The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 02, 1898, Image 2

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RECORDERS COURT Came Near Being a White Mau’s Affair. A YOUTH WAS DRUNK. And Fell Into Th* Hands of Philistine Juveniles. With the exception of Frank Ellis, of darktown, who was convicted of being drunk and disorderly and who was fined $lO, th s morning’s recorder’s court was a white man’s affair. 1 Tha first sinner called to judg ment gave his name as Charley Jewett. He entered a plea of guilty to a charge of drunk, and begged manfully to be given an opportunity to skip. He was fined $3. Then came James Williams, a boy of about 1G who said hi* home was imar Anniston. Jim said he had been to Lindale to get work, and failing, came into the city with some other boys of about his own age. Last night these boys induced him to go over into the Fourth ward and promised him a bed, free of charge. They insisted upon him tak ing a drink and though he told them he never drank they were kind and persistent, until he yielded, that one little drink made him as drunk as a biled owl and this morning when he woke up in the police station and made inquiries he found his companions had rifled his pockets of the last 50 cents he had, and had taken his watch. Officer Sharp, who found Ji::, and locked him up, says he saw the other boys when they h-.i their victim. Young Williams’ story was told in a straight forward way, save now and then when his voice choked. Recorded Eubanks lectured the youth and let hiee go. Will Long and Andy Dawson, two young white men, for plain drunks were fined $t each, and a young farmer was $3.50 for the same offense. C u r t a i n. WHAT JOYFUL FEELINg. With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is un known to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substL tutes sometimes offered tut never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. nl u [5372 A] CONVENIENT, SECURE, PORTABLE. In houses where closet room is limited a Wardrobe is one of the most essential article of FURNI T U R E. and those who take particular care of their Clothing should se cure one of the handsome and well made Wardrobes from the line we have in stock. I ight and dark woods have been used in their construction add there is a great variety of styles to choose from. Rhudy, Harvey & C 337 Broad St. PERSONAL MENTION. Jim Mi Carty is up from Rome today.—Dullon Citiim. Mr. 11. E. Aluomaw, of Chat tanooga, was here today. Mr. C. I Walts, of Atlanta, was at the Central last night. Smoke a Wartcr’s Rome made cigar, and you will enjoy the best. “Old Uncle Bobby” Foster, the genial young planter of Flo, was here today. Mrs. J. A.Hall is visiting her parents in Rome this week.— Calhoun Times. W. M. Chasta’n, of Rome, vis ited relatives here Sunday Summerville News. Dr. D. G. Hunt came up from Rome and “pent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs, Sam Lowry. Miss Lillie Mitchell, of Rome, is the guest of friends in this city. —Courant American. Mrs. Milner has returned from a visit to Rome and Car tersville.—Summerville News. Warter’s “twofers” the fa mous ‘ ‘Terrell Speed” cigars are growing more popular each day Capt. John C. Print up, of Rome, spent last week at the Printup farm near town.—Cal houn Times. Good health is worth more than anything else to you, and every bottle of Hood’s Sarsapa rilla contains good health. Miss Sarah Simpson of Rome, is visiting friends in this city and will attend the Peeples- Munford nuptials today.—Car tersville Courant. Misses Venice Clemmons and L u Elmont; son returned from 3orn< I.:-t night, after a pleas int visit tu Mrs, S. B. Hawkins. —Summerville News. Misses Pearl Bailey, of Lily Pond, Pearl Rawlins of Rome Eva McCollum, of McHenry, spent several days in town last week, the guests of friends.— Calhoun Times. Mr. J. E. Mullin of Rome, spent a couple of days in Car tersville this week, and received a eordial welcome (torn his many frinds in this city.