The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 30, 1898, Image 4

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SL4UEHTEH OH MEIWAWSE > AT PRIVATE SALE OR AT AUCTION * n——■—— MW—— — _ This great stock shall be closed out. Every piece of woolen goods in this house used in making a dress will be offered from this hour until it is-sold At Less Than it Cost Delivered. We are going to quit retailing dry goods in Rome, We w ant to quit by January ist if possible. Our prices should wind up ilie stock by that time. Not a piece of woolen dress goods in our store to be sold at as much as cost. Every pat- Do you want any line hose? We will let you have 3 pairs for less than the nrio« of oi:« tern . bargain n.uqualabl.. Not a of woolen dre„ good, in our .tore to b. bold as bigb ?“ lv 3 !’ f ‘ i, ” e t 0 a eu'to’ner .and m cine way : Select 2 pairs of our finest Maco Yan, or Li.l. b lioso (they are worth 40c to 7;>j per pan } Io these wo will put a pair of extra hue silk hose |1 00 per yard, though some of it cost $1.50, $2 00 and $2 -50 per yard. worth SI.OO or $1 50 For all the three pairs we will ask you to pay us but one dollar. Nu such v i nn -ii_ i no i i . n . a i a. • . , „, , ... ... barg tin was ever offered in Rome in fine goods. You may buy 13.00 alike and »3.00 dress good, at 9« cent. ! A big stock otblack alike. W.i I>seo paira Krip p elld „ r f. n, ie j,„ t received. We bought these to help pay expenw. av» by far the beat stock of silks, satins and woolen tress fabrics within this city—meeting ' e selling out, and we shall not offer them at cost, but we’ll cut the usual margins in two all of ths requirements of the latest styles. “ and give you new stylish shoes for less than you can buy the like in North Georgia. No sh<i«« * Do n( t buy a dress without calling to see us, if there is any affiliation whatever between rqual to Krinpendorf’s. Buy no others. Our price in shoes beats the Jews and Gentiles alike. ▼ou and vour pocket book. We shall continue retailing dry goods in Rome until the stock is ur b'”’ department is a beautiful slice store within itself. Mr. Owens in charge, induced below $20,000, and we expect not to buy over $3,000 more to keep the stock up before stock of new capes and jackets just received. Last year’s styles that we held at SIO.OO bringing it to a finish. and $15.00 are now on sale at only $2 50. , A STARTLING OFFER TO MERCHANTS IN ROME AND ELSEWHERE! » We have resolved, irrevocably to stop retailing dry goods in Rome soon. We should be most happy to sell the stock in bulk at 69cents on the dollar of origina cost-nothing for freight or other expense, and we make the open offer to so sell the stock, our salespeople to be cared for to the end of their contracts wiiith us. It is a good stock of most desirable merchandise and is worth much more than we ask for it. We are very anxious to sell out. and we shall wholesale it or retail it at prices much under values. BASS BROTHI. J4S & CO. CITY FATHERS O f ficial Report ts The Last MeetiHj.'. MUCH RQUTiNH WONK. Old Water works Engine House May be Sold. Council meeting Nov. 28th, 189 S. Present Hon. J . J. Seav, major, and Councilmen D. B. Hamilton, Jr., C. W. Morris, Walter Harris, A. B. McArvr,' J. D . Turner, W. T. Jones T J. Reese, B. T. Haynes and F. J Kane. Upon the reading of the min utes of Nov. 14th, the same were approved with this addi tion, that the city attorney was instructed to collect the sum of of $104.50 from the City Elec tric Railway Co., in accordance with the report of the ci'y attor ney which is entered upon the minutes of Nov. 14th, and the report of the city engineer enter ed upon the minutes of Sept. 26, 1898. The petition of the Rome Ice Mfg. Co., to remove the reel house from its present position to the fire and street committees at the end of Fourth Ave. was referr< d with power to act. ■ A communication of Mr. N, H. Bass with reference to t. x ordinance was referred to the ordinance committee. « lhe report of the street com mittee answering tin complaints as to the alleged work done by the city for the Street Railway to., on upper Broad street was read, showing that the overseer ( * of the ci;y gang and for the sUeet railway gang was paid partly by the city and party by the company