niwrnher of die Furth Pennsylvania R-gi m ut, orgai ztd t AllenltWn. He voted ihe s rutht I> nmoratic ticks t, with the excep'it.u of Sow ten f h Lieutenant G >vernof. _ , BIN KLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The bi -t salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, ai.d ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pries or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Cu.ry Ar rington Co. SOLDIKKS’ VOTE TO DECIDE Offi«e of Assembly man in The Balance. New Bloomfield, Pa , Nov ?S Special Court was h Id here yester day to decide the soldiers’ vole for Perry County fr< m Camp for Assembly man. Harper Seidie. I’ publican, had 3 majority, bet Adam Holman, the Democratic candidate, contested the election, and it is claimed that three of the toldier votes were illegal. As only the Aesoci le Judges Were on the bunch no decision could i e made until t imorrow, when President Judge Lyons will be present. NO .FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her la ge w>n* ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and chi dren at prices that cannot be found elsewhere Be ts, Hair Ornaments and Buckles,ad to go at cost to close them out. u on ’t fail to call and get prices before buying in Millinery. It appears that a Pennsylvania Dutchman was the most eager man in Wilmington to lynch that negre editor who bad utter ed his filthy slanders of southern white women. —Memphis Com mercial Appeal, PcRSOAL MENTION. F ancy bulk olives, at Lloyds’. Mr. N. rninn Campbell ban re turned from Atlanta. Mr. M. 1). Biurn, of Atlanta, is at the Armstrong. <3 Mr. W. 11. Darnell, of Cal houn, is at the Central. Mr. Tol Fricks, of Chulio, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. S. R Sasneit, of the Gate City, spent the day in Rome, Prof. C A. Thompson lies re lurned to bis home m Anniston. Smoke a Waner’s Rome made cigar, and you will enjoy th*, best. Mr, J, Alban Reeves < f Center, Alh. is th• t u»Bt ot .M r. ‘ B <y»rd M>f» fui’.b Y.ut y '.as .. turns v from a plea,ant visit to the Gat»- City Mr. Walter Griffiu left for Dal toc , Dalias and o her points this morning. MifsN liie Print up is the guast ot Miss Letitia Johnson, at the Kunball, in Atlanta. Miss Mamie Cabbott, a most charming young ladyof Center, Ala., is at the Central. Mr. E. H. Barnett, Jr., one of Atlanta’s most prominent citi zens, is at the Armstrong. Warter’s “twofers” the fa mous ‘‘Terrell Sp< ed” cigars ; re growing more popular each day RtCorder Eubanks left this morning for Atlanta, and will ba away until tomorrow even ing. Mrs. Dr. Felton, Jr., is in the ity a guest of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. W. Grimm, on East First St. i Mr.J.N Harrison, the popular city ticket ag-mt t r tue Southern, A’ili visit his old home at Meri dian so n. That beautiful rcll-top walnut desk, nirhogony finish, for sale! very cheap, can be sei n at Mrs. A.O. Gar?aids Mr. Cal Smith, one of the best clothing drummers on the road, is here visiting his family for a few days. Lieut. Howard Jack cams in from Chattanooga this morning and will put in a few days here pushing Helm’s snuff. To be entirely relieved of the aches and pains -of rheumatism means a great deal, and Hood’s Sarsaparilla does it. Good health is worth more than anything else to you, and every bottle of Hood’s Sarsapa rilla contains good health. TWO honest collectors, either sex, for city and one for coun try. Address West Indian Trad ing Company, Mew Orleans, La. Mr. Ira J. Haynes is in the city for a day or so. Mr H ynes is a Red Cross nurse, or was un til mustered out a few days ago at Chicamauga. He is en rotate to Cuba. Miss Lntitia Johnson, wbo is now with parents Hon. and Mrs. J Lindsay Johnson, Atlanta, will return to Rome about Dec. 1, and will be accompanied by a hill dozen Atlant* young ludies who will visit her at her home in Bust Rome, MEN and women ot every trade, carpenters, ma oas, seam tresses and miiliiaads especially, to join our Cuoan and Porto R.caii colonies, plenty of work, good pay and transportation furu shed For Lui particulars maps, etc., adoress, iuclesiug 10 cents for postage, Pan Amer ican Migration Bureau, New Orleans, La,, Drawer 612. lOCM’hfcFMGS. Wiioly S.McKk!