The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 02, 1898, Image 3

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fOO VA «T /. D POSITION’ |r eorDph’inff a thorough faV -gj *i Business Col- lef*- j. tb» ! ,l ‘ r * Jlb 1 innuPrCn ° f a l tbfl ' ' *° filling rtsbonsiblo positions. g the irem'niz'd con-mere value ol ‘ diploma from Romo Business College wim n repu tiltioiiuho I > ,h standing in all tke < j»«i cities and towns in the Sou h has been main- 1 taiued for the past thirteen' years. ff you w it' good situation the following .xuvcl- from recent | eorrespo; d'nee may interest 1 you. lb ad them. From large Iron Mfg. Co., ir Ah- <ln ab-'it thirty days we de gireWta:. y a stenographer; one who i" dso up in book-keep ing enough to assist our regular book-keeper From Dry joo Is house, Ala. “Your i nmunic.ation to hand. Ye d; ire to employ a saleslady ; one who can write agoodhand. Want her to take charge of • lepartment Wt y and want gome out 1 thoroughly up in selling r onch.” From law 1; m, N. C. “Repit T. r .to your letter of someday-- ■ will s.iy that we shall ;n ■. d vF*h. .a| h r st on. 1 Want a rm .. -dy who i.* ' speedy t writing From ;r n' nr*a: ' uwy i-r, Su iu mervilk, >. “I want . >ung man to do ■ my work j. I st:.-Jy i.ivv. Wil. ; pay a reasonable . ry, 1 urn good board, c< •to t. line law library.” • From law fi. in Lt. “We do not nn 4 a stenogra-1 pher now, th live we shall have ned o me soon. Prefer a joung man < sober habits and must write a good hand.” From law 11 wu in Brunswick, Ga. “Yes we need a stenographer Mw, and ■ m . tve one of your graduates wrt e us. No ex perience H' Cv-sary, just so he is ‘‘p'-t-h and uocui'ite at type grin ig and has good mural ch r . (•!!•.” From Mfg. (Jo , S. 0. “F -vd y u a y .'.leg man who oau keep accounts by double en try, write a good hand and is rapid and accurate in figures. Have him write us. We need a good man and will take the one you recomir d.” From M:g. Co. , Arkadelphia, Ark. “Thanks for your recent com munication, Yes we need a young man to ke-p our books And a» you h tve filled the place before satisf ctorially with one °f your s;r:’ i j . tes, you k iow the kind of man we dt ire.” From Mfg Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. “Replying to you valuable fa Tor of recent dat- will say that do not med im more office assistants now; but in the course of a month will like to employ n; help Ibn w• B'Ve you an ppuitunity to fill a place with us with one of you: graduates ■ ■iin. From lar M \itg. Co., Ala. In about thirty or si'ty days "ill emj lov one of vour young *snt him to keep books and do general otrn • ami store work. e P a y v.hat we. consider a g°od salary nd will want good men. fc . I* you d sire to make personal JWestigation of the above appli cations call or writ'.’, , Koine 1 usinese College Rome, Ga. notice. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To nil whom it mat mi earn • H F. Crossman..J 8. E - ,»y and John i'*vh. Ros’er Conn ittee for Co “D’GSth Ga. V,l. have made their report. Notice lg brr , b giVHU that said nru.t w..j bH |P‘‘® ’«d up matth ? oidit ary’s of* jticein the court h< use city of '■ G«-, on the Varel ' at 10 clock a. m. h*s ii to cite rvivort or ih'-cencatits <V th < , < ■„beib ot said Com .~y (> , . mi resenta fives to sboyv c»n . ■! all y they run why sai I m H m 1 not be approved a-dm de -jn <•1 ti e oron, <>y „iid fj , , v >wth he 1 uerk of th, supei .or com' and ad- I mitt' dtot he t.> al r- ct.-ds in a I Rcstci ot f.j.Company, i Witness my 1 and > t if official ua ure, this 7ih Ua . \ 1898 John I'. 1)a ■!-, Ordinary, , f o’ d C<>,, Ga. r—— ——— - . _ NOTICE GEORGIA FL >YD COUNTY. To all whom it may conct rn - i. 8. Rii’ io-v, 1,. R. Vi ragg and D. l.