The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 05, 1898, Image 4

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idstlbr-coiibrciai the HUSTLER of ROME Established, ISM). ROME COMMERCIAL Established. I®'!’- 0M 1 ~~ ~ !•■•* every evecirg. except Satuldaj. Sunday aud weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, 114101. AND MANAGER. «■ - ~ Pana, HL, it> still the sto.m center of the race pro leiu. ■ u A/TCT Lincoln, Nebraska has thief' women on its board of aldermen. Florida’s legislature is solidly Democratic in both houses. It is well. Alger’s story of the war would be a feverish tale were it not fic tion. Because riches have wings is no reason why an heiress should be “fly.” ■ ■ ■ ■■■ 'JWiiif The heating stove that is not a “warm member” these days can’t be a stove-up . 1 ■< ■ - Coal Dealer: At last I have found an honest man. Hawkins: Well, what of it? You can’t use him in your busi ness. —Life. The Waterbury (Conn.) Re publican says : “The Almanac maker who stud winter would not ariive until Dec. 21st is a nio«8-grown chump.” * The papers arc now discussing the negro problem, and many ways to solve it is set forth. Let the negro alone and he will work out the problem himself. —Mad-1 ison Advertiser. *■ The councilmen of Bost, u have determined that no hand organ shall be ground at the Hub unless properly tuned ; and a committee has been testing over 300 of the instruments ac cordingly. » W —— What the commission of peace say of the $10,000,000 for the Philippines, is that it represents permanent aud valuable im provements made by Spain with Spanish money. It is not in payment for “sovereignty.” We will not get the lion’s share of the trade with our colo nies, unless we either shut other Rations out of our colonial ports ur else show that we can sell them merchandise cheaper than can England and Germany, our chief rivals. Sam Jones is lambasting the legislature. Jie says Bpwaker Little has “packed tff reduo ed rummies” on the Temperance Committee to the tune of 21 to 17, and says there is one drunkard in the lijiish.ture who is not on the Temperance Com mittee.” • Is anybody in Georgia looney enough to believe for a moment that the overly righteous Macon Telegraph would or could see anything commendable m GuV. Candler’s message to theleeisla ture relative to the state’s finan cial status? —A merit ut Record er. The llaitiuid ’limes says, “The fait that Spain has agreed to accept fresideut McKinley’s oflwr of $20,000 for the right to appoint yuliumcuand otiur of ficials in the Piii ii } lues . will not »top the opposition of men like Senator Hoar lo the ratifi cation of any lieatx tu fairy that ■ktarrangeim nt into tficct.” A practical recognition of how much Spain’s deterioration has been hastened by the war is to be found in the fact that France hits just reduced the compensa tion of her Ambassador to Mad rid while she has increased that of her Ambassador to this coun try until the latter is about the highest paid of any Ambassador at Washington. Nothing’discourages a town •o much as a prohibition cam paign. Like kerosene oil, i seeps into ever) thing and is lia ble to flare into a dangetous blaze as the result of even a careless move on the part of th most innocent or thoughtless. The Nashville American thinks that: “Hie congress of these United States should appreciate money enough to build a coffer dam around the wreck of the Maine and show to the represen tatives of all lhe nations that her destruction was the work of the enemy. It was the blowing up of the Maine which caused the war with Spain.” RECORD OF THI WAR. Following the practical con clusion of peace term at Paris, tag New York Journal prints the following interesting statistics placing in contrast the costs of the Spanish-American war to the two countries : WHAT THE UNITS!) STATES LOSES. Maine $ 2,500,000 Cost of war 200,000,000 Indemnity 20,000,000 Total $222,500,000 WHAT SPAIN LOSRS. Cuba $ 300,000,0(0 Philippine* 450,000,000 Porto Rico 150,000,000 Ct .st of war 125,000,000 i. s> <>i < -.minurce 20,000,000 /b.r j .nips lost 50,000,000 To al $1,075,000,000 Lives loit by the United State* —About 233 men killed and sbout 1,321 wounded. About 2,000 men died in camp. These figures do net include the 266 sailors lost on the Maine or the men who have died of fever af ter