— That is to say, that if you want the best cigar on the in. i koi and the one that gives the must fragrant smoke you should ask your dealer for one of the Watters' Rome made brands. Gilan'D C hancbliop. —Atlanta lodge No. 20, Kniuhtsof Pythiae, w'.'l pive the third rank Mondav evenioß. Grand Chanoelloi Charles W. Underwi od, of Rome, will be nere to parti, »p itw m the r ccaainn AU Knights i.f Pi thins ><<•» iuvred t' He pr«-en: —Con» i ntion. F r Rent Ano »t eott ‘e, near First Methodist church, phisintlv located or conve nient to .h i iness center, etc . Price reasoro.ble. Possi s*i<m • n 1 ■ nf fl) Uth ,or ri'fh’ •. \ pyo LA. 1.1 >y •■c- r ■ Leaves f u irr - v —-t? on gressmau John W. Maddox leaves tomorrow for Washing ton, D. C , where be goes to at tend the December convening of Congress He will >»o via Atlan ta where he will be joined by other members of the Georgia delegation. Judge Madd<»x looks to be in the pink of health and as ready for the fray as ov er was a soldier to do battle for his country. RecoßFer's C< URT —ln the abseme of Recorder M. B. Eu banks, who was called to Atlan ta by legal business, Mayir pro tein Blount Hamilton presided at police court this morning and disposed of the doc'ot as fol low- : J ss Jone . dru k $3 Privat» Coms, (' fl drunk $3 1 Henry Greenlee, col, drunk B. L Garner, col , drunk $3. L. B. Jones, col., drunk ,13. 1). Head'd, col., trunk $3. Charley Dean, Col., drunk $3 Waiter Vann, a negro dude, was bound over and sent to jail for carrying a ccnct aled pistol. You Dt n’t Want I<e —Now, Nature supplies this want, but we have something you do need and want, and that is the Lest grate Cual on eaith. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Montc veila, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. Promptly deliver'd. Try a ton of our choice Jelico Lump and our word for it, you will be pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone 100. Yards Second Ave. THE REV. IRL R, HICKS Annual Almanac and monthly paper, Word and Works, are known from sea to sea. We are pleased to call tl e attention of our readers to the almanac for 1899, now ready .. It is a splen didly printed and illustrated book of 116 pages and the storm forecasts and diigrams and as tronomical and s ientific matter an superior to anything that has ever been set n before in a 25 cent book. His monthly jour nal. Word and Works, s one of the best literary, home and scientific magazines in the coun try, beiides containing his monthly storm forecasts with explanations. The subscription price of Words and Works is SI.OO per year and a copy ol the Hicks-Almanac is sent as a pre miiim to every yearly subscrio er. Single copied oi Words and Works 10 cents. Send your or der to Word and Works Pub. Co, 2201 Locust Street, St. I, uis, Mo. “There is but one democrat in the lower Wyoming house,’ says an exchange.. There’s but one pup in the upper Georgia house, and he likes 143 being up i to his name—“ Gross.” SdPUSTUB DEAD k "wral .ihxiiiu finmei, io .Hauasa. OUR GiNNIBBIO|fERB Bld Can. Blanco Farewall at tha Palace. . e Hav ma, Nov. 28 —There i* a i p rr in cireolatia’i Imre (hut '•.ord hit b e i received of the d•. hos <ien Maximo Gomer, -,u Fr day night, but it is not t <hih n cir'les. In • • •* it.h vester- 'iv ' c G n W de, od liir- I rt IU -0)1. < 1. ( 'OUS, < api. H tri, their aides and at laches, ail m gala uniform, and an interpreter, called u; on Gen. Blanco at the palace at 10 o’clock llii's jorning to extend a forma 1 farewell on his resignation of the captain generalship and in anticipation of Ills early dapart ure irotn the island. Thtf‘Americans were met by Gen. Parrado, president of the Spai'isTi < valuation commission at the stiurease and escorted to the rebpt.ipn room, where Gen Blanco' awaiting them. Gen’ Wade expressed thanks for Ci urteiii s extended to the Ainei'caps., and congratulated Gen. Blanch upon the efficient men-uros ha had taken to main tain order an I di c cit> iue in tne S atiia'i arm 1 bough t'e Am ' sc .ns i' ) ue to a coun try w’lth whf’o’h they were at war, they Id'.d* no. complaints to make, said Geo. Wade, as their ha l been no c iuse of offense since their arrival. Ge n. as wared : “I have acted’only in the per- forma nee of duty.” When the Americans retired Gwn. Blanco accompanied them to the head of the staircase, bowing them out with the great est courtesy and shaking hands