The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH YEAR fl IPOOBMD Richly Gaparis ned Wit! ;«la jor 'ieseral’s Tippins; PRESENTED JfiEWHEFkKR By Admiring Citizens of Hunts vi le, Ala. Huntsville, Ala., Dec. 2.—A beautiful black Kentucky thor oughbred, richly caparisonized with a major g< ner I’s trappings was presented to Gon. Joseph Wheeler last afternoon by the citiz n < f Huntsville. This was the first demonstration of the esteem tnt rtained for General Wheeler by his home people,and the city was crowded by visit ors from all parts of the eighth congressional district. She formal pr . mtati n was made by Caj lam Milton 1 umes, who extolled Gen. AV <>eler’ ; public record and wisi, d that the future woul . 11 ive . . store for him manyyeara of u eful ac tivity ia the service of h... coun try. i i- audience was < impos ed of I'l,ooo people. General Whee’ei w s visib y ton bed by the spe <k< r’s words, and among other things, said: “To be the recipient of honors and to win the . pprwal of Strange and new y mad* .rie:: la would be- gratify g to myone but to receive such assurances as I haye today from those with wh.-m 1 have lived during my entire manhood, is the highest and most valued honor which, by any possibility, could be bestow ed upon me. Life with me is dragging to a clo . Mj race is neany iun, and the people to whom lam indebted for this honor tcday have done much to imooth the path it has been my fate to tread.” Mi First cavalry brigade, of three egiments, which so-m a part o' General \V heel i s com man ’, and the Seventh cavalry, pa«m m review at the condu it on of the presentation. I’> a majority of 1398, the city of Macon remains wet,wlnh by a majority ui 291 the county of \V hitfield remains dry, Eph run is joined te his idols, and Tom and Jerry to their idle idol aters. rfHAk ! ft * f.A .J& ® d'x Y a a / '■ TBEXCHJU 18CPWFI6S !■ due not only to the originality.and •implicit y of t lie t nritio i. but also to tlin care mid .<• ’ .vith v hieh it is manufactured by a tific processed known to the C.uu via Fk; Co. only, and we wi hto imp -s upon all the importance < | nrcbasiug the ' r ' and o . As thi januine syrup of 1’ " ■ ia ■ acturad ky the Cais (>.'■ 8 Rqp Co. *nly, a kn<i\,r.uir< -f tluit fact will assist one iu . • th worthless knife. ! , t pa ■ i -of the Cali- fornia Fi« Si i;i i’ ■ with the niedi* «ai profession, a- 1.. • ,faction which the • ‘ Figs has gir»a tn xml.l .■ . : f n. ■ makes ths name <>f u .i 1 uaranty •f the . .. It is far in adrai ■»;] otli-’v isdiveß, •• it acts on I ineys. ■•r and bowels with ♦ ii» ': ’ hig or w?.akon them, ami it <i n not ; pa nor aauseate. Inorderl. tits baneficial •■toots, plow vcim i.i. . r th. name of tbs Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FIIAACUCO, C.G lAVMVILLB.’ * Sira TOBK. x v. the home hustli b comm cial TO RESISTS 1 Isnili Press Urg"sthe Filip pinos to Fiiiht. ■SPAIN CANNOT CEDE ■ acause Th*y Were Never Hers, Says A Native Paper. 1 Manila, Dec. 2.—The indepen dent party of the Filippinos ia not disposed to accept the result of the • deliberations of the peace commit** i sinners at Paris, judging from the i tone of the native press. The In- dependence publishes a particui- > ally bombastic leading article to the effect that the Filippinos will decline to permit their homes to be bought and sold like merchan dise. It th m repeats that the Filippil - are ready to fight in defense of ' their rights, and asserts that the government and people are unani mous in claiming nothing lees than independe ice. The paper also claim! that the Filippinos have incontestible claims upon the Island ot Luzon, part of the Vizcayas island and the Island of Miudano by right oi conquest, It concedes that the Americans helped the insurgents indirectly b} blockading Manila, but the In dwpendincia claims that even w ithout that help the revolutions would have won. Finally the Independence holds that .Spain cannot cade the Philip pu w archipelago “because it was never hers.” The United States transport In diana arrived here this morning and the Nero sailed for home. fwo companies of Pennsylvan ians have been transferred to Cor regidor island. With the exception of a hattai* 1 ion of the Washington regiment, the n w troops have not Ken landed. Voi.uxtee rs Reach Manila. Washington, Dec- 2. —Gen. Otis yesterday telegriiphed to the war department irom Manila that the transport Indiana, with head quarters and two battalions of the Kansas volunteers, arrived there i yestsrday. lhere were no deaths during the. voyage. WATCING FOR PORTLAND I • Twenty-Five Bodies Recovered Since The Storm. Provincetown, Mass. Dec 2.