|Moore, R >stef Committee for 10. “G” 1 t Ga. Cavalry buve made inei. report. N< ice is nereby given that said repor will be p iss, ed upon at the ordinal v’«< flic,- m the court bouse city < f Rome, Ga., ou the first Monday in March 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m. This is to cite al! survivors or descendants of any; of the mem'iers of said Company or their representatives to show cause if any they can why said repc rt should not be approved and made the judgim ,t of the or» dinary and filed with tbe clerk of the superior court aid admitted to the final records as a true R s ter if said 'ompany . itnesa my hand and < flic al sgi a'ure this 7th day ot Nov, 1898. John !’. Davis. Ordinary. Floyd Co , Ga. ~ , ; 'i3» NOTICE. 1 GEORGIA I <YD ( ' >'i 7 1 ■ all Lorn n mat; concern. I F W. Quarlns, Si . C M. Harper nil I'. J. Glenn, i r commit tee for Co “E” Bth Ga., 'V01.., hav mao their rei.ort: Notice is hereby gv ’u that said r port will tie niaSfd upon at ts-c Ordinary’s |ofiicein *h: court house, city of Rma Ga. on the fi M< uday in ! March 1t99 10 o'c'oek a. rn. This is to < ite ail surv v rs or de -cenca its of any of Hie members >t said company or tueir represen tatives to si-ow cause if any they can, why said report should not i be approved and made the judge - ment <>f tL • Ordinary and filed with the clerk of tl e superior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster of saio company. 'Witness my band and official signature This. Nov. 7ih, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Floyd Co. Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA FIOYD COUNTY. • To all whom it may concern. J. A. Tucker, J. L. Hardin ind I. E. Mu in, roster committee for Co.. “B” 21st Ga.. Reg’t have made their report: Notice is here by given that said report will be passed upon at the Ordinary’s of fice in the couit house, city ol Rome Ga, on the first Monday ir. March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. Ibis is to cite all survivors or de scendants ‘■’any of the memb-r* of said company or thur repre* gentaiives to show cause, if any they can, why said report shou d not be approved and ma ie the judgement of the Ordinary aud lib d with the clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster cf said company. W itues® my hand and official sigi.ature tliis 7lh day of Ni v. 1898. John P. D ;vis, Ordinary, Flosd Co. Ga. u_ mi r-iinnir notice. GEORGIA FI. YD C L N >Y. To all whem it may cotcero. G. K. Gre n, John A. Muy and Joe.l Stowe, roster committee for Co., “D” 29. L Ga, Vol., have made tiitir report: Notice is here by given that said report. Will be passed up"i< at i fie Ordinai v t ot lice T> the court eny ol Rome Ga-, >m the first Monday m March 1899 a* 10 .'’clock a. tn. Tn is is to cite ail survivors or de tcem.anis of s id company or 'h ir I' pre entatives to snow cause if an- they can, why said renort shou d not be approved and madY t ie j dgisment i i the Ordi nary and filed Wit 0 the clerk ot the superior court and admitted t.o the final records as a true icS terofsalde mpaiy. Wdnessmy hand and eilicitii eigniture. ibis 7<u day of Nov. 1898 John P. Davis Ordinary: Floyd Co. Ge. Klpans Tabuleer, tor sour ..nacb. NOTICE. HEORGTA, FLOYD COUNTY. Bv vi-’ti . of an order of the court ot Ordinary of said c iout . will b sold at public outcry on the firs' Tuesday in Dec. 1898 at th. c< uit bousa door in said coun ty between the usual hours ot rule the following real estate towit. Lying and being in the Fifth w ard ot the city of Rome Fiord county Ga. Beginning on the East side of Spring street at dividing bne between lot of John Rupee and lot hero!y described, thence Fas - erly along said line 88 fee'. ih?nce Southerly 80 feet, thence Westerly 182 foot and 8 inches to Sp. mg St, ibt-uce Northerly with Spring S'. 88 feet to the starting point Sold as the property of Mrs. Nicv Kam. merer, deceased. Terms ot sale cash. Tnis Nov 7th 1898. Peter J. K ymmerbr, Administrator. NOiICE. GEORGIA FL'»YD COUNTY Pursuant <o an order f the court of Ordinary of said county, will I e sold at public outcry on the fust Tuesday in December 1898 at the court house door m said county bet wren th" fi-gal hours of sale the following real estate towit, Subdivided lots Nos. 