with all. The Spanish transport Monte video Bailed today with 1760 troops. PRESIDEN T S LONG MESSAGE •*. • The Ease On' Which Mr. McKin ley Is Engaged. Washington, D, C,, Nov 28. The President is devoting -all bis spare time to the preparation ot his message to O tigress. Minor matters will b*> considered on'y briefly, and by far tbe larger share of the message will be devot'd to tbe great questions which have been raised Ly the war. i Sections of the message have been g in over by the President with the members of ihe Cabinet to win se departments the parti cularly lelale, and the indications now are that tin meisags will el ceed in length any sen‘ ; to Con gress during ’ he last several years SPAINS’ GRE AT E STN EE D. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Garcelon ia, S. C. Wenk nerves had cans ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood nud nerve remedy,’all pain soon left him. He says ••this grand medicine is what' 'his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies th blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life inti every muscle, nerve »nd organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev >ry bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curiy Arring on, druggists. Annua, Sales overo,ooo,ooo Boxes -COR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS -■K-h in Wind ami Pain tn tho Stomach. UiildinoHrt, Euluess after meals, HeacL iche. PizzinesH, DrowHinesa. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costivencss. Blotches on the Skin, Old Chills. Dia turbed Sleep, Frightful Preams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffem will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM’S PILI.N, tak'-n asdlroct ed. will quickly restore I'emalcs to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions er irreuul,ii ,ti< s of the sys tem mid cure Mick tieadache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival • And hf”-e th a LARGEST SALE :>f any Patent .Weiliclne in Hie World. 25c. at all DruK Stores. I Announce. —To the public that I have aecured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with tbn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are n< w making daily all kind of fine ti.lTi 'B, cocoanot, crearne, nongate, ■ t.’ AH we ask is a trial. We ?an please you. A. M. Antogholi, xt door to Curry’s drug store DR. KING’S W ROYAL • GERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favof with all who know it best, as the gresu. •mt of all medical remedies for hot* •exes, of all ages and in all conditions. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOl 1 will give jou APPETITE. It will give you restful rehashing SLEEP. It will stimulate your DIGESTION. It will restore your NERVOUS ENERGY. It will put your KIDNEYS in perfect or1«. It will purify your Blood. It will change jour weakness Into STRENGTH (twiII bring you out of ilaknest Into HEALTH. WBW PACKAGE, BOTTLE, DOSES ONE IXKI.AR. •OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY The Atlanta Comical Co., Atlanta, Ga. ~ w mctx von m-paoji book. Mailed TAPE WORMS “A Jape wori.i eighteen feet long at 3 ist c.iniH on th« scene after my taking two A 3CAKETS. This lam sure has caused my id hen Ith for the past three years. lam .till kin:; C isc trvts the only cathartic worthy ot nice by scnsiole people ” Ggu. BowtES, Baird, Mats. candy H CATHARTIC Pleasant Palatable. Potent. 'Paste Good. Do C..4>d. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe l(lc. 25c. 50c. ... CURE constipation. ... Sterling Itrmrdy ('ußip.iny. < ltle»L*n. Montreal. New York. 313 WO Tfl DMA and cunra by all drug rU w I U"O5ll/ plats to <’l. II F Tobacco Habit ' I|3 » U . ■ ■ I A J2\ t itTOr Agricultural ° lUIB College ti Ma ji Buiuoing. rawWw IwW a f® 't" ILZ- ~ DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the reach of all. A.8., 8.5., Normal and Business Man’s courser. Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli mate; military discipline; good moral and religious -influences. Cheapest board in the State; abundance of country produce; expenses front $75 to sls) a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Coeducation of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for studeutsof limited . means. Send for catalogue to the President. Jos. S. Sikwakt, A.M. 4