The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 02, 1898, Image 4

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HWLEMOIMGIW I—l ■— ■ -' ■ ■ " I "■ • the: hustler of rcml Kalabliebed, IWO. ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL E»lablixbe<l, I«WS. laved every avanirg. except Satuiday. Suiday ami weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EBPIUR AND MANAGER, It will soon Le up to the Span ish Cortes. ■ The Dons are remembering the Maine. Santa Claus has begun toy ing with bar gains. i 11 ..i"=ss With the Stilus as hissen, why Uncle Sam is a lulu. The man who can’t learn from experience is a born failure. The Czar may hate war, but he is keeping his smokeless dry. The Red Cross society has discontinued its work in Porto Rico. A physician is not a baggage master because he checks your grippe- Os course the tide has much to do with the knots a ship makes. Now, Aguinaldo, it’s your turn —what are you going to do about it? Spain surrenders everything —except the man who blew up the Maine. r The last of the ’ember months is here and Christmas is happy on the way. lhe state of West Virgina is out of debt and has SI,OOO in her treasury. As Uucle Earn has a Santia go, he may not have a Santa Claus this year. 'lhe bright girl who coquettes with a dude knows what it is to “do a silly thing.” awo Get your New Year resolu tions out and oil trem up for another trial heat. If you are obliged to strike, join a base ball nine—and don’t be at K nine in a manger. Frail ia fires have caused heavy’ loss in Oklahoma and Indian Territory in the last few days The Peace Commission has nothing to do with the Cuban debt. Let the Spaniards settle it. With an “open dcor” in tl.e Pacific, Uncle Si.m had better take something to close hi - pores. Before a fellow’s grippe gets locked in bin trunk he should call a physician and have it checked. If anybody can fill up that de ficit in the state treasury we be lieve Guv. Candler can.—Albany Herald . That’s only a handful of our Jackie* in Paging, but they won’t be crowded—mark that prediction The President’s message is to) be twice as long as usual—but then Hamm's man has become an expansionist. In swapping the Spanish yoke for a boss like $ Mark Hanna, havu’t the I ilipinos lejped oaten one frying pan into another? 1 here are men and women m i Georgia financially indept ndent, | §veu rich, who are drawing pensions < very year tkn from t Im so in y earnings of the poo.'. Such perst ns do m t need or de tserve assist! nee, and ought to be stoppad by law from receiving bounty from the state A bill j now before lhe legislature seeks to remedy this injustice by proving that no veteran or widow of a veteran shall receive a pen sion unless it is n;o*t conclu sively shown that the applicant is in indigent circumstances, and that the pension is necessary I for his orjitr timport.No honest, .1 patriotic nrtn or woman can op pose the principle in this bill.— Dawson News. According to this paragraph I which appeared in the Wilming j ton N. C., Messenger during the recent riots it would seem that the entire editorial staff had, armed with “shooting sticks” gone out to “double lead” and “slug” space-killing | subjects. The Messenger says : “We hope our readers will ex cuse us for the non-appearance of any editorials in this morn ing’s issue. lhe truth is their preparation is impossible, as ev ery one was too busily engaged elsewhere and on more import ant work. The proprietor, staff and mechanical force were on the streets with their Winches ters.” Ever since he read the demc crrtiu primary returns, we have believed that Railroad Commis sioner Atkinson thought “dam mit” —but now we are told that I Spencer has been saying “dam” right out loud—kussen wusser th n Uncle Allen, and all because the 1 gislatc rs have about decid ed t-< nt <1 ov t the salary that Sp c d .?t earn. Think of it, oh ..y jou yman I Would-b - Governor Spencer Atkinson calling Gov. Candler’s legisla tors “damn fools”—Is that what the ex-Judge thinks of the rep. resentatives of the tax ridden “common people?” The negro has already dem onstrated beyond a doubt that ' he is not capable of the respon sible position of a volunteer in Uncle Sam’s army. As an offi cer he is a yet greater failure — for proof, look to the camp rec ords during