The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 01, 1898, Image 1

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| ■ . Art j' ! ■ hGB B!LL I Jy RppUblicailS ■ f Ju Soiltll B _ ...'hi RrTAiRS |H , ,cr t* Howl. i, Dec. 1 —A strong If y a . republican , I , !(■!'. st til n force ■ • the south, and ■ r . movement f . -.ill be made at ■ n b.f c jngreia. r»l elect.o'l law |H, |, . short ‘l'ssion, efficient for the s;k . with other ur . b», takr-n up. a (ifetor- . ‘ ■ r.ul) by siuiie ■ i P‘ licuiarly n . . l.nd -.a e-s to , .r I; n,l tl.ieugh the ■ « COD J -1 that b<'ualor en one < f the i |H |C ..- v ■r t e.s of ilm foi *e . -I die nialtsi' to I ' [ resilient, i - i ltie troubles . s to these r. nes- B* r er i* qti ’<*d as ? well-known p*si*' ir. orc* hill, and ;t |KnU ’ l i Ne v England eon- w.i.’ b ' found strongly ar- ;i! tn . ' f -’ich a measure. ■ Theotii” in’ t> prevent its; Bunge by ‘ .■ o blican congress [ Bph« fact if out in the wee’ ' ■here ie n eiiiiment wha evert Bek of tbi- . -turn to the old agi- Bition. and n<»ny western members Bbo have i etofore supported ■ich ame i • ■ ■ fir party reasons Bould j in n pr.-venting its com- B$ up for consid r itio.i. BAs g ii ■•■':igr<as ccuvums, Benat rPr h r i wi'l in >ve an in fei'igatiu'i iut > tbo troubles in N>rth Caro' ■> , a nd this is couut idontofn nisli material for ths r 1 ill a v ates. . A...*- i mr’n-cias* postmasters i p'Oi; n f ] yeeter- : h M. ilitt.c >ck, Ben Hill f’l -ii y, vi«»J. R Bryant, fcs.gbrd, J. A. Aborcromble, half Wa y, Lu n. ,ni comity, and Tho min h) 1)? Silvester, Worth County. * rtf :£ .? SYRUP OF FIGS ?d“® 1 ’ .' -o he originality, and to th ’ n, but also Hun'®.-' "' e • '->‘<lll with which it is 1., 11 ,lc “ u aby ■ eientilic processed C e °” ‘‘ ll ’ H: a IK. S\ hu< a ][ ?," •c ■ h f () impress upon tniH ?'* ar.ce of purchasing the fenuir'. 1 • ' rei l *dy* A > the b T ( |' ! I ‘ ■' is manufactured only ' ■ t Fiq hmtr Co. a , . that ;u t will irnita* , 1 i n g the worthless ti es n I 'ci > red by other par- >oi{v,. landing of the Cali- c (l l ‘ 11 11 P Co. with the medi- which • < ‘ l '' Satisfaction [fiven to he ! ine Syrup of Figs has the 01 families, makes of anty far i n ’ ‘fa remedy. It is <3 • other laxative b ys, liver ai i >t r : . gating or weaksi natK. a - not gripe nor «f Vvt 1 t its beneficial the ( , iber t he name of CALII g; 'Ha fig syrup co. i*VUv,, . ' : faCISCO, Cat. '•EW lOKK.X.V. THE ROME HUSTL ! MM IAL ‘STATES DISSOLVE United Slates es Central America no Were. YOK GOUITiOJf AFAIkURK And The Fedeial Organizers Withdrew Hates. Man agua, Nicaragua, via Gal veston Tex., Dec. I.—The at tempt to effect a coalition be tween the states of Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador to be conducted under a common ad ministration and known as the United States of Central Ameri ca has failed completely. The federal organizers today formal ly declared the onion dissolved, the three states resuming re spectively absolute sovereignty • The collapse is due to the fail I ure of the troops of Honduras, acting in behalf of the federal organizers, to suppress the < ut break in Salvador against the | proposed federation and to force j Salvador into the union. The prospects »re peaceful. San Francisco, Dec. I.—Gen. Thomas Regalado, the hf“id of revolutionary movement in Salvador, has usurped the pres idency and proclaimed himself chits executive of the republic. Such is the sensational informa tion that has been received in this city. Th* news w sconveyed in a private cipher cable dis* patch received by a prominent ! banker here who hat extensive business in Central America. ’The statement is added that Aran jo has been appointed gen eral minister, and the affairs of the government are now in the hands of the insurrectionists. | The news is of the utmost ■ importance, for the reason that the officers of th* revolutionary forces prevent the formation ol of the greater republic of Cen- 1 tral America. The coalition ol three states had been attempted. ' Salvador, Nicaragua and Hon duras having agreed to unite under one government. „ Regalado, who had been a general in the artillery service of Guiterrez, president of Salva dor, was dissatisfied with the plan and during Guiterrez’s temporary absence from Salva dor Regalador managed to gain control of tii® government. Such, in brief, is the news conveyed by the cable dispatch referred to above. Whether Regalado is able to maintain his position until Guiterrez’s return to Sal ( vador is a matter that future events must determine. WILL FLOAT MERCEDES Representatives of Wrecking Co., Say Contract Closed. Norfolk. Va., Dec. I.