The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 30, 1898, Image 2

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Poisoneu by Ivy Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Road About a Similar Cat* Followed tha Other Man’s (■ample and Was Curari. The following incident is given bj Charles Morris, general jobber,s2 Lexing Sen Avenue, North Cambridge, Mass.: “Several years ago 1 became poisoned by Ivy. I tried many in< dicines, spending a large sum of money without obtaining a particle of good. .My children wen also afflicted with the same disease. W* ware all constant sufferers with an awful itching sensation, and it seemed as if 1 should tear myself to pieces. I picked ■p a paper in which I found printed a testimonial from a man in Vermont who had been similarly afflicted and had taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla with benefit. I bought a bottle, which we took and it did Me and My Children so much good I purchased another supply. W« continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla until we used five bottles and 1 can safely say that neither myself nor children have any signs of Ihe poison. It has en tirely left us and we are perfectly cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Before resorting to this medicine I was reduced in weight, but now I weigh 175 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has not only done much good but has been the means of saving me a great deal of money. I would not be without it in my house and I heartily recommend tt to all who are afflicted. 1 have writ ten this statement for publication, of my owu will, as I want others to know what Hood’s Sarsaparilla ha* for us.” Charles Morris. Hood’s PiltetgteßSaiKgjag PERSONAL MENTION. Smoke a Warter’s Rome mad* cigar, and you will enjoy the best. Warter's “twofers” the] fa mous ‘‘Terrell Sp*ed” cigars are growing more popu’a • each day Good health is worth more than anything else to you, and every bottle of Hood’s Sarsapa rilla contains good health. TWO honeit eollectors, either eex, for city and one for coun try. Addresa West Indian Trad ing Company, Mew Orleans, La. MIN and women of every | jde, carpenters, masons, seam essee and millhands especially, • joia our Cuban and Purto ican colonies, plenty of work, t>od pay and transportation irmshed. For full particulars laps, etc., address, inclesing ocents for postage, Pan-Amer ican Migration Bureau, New Orleans, La , Drawer 612. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bruiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar rington Co. "JIWX r I X-iSII ■ t g« >A • I - - J her J fBVe - We kn , who WO 7J A] <oral °n k SECURE, v , ’LE. Newspaper. it in France, as 1)8e (; room The editor of 1. j 8 one o f pelled from tse ticle of simply R E truth about fieers who ike ‘particular oppyaitionhing should se handsome and Our 11l j robes from the have an t»tock. the conat.k woods have the Caroli r <s6nstj uction •uough tcreat varielty of blliinoia -from. | _ <J , Braadl St. DEATH AND RUIN. Hccnliils of Disaster Still Coming io. SUNDAY'S FURIOUS GALE One Vessel Went Down With Nearly 100 Aboard. Boston, Nov. 80. A report reached hire last night from the southern end of Cape Cod that the steamer Gate City has been wreck ed on Peaked Hill bar. The report is based on a story told by a Boaton man, wh* came hare from Cape Cod last night, that the life savers at Mauaet had picked up the Gate City life pre servers. First advicbs aince Sa'erday from Highland light, on the ex tremity of Cape Cod received at 2p. m. this (Wednesday) morn ing, do not indicate that the Gate City was wrecked off there. The passing hours do not bring an end to the reports of wracks and loss of life up and down the Naw England coast as the outcome of Saturday’s terrific storm. From Cape Cod the most terri ble acounts of ruin and dsath are coming, and of these the loss of th* steamer Portland, with all on board, nearly 100 sou's, overshad ows all, The grave yard of the coast, the treacherous