the regent war. McKinley was opposed to the independence of Cuba and re. fused until forced to do so, to , assume any responsibility what ever. Now, having got started, |he is like a fool at a feast, he d m’t know where to stop. — Waycross Herald. The negro regiments in Ma con and Knoxville, as well as those hi Anniston, are giving trouble. Why not camp them all together : or better, muster them out. The white people can de fend this country. —Anniston Hot Blast. • On the ccvcr of a prairie wag on which passed tl tough Man hattan, Kan., the other day was painted this notice: “Nut bound for Missouri. Not busted. Not going to wife’s folkt. Just dol ing this to beat the railroads.” C 3 —y. . Ta’king of the conversation over that telephone where the conversor and couversee were 1900 miles apart, as talk ing at length, we are reminded of the Paris Peace CommisGon. Mark Twain frequently goes without eating fur a whole day, but is never without a cigar be tween his lip-, and says tint the cigar he can’t smoke has never been put together. The pumpkin i* regarded by the Chinese a- th* emperor of vegetables. Pin on account of its yelio v jt k;. Augusta Herald. The succes.-diil j .wyer an I prosperous saloon . eper knows more about bar , ins than the mother of 11 gins wnth only four dollars. The horse is not in love with • the small fei t, or the vocabula ry of the nine any more than the mule is enviou of the size of the horses’ ears. The Charleston iris turned red and white w hen the Victor Blue tasted the powder—the Charleston girl is m ver happier than when her pal -metter At last, Esterhe’z. is coming across, 'lhe prospects are that the renegade Don will receive ’esterbazy reception when he invades the pen of the “Yankee ) pig«.” The President’s message promises to be. long r than the war and larger than Mile’s pride and Shafter's girth combined. No protocol for us, we refugee at once. Messrs. Mudd of Maryland, and Brick cf Indiana, should be close friends in the new con gress. Os course Clay of Geor gia, will be their national flower in the senate. Richmond Pearson Hobson has been added to [the list of celebrities, who wFI speak at Atlanta’s jubilee banquet. HD toast will be: “Where Dut.x Calls, We Go.” Gov. Atkinson, of West Vir ginia (republican) leaves a cool million in the state treasury. Gov. Atkinson, of Georgia, (democrat) leaves a yawning deficit of some half million dul lars. Bad, ain’t it? Every now and occasionally you hear some demagogue yell “down with the railroads!” Ad he needs is an excursion r ite when he has to travel. The truth is the people wguld be in an L of a fix without the railroads. Alexander McDonald, the Cin cinnati millionaire, has given the Young Men’s Christian As sociation of that city $20,000 in addition to *5,000 presented a short time ago. 'l' is is to free the local association from debt. . imirniffiffliPF/ —ifW e The carri^ e of a 11' Mr Ff us’Sy&ru I / / / / if i man stays on it i i /./ c,,ou ß’h f> e W >ll I Irlt/ /fpil' ' nt iy * ,e sawn 11 /*! ' 1 asunder. The pro- ' Si Y / c ‘ ' grad uni hC (JR® f. bh. ly decline and Wb- e ■ 1 ■ loss of energy which leads finally to con sumption is not always very rapid, but if it isn’t stopped it will pre-ently begin to saw its way into the irost vital part of the body, the lungs. There would be very little consumption if every family would keep Dr. rierce’e Gohlen Medical Discov ery in the house, and use it whenever feel ing “out of sorts.” It keeps the entire body in such a high condition of health and forcefulness that wasting disease# have no chance to get a foot hold. A teaspoon ful or two before meals, in a little water, gives the digestive organism power to as similate the blood-making, nerve-toning, strength • building properti s of the food. It enables the liver and < .