The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 02, 1898, Image 7

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Knifing XverytliinG- J?\ JJ'.- 1 AiL I ' IK THE NEXT TEN DATS? .»’( OA • €€€€€<?€€€€£*«* W&X |j | GENTLEMEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MACKINTOSHES: All new J . If || 1 Styles and to be sold for LESS than COST FOR CASHI t I ’> iy* Overcoats -/“f 7 cei \ ed a Sam P ,e Lot of Mons* and Boys’ Fine Over Coats and all of them Stood and most desirable styles. We will sell the lot fit one-half regular prices CAPES ANO JACKETS- Sample Lot of Jackets and Capes In all the Latent ■< > ST YLES -A-TTZD COLORS! LW’yL ifc <l--Cak These Beautiful Goods just received and the entire lot raj: T Will be sold 3j 1-3 per cent less than original cast to manufacture. * Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery and all kinds of notions, you can WtkwdKißuhF always find here at the very lowest prices, and very best qualities. 1 " " _ r -XT - ■—W ■ ■ ■—■ ■»'*.! - ■ e» ■■■ a-., ~■ ■ ——... ■„. ■» »i -- - --- . -, Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool and cotton, you will find TToasjffi here at prices much lower than any other house in Georgia, and you will get the very best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. TwOt ” - ' '-■ ' " "*" ' *“** “*• ' " ’’ ■■■■!■ . r *'■ 5 s. • n > ■<fe/7£w£’ziU V ’ / I r±\EM_d Stetson Hats Have Braias fa Ttoma Y«s, there are brains in Stetsen Hats—brains in making them and brains in wearing then#. New Fail Stylea in Stiff and Sett Hats en sale. It'e a wise head that wears a Steteoa Rat THB AWFUL TRUTH Rs kg Condition of Cil < Ins is Suppressed. SDLOiERS ON RAMPAGE. Tew,i Sacked and Women and Children Abused. Havana, via Key West, Dec. ■I —T eople are dying by hun dredß of starvation in Havana Evince. In the towns of San Aiitoni a> Cartilda, Rio Blanco, ibacoa and Guanabacoa the ’ituation is beyond description. °°d has been landed at Maria-' Uao and Matanzas, and though We lcomed with wild enthusiasm,- \* 8 not sufficient to relieve thej W1 distress. ■ii' e Spanish authorities cru-i ®'J prevent the awful truth toj e coine known . The local press; not allowed to describe the; o,1 " r 8of the situation, and! c °rrespondentß are not permitted | ° ' ,l de the news under threats: ex pulsion. 11"- starving people are in J ®Bpair, and fear the news of j le ii condition swill not reach j jy 6 dut ' l orities at Washington,! Oni which place alone help can j come. g ices Irotn Santo Domingo, ut a Clara Province, assert .at the town has been sacked HATS! We carry by far the largest and best line of Hats in Rome, and we can sell them at leas than other hous es pay for them. By all means eome end see them. by Spanish soldiers. All the houses in the place were plun dered, the women abused, and with their children left naked , on the streets. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “W»s taken with a bad cold which settled on my lunge; cough eat in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if, I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. Il has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy i woman.” Trial bottles free at !Curry-Arrington a. Regular size 150 cents and 11.00, guaranteed i or price refunded. LIU WANTS $6,000,000. !And Will Offer to Cede all Claims in The Islands. « I,l ' —— ' San Francisco, Dec. 2. Ex- I Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii, land suite passed through this icitv today en route to Washing ’ton, where site will lay befoie | President McKinley her claims jto 1,000,000 acres of Hawaiian land. She will also submit a proposition offering to dispese of the property in question to the United States government for the sum of $6,000,000.J CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. Knee jant« 150 Child’s «uit« 65« $1.00“ “ 81.00 •8 00 “ “ $ 1.50 •4.60 “ “ 452 25 Boy«| " $7.50 “ $3.75 “ SIO.OO “ SSOO J- KLITTRJER ' NOBLE MEMORIAL College Io be Eslablitheb at Khartoilm. GEN. KITCHENER’S AIM. Will Found a Lasting Monu ment to Gen. Gordon. London, Dec. 2.—Gen. Lord Kitchener, today, addressed a large meeting composed of bank ers and merchants, who are pledged to the support of the scheme of establishing a Gordon memorial college at .Khartoum. Lord Rosebery and many other notable persons were present. When the Sirdar anpeared in the street, after the meeting was over, the crowd broke through the police cordon and swept down upon him. Ouu woman cried : “God bless you 4 ” and tried to shake his hand. Later Gen. Kitchener visited the stock exchange and told the members that he had come to get 1500,000. He was received with tremendous cheers. ..tMWwith yolvtletter/•VBK?Aa«‘ nrrvo-killlßt tobacco hablK rerou’M th» tobacco. ,W It'* ts *«.rTou«di«ir<M.cipel»n<o<^- J 7a • Ik tine the Wow. rc _ tf® M . .tori.’ t o,t 3L .