The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 05, 1898, Image 7

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s— -«**» —■ • -j —.. _ - u ■■■ „. -u !" ■;/" ~ ..———— —»■ ——**— * «.m 3 L A MAk till As pOIKG-- _ ■•WITIk-t RIW WfcT;T7 ’ ,W H nt k* w ■- t> KI ••' • H t/A‘ • <■ . ! ■" a* ■hi p'fr f'- ; ■* •■-■•■ ™ .1 w b x', ■■■ I Bl ■ X-- <■ . ■ H ; J M " < . S EJf ffl IH R 1 j > ; |V A WJ M £1 3b’ 9 Il Rav Decided to go Oui of th. Hilliaery Business. This is. , 1 My ■ek U Cost, or at Closing Out toQiit Business Figures. I Now Throw the Entire Stock n I lie Market and Will Proceed to Close it Out at Once-Everything Goes! I -REMEMBER EVBRYTHII "FIiOESM MRS. GAI.. il S * '- ■i|i g ; < ~ w ” '“"■' r-w — ■ ■ «-wb«: -»■»■ w ijmiMwcwgr— Ims UfIROOFED. I I I Jilliwe Vi? by a ffoiti I Scir.r. Stars i I ILL KIRKS TORN JWKY. Ci. m- oy» 3 w .i Down, 7 roes U proceed