bars and rips on the outside *f Cape Cod, have elaim«d victims without number. Miles and miles of coast line arc piled high with wreckage, most of which is ground so fitse by the waves that identification of hap* less crafts is impossible. As the fury of the wind waa as great *n the bleak sand bills which make up the cape, it will be many hours before all places are heard from. Telegraph wires ara down and jailroads cannet break out of the snow drifts’, and this featuie is distressing, as much suffering from cold and hunger must ensue among the poorer people in the nearby hamlets. Nowthe only means of reach ing Cape Cod is by steamer across Massachusetts bay, a disagreeable voyage as the sea is yet boister ous. Word from Provincetown tells of nearly thirty total wrecks, with the number of lives lost unknown. Matters are improving slightly along Viaeyard sound, so far as means of communication is con csrned. The best summing wp of the disasters in that sectien is made by Capt. Hard,Jr,, of the r-ivenue cutter Dexter, who has ciuised along the shore all day: He says that in Vineyard Haven harbor hulls are pded upon the shore, and that the vessels which are afloat seem mere shells. Tbs Dexter reports possible additions to the wreck list in two schooners sunk < fl Menemsha light and two big ones sunk abreast of Pre>quv Isle, The late es their crews is un known. SPAINS’ GREATESTNEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelan ia, 8. C. Weak nerves bad caus ed sever* pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood ■ml nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He bay* this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America know Flint it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies th” blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life inti every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curiy Airing on, druggists. PECULIAR POISONS. GENERATED IN THE HUMAN BODY The Result of Imperfect Digestion of Food. Every living ’h'Dg, plant or ani. mal, contains within itself the germs of certain decay and death. In the human body these germs of disease and death (called by scientist! Ptomaines), are usually the result of imperfect digestion or dyspepsia. The stomach, from abuse, weak ness, doss net promp ly and thor oughly digest the food The result is a heavy, sodden which fer ments (the first process of decay) poisoning the blood, making it thin, weak and lacking in red cor puscles, poisoning ’he brain caus ing headaches and [an in the eyes. Bad digestion irrit; t*s the I s rl, causing pa'pitaticn end finally bringing on disease cf this very important organ. Poor digestion poisons the kid neys. c. using Bright’s disease diabetes. And this is so because every or gan, every nerve depends upon tbs atomaih alone for nourishment and renewal, and digestion show itself not only in loss of ap petite and flesh, but in weak nerves and muddy complexion The great English scientist, Huxley, said the best start in life is a sound stomach Weak stom achs fail to digest food properly, because they’ lack the proper qua 1 - tity of digestive acidr (lactic and hydrochloric) «nd p p'ogrnic pro ducts. the most set le remedy in all cases of indig sriorf, is to take after each meal, me or two o’ Stuart’s Dyqspde Tab’cts, b - came ’hey supply i. a pleasant harmless form all the elements that weak stomach lack. The regular u»e ot Stuart’s Dys pepsia Tablets will cure » very form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. They increase fl-sh, inaure pure blood, strong i ervea, a bright eye and clear complexion, because all these result only’ from wholesome f >od well digested. Nearly all druggist sail Stuart’s Dyapepsia Tablets at 50 cents full sized package or by mail by en closing price to Stuait Co., Mar* shall, Mich., but ask ycur drug gist irat. A little boek on stomach dis i eases mailed free. Address F. A Stuart Co , Marshall, Mich. FELL INTO BOILING WATER Louisville, Ky., Nov 10. —Char- les Wilson, an imp! ye of Chess & Wymends stave factory, met with a terrible accident yesterday afternoon. He was working near a large vat of boiling water when he slipped and fell in. His scream* brought other workmen, but it was several minute.