—Th* Merritt Wrecking Cc's rep I resentatives here say a contract has been closed with the govern, ment a float the Refoa Merce 'd*s, sank in the mouth of Santi ago harbor, and bring her to I Norfolk. TEN WERE DROWNED The King Philip Wrecked On Tho Cape- Provincetown, Maes., DecL The Bchooner King Philp, of Fall River, has b.pu totally wrecked on the cape* The .crew, numbering tan men. have been lost. ROME GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENIi' G II MILL DISASTER Sirmingliam Rollinc Wilis Sodden fissigement WITH $200,000 LIABITIES Piant was Being Operated to its Full Capacity. Birmingham, Ala., Dec 1, —The Birmmgham Rolling Mill Com pany filed a deed of assignment yesterday atternom. The assign ment was made to John M. Barr, Jr., a d’rcotnr of the’eompany, and Thomas Ward, the general mama S er. The liablitiea estimated at $200,- 000, No creditors are preferred . The Birmingham rolling mill is one < f the largest indu a tnes in this district and its assignmei t w s whol'y unexpected by th» - he. the president of the company I. G Cladwell, himself made a personal assignment in Louisville, Kv., about ten days ago, and this j fact may have hastened the rollu g mill's creditors to press it. The mill is in full blast in every department and from what cun he ■earned, the present trouble is of o igin and is the final result of a long drawn out effort tc tide over financial pressure . The company as $500,000 of common stork and carries $200,000 < f bonds t) e latter being ussd only es collateral on which to borrow money. The “quick” aasete are $200,C00 with corresponding liabilities of $275,000. The company wen! heavily into debt four or ynsrs ago to buy machinery. Last night several local creditors fikd v petition to force the com pany into involuntary bank uptcy, YOUR BEST INTERESTS. Will be served by making sure of health. It will be a loss of time and money to be stricken with serious illness. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and purify y*ur blood. In this way all germs of disease will be expelled, sickness and suffering will be avoided, and your health will be preserv ed. Isn’t this a wise course? Hood’s Pills are the only pill* to take with Hood’s 3ar*a aril la Price 25 cents COMING NEXT. A Splendid Comedy Company Car rying Its Own Orchestra, Read what the Binghamton Her ald savß of “Back on the Ferm.” “In the rural comedy, “Ba*k on the Farm,” which now Isolde the board? at the Bijou, the theatre g srs hav» a play which will af ford two hours of steady tun and -mjoyment The play is founded somewhat on the plan of tin- “Old Homestead,” as it depict? the life >n the farm with all it? simplicity an I homelim s*. I’ introduces the ways of the bunco man and how in ( 1 farmer who thinks lie i s> smart and shrrwed !h« he c .irnot he swindled by the eharpers, can be v rv easily t ikeu and robbed. I liere is love romance wound in he plot and the whole mak ■ an interesting play. During the per ■ formanc* a number of clever spe • cialties are introduced, the acting of Danial aud Huz«l Darleifh wins much applause aud they are well supported- A fine company evenly balanced, with scenic ef fects appropriate to the play and a special orchestra, makes the performance a complete one m every detail. Large audiences greeted it at both performances I yesterday and n» do*bt it will j play to big business during its en tire engag’ment m this city ” Friday night Dec. 2nd, at Nevin’* opera house. Regular prices. Seats at Trevitt’s. ■-- ■ , MS! * ? ¥ ’ y r T * v I ” ' ■■■ ■ WB f " ' "H ■ ■ -r. PW ■ '< I ’V 1/ ( > . ; • ■' ■■ IM| (■ MB iE Vi . Aif. i seVi Ours ron Broad street is a c n:i tr clothings ia nice new line of men and boys ant ren’s clothing at prices y j tgetelsewJic. \ * yds advertise to sell r < etc, Odr prices, e lower than theirs, and r• -v 5k is a chanre t sow and price and let you L-1 the judge. Mrn r ** dts, been :vt 5% we njw sell for and anythin £ ling at equally as great ■red. Si (M We sell shirts • | che- han you IV’*; ' Jill canbj c • where n l|ikV We • Stan- J I j®.uV er me d -s get ■ ■■ iUK them. .v .. ‘ mu will .yours. .’lit- Hr !■ A- ■ s * * —s=tc*- . >£ CTT rIT SHBR mJ jjJlixw C j sen’s Heavy V. . Fleece Lined Shirts Som j real good at oi ; 50c. They are worth c«*ir " ** 1 I IR ■ - ■ ■-■■■■ ... • .H , HA We u: tto close out mb • & ne Adies’ w ; *app« f a :■ a » e \ rame price# •st you if rjaUr c t save mon- r ’■’•b J w * ,a • t° r > i • L ' ttin < ■ ? ; th® . ■ -±~ lll» C«pcA low as, «a*h, . . . . • , 19c Pr*?;; . J6h capes for . . . .$1.25 Pre. • F ieh Cape*, h s v i -7 braid*d and bes > Thibet trimrns ■ only . , .$1.50 C- find Jacket* b>t ; • and fine, at prices to se i L LA SONS £RER. I. 13 O l-ENTS PER WEEK