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, ac co ding to the plan and plait of a tract of 51 acres surveyed and platted bv Dr. J. W. Hukr from land l.>t No. 316 in til® 23rd d..-- trict and 3rd section ot Floyd county Ga. Sold as the property ■ f Mr.-. Jane H. Clyne, deceased. Terms of sale one-third cash, ba ■ iilioe m one ind two years with 8 j>er cent interest. This Nov. Bth, 1898. Foster II arpee, Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINIRTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD CjUNTY. To all whom it may concern,Mrs M . J. Morrison having in proper form sppJed to me for permanent letters of administration on tin eg ate of E. T. Morrison, late cf said county, deceased. 'iLis is to ole ail and singular the creditor*.- ami n- xt of kin ot E. T. Mi rris. n to h and uopear at my office e itnin the time allowed t law aid show cause if any they earn why permanent adminisiraiioi) eh old not be gran'ed to Mrs. M. J. Morrison on E. T. Moirison's es’ate Witness my band and of ficial signature this 7th day oi Nov. 1898. John P. Davis, O.d Aary. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ES TATE. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas on the 18(h day of No* vember 1896 Frank Murphey exe cuted to Mrs. A. H Cheney a note for the sum of S3O 00 and at the same time executed and delivered to her a mortgage on the lands d- scribed below to secure said note, and whereas in eaid mort g ige the mortgagor gave to the moitgagee the full power to sell said lands at public sale before •he court house door of said coun ty, in case he made delault in 'be payment of said note and mort gage as to principal and .nterest, which mortgage is recorded in the Clerk’s office of Floyd Superior court in Book K—l of mortgages page 111 and hereby referred to. And whereas said mortgage ami mte came due on Nov. 18 1897 and has rot been paid by th mortgagor. Now therefore by the power so vested in the undersigned the mortgagee in said mortgage, which power ’S mere specifically show; in said mortgage hereby referred to, the undersigned will sell to th® highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in December 1898 during the legal hours of sale be fore the court house door of said county the following tract ol land with the improvements thereon, all hat tract or parcel of land ly ing ami being in the 23rd District and 3 d section of Fl..yd county Georuia and being part, of land loti 17. the tract her. in describee oeing he Southeast corner o ssdiot on th; East side of th-* Dalton road containing tiire acres more or les< and being th. .and conveyed to Frank Murphe’ by D. P. Phi lips on Oct. 4. 189 b and recorded in book “P P” ui deeds page 584. Th® total amount of principal ano interest that will be due on sai*d n te and mortgage and i s he costs of this advertisemei t as nr all' wing certain credits is $34.16. Fee B'inple titles will be mail tilth.’ purchaser at said sue am ihe proceeds will be applied t the payment of said mcrigage and costs aud the balance will tie tun.* ed over to Frank Vuiphey. This 7th dav of Nov. 1898. j Mrs. A. H. Cheney, Mortgagee. iMs Tn s^ c s r df/. ...n If I I : GEORGIA,FLOYD COUNTY, Will be sold before the court I house door in the city of Rme 1 Flwyn county Ga., betw-ei. the ; iwg'.l hours of sale in the Ist l ues ;day in December 1898, the folh-w j ing d escribed pnptiiy by vine ! of stute mid county lax !; tiii’ is sued bv th-- tax cel lector of 11 vd county Ga., and againsr the fol low ins, named defendants. Ail that tractor paicel <.t land in the 22i J diatrict aid 3rd s <•- lion of Floyd coun'y Ga , coo tainiiig eighty acres more or 1- ss. it being hi) undivided hull lub’nst in lot number twenty-three. Lev ied »n by virtue of a lax fi fa is sued by V T. Sanford for rax 1891 in favor of s'ute ai d coun'y v* Janrns ware as the property ot tbe defendaiit A iso ak the sam- ti.o * aud pl *ce all 'li'it lot of Ui u lying ami b.