* before they could rescue him. Three-fourths of the skin was scaled free* his body, but he hi* head out of ihe water. H* cannot recover, Annual Snles ov«t S 000,990 Boxss 'Ofc t'Ol lILIOUB AIID BESVOUS DISORDERS •ueh m Wind nud Pain in tho Stomiwh, liddinnas. Fulues* after meal*. Htail kcb«. Dizaineaa, Drowainesa. Fluahfngs jf Hant. Lass ot Apperit*. Co*tiven»*s, Slotehea ou the Skin. Odd Chills, I)ia hirbed Sleep. FrUchtfni Dream* and al! Nervous aad Trembling Sensation* THE FIRST TXJSE TILL GIVE KFLIEJ IS TWEXTT MIIUTES. Evot y euffsie, will aeknowleda* them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICWE. ■ KKCH t Iff'M FSL> A, a* di reel ed. will Quickly restore Eeinalea to com plete health. They promptly remove obstruction* er Irre«ul -rities of the sys tem au4 core kick For* Weak Stomcch Impaired I igestion Disordered Liver IN MEM, WCMKN OR CHILDREN Bsoohatn'* Pills are Without a Rival And L« ’« tb« SALS ’fany fti'ent .’,*•**- ~a in th*tNl'orl<. 23c. at all 1 .-a,; Stores. . resis with yo w f-thor / ’ continue ’,!)*> rr-e-killiagt 0 •<< r.,, .ib.’ »-TO ttAC enjore-the dcs r(» f >• with yf ut nerTo'iNdistrcsH '"wO A ** Uue, purities ‘he i. oud. r hji -n-x' •tore* tost :na;ut'-od bOi xakGs vou strong ' 't? * VX) ’»health, *4 *•• .53 "ca>vscur d I u.d noclcetr,. ' ♦ “ T owu (IrogKist v K kJ ’ ■■’ * UCl ' for u ’- Take it w k 3 & ™ qf?* " bntly, persintoutiy (J ' f x*w. $1 u-w.viiy cures; WB ffuaranr••#»<{ to ; r«*. o. <e refund in()Wy "••ru- r ■wßcij U.. ■ hl.Bf. M.amil. S.a ■ BIHKR FEHLING Between -Uedsn and Norway Increasing. WAR IS SUGGESTED. Both Side* are Prepared For The Werst. ■I, 11. ——• I ■■■■ Christiana, Nov. 39. The tension between Norway and Sweden is Increasing. Bitter fee ing between the countries was caused by Norway’s remov al of the emblem of the Swedish union from her Hag. She is now seeking openly to break the compact between the w cou«tries. War is openly suggested by the newspapers, which print the comparative armaments of the two nation*. There has been a notable increase of ferts ou (joth sides of the boundary. The Nor wegians claim they must assert their independence. LOCM HAPPENINGS. Concert Friday Night.— There will be a concert by the students of the Southern Con»ervatory ot Music in the music hall of this institution, on Friday’ evening, December 2nd, 1898, at 8 o’clock. Ail who have cards of admission ar* cordially : nvit*d. Those who wish to attend these concerts will please send addr*ss to. P J. Fortin. Wid ly !—That is to say, that if you want the best cigar on the maikel and the one that gives the st fragrant smoke, ybu shop <1 ask your dealer for one of the Warters’ Rome made brands. Attention Soi.ftiEß-, I— The Western & Atlantic R. R , will sell you tickets at half rates when in uniform, upon presen tation of furlough or discharge certificate. Quick and conven ient schedules, double daily ser vices. Depot foot of Broad St. Call on C. K. Ayer, T, & P. A. M OMEN CANNOT VOTE Constitutional mmkndeent In N' ktb Dakota Defeated. Sioux Falls, N. D., Nev 10.— Final returns have betn received from the various counties ou the Constitution*! amendment sub mitted at the ncent ehction. Wo man suffiage was defeated by 4,- Ot'S and the South Carolina dis pensary iyytem by 965. while th* miaiive and referendum - has been carried by a majority of little >vt-r fi.OOO. The vote on the three nwiendmeDl reached only about one-half ’he to al votj polled *t the election. SHAFTER STRUCK FIRST Scove 1 Says He Has Affidavits To Prov* It. Cleveland, 0., Nov. 80 —Syl vester Sco vel, the war correq on lent who jumped into fame by ■dapping General Shafter during he c. remonies attendant upon he i a sing of the American fbg at Santiago, is here with Mrs. Scovel. He s ys he has worked hard get ting affidavits of these