-.cretory system to clear the circulation of bilious poisons »nd remove all waste matter from the body. It replaces worn out tissue with hard mus cular flgsh, and changes weakness and debility into active power and nerve force The originator of this great “Discovery.” R. V. Pierce, M. D., is chief consulting physician to the great Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., at the head of a staff of nearly a score of eminent associate physiciansand surgeons. He has acquired, in hik ov< r thirty years of active practice, a reputation second tp no living physician hi the treatment of obstinats, chronic diseases. His prescriptions must not be confounded with the numerous “boom” remedies, “extracts,” “com pounds,” and “ sarsapaiillas,” which a profit-seeking druggist i» often ready to urge as a substitute. Dr Pierce’s med! cities are the product of wide experience and deep study. Any one may consult him by mail free of charge. r ■ Baks sig Powder ; Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food ; against alum* j Alum baking powders are the greatest ? menacers to health of the present day. k ROVAI BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. | SPAIN IN A HURRY. The Spanish government has not only accepted the treaty terms exacted bv the American Peace Commissioners, but is making all possible haste to evacuate Cuba and Porto Rica, going to the length of enaploy ing four of the largest steam ships of the Nortu Gerjpan Lloyd bteamshipCo., the Fulda, Werra, Muencneti and Darm stadt. These steamers when trans* f i taed into transports h ive a carrying capacity of 2,100 pas geng rs each, and as the Werra and Fulda are chartered for two trips each and the others for one, and more if wanted, these con tracts show that Spain is in haste to complete the work of evacua tion snd get rid of all responsi bility for the future government of her late West Indian posses sions. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Narrow waists and narrow minds often ge together. Football mixes demons o! some men and angels of ethers. A little m '.-cjlhio r morse often gets a long w y with a worn an. Man glories in his strength and woman glories in her bon net. A good wife maketh a good husband ;and bad ones are all solf-tu ide. Clubs drive some men to mat rimony and matrimony drives others tc clubs. A drop of ink will make a dude think—if he findsit on his trousers. Il’s a wise woman that can smile at a compliment aud im mediately forget it. ( Wc seldem criticise the ex tr vigauce of others when we a ejnvited to partake thereof. A woman will .igree to almost anything that she thinks her husband doesn’t want her to. Ther > m tv ba something in a name after all. “Mashers” and bruisers” are s milar —yet so differe it. A woman may drive her hus band to drink and be unable to drive a nail for the same reason —both heads being soft.—Chi cago News. ■L ..T., J. From lhe hustling that is go ing on in the men-of-war navy yards of the earth, the evidence is all against the near opp r oach of a peace millennium, Won't all the rest of Uncle Sam’s women folk raisq a rum pus if the old gentleman devel ops too great a desire to bring the Carolines into his family? The Duchess of Marlborough, who was Miss Consuela Vander bilt, has been chosen, it is an nounced, to officiate at the launching of the new English battleship irresistible. The American flag will limit along side the Union Jack, as was the cics c la the launching ol the! Formidable. , I 'J be b d little pc 001-boys will now < lp' Ha Iroad Uominu-sion e A aii son’s remarks and t ell the legifdato; “damn f •<,!■. ” Ibe .e . i•lc I •h pi t m t In s btea wipt d out j erha} s Ginn ra! N rth a m w ih nks an “Amen” to Cpt-ma r’s quon— d m ousorv Lion. If Agninaldo d >n‘t get good, let • coloniz ' our Indian.-, in ih • Philippines and send our Negro volunteers to | rctect—tliem- Iselves if they can. 'l he negro vote c. h i- d M .con j wet and now the Mac n Prolus I, s y they knew b \ •’> sxmpa tiiizw v ith N• h ( fooluta I whites, duri?‘iht ie r .n of ue • gro supremacy . lhe le*’slalors h ve dar<d co wipe out th? military fund and have been afraid to tackle a i much needed reform in tin pen sion depar’mei.t— u fact, voted an increase to pensi mer-’. The reform legislature has added $40,0C0 to the j < nsion fund and cut.tff S4OO 00 fiom I the school chi dr n. It has aso I added S3OO to the j of porters! and pages in the h »use, and wiped out the mill ary fund. '1 he lunatic asylum is crowded, tooj and these legislators will soon have no where to go. I COMING NEXT. A Splendid Comedy CvMPAKi Car rying Its O*. n On ik ti;a. Read what the Bin,.:'. : :.-d n Hor n’d save of “Back <m the Farm.” “f.i the rural emneriy, “Baok on the Farm,” which n w holds the Loard - at the B j u, I l-.r ’b. -at e goers have a > lay which will af *ford tw i hours of e>udy fun and ei jo. rip’i.t lhe play !