- ing i< East R. me bounded h-. fol lows, beginning at a po ; nt on the North side of Spring street IbO ft East from the Northeast iuten-e.’* lion of North and Spring stii-et and running thence N >rth m li the East margin of Jois of li It jam -s and Mrs Th< mas to pro; - erty of East Rome t<.wn t o thence East along said pr< p; 'y :of East Rome Town Co. , 50 f'*-»’t to pr party bG nging to Ed G Warren, thence S u'h a'eng i.d margin of said E. G. Wurr-.n prop erty 150 feet- to North ( f Spring street, theucn West a <>; g said N- rt h margin of Spring sttvi t 50 feet, to point of begim-ing Levied on by virtue of a ta* fi ta issued by V . T. Sar ford t.- x col lector lor tax 1897 in favor of state aud county vs Mrs L. J Patton ns the property of tbe dr fendant. Also at the same time and place a certain lot and improvemen's thereon, situated io the Fi th waid of lhe ci y Rome F oy<l Cm, Ga., fr ntiug 100 fe t more or less on Spring street and ruunii e back t-ame width 300 feet w- m- < r 'ess. Bout ded on the East t y th® prope«ty< fO T. Dozier . I <-n [the Went by pioperty of i the defendant. Levied on [by virtue of a fi fa i.-sue.i b, V. i Sautord. tax co'lectoi lor ' tax 1897 in faVi. rof M N. Vi e-t dr Co., crausftree vs Matilda M?Ar thur, as tbe pr perty of lhe Deft, J P McCoxnell. Sbprifi'. SWiff SALES fB MfflBSR l!» GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY A ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the figal hours of sale, on the first Tuerday in December .1898 the following described property to wit: One 1 horse wt gon and harness, poney plow, one lowers pl w stcck, one side narrow, m e op h rr w, one cutto.j planter, o>ne hog 10 nous cotton in field to gather, six ac-es m--re or less corn it; field to gather, L-vied on b) virtue of a distress warrant issn-d froin the justice court of the 919 h District G. M. in favor of J. P. McConneU receiver against Oliver Bearden, us the property of the defe udant. A’so at the same time aud plac all that ract or parcel o’ T land sit uated lying and being in lhe 22ud district and Sid section of Floyd county Ga., originally Cherokee county known and distinguished as lot of land number 227 in said district and section and contam ng one hundred and sixty acres, mo-0 or less. Levied on by virtu i of a mortgage fi fa is u d from Floyd superior court in favor of D. B. Hsmi ton vs Alfred John son . s the property of lhe defend ikl t . Al o at the same time and place one u div men one-sixth ii.tcnst o lot number 59 as shown by tb» 3 igiual map of For. e’ville Floyd count! Ga.. but now North Roue. Levi d ol by virt uh oi a fi la i - sued from the Floyd city c urf in fav <r of Chas. Broadway R >ues vs fjwoiv 8. Forsyth as the property of •he defendm t. Also at tbe same time aud phee ■ >ne d irk brown *n- :e mule immed ‘Kx-e” about GyeulS old, >m iaik brown mare mule naumd “Bell” about 7 years old, om* 2 horse w-igon, .Tennessee m.k*. Levied on by virtue of a inurig.,ge fi a is-ued from F loyd c;ty c urt in favor of R. J. Ragan vs H Anri msoii as the property of lhe defendant. A'eo at the bame time and place one u: divided two-thirds in’erest in a. certain tract or parcel of land in the 23 district and 3rd secti > °f Floyd o'unfy Ga., known as tbe ()i.k Hill 'f irm, tn nHistit.gof lols -f -m No 299 ami that por ii. >f '.(,* • N .. 390, 3'11a,.’ "■' ] • . ii ii . < N».r n khic >i 'tn Iv* jowal. nv 'i containiu'’ about 450, seres. L v.edorss tbe property of \\ . F. Ayer to satisfy three mort ag« 11 from the »uperior court oi sa d county ot Floyu, one n -. *r > J. B. Sullivan, iDe in f .vei ‘ «. 