—An other day has passed and the mys tery of the steamer Portland wreck has not been givan up by the sea. It was a day of constant watching of more than thirty links of coast line and the ae* grudgingly held its victims, yield t ing only five. Twenty-five bodies have been recovered out of the entire pass-* eager and crew list, the exac. number of which is still unknown. The number of people who went to their death in the Portland will never be known, but almost hour ly persons are reported missing from different places in New Eng land until it seems posible that the number was over 100. quay must stand trial Judge Dismisses All Motions En tered By Defendants. Philadelphia, Dec. 2.—The court of quarter session yestesday, in the conspiracy case| of the Unite Slates Senator Quay and others, Judge Fimstter dismissed a'l the motions entered by defendants counsel against the five indrnl ments found by the grand jurj and fixed Dec. 12th as the dat. for the begining of the trial. home GEORGIA, FRIDAY EVENING, I . .*■ L 1.2. IS THE BOTKIN THIEL Set For Htariiig on Next Nlonday. AND THE SUNSET LIMITED Is Flying Across The Continent With Witnesses. New Orleans, La., Dec. 2.—The splendid .Sunset Limited, said to be th< most magnificently equip ped train on the continent, left the Southern Pacific yards yester day for its initial Hight to the Pa cific slope. The passengers on the Sunset Limited included Detective Bern ard J. McVey, of Wilmington, Del,, and eleven witnesses who, to gether with himself, will give tes timony for the state in the ease of Mrs, Cordelia Botkin, charged with Laving murdered Mrs. Joehii: Deane and Mrs. John P. Dunning, both of Wilmington, which wil be taken up in San Francisco, Cal on next Monday. Detective McVey has been it work ou the matter sine® the time of the crime, during last August. He gathered evidence in Wilming ton and after the arrest or Mis. Botkin in Stockton, Cal., and at the instance of the Delaware au thor ities, be journeyed to the Pa cific coast aud continued his la bors. Those in ths partj- going t., Cal ifornia are: Dre. D .vvns, Bishop md Wo f, Attorney General Rob ert C. White and wife, Mrs. Dr. Wolfe, Thomas Gooling, Ethel Deane, Ethel Millington, Harry Psuniug on, Miss Josephine Bale man and Joshua Deane. Mrs. Dunning and Mrs Deui, it will be remembered, died iiom eating poisoned candy s«nt through the B.ails to them, it was alleged, ■ by Mis. Botkin. Not only Were Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Daans poisoned, but Ethel Deane, daugh ter of the latter, aud Ethel Milling ton, Harry Pennington and Jose phine Bateman also narrowly es caped death by eating the stull Mrs. Dunning died ou August lltb and Mrs. Dean’s death occurred the next day, The victims were sisters. A’ ie other persons poisoned were at death’s door for some time, but fortunately recovered and will give their testimony against the womai who. it is alleged, was responsible for the illness and the two deaths, Drs. Brown and Bisbep are thr physicians who attemded the vic tims Dr. Wolf is the state chem ist who analyzed the poisoned can dy, Gooding, in his capacity el postmaster of Wilmington, receiv ed the package through the mail. Harry Pennington brought the candy to Mrs. Dunning, Joshua D»ane is the husband of one of the victual and Robert C. W hiie is the attorney general of Delaware, who took an active part m the investigation of the affair. Mrs. Wolf and Mrs. White accompany I their husbands. John P. Dunning goes to San j Francisco byway of Chicago. He wil! reach lhere on Tuaeday, It will be remembered that an attempt was made to take Mrs. Delaware, but it failed. The superior court there decided that she should be tried in Cali fornia. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. Soc. The t’euuiue baa L. B. Q. on each tablet. Warter’s “twofers” the fa mous “Terrell Speed” cigars are growing more popular each day ■ u 1.1 • seiiS! / f'i Ct o 5 x - t i " C- .r' * ! { w> ‘ '■ 4t! sys ■ / ' t a ■ i : m Wv W . “ J/If , t ■ /r 1 W 1. /' “ A «e!l O: £.. locron Dread street is a complete clothing stoi . . - v line of < J r t ren’a clothing at prices yo ... < - rTgei aii... v , th.:yd» advertise to sell a- < 51, etc. Osr p.K.'i •re a werthan theirs, and aii v- ask is a c isnie . 'how and >rice and let y the judge. M'‘r? « i ilifi, bee a it. >.50, we now sell for Ji 50; 1 .d anythin gat equally as great ;. ■; ■. Tn. x x * i'b« ’ > I We ® ell ® hirts * r ''l c ses ir tl tn you RSvX' I f i w: •. re Hi Ru 1 ' i We . t Stan- |1 1 L lyshi a ac, oth I k* ■ U err. its get I* I , j 75c and .®p for WJ j JC ' ; ' 3 • ■ r e sav- *yt : inr wi yeurs. / >. • ” < j a. Wiiimr’ ktjbosf ■ .T-.’Aac.iwr T u | Ayj | IT j x . Bn LU : lkzi’a tie .. / 1 Fleece Lined Shirts •eal.. 00 T ley are worth cw?- b , o see. lb c \ . nt to close out .& ladies writ ppg J y-r,. f V. I ’ name pries | f ■' &>. > • . ite <wl ~ ouif • j? •' J®i». >-• j.'.; < y '• '■> - y uc etofxv© mon- y*'’ fcZ r < • at th® utinj 'AML rown,B - f' - # ’ WOraMaw t .DII O-2XJPHJSI Ca sr a s itwaa, «a*h, ...... 19c Pratty Pl Gih capes for . ■’ • • • .$1.25 ■ ■■, \h €' ; ■ -'find be*g-*d, i hitxt trimm 1 only . , .sl.s# C> and Jackets both cheap and fine, at prices t« S'-.’- ' id SONS 10 CENTS PER WELK