The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 01, 1898, Image 7

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■ ®WTJ&y 'j3tek LiV-' jwp «r- KX-2 '**4 IE% "M JIT I>l b ■ ■§ * I' •* *»•■ Ala tM-.; '-.Vr* I ■ i. 1 . /.i 1 # > av , as . ■ -vak ■ J •>>■ v jl ; ' W 1 14. V ’ Ir. ' GENTLER S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BtlYS’ MA ' - All ,v T*Y« I|l J StykS ai ’“ e so!d for LESS than CO: F ! 'ill _ . G V ?C: .. ; ®L\ ed a f*J"Pj e >f Mena’ and Bt a’ Pine Over Coa all of them - l and nwt dedrabh < liar price? CAPES AND JACKET 5 ah’ Sample Lot of Jackets and Capes in all the Latest | ' - ' J n* s6 Beautiful Goods j received and Lite entt slot Will be sold 33 >-3 per cent less than original cest t'- ; to manufacture. ' STLKS— . Velvets, .\ibbons, Qb ve.-, -Corsets, Ho ..■ f ' . yoTTan alway find here at th very lowest prices, and very . q , , ’ 1 sne a 5 knit undtrwesp, wo -uid cotton, you wf : d here at prices much lower than any otherhouse in Georgia, and you will get the i x very best qualities, no Id goods in thelinea f —-■ - T ,/ _ , r . HEkHSSI r •' »»’'! i :s: suits. " J— -’hoesi" - IU -AJi y® Carry ”■ fßr the Kn,e >* nU I£j 9- .00 Suits for $1.50 Un . t - is Ir - bo« ■ ■■ sn best r•» ;.lid’ssuits a « ». boys, ladies J ofm. ; A.-.s, .:;dsS.Oo<‘ Ci.COSSOO“ ‘ . - iidren ’ W « L—-U we ean sell them .tester* •• .J. AJ.C3- Caat ; - ’ ? o ‘r’ thVthe Stel ‘ r its th.7 hr-.n-. " S2-£5 sls.oo’* .” $7.70 , ylowestpnoa H.V. Bnun. la-Ti— Lea pay for tl . Ye®, there are brains in Stetsen By all da is •ome “ $7.50 “ T ’ SLC “ . * o c Hat—brsu s in me mg them and • - j. A .00 brains in we tA»ra. and 565 t Ail. I $ll.OO •< ? 0 U “ i‘ .i - New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft , ——*— ~ ° ? ' ’-'U lOOltiwr Hats on sale, it’s a wise head r* -ww ♦ » ' ? ' *■ ■ . . tfcat wears a Stetson Mat. » , x ’ • < 4 .-■ CAI-* J ÜBlK’ I ( Ri : IF Hobson i CliitS ' r ■ :fro I J UVUi. U 1 V 2 THOUGH A FORTUti OfssO,C . wis C<f3! - e«i Him for & Series. Washii ct< n, D c. 1 —Naval 3onstruct< .■ Richard Pearson Hobson li.:s rec ntly refused an offer of $50,000 from a New York locii •(! bureau fora stated Dumber . ctures during this ® e! ison Exol,lining the rec- r for his ]•(.j !sn | | 0 a f r j en( | tod I w l‘ile on Jiis way ficin Annapc- Us to Washington, Mr. Hobson; said: J "It would be idle for me to! •*y that I did not consider tin I Proposition carefully. I did. Hy peoph :’ ( j iii moderate cir i CLi i>ist; : .nc< . but my reflections! sod ine to t, is conclusion : . Hflore tie sinking of the* ‘rrinuic i y ] ctures would . )ave I prol 1 y nu ” e th; ,) c <... sinking! Hie M rn s to 1 " o. r ; ' v "tkwii i) so sudden! raved] Dty Block in literary ti do w..s; d° lle ’ n ;le < xectiti tl of my| l,t y as an officer in the Ameri can navy. ■I did not feci that I had a right to u.-e tl performance of that duh for n y financial bet [ terment. I therefore decline the ] offer of $50,000. I have, how ever, agreed to contribute some articles to one if the magrzines, but this is difft. .nt, and, 1 might add, carries m independent for-J tune with it.” Another offer of S2OO was made to Mr II bson Saturday at Annapolis fi r a tw nty-min ute talk at N.-i folk, and in re fusing this vfi the spoke of having refused the $50,000 of fer. HIGH SCHOOL LOYS WIN- They Take a i aiie From Ihe VT( BK T I • EBDAY. Yesterday ■ arnoon football teams compo >1 1 the High School an 1 w ’ng boys played one of the closedt ".’.d moat excit i in? games ever r• r >n the an pus Is of local “fr. ba' ism.” I For almost an hour the tidui i wave ol v .story ro !i d heavily in j one dir-c‘ion ody • > ba hurled • back an opposing sve of equal ! strength. I During the first ha f each team ' succeeded in making a touch- Jdown, bu »- ’ ’ ' boya led at go 1 the score stood i against t m second > the w< rk mg b< ' made a uouch, j i iU t it v. fori, i d or. account of ]an off » ph‘ ■ I Short v bef< 19 time was called jin the last half. Elliot, aided by a 1 kick, sn-'ceedo in making 8 finite touch-down, and g al being kick ed, the score was run up six points , in’favor of the school boys. And] they made the welkin rir ; ; wii; i j‘ yous shouts of victory. Th features of the game w -re 'he ird bucking of Vandiver < Harbour, the strong guard it Wimberly,-the hard tackling < f Chidsey, Barclay and Huffaker j 4ie w< rking team, and D an’s round playing for the echo .] i Many prominent gentle me i >■ lad ?s came up to see th gam and ted for their fa\ol mg each good play