8. V. Ay«r "i.d oi e. 1.. it. >i . G. C. Longstre 1 eUi ( vs. W. F ty ras tie pr< perty of, U.o 1 mOlid .i t. • A! .it he same tun ■an ’, p’ace lots I in’ d Nos. 38 and iOl m ttiu 4 li Di-trict and 4th Sec.ieu of Fioyd county Ga. , aa the prop er yofJ. K Turner, to nu pf» wo mortgate fi *«s from the Su perior cou’l of said county. .One m favor o K. W. Berryhill, ano he otb.r in favor q| K. W. B-rryhill, tri'.t's!erie» against -he said Turmr. The tw ,oh « -seribed ute n eluded in the fi fa u. favor ol B--rr\l nl, and Io N 105 ouis is me ud>-d in .he fi fa m f«voi »f Berryhill, ir.uis i «-r» .-a A mat be *s me urn. and place one i:im d one half interest in oim -xv ■ w gullet gm h i dt-r Hid coofieoser. ime bait mt r> st in 36 inch corn in Ji, one half interest m sumdard p'la'loim uC‘ l-f- I . 8., one half interest u* one up pacic iog cotton p •■Hs. Levied on by v. 'u c.t mortgage fi m is.-u-d from F superior c< urt in favor ol R. G. Cii-ik vs A. J. A illiam rm the pri'| erty of the defendant. A'so ! fie tame time s ml ph e® town lots i urnner 91 and 92 iront ■ n ■ ortet avenue 186 feetsnd iib.fiiii.,- b mk along Divis'oo strt et on - iim ■ -d aud fitly five ie-t i L-- iivi ’* i g line sepur .tii-g said . - m. I > me hundred a i.d fit ! - c.ij. fe-t i miigtb. According to tim ma-> Wst Rome by 1 ecicnn tle and ?-i.K «, Said lots are a part •f 1 nd lot No. 239 in the 23r<; District and 3rd Sect-on ol s*id ot iiutv- A full de&u ipi.'on of s-ud pioperty which is now im proved bv a re ideucft, out 1> uses and stm u e is t und ou pages 572 ir. 573'4 deeds record it b o-. “ ■ Tne above pr par- ty is o n > d in the suburb ol W-4 R *., and w ill be told ,-üb j ■ i ' gage, ex cut <1 b - . iii'i- il Li *tn A 1 -I, .bo r th p titf’e jiu : meet- Levied on by virtr.e oi fi fa issued from the Jus tice cour , of the 919th District G. M.,m i’Vir of RounsaviTe A Bros, v-‘. am l -- A Ei iron, ts the properly <-f the defendant, who hi.s no er of this levy fidvortii-e --mei ; and s.le. Levy made by W. M I’jiiis, L. C. Oc.ober loth, 1895. Als. at rhe game time and place all tl al j. <:e or parcel of land ly-, ing and i.-.eii.g iu Fioyd county stale of (’< orgis, and that part ol said cr nu y known as the addition of J. R Stevens, deceased, te East Rom a platmf which said addition i rec.-rded at.d regii-teriic' iu book “X” page 66 of records of tbe superior court of Floyu county, same being lot No. 3am , containiup 2 and I>s acres more or I r». Said lot fronts 122 feel on the Cedartown road running back between parallel lines to a 60 toot street, said lots North ■ boundary line extends 800 feet, said lots South boundary line ‘ex tends 825 feet. Levied on by vir tue of a fi fa issued from tbe citv ( court ot Atlanta in favor of lhe Southern iiome Building Loan A* soc'at on against Ar nie S. L ietc-r ’ as the property of tbe defer.daut. ( Also at the same time and olace i one hundr d acres of land in the i , hap ; ci ; rectangle being the i Sou-h part of land lot number < 136 in 11'. 24 h ois rict and 3m section of ci yd c u’ ty via- Sa d < property lev ed on as liie proper- t ty of An i- E. Fleetwood to Ba.t:.-.- < ty an ex. •utipn issued from th' su|'< r <>r oiiV o Flo , d C‘ •iiil y i i favor of Equitable Mortgage Co . • g- ,nst ... d Atm e E. Fle<-i,w<-cd, as h’ p pesiy <>g the defendant. • ( Al>o a t e same time, and place b t<4 land No 84 and all c t 1.-.nd 10l N . 85-*xc-pt twenty-two ano . th.- oort.hs acres in lhe N. E. (;<, !;■ r i the shape Ht a triangl-, c ;.v v< •- to v‘: iliiam W. Milam t y William McC'u 1< ugh on the 10(11 d y ; November 1853 am! ( x -pt, tl-i: iy two er <1 hrev f ut thi* acre- m t i j Southw- st corner in th shape of a triangle, deeded to Hu/h M. McCul < ugb bv 'A .Liam Met;-.l’oii ih on the 20. h Jay o , Maicb 18-. S Said land c- n in e 270 acme in th- 24'h uis rci and Bid -eciiin of Floyd county Slate 4G> -rgia. Said property levi.d •’!