—Car tersville Courant. Capt. Felix Corput of Cave Spring, was in the city last night and this morning, leaving this afternoon for home. The genial Captain has a host of friends in this city. Soldiers remember the Western & Atlan tic R. R., sells you tick ets at half rates. Depot foot Broad St- BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar r'ngton Co. WANTS CAROLINES. Report That Spain Asks 10,- 000,000 Francs B rliu, Dec. 2—A Berlin gov ernment officia', in an interview with the correspondent here «f the Aeeocia ed Press, confirms the re port that Germany is negotiating with Spain for the purchase of the Caroline Blands. It ts understood that Spain exp-cts to get 1(J,OO(),- 000 francs for them, which Ger many considers excessive. Germany also makes tLe proviso that the negotiotiona shall be con tigent upon no international com plications arming, especially with the United S'ate?. PECULIAR POISONS. GENERATED IN THE HUMAN BODY The Result of Imperfect Digestion of Food. Every living thnig, plant or ani mal, contains within itself the germs of certain decay ai d death. In the human b< dy these germs of disease and d«ath (called by scientists Ptomaines), are usually the result of imperfect digestion or dyspepsia . The stomach, from abuse, weak ness, do?s not promptly and thor oughly digest the so d. The result is a heavy, sodden mass which fer ments (the first process of decay) poisoning the blood, making it thin, weak and lacking in red cor puscles, poisoning the braiu caus ing headaches and pain in the eyes. Bad digestion irritates the bear!, causing palpitation and finally bringing on disease of this very importtint organ. Poor digestion poisons the kid neys, causing Bright’s disease diabetes. And this is so because every or gan, every nerve depends upon the stomach alone for nourishment and renewal, and weak digestion show itself not only in loss of ap petite and flesh, hut in weak nerves and muddy complexion The great English scientist, Huxley, said the best start in life is a sound stomach Weak stom achs fai l to digest food properly, because they lack the proper qua’ - tity of digestive acids (lactic and hydrochloric) end p plog-nic pro ducts, the most sensible remedy in all cases of indigestion, is to take after each meal, one or two of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tab'ets, be cause they supply in a pleasant, harmless form all the elements that weak stomach lack , The regular use ot Stuart’s Dys pepsia Tablets will cure every form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. They increase fl sb, insure pure blood, ste’uDg t erves, a bright eye and clear complexion, because all these result only from wholesome food well digested. Nearly all druggist sell Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents full sized package or by mail by en closing price to t-tuait Co., Mars shall, Mich., but ask ycur drug gist first. A little book on stomach dis eases mailed, free. Address F. A . Stuart Co , Marshall, Mich. WHILE THEY PRAYED _ Young Woman Charged With Picking Pockets. New York, Dac. 2, —Several women who attended St, Patrick’s cathedral, Newark, h ive had their pocket books taken while at their devotions, and yesterday morning Detective Sergeant Christie was ssnt to the cathedral to look for the thief. He captured a woman who is be lieved to be the offender, and who is known by several names, wun her home at No. 109 Commerece street. She ii “Mrs. Eunice Doughertj,’’ “Mrs. Peter Hagan” and “ M rs. Cleary. ” She is y ung a. id the police think she ’as been taking pursea from uo'shipers at the various churches for some tune Annual Sales ovorG,ooo,ooo Boxes c’OR BILIOUS AND NLRVOUS DISORDERS . such Wind and Pain in the Stomach, 3iddin< > s : s. Fulnesa after meals, Head iche, Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings as Hoat. Loss* of Appetite. Costivencss. Blotches on tho Skin. C id Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIE] IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferei will acknowledge them to Lo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECH 4el-M S’ILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly r-storo Tomales to Com plete health. They pr mptly remo.e obstructions ®rirrc<uln • of the sys tem and sure bick li«a<!acJ>e. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s fc*ills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE iifany Patent Medicine in the World. Sdc. at ail Drug Stores, LOC«i HAPPENINGS... FOR SA LE : A Sterling Iflcy- Icle Apply to, or address this o ffieo. Sai, oi ns Cube Tomorrow Owing to a mupicipal election which will beheld in N< rth Rome tomorrow, the saloons in the city will not be opened, A mayor and four aidermen will be elected in Ncftn Rome. ChoicbGame. —For thecho'cest game the market affords served in the most appetizing style, just cal! at the Gomez case» on Second Avenue, The finest Norfolk oys ters ever brought to R >m« are to be had at the case at all hours. Concert Friday Night.