™MO TO »»A<’ fro» no..k ®a , ’you' own drufTKist. »h< •« A U TOVCu for ua. 1 Ake it witk M W aaUoutly, penisteiHly om • k' b». •!. iMaally curet , S boxer M M m9|H bajr rnarauteed to oaf*, ox we refuftu rooffet -HUBe-Hj C»., CMraa* «•» »•<* MEN’S SUITS. $5 00 Suit« for $1,50 $7.00 “ “ $3.50 ss.oo “ “ $4.50 $ll.OO “ “ $5,50 $15.00“ “ $7-70 All wool j»ants 75* $8.00“ “ $1,50 $5.00 “ “ $8.50 BLANCO IS BITTER In His CritiGiims of ”bB Americans. BENEFIT tW DEFEAT. Declared Prosperity .Mill Now Dawn Upon Spain, New York, Dec. 2.—The Herald today prints an interview between its Havana correspondent and General Blanco just before the latter sailed for Spain. General Blanco eaid the Spanish people would accept ary treaty entered into with the United States, and would abide by all agreements. After denouncing the United States for causing an “unholy war” General Blanco said he could see many benefits that Spain migh derive from defeat. He said the people of Cuba and the Philip pines were Spanish in aentiment, aud soon all Litter feeling would wear away. Commercial relations would be revived, and Spain would find in her old colonies a greater market than ever before. “Spain’s prosperity may dawn tomorrow.” aaid Gen. Blanco. “1 believe it wil’.” He said the United States had taken the Philippines, but he thought the American people were not really in favor of it. “Perhapa if the war was to be fought over again,” he said, “Dew ey would net be sent to Manila.” UNDERWEAR- Undershirt* 15c “ 50c kind 250 $ 1 .00 wool 50c Cauton fitnxei drawer* 180 Heavy Canto flm nel drawer# 25c worth • 50 u Gen. Blantc thought the war; had opened the Americans eyes as to the Cubans being a weak down trodden race. LYN CH ED fN MiSsb U Ft I. ‘ - ■ - • Second of th® Two of Lnin Is Strun g Up, . I New Madrid, Mo., Dec. 2.—An-I other lynching •ccurred here yes terday, the victim being the sec ond of the two negroes who killed 1 Alexander Loin in Madrid Bend, 1 Ky., last Friday. The negroes were caught at Dy ersburg, Tenn. The friends ard relatives of the murdered man heard of the capture, a mob wa? organized, the stormed and the prisoner taken out and lynched near the scene of the crime with ' which he was charged. The negro arnde a confession. i saying that he killed Loin in order to get 100 which, he understood. , he had on his person . The negro ( who aided in the robbery and mur- , der was lynched Sunday night. SWEETHEART WAS FICKLE. J Fell Into Evil Ways, and Ha I Hacked Her Up. New Wostmister, B. C., Dec. 2. • —Don Perrier, a young French-If man, brutally murdered his lcrm-> i er sweetheart, Jennie Andrews, an English girl, here last night. He t shadowed her to a place known as the Green house and was shown to ( her room. He entered and locked ( the door’and hacked bor to pieces . It is said that he first met the , girl in Australia. She dis-arJe-i s him and crossed the ocean to»mar ry another man, who refused t < keep hie promise, and she drifted f SHOES! For mp-i, boy*, ladies and onildren- We riy© you the very beet quality for the the very lowest price. Ladid* rood shoes 75c Men’s “ “ *I.OO They are solid leather into evil ways. Perm ris a sailer, but. is well educated and is report ed to oelong to an aristoratic family. Wiioly Smoke !—That is to I say, that if you want the best I cigar on the market and the one [that gives the most fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of the Warters’ Rome made brands.' RACE MEET, SELMA. ALA. Rk»u«ko Ratis Via Southirm Railway . On account of the Race Meet at Selma, Ala., December 6th to Bth, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on its lines between Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Rome, Atlanta and intermediate points and from all points within a radius of one hundred miles of Selma, Ala., toSelma, Ala., and return, at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets from points within a radius of one hundred miles will be sold De -seinber sth to Bth inclusive with final limit to return December 9th. Tickets from all ether points will be sold December sth and 6th with final limit to return December 9th. A very extensive and attr c live program has been arranged for this occasion, and those taking advantage of these low rates cannot fail to enjoy them selves. For further information, call on Southern Railway ticket a g ont - .