The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 05, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH yeah I AWFUL I |gl. Gflßthsl Giues Some I jpioy Testimony. I HEADQUARTERS lai • I Bad Exanip e set by Gan Brooke ■ At Camp Thomas. I <*ahiugtou. Dec. 5. —At today ’h I Stsdion of the wur investigation I eouiniission, the examination of Capc.'McKay, who was in charge ! of ths transports of the Santiago I expedition, was continued, ! Cupt. McKay also superintended the eiabark <t icii of the troops w pich came iiO> th from Santiago after the surrender and he indig uantly denied many of the publish ed statements regarding the filthy condition of the transports, Hs cited the cuso of the Ai hghauy part iculai iv. The eondi. tion of tba‘ vessel bed been criti eited particularly, yet he insisted that H was one o< the best Venti lated and b»sl cared for thipa in the transport fl*-et. He heaid no complaint of lack <f medicines. In conclusion h - pve it as his opinion that when the expedition sailed it had ampe fieililies for .anding, Thu difficult liei subs- quently enc untered were due to loss of some of the lighters and a tug eu route and tho rough weather i i the harbors at Da quin •nd S.botn-y. Lieut -Uol. Qoethal, who was chief engiti«< ron Gen. Brooke's Staff, followed Cap'. McKa; .He •ntitised the condition of the eamp at Chickamauga, Wirch was, he said, I ad, ovn g to the failure cl lhe scdeifr* t ; use their sink. % H* ( . described the condition at headquarters as “particular y dirty,” He did nut think that fact set a v# y good 1 xample for the rest of tie corps On the whole, there were better sites in the park than these occupied, bn' those were Mainly in them rthern part which .had baeu reserved for the Sixth army corps The witness describe I Brocke’s expedition to Port R ■. He could not answer f m sin vessel except the St. Louis V »■ which he was embarked. “1 i conditn i s on that ship,” • 11' Jam. u were awful. The state rooms were not o earned. The bed ding was foul; there was no venti lation and the meals w re abomi- sSb TKE EXCELLENCE HF SYRUP OF rlliS is due not only to the originality and •iniplieity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is 'nauufactured by scientific processed known to the California Fig SybuF Co. only, and we wish to impress upon •d the importance of purchasing the Jrue and original remedy. As thr fanuine Syrnp of Figs is manufactured oy the California Fig Syrup Co. •nly, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par- Wes. The high standing of the Cai.i fobnia Fig Syki p Co. with the medi •*l profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figa lias to millions of families, makea ’*■ name of the Company a guaranty •* the excellent' •of its rein.dy. It is ™ r iu advance of all other laxatives, it acts cm the kidneys, liver and Bowels without irritating or weaken them, and it does not gripe nor •“•eta, please remember the name of **e Coaipany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , FUANCISOO, CaL ■•’'IBVSI.IJt. • YOBK. JI- V. THE HOME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL ROME GOOD BUSINESS Th! NoMiberßeiiJriis is to Failures RemaikaMe. WOURJBEMmFIRiLk Favorable and Faw Depressing Features New York, Dec. SR. G, Dun A Go’s weekly Review of Trade says: “The report of failures for tho mouth r f November is ex tremely gratify iug because it shows not only a decrease in number and a smaller amount of liabilities than in any other mcnth, except ing three summer months, since the.monthly record begun, but be cause careful analyst* shows a striking improvement both in the small and in the large failures, and in neaily ad classes of indus try and trade. Considering that failures are unusually small in the summer months, .(he moi tiily re turn lor Novemb-r may be consid ered about the bes ever m ide, and shows a condition of financial soundness rarely surpassed.” Bradstreet’s: “The business world enters on the clo»ing month of the year with so many favora ble and so few depressing features in sight as to leave little diubt that the year 189 S. as a whole, must hereafter furnish the basis for estimate when comparisons of large business are to be made. Nearly all obtainable statistics and r*p »rts as to the volume of business point to the present year having heavily e • eeedeu and for mer year in the amount of busi uei»B done, and though compan ions as regards prices are not s > favorable as in earlier years, nota bly 1892 and 1890, when quota tions of most staples wars consid erably higher, still the expansion m trade, due to increased popula tion and enlarged foreign demansi for our oroducts, has resulted in an aggregate volume of business done considerably in excess of any form ir year ’’ A"«ll! J. . J »JL LEFT HIM A FORTUNE. P or Salesman Inherits a Mil lion Dollars. Benton Harbor, Mich., Deo. 5 L S. Aldrich has received word fo.u Chicago thst he has •’een named by his aunt, Mrs. Caroline E. Haskell, of that city, as bsr heir to an estate valued at $1,000,- 000. Aldrich was a poor piano salesman. r TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggista refund the money if it fails to cure. Joe. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. M’COY AND SHARKKT. Nt-w Y rk, Dec. o—Kid0 —Kid McCoy ha" posted $2500 as a forfeit t< fight. Tom' Sharkey before the Greiner New Y rk Athletic Club on condition that ths club promise to settle the financial oo'igations of the Sharkey-Ruthlin fight. nable.” Still he did not think the troops were incapacitated by reason of the voyage. Col James M. Moore, assistant quartermaster general, explained the difficulty in obtaining 010 hiug and camp equipage at the opening of the war and how iu many cases the quartermaster’s department was coiiv ellsd to but inferior ai tieles or du without-? altogether. This was paitf.ularly true ol ten tage, e GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING. 5. I8«»8. SET ALL FREE. Hyilinido Must Likerate Prisoners. B2CIBION OF CABIKET To Stand no More From The Gold-Whist'e Gentleman. Washing’on, Dec. s.—The im portant development o' - the Cabi net meeting Saturday was the sending of a dispatch by the War Department to Major General Otis, in command of the United States military forces in th ’ Philippine s, directing him to demand of Aguia aluo the surrender of a'l Spanish prisoner* held by the insurgeats. An arrangement is being per fected by the joint Peace Commis sion in Paris, by which a'l Span ish prisoners in tue custody of the Unit 'd States and insurgent force? in the Philippines si all be released iu exchange for the liberation all political p'ison» r ß nrreated for complicity iu the Cuban aud Phil ippine insurrection. The only drawback to the abili ty of this Government to carry out the compact is the fa t that Agumaldo might retuse to comply with the wishes of the United States To prove the goed faith of the Spanish Government, the President and Cabinet decidad to act at once, so that all the pris >n ers in Philippines would be fies when the treaty was signed. It is not improbable, of conrae. that Aguinaido will show c. dispo sition to decline to accede to the proposition of General Otis, but the adniinietratiou does no’ antic ipate trouble with the Filipino luider that will Iyad to an open rupture. Tha disarmament of the Philip pine army will probably be one of the first steps that will follow th' formal assumption of auiboritj over the Philippine group by ths Unit'd Slates. Thia Gov- rnmciii can not permit a military force not recognized by it to exist in itr possessions. This matter may prove serious, but no other course is piesible after tne islands have passed completely under the au thority cf the United States, HOBSON MAY RESUME Work on The Wrecked Reina Mercedes. Washington, Deer 5. —Secre- tary Long haa granted the re quest of Naval Constructor Hob son to go to Santiago, on condi tion that the Merritt-Chapman Wrecking Company ask for his designation as the representative of the navy department in the wrecking operations on the Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes, sunk in the Santiago harbor. ~ - ■ L.".M CAPTURED SHIP RETURNED Washington, D. C., Dec s—; Acting Secretary Meikeljohn, has directed the return to her owners at Santiago of the ship Reina de Los Angelas, taken by our government during the past year. There was some question as to the right of the government to the vessel. IN CERVERA’S CHEST- Norfolk, Va., Dec. s.—The •afe taken from Cervera’s flag ship, the Maria Teresa, has been opened at the Norfolk navy yard. In it was found $75,000 in Spanish and American coins, principally. . at y- WI an HAM TiISWHK SONS! . - x ; 3 W<;_- A } A '■ ’Lak W ‘ '■ I 7 Ha 1,1 I WJ < I V ■»'.* > Cl >OT WTNP iifc JIl nl |lw At prices to sell f Our second floor on Broad street Isa complete clothing store, with a nice new line of men <r.nd boys and children’s clothing at prices yow can’t get elsewhere, if they da advertise to sell at co/ 1, etc. Our prices are lower than theirs, and ail we ask is a chanse to show and price and let you be the judge. Men’s l ine suits, been selling at $9.50, we now sell for iC ’-a; and anything in clothing at equally as great reduction. ‘ « ~ e shirts B ” cheaper than you ' J9I can buy elsewhere ; WWv? Hl We sell the Stan- U I- lyshirt atjoCv oth |l|| v-J er merchants get ;• !jj: MKft-. 75c a'"d SI.OO for 4|J :• J I E " them. The sav- ,n r Wl *l be BlK.; -.J LiliWHl Gentlemen’s Heavy Wool Pleece Lined Shirts Something real good at only 50c, They are worth cooing to see. ' A want to dore out a line of ladies’wrapps * name prices tbai Wl 1 lnterest y° u if x - X ucaretosave mon- 9 ey. Lacl'as w'app.for ® A \ & about what tha '. uting 7 A .MHJP b •• d tbe S' 5; ■ ”*■ j *'C\ work thrown in- LADIES’ ( Capes a# low as, aash, , 19c Prattp Plush cape* for $1.25 Pretty Plush Capes, handaomely braided rand beaded, Thibet trimmed, for only . ~ . $1.51) Capes and Jackets both cheap and fine, at prices tesell. LAMIA M And SONS • ‘ ... IO CENTS PER WEEK