— 7 here will be a concert by the students of the Southern Conservatory of Music in the music hall of this institution, on Friday evening, December 2nd, 1898, at 8 o’clock. All who have curds of admission are cordially ’nvited. Those who wish to attend these concerts will please send address to. P. J. Fortin. Attention Soldiers ! The Western & Atlantic R. R , will sell you tickets at half rates when in uniform, upon presen tation of furlough or discharge certificate. Quick and conven ient schedules, double daily ser vices. Depot foot of Broad St. Call on C. K. Ayer, T. & P, A. A Precocious Child. —Little Miss usie Erwin, of Washing ton state, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs, Mary Akin. The little lady, though only ten yeais old made the trip alone from her home at Yakima, milking all train connections and several necessary stay-overs at p nits, unassisted by any one.— Cartersville Courant. You Don’t Want Toe. —Now, Nature supplies this want, but we have someth ng vou do need and want, and that is the best grate coal on earth. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Montc vella, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. Promptly delivered. Try a ton of our choice Jelico Lump and our word for it, you will be .pleased. Rome Ice Co. Puone 100. Yards Second Ave. ACounterfeit “Tenner.”— It has been quite a while since any bogu* money has been pass ed in Calhoun but last Sa ur day during the rush of business, passed a counterfeit ten dollar bill at the store of D. B. Baum. The bill is an excellent counter feit and is considerably worn, showing that it has been, in cir culation for a long time. Mr . B unn thinks he knows the par ty who passed the bill but don't know whether it was intentional on their part or not.—Calhoun Times. Filled Him With Shot Ou Saturday night last Mr. .1. W. Varnon, who lives in Mrs. George’s house, on Powder Springs street, heard his dog barking very ferociously. He paid no attention until the dog hollered, as if some one had struck him. Mr. Varnon picked up his shotgun and went to the back door, and he saw a negro man standing between his coal house and chicken house, The negro got a glimpse of Mr. Var non,v ith the gun about the same time and broke into a run to the back of the garden. Just as the negro was crawling through a hole in the fence Mr. Varnon leveled the gun, pulled the trigger and the gun was dircharged. The negro won’t be able to sit down in some time. —Marietta Journal. Berry-Ewing, Miss Mary Berry, of Roma, is to L>e married tc Mr. Orville Ewing, of Nashville, WWJ!a W(‘ WLu » It is ! iocd’s Advertise. But It io Soon Cured by Hood* Ye«, Scrofula, It any tb In;;, tnay ’ ;»enl the advertisement oi iuet lilooo. l>. is ' acoiirge of the world ot.'" v.av. , j>.*x.« l .• i I rtebilitatinj, stubborn mid w.ll r* ;! ! ui.endurable. Outward applications do not cure, t’ • Jy drive the diiflculty to r.e’.v qua* <. I Emollients inty palliate, they ei.uin abolish the evil. There Is but one sui way out, and that is to eliminate tii taint from the blood, Thor's is one remedy that enn effect thfr and it is the only one that, so far as V' I know, has almost invariably suceco-ied -1 aven where the system has been poisoner : by long years of taint and the ravages t< I be repaired are tremendous. That remedy | is Hood’s SarsapnriCa. Read this: “ My daugli; r was afflicted with im pure blood. There were running seres all over her b >dy and they caused her much suffering. that were recommended as blood purifiers, but could not see that they did any good. A friend told me about Hood’s-Sarsapa rilla and I bejjan giviu? the girl this med ieine. The result was tiiat she was per fectly cured after taking a few' bottles, ribo has had no symptoms of scrofula sores since that tune.” Marietta M. Smith, South 2-liddletoro, Mass. Garßa " SB U 3 ■.-> parllla - the best -in f" f the Otic I'rue Bl co 1 Purifier. .ulst. upon I..