merited ; p plan•o. Professor Perry, referi-o, and Mr. Shelton, umpire, gave perDc . itistuction in their decisions, e: bav the thanks of both ti ;.n •heir assis’ance in making th game s clean one, “F. LH.” jl jji ii ■■ i ulr A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words wri ten bj Mrs Ada E. Hart, GrotonS. ’'• “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lunga; cough set in and finally tori i riftied in Consumption, doctors gave me up, saying could not live but a short tin e. 1 myself up io my S ivi< , determined if I could not m j with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent on ab ve. My husband was advi • ed to get Dr. King’s New D oov ry for Consumption,Co gh end Colds. I gav« it a t - al, tr ok in all eight bottles. It h s cured me, and thank God I e saved and now n well and healthy womau.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Re; Mar size 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed ] or price refunded. I - ■ -•« —-« . - . , ltl Mio GIRLJ. ’ Ruailll a I n mlout N tan. ON BHJTTfI|HBOGJ! STREET Lady Will Appear Agair-.&t The School Girls. Chat anooga, Tenn., Dec. 1. — An episode occurred yasteidsy on t cCallie av nu *. the i --'lit »i which it is hoped will 1a ■. av n eficial eflect on t' e discip ne of t (j children of th Eighth str-U colored school. A well known lady of the city, wl >8« husband occupi 8 a high position with the comp ' y with which he is employed, w s walk ing on MeCaliie venue, n*■ r Pal ,:i tto. when she met on t ie - de wal , five coin d girls, ala in 11 years of ;>. Sbe a t pted to piss t<‘ tn, wnon they ■ > to n me her, O.m of them i .id: “O, you th iik vou arc some thing h<c us you are wi. , <u‘ you ain’t anj better tl an r ear The lady v is taken oy urp.i > •it this becativ ah'- had not a' a, w ord 'o the .iris nor Lad sir p .id any attention to them. This in diff r nee med to anger the girls, and th y bigan to cur e and swear at her in the most profane ar.d vulgar manner, and finally one of them began to pelt her with atom e, in which the others soon joined. Fortunately she escaped ’JU. j r *y~ * . ■ I i b.'-My ' / but X; < air.. ]pr ■ -«r.«• the uuc i. I f c , . i brutal a sault. 1 y .’us ladj wil ■ , !let the matt r st, but up ar hi- ,e the princ’ ■ ■■. ( - s«’ o >l, ii .y the girls and on '< ‘ r punishment. This s. do. , n 1 r persopal redress t all. 'it 1 pro' ■n:■ o 1 o" l ; v " city ■ u 1 . fut. / w :t • . doula i .wed /<’ g ' d, v. ■■ i. . uh!/' fiiiiiiicti .tAWi/ ;it . . y /i i t i J / sin u 1 1 ; nv el these pays ! th r < I • <;!. 11 •d iktat the / r! • liv -■ nt. !•' ■ „ od, but ty .!• , co'. . mi- i.' i. rn- L i )i - t t .e fir.T time insul of ‘hl- . have b. <;; oi red white I. •on the siree -by t.' p pii- . chn > . 1 is j< »■ h>. ev ly that t leach <s ’ i .ir bi st to i .sc ;p! ii ' th ch. ind to j *t ist >p their < r ». s and r d .am. i . jsttt T AUGUSTA STRIKE. M \s G vo Up Th« A tie m pit- , <u;.■ ' Op« v •nj i • ■ . .•' A n rn 4 N ' . w i a .<? •’ . so e t y >e oper tu t •. o mills h up he > ip’, as the st e »m ; . . -'U’.,, y t'. ie fcib e t Xl I'. I 1 >t' !■ 4 La ugh were cT • aj .m . L i< givetj on that I- ■ w nt he ruu "gi .) until the 1 op r tives signify mten'n a ol .i.'iietiif work übder the r - r d ed •a, o scale. i 'the uhrw’ck mill, th” smallc t i in August , is running. Lir. 01 • 1 the proprietor, bae withdrawn •■« EttUß fact in era i’lhe.nMi* . , .1 practical* •id reslr r . esc;- ce Pt«cut , ;~v NIGHT. jomedy Comes to . i Opera House. eigh ai d his f amouß k cn ths Farm*’ comes i house for one night I ' orrow. t the Scrant m (Me. ) s about this play; >the Faim.” a honaaly e‘‘Old Homsetaad” sort .s . ■ et.fid by Daniel Darleigh ■ i sup| orting company lipiitre yesterday after ev nmg. It is a four*act itnmiiig a great deal of i id simplicity of honest y lie and deserves largs i nc at today’s and tomor i .'salt moon and evening per m nr.tic i. Darliogh as “Si Sleb biii?. ii. thiully portrays the rug- . ' ;>r st farmer ot the easU. * ' given good support by an c 'opat.y. The show car lo , v orchestra. Specialties . r. d in the play. j' ir tiieir magniicient brass i i eoucsrt. See their war io, . d illustrated song*. Rg- J r .Seats st l>”Vitt’B \ VJ’O I )’S OPINION a f Cassation Wilt Declare Dreyfus Inocent. I. on, Dec 1. —The IGris cor jspi lent of th* Daily New?, i»o dmily Crawford predicts that th < i: bof cassation will declare Die > rev ms trial. In h< r opinion ue court would not interfere in the Picquart affair, J ' .