<s founded somewhat on the pUm < f it. “O'd H cues *ad,” is it de] 1 i Ih -1 on the farm nilh ad He .-i ijplicity land lioimlit. . I intr d ices the ways of the otitic ■ m-n and how anol farmer who thinks he is so smart aud shr-wwd tlia he ernuot be swindled by the sharpers, c*u be vry easily t .ken and robbed. There is love romance wound in the plot and the wbrd tiDik » an interesting play. Dun g the per formance a number of clever su - cialties are introduced. tl>. aat'ug of Daniel aud Haz 1 Dark igh wins much applause and they are welrsupported- A fine e mpaoy evenly balanced, with ec m ■ i-l- ■ fee'.- a:y.r ; Die tu the and a special orchestra. niakei the performance a complete one in ■ every detail. Lirge i-udiences greeted it at both p-rfurmancss yesterd y and no coubt it will play to Lig business during it# en tire t ngag ment m this c ty.” I Friday nig.'.t Dec. 2nd, at i Nevin’s npera bot D-. R-gular I P’ ices S.-ats a t i’r- vi r t’«. I .LL” “ ——— —.— —■ i . ■, •J i I F J \ / ■ 0 ' >3/ lift.', / 1 i SOPYKuru ibC-, ’ J A CHRIS; 1 MAS OF FIRING. of fancy, plain or I hick dresa good-, put up in prtteins for I holiday presents, alox of fine ! Brenc 1 station try for ladies or OUi ts, k v f r man,or s ciiot iing Ihu is useful, will save you in iking any mis take when you ma«e a Xmas gift, Our holiday stock is varied aud well chosen, W. H. COKER. P. S —Coming, a big lot. $5,000 00 worth 0! new aud up to-date clothing, bought from manufacturer at 60c on the sl. W. H. COKER If Bread St I nows 'Ji)? 5 We offer Ono i. u ,„| , '>"•» Reward f„r ' “ 01 , , Hall’s h F. J. Che. e y &Co T„i 1 We, the under ß1 g n( . ( |' 1 j’ 01 . known F.«J. Ch Plie , f 0l .’ (11( . '“years, and believe hi. (l tl) " fina.daily able to carryout, “'•ligation made by thei) est & Trm.x, Wholesale l).. U(r M ts, Toledo, O. g ’ Walding, Kinnan A Marvi ' !), "g ; .i-t,, Poludo 0 . Catarrh Cm e i 8 a ally, acting directly upo D “ blood and mucous of the system. Testimonials ß e Qt f'-eo. i’rice 75c per buttle. S o ] d by all Druggists. Hull’s Family Pil| s are t] est i> Coke ohepper than Coal- Canbd used in stoves for heating and cooking purp ises. No smoke or scot. Clean and economical. For further p riicularg se ROME ATTORNEYS. ■ - J . BRANHAM, Law Off ce 200, East, Firstreet Bt, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornoy at Law, Borne' Crcporaion I .aw Onlyr "W. J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice In allocurt., n, i-ci 1 attention i; ' • u tn commercial law and the of land titles. Oliice lu King building, Rome. Ga. 1-SA.K.RIS Aitnrney at law and J. i’. Office overF. ». Kai*e & Co.’s. * LI. S' OMH dr WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. ■ rmst t >m ill mg. Borne, Sa Ml 3 SUb?.NK3, A’terney at law. utUceKiag Building. Route, a. W. U. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all contM Oflice, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, J SA.NTA. CRWF 3 < - Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collections » specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES RIGHT. JH4RPER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. OlIice:No. 14 Postolfice Building CHARLES E. DAVIS —AI Ti >UN EY AT LA W - (' 1 lection a sotciaßy. W ill practice i« >ll com ts. Mus t ic Temple A nil?x . lliSAOa — J " DENTISTS. j. WILLS, D.D.5., ' Office 24C 1-3 Broad. * Over Cantrell &0w« J. L PENNINGTON. D D S..M D L NT IST’ Office, 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur iniare Co. _ PHY SICIANS. O. I-I N. D- Physician aud Surgeon Office, Medical Buildlug Roiue, Ga. O ce 'phoue No. t». Li KCA.MMONO. K-D'' Physician and Surgeon, Office H» Uedl °* bi i Hug. Residence, No. 403 West I l ' - " Ce.’.Ai >N ’. » TONSCRAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, Ti e 'Old laliable,” operating the Cwtr hotel Ba> bet Shop, Invites you to give bi» ' : i ml, tih<i pioiuisos to do tae rttßt. Onb l ** il ( tael' viupl y» d on the chairs. ) — —- - HOWELL C. TAYLOR, H mselfa skilled barber, employ’ very best artists in lus totisoral studi°> uurry Building, opposite the Armstrang. \nu are made comfortable while your b :ing done. PASTEUR FILTERS The cub Prcot Filter in world. Makes pure and clear sale bylllhe Hansol Supply Co