><>;>>.; '.cite n > substitute. December 14 h. Miss is cue of Roma’s handsomest girls and has many almirers in Dalton who wiU congratulate both. Mr. Ewing is well known here and has many fr ends. The Citizens congratulates bo h of them . —Daltou Citizen. I Announce, —To the public that I have secured the services of William* McClellan, an exput fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind <>f fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, n ingats, etc. Ail we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogh 'Ll, next door to Curry’s dtug sec re Mrs. Lavender Passes / Mrs. E W. Lavender, of Selma, mother of M»j rO. H . Livendnr of this city, aft»r four w-eks in i tense suffering caused by a fall in which she brjke a hip, died at 3 a. m. Today. Mrs. Lavender was tn h r 84 year end was one one of women in the State of Alabama, The funeral will occur in Selma tomorrow. Mr and Mrs. O. H Lavenaer and family a e in S*lr»a, havit g bent called thereby 'he i-al news The fami’y has the deep Bympa’hy <>f this entire commitn fly. YOUR BEST INTERESTS. I Will be served by making sure of health. It will be a loss of time and ni< ney to be stricken with serious illness. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and purify y»ur blood. Li this way all germs of disease will be t xpellad, sickness and suffering will bs avoided, and your health will be preserv ed. Isn’t this a wi-e course? Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsa aril la Price 25 cents THE WHIfNEY PLAYtRS. Bow ry Wait W.T be The Open ing Bi l Monday Night. The B. wery Waif, a cn m »dy drama depicting hfe m “Greater Naw York,” will be the opening bill of the \\ hi’iiey Players, at Nevin’s op- ra hou-e « 1 ~ext week. “Have Y<>u S> eu Brown 9” “ In LittL Widow,” “My Awful Dad,” “E->cap'd From Sing Sing.” ai d the new Cuban war play “The Maine Avenged” will be presented durii g the engagement, The company is one of the best popular priced aitructions cn th© ro,d and the specialty nets intro. Uuced are equd to those of the high priced companies Monday night Udi -s mil be ad mited ire if accompanied by an with a ticket purchased be fore 6 p m. Monday afternoon. Special matiues performances will be given on Wednesday aud Saturday afternoons. OOLDB (WGHI Bailiff Copland td | r Paris •Jot Him. YESTERDAY AFiEßjyojj Made Dash for Llp e rty But Wdß Out Run. J. B. Reynolds, the m .i eh U wanted young farm. r nf Senev, was captured ye ßter(Jat ath-moon b v Bails Copd.nd, l( ; d Mr. Paris of Bass Brog. & Go’s He was brought to the city aud k-cked up. Reynolds is the man who eg caped from Bailiff Bryan and who was shot at by Mr. Bryaa ns he ran. Yesterday, when arrested, Reynolds was at the home of his father-in-law, Mr. Henry B ra d. shaw, near Brices. He made a bold dash for liberty but was easily picked up by tin lleetloot ed officers. Reynolds is wanted on two warrants: one sworn our before Justice Treadaway bv Bass Bios., A (>o., ch arg; ng him vi’ith selling mortgaged property, and the other sworn out before Jus tice Walter Harris by Mr. VaJ. ter Cheney, chargine him with having forged the endorsement of Mr Henry Bradshaw to a promisory note . Bass Bros., offered a reward of $lO and Mr. Chenev a re ward of $25 for the arreit of Reynolds. I hese rewards will be divided between Bail ill Cope land and Mr Paris. SPAINS’ Gi E UI'EST. E 11). Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Garcelon ia, S. C. M eak nerves bad caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On us’ng Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies th i blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerve 1 -’, puts vim, vigor andtßW lift inti every muscle, nerve and orga.*> of the body. If weak* tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle gu u'anteed, only ’>o cents. Sold by Curiy Arring on, druggists. Formuff Deputy Sharif! J. M. Johneton announces himself a candidate for the office of Bailiff of ths Baine District, and asks you 'o v<;te for him on election day. I announce mysolf as a candi* date for bailiff of the 191‘Jthdis trict, Floyd county, .Mid request the v >te of friends and others in the election on the first Sat urday in January. Geo. W. Beauf.kd. To my friends and the votenr of the Rome district, 1 desire to state that 1 am a candidate for re election to the office of Bailiff for this district, and most res pectfully solicit your support. If re-elected I pledge to do my full duty on each and every occasion in discharging the obligation# of the office. Very Respectfully> R. H Copeland. ENERGETIC AGENTS To sell the best policy now out by Tld New York Life Ccmpany- Saiary and commis rions paid. Apply with reference to “Mana ger,” 304 Kiser Build ing, Atlanta. Ga.