> as tbe prop rty ot Geo. W Fl etwood to satisfy an exc | cut- u issued horn the superior jc- u t oi Floyd county Ga . in fa ] vor of Eq utaole Mortgage Co.. | ago. s' suid George W. Fleetwood th-, property of the defendant- ’ Also at the same time and place two certain tracts or parcel! ®f laud in the 22nd district and 3rd s'c’lor. of Flojd county Ga , ua tl« property of the dehndant fumes W. Mi’chell, the same be ing 80 acres ofi of the East part ol let No 59 and 40 teres ©6 the West side oi said lot. Both divid ed from lhe other part of the let by a straight line running North and South and both t< gethtr con taining 120 aciee. Tl e firs’ paicel ,is the place wbireoi Iht defend , nt ri sidi d the fiist of Man h 1889. ‘D< e(I msde and rt cuidid in the r lerk’s office for tbe purpose of levy and sale. Levied on by vir tue of afi fa issued from Floyd et ppiior court in favor of Everett C Reurned vs. Jas W. Mitchell :.s th* p.operty of the defendant. Also at the same time and place five ’ alm of cotton weighing 602, 490, 520. 585 and 537 Levied on bv virtue of >» mortgage fi fa ie -tied from Floya city court in fa iOrofW.H. Coke: & Co., vs I. l*. Anderson as the property of ti e defendant. The above lev i< d cotton will be delivered to purchaser at Rom -cotton factory. J. 11.I 1 . McConnell, Sheriff, ... ■I‘PMgBBgBCB WILD LAND SALES. Will be sold before the court buns door in tht uiiy of Rome, ovu county Georgia, between lie 1-gal hours of Bale on the first I'uesi ay in January, 1899,the fol wing described property towit: XII th it tract or parcel of land to 'i'. Lot No 333 containing 100 tcies and 10l No 316 containing 160 acre*, all lying and being in 'he 22mi District and 3rd Section ! Fi yd county Ga. Levied on by ■ irtue if a tux fi fa issued by V T ■untord tax collector for tax 1897 i ie sud state and county against B li Taylor as the property of the defendant. Ais at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land being Known in the plat as lot No 78 in the 3rd District, and 4th Section f Floyd county Georgia contain ing -10 acres more or less. Levied ou by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V 1' Sanford tax collector for la’' 1897 in favor of said state and .uiity vb Silas F Smith the property ot the defendant. Also at the same time and place all that tract or paicel of land be ing lots Nob. 793, 124, 308 and 305aud94in the 16th District and 4th Section of Floyd county Georgia containing 200 acres more r less. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford x collector for tax 1897 iu favor of state and county vs Frank L Miller as the property of the des feudal) t, J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To ali whom it may concern. \V. ,H. Ennis, administrator of E.ijah Perkins, deceased has in due form applied to tbe under ■ogued for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said dec iat>ed and said application will e heard on the fiist Monday in December nxt This 8 h day of Nov. 1898. John P, Davis, APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA ELOYD COUNTY. Whereas W. P. Trout, adminis tra'or of Jerry Townsend, repre sents to the court in his petition ■'illy filed, that he has aeminis lered Jerry Townsend’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred aua creditors, to show < ausj il any they can, why said dininietralor should not be dis- ■ nargi d from his administration and r< ceive letters of dismission ■ m the first Monday in January, 899. T.iis Oct. 3rd 1898. J ”IN P Davis Ordinary NOTICE. . GEORGIA FLOYD CGTINTY. To all whom it may concern. W. J. Hall, W. B. Judkins and W, J. Vincent, Rjster Committee for Co, “G” 22nd Ga. Vol., have uade their report. Notice ia here by given that said report will be "isstd upon at the ordinary’s of fice at th * court house city of R .me, Ga., on the first Monday ’his is to cite all survivors or de cendants of any of tbe members t said Company or their repre entaiives, to show cause if any iriey can why said report should i.oi be approved and made ’he ju'igm"D' of the ordinary and filed with the clerk of tbe superior court and admitted to the final records s a true roster of said company. Witness my hand and official sig .mure this 7th day of Nov. 1898. John P. Davib Ordinary. Floyd Co., Ga. j