who wit nessed rhe episode, and that he is now prepa ed to show tho Presi lent hat Shaf'er struek him first, tie will be in Washington for that purpose Wednesday. FATHER AND SONS KILLED. Triple Tragedy Result**! Over a Fenes Dispute. Springfield, Mo., Nov. 30. Ozuru is greatly excited over a De WOLF HOPPER, ( ■ Amery's Greatest Comedian Us es Paine s Celery Compound. »w ■ ■"' ■ : * wS ' , -- - ', ' W i • . ... ■’’? - • a 1 '■* Ws —x: BL w I v U s IJ 7z> yi ///zz < djr . ■■ ■■ •' ‘ g - : 'ZiO ■■'A Back of every smooth perfor mance there is an amount of preparation, study andreh-arsal that soon tells on the health of, every actor. It is significant ; how unanimous men and women ! in professional life, whether ac tors, editors, teachers or physi cians, are in regard to Paine’s | celery comptund. As a nerve tonic for the exhausting strain of their professional duties nothing else does the work of Paine’s celery compound. A testimonial taken at ran dom front the many that are> constantly received from ti e theatrical profession, says : New York City, Sept 25,1898 Well?, Richardson Co., Gentlemen: —ls others have been helped by Paine’s celery compound as decidedly as in my case I do not wonder at the enthusiastic testimonials this remedy is constantly receiving. If I had never heard a word as to its remarkable invigorating capability. 1 could unhesitating ly recommend it from my own experience. Asa fact, many of my professional friends have been urging me to try Paint’s celery compound. Jt proved to be the very thing my tired sys tem needed to overcome the exhausting effects of close ap plication to stage woik. I am recommending it to all my friends whenever they complain of sleeplessness, indigestion, or triple murder yes erday. Sttve Bdyue and his two sons were kill-1 ed and Tabor Bdyue‘a son-in-lnw.* woun led by Bud Meadows. The trouble ar .se over an at tempt of Meadows to move a fence running between his farm and that <f Biiyue. The latter r-inoib strated and a fight with fire-arms ensued. Meadows is sli lat large. ou Don’t Want Ice.—Now, Nature supplies this want, but we have something you do need and want, and that is the best grate coal on earth. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Monte vella, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. Promptly delivered. Try a to n other indications of nervoutne r 8 common in our profession. lam, yours sincerely, Katwekinr Kidder. De Wolf Hopper, America’s most popular c-..median, writing on Oct. 4, 1893, fr m the Knick, erbocker theatre, Nev York, says : “I cordially recmnmendPaine’s celery compound as being thor oughly efficacious.” When the history of Paine’s celery compound is studied it is easily understood why its popu larity is so enormous. Paine’s celery c mpound is the world famed discovery of Prof. Edward Elisha Phelps, M. D., LL. D., professor of materia rntdica at Dartmouth college. Prof Phelps’ unusual talent quickly estab lis Reputation and prominence among his professional breth ren. He tv as fully alive to the dan g( rs attendant upon the Ameri can way of living, and he sought dilligently for some common sense remedy that would cure the common evil, which, under one name and another, result from an unhealthy state of the nervous system. His labors were crowned with glorious success, and he gave to the medical profession the celebrat ed remedy which has won world wide fame as Paine’s celery compound. of our choice Jelico Lump and our word for it, you will be pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone 100. Yards Second Ave. WHAT JOYFUL FIBLIKtt. With the exhilarating of renewed health and slißufth and internal chanlinees. which follow* the me of Syrup of Fig*, <• Bn * known to the few who bar* B *t progressed beyond tbs old-ti®* medioinßs and ths cheap sub»t>* tntes sometimes offered I ut DeV»r accepted by the Buy the genuine menu actured by the California Fig Syrup C». .. z - The Don wanted pence all the time, but he didn’t like the ide® of being made to own it.