during the time of the joint overseership. With reference to the use of earth it was shown that the ten or twelve loads hauled by the city were used for the benefit of the rail way Co., with the consentof the city engineer, and his reason for so doing was that the city had received a much greater' amount of cinder from the Straet Railway company for use on city, crossings. Both actions were taken for the purpose of prevent ing delay in street and sewer work by the city, which delay j would have caused loss to it. | This report was received by the' council as explanatory of the, charges made. It appearing that the term of' Mr. E L Bosworth, water works commissioner, would expire on December Ist, an election was he'd to till the ensuing term of three years. A b illot being taken, Mr. E. L. Bosworth was declared elected by unanimous vote to till the ensuing term. 'l he public building commit tee wav requested to see whai offer tliey could get for the old water works lot at the eastern <nd of* Fourth Avenue and re port the offer to the council. The sexton appeared in person and state I that certain steps were needed in Myrtle Hil cenn t ry. lhe matter was re ferred to the cemetery commit tee with request to report. The chairman of the fiiranct commit! e stated that .after in vestigation he had found tha the salary of the city clerk wa too low for the duties of th oilice an I that the present cil\ clerk desired to resign on thsi account. Upon hearing iht rtsignation < f th? clerk the council acc< pied it. Upon taxing into the consideration the salary for the balance of the ensuing term ending April Ist, 1900 the sa’ary was fixed at $1500.00 per annum. An election was held by ballot to fill the unexpired term, Halsted Smith was de clared unanimously elected. The chairman of the Gas and Light committee reported tha' he had taken the bills of the Rome Gas Light Co,, for inves tigation and that ,ie was unable to find where any gas had.been used by the city and recoMi , mended that the lulls be laid up ■on the table. Upon motion this recommendation was passed. ; Thy bill of H. D. Cothran A ■Co., for $32.50 w s referred to the chairman of public building ‘committee with power to act. The financial statement of the 'clerk was read and the follow ing bills were passed and order ed paid: J B. Fleming Cem. Dept ¥ 1 On C. B. Seay . Fire •• ..*. 631 W. F Massey •• •• 500 Curry Arrington Co “ ’ 2446 W. F Massey •• .. 25 5 1 rennon & Co “ •• 100 J. A B le n.»alth “ go J. Kutttier Police •• 54 tv Eliza Turner '* •• 7 Bass Bros & C 0... •* 3<6 00 I’ieadaw y & Lumpkin Pub Bldg Dept . 2.00 Petet Kammoier • *• •*.... 25 00 Fitzpatrick •• “ •* ... 500 •J. A, Brown *• “ ••.... 4 25 W. W. Watt rs. .. Street “ 29 2.5 P. I Morris “ “ 7 71; C. M * J.J.Redmond • ’• 23 23 Eliza Turner “ “ 9 60 W. J. Graham •* ■* 21 12 1. B. Fleming “ “ 24 3g Council adjourn.- d. Halsted Smith, Clerk >f Council. ■ NERGETIC « GENTS To se Ith b st po icy now out by lid IN aw York Life salary and commis sions paid. Apply with reference to “Mana ger,” 304 Ki er Build ing, Atlanta, Ga. HOLIDAY HOODS: -o-T: -b’ :T WIIRESt GIFT B00B&, PHOTO PHRJIMES, Fine Stationery and Story Books, also Games for the Little Folk. Harry Rawlins &C o. Books & Stationery, 302 broad S i •7 -j.fK- i liigraM I 1 LITBIA S I ■ Wateß I BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, For Sale at Soda Founts of:]’ $ CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. b-Crouch and Jervis&W-i<rht. kL *k j %ua~ a.5 5 OIWI mm YOUNG AND OLD, We none of us live bo careful ly th&i we never require tli/s aid of drugs and medicine to put »• right. It's a comfort to know where you can get them puW» at proper prices. We ar» net modest about these point# — we can give you what you waut in patent medicines, druggi»Mt sundi ies, toilet artieies and ee . Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch A Co., 305 Broad street. CTE. . ... - 5 —v— Starke, The Tailor - Mr. •. M. Slaake the pOptthr tailor >• now < pen for ordure and ready f* r busiiiHsg in hi® new bueiweee hoaee next door to Wooten’s drug in the Clark building. Mr. Starke Las a splendid line of ** w eeaiew goods and invitee you to call *®d sue him and them Beware of Imitations JOHN OUMIAN'S M»««, r.W »«*’*■ Da efl U