having been mustered out. Lives lost by Spain—About 2,500 killed and 3,000 wounded. Spain had the satisfaction of blowing up the Maine and kill ing 266 American sailors. It has cost her : Tweaty one warships. Two armies defeated and cap tured. Cuba, 41 655 square miles and 800,000 inhabitants. Porto Rico, 3,670 square miles and 800,000 population. The Sulu Island?, 950 square miles and 75,000 inhabitants. The Philippines, 114,326 square miles and 8,000,000 in habitants. Stray islands in other groups. A year ago Spain govermd over 10,000.000 people outside of her own limits. Now she gov erne less than 200,( 00. F ROM OTHER SANCTUMS As we are asked to pay $2,- 000,000 to ;admit 10,000,000 black brown and yellow people into the republic, Bishop Turn er, of the African Methodist cnurch considers it an opportune time to renew his proposition ol a federal appr< pi iation of SIOO,- 000 000 to transfer cur black pouulation to Africa,—-’Spring field Republican. We are to j ay Spain $20,000,- 000 for the Philippine Inlands. Within ten years we will be ready to pay $20,000,000 to any body to take them off our bands. Raleigh (N. C.) Observer. Russia is about to build twen . ly-tbree torj.edo boat destroyers. Evidently the pzar yvishts to imake a respectable showing when his scheme for geneial dis armament goes into effect.— New York Press. Mr. Roosevelt is paying one of the queer p< naliies of fame. He is having his picture used in about 103 advertisement. — St. Paul Globe. The policy of William McKin ley seems to be to find out what the people want ami go ahead and annex it. —Kamas City Star. Mr. Depew is confident that the hour and the spotless man have both arrived. —Washington Post. The colonel of the seventy-first New York regiment has at last resigned. He should have re signed at Santi igo w hen he held his troops in a lul'ew and allow ed tn* negro regulars to march over them in going to the charge.—Savannah Press. The negro soldiers in Macon continue to do their devilment. Saturday night a crowd of them pulled a street car conductor off his car and otherwise maltreated him. A regiment of Macon citi zensfw ith a thousand rifles ought to’put a stop to th se infernal brutes.—Cordele li met. If fut ure legislatures cut down the state’s expenses with the same rigid impartiality that has been manifested by the present general assembly, it will come; to pass in a few years that the state treasury will even have a balance on hand . w aw*-? . -war So long as ex-Pi “ident Har-i rison can go merrily along gath ering SIOO,OOO retainers as he ; meanders, he would be foolish to strive after poverty, obscurity and a seat in the United States tenate . The free show opens in Wash ington tomorrow. If the Geor gia Legislature could only get a whack at the appropriation* 1 But it can’t, more’s the pity. Notwithstanding centuries of m an<l persecution, there are to this day nearly as many Jews ia Ru*da as in all the rest of Eu jpo put together. A fellow ain’t hurt every time he is skeer’d. A real good sk*er is often beneficial. And that secret ballot, prom ised often before, is still in the hazy future. The latest mix—when the dog meets the hog aud th* ox—in the sausage. f WR;:! 'dlwi Walking the 1' oor. When a business man gets to the point where he cannot sleep at night, where he is so shattered of nerve that it is torture to even remain in his bed and he has to get Up and pace the floor —it Is time for that man to bring himself up with around turn. Jf he does not. it means nervous prostration and mentaj, if not physiikl, death. For a man who gees into this condition there is b remedy that w 1 b»ce him up, put him on his feet and make a man of him again. It F Dr. Pierce Golden Medical Discovery. It goes to the bottom of things. It searches out the first cause. When a man is in this condition you can put your finger on one of two spots and hit that first cause the stomach or the liver or both. This great medicine acts directly on these spots. It promptly transforms a weak stom ach into a healthy one. It facilitates the flow of digestive juices and makes diges tion and assimilation perfect. It gives a man an appetite like a boy’s. It invigor ates the liver. R fills the blood with the life-giving elements pf the food, and makes It pure, rich, red and plentiful. The blood js ths fife current, aud when it is filled with j the elements that build new and healthy j tissues, it does not .she long to makeamau i well and strong. It builds firm, muscular ' flesh tissues atjd stro ig am) steady nerve ' fibers. It puts new life, vi.ror and vitality j into every atom and organ of the body. It cures nervous »xhau~' i and prostration. Nothing ‘’Just as good” can be found medicine stores. 1 had suffered about f’ years with a pain tn the back of my head ii'j l ick." writes Mr Robert Hubbard, of Varns r. Lincoln Co., Ark ‘‘l suffered for eleven years and spent a great deal of money for doctors and medicine, but did not get relief. Then I tried four bottles of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery ’ r.nd improved great ’ ly. I sent for five more and ..ow am glad to tell evoryoue that I am in good health." Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the preseat day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., NEW YORK. The Petit Journal Pour Eire, of Paris, has made such outra geous fun of the tiip of the Ger man Emperor that, at the re quest of the German Ambassa dor, the issue containing a long and offensive article has, it is said, been suppressed. Part of the article, which is’ illustrated, gives what purports to be ex acts from the Kaiser’s diary, which show him to be displeas ed that he could not walk on the Sea of Galilee, but determined to try agnia at Berlin, when the frost sets in. The Spanish naval appropria tion for next year will doubtless be invested in life preservers. This suggestion i* food -for thought, and if not acted upon, the Spanish men-of-wars-men will continue to make food for fishes. If Uncle lam doesn’t soon let up on his winning gait in the international cake walk, the en vious rage of French and Ger mtn newspaper editors will in ike those gentry unit for pub licat ion. The New York Journal says “If the Vanderbilts want a rep resentative in the U.cited States senate, they should send a Van derbilt, and not Ftheir man in livery—Chauncey Depew. ’ Lillian Russell says she never eyen heard of the busband who is now trying to divorce her. Can this comic opera star be trying to spring an “astral mar riage” game on the public? There ara several senators now in the «witn, who will, a little later on have senator-ships ashore on Cat Island, abandoned and beyond the hopes of a Dob sonian resurrection. There are different kinds of military balls • one kind takes a fellows leg off—another dances his legs off—and tlmn there’s the bawl that eminates from Al ger’s fever camps. A meeting of citizens in Oma 'ha has decided to have another I exposition in 1899. The <xist ling exposition property is to be purchased for that purpose If our boys could ever know as much as we thought we knew when we were young, this old world will be whizzing during the next generation. NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. O. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Feits for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Beits, Hair Ornaments and Buckles a I to go at cost to ciose them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices before buying in Miilinery. Another fool has br< ken into! the l , 7.!shili!r»‘ and he has in troduced a bill t<> tax the pi oplo to pay damages to the sufferer* from mob violence—rapists and fire bugs included. '1 here is no danger ol the bill passing, but' if it should honest old Allen I) Candler would to it—Spring PJpoe Jitnplecuie. if ush, Clarence ; don’t talk out so loud in u.t - ting. Remem ber, that idea of placing a re ward, or rather free life insu rance, upon rape originated witii the late a Iministration. Ex-Gov. Atkinson (ir-t advanc ed the idea in an Atlanta Jour nal int rview. But you are em inently correct about Old Allen knocking the tuffiu out of the bill if it passe* —-Dabon Argus. A NARROW ESCAPE. 'thankful word* written by Mr*. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which *ettled on my lungs;, cough «*t in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctor* gave in* up, «aying 1 eould not live but a sboit time. I gav* my*elf up to my Savior, determined if I would not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would m*et my abeent ones above. My husband was advis ed to gel Dr. King’* New Di* covory for Consumption,Coughs Mid Cold*. I javu it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured and thank Hod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottle* fr<» at Curry-ArringtoA’c. Regular size •0 cents aad tl.oo, guaranteed or price refunded. THE REV. IRL R, HICKS Annual Almanac aud monthly paper, Word and Works, are known from sea to sea. We an pleased to cali the attention of our readers to the almanac foi 1899, now ready . It is a spleu didly printed and illustrated book of 116 p ges ami the storm forecasts aud diagrams and as tronomical and s ientilic matter are superior to anything that lias ever been seen before in', a 25 cent book. His monthly jour nal, Word and Works, s one of the best literary, home am scientific magazines in th:.con try, betides containing h monthly storm forecasts v .li. explanations. Tlw : absciii-'.’ui pi ice nf Wold-> and Works is sl.oo per jear and a copj Ur Hicks Al iiaiu-c “'Hit as a pre m um to ev ry yearly er. Singif •. odh d ”, rds am Woi ks 10 .■) nts. S’ nd vour or der to Wcrd and Works Pub. Co., 2201 Locust Street, St. L )uis, Mo. SI ‘*> *• ; '* * 3BSjS>- JwL* ’*v ’ ’** ri *' '*'■ J • &%fe.&- •1S 1 ' Jp> V'■ *'*-," jSX - '•'4*' WL... ; ~ . « A CHRISTMAS OF FERING. of fancy, plain or black dres goods, put up in patterns io< holiday presents, a box of fine Frenca stationary fur ladies or our fine scaris, kid gloves for men,or something that is useful, will save you making any mis take when you maxe a Xmas gift. Our holiday dock is varied and well chosen. W. H. COKER.' P. B.—Corning, a big lot. $5,000.00 worth of new and up to date clothing, bought from manufacturer at 60c on the sl. W. 11. COKER 11 Broad St. J ( A f r Ln M e < l!er One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any 0 “ f .Catarrh that cam ot be e lUetl |_ 11 all’s Ciitari h Cure ( F J. Chia ev &c 0 , T ( ,] e(lo , q l We, the undersigned h # ve known F. J Cheney for u ijyeai-, aud believe him t Je • inancially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholosale Drug, gists, Toledo, O. 6 Walding, Kinnan A Marvi* Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface* of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are th* est b Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and . cooking purposes. No smoke or scot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME G-.AS CO PROfESSIfImi ATTORNEYS. L»w Ofii’oe 200, Bast Firs: reel St, CHASW. UNDERWOOD Artcruay at Law, Ki Crcporaion Law Oulyr VZ. J. JSIBICIj Attorney at law Will practice in all ocurts. Special attention given to commercial Ikw ind the exanni a'.lon < f land titiee. office la King building. Rome, Ga. attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’a. LIPSCOMB .WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. jfllce in Armstrong hotel building, Rowe. *» M B auaANKS, Attorney gt law. OtliceKing Building. Rome, ■ a ■W- H. LJM3STIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all oonrM Office, Masonic T in x -!e, Rome, Ga, T SANTA. CBW? _> < - Attorney at 1 iw, R.inv, Colh'<l!ons 'pecislty. . MasonK " vLuple. Rome. Go. •loses RI hit. HaRFEII RAMIL.ON ARIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. ] 1 I’ostoffice Budding CHARLES E. DAVIS —ATTORNEY AT LAW- <' li-. Ltiun a specialty. V ill practice ia all i- i i cmple Am ex, Rome, Ga Di N FISTS. ■J . F... ’. . L‘- » ifflco 24;.1-2 Broad. > Over cantreJl & Ower J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M D RJNTIST- iffiee,!i j-a Broad street. Over Kanke Fur iiure Co. PHYSICIANS. o. A IyIXUTON, m- J - ■ i office, Medic*! ulldiug ’.lame, (. i. O ce ’phone Av. OX. I->- £». A!NCMOr4 Aj. -D • ’hysiclin and Surgeon, Office in Medic*. »uitd!ug. R. udeuce, No. 403 West Fleet M f.’piHiNo. 6 w ann’« K, .- I*l <1 TONSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, T1 e d l-liable.” operating the Centr lotel Baiberbliop, invites you to give hi® ll rial, and to do tue rest, (July skill** uen employ, d on the chans HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Fl mself a skilled barber, employs o. Ij !*• ery best artists in ins tousoral siudio, ini** urrj Budding, opposite the Arms rang. I ,er> ou are made comfortable while your work i* being done. PASTEUR FILTERS n he cub G<ini Prcoi Filter in th« '■vorid. Makes water pure end clear so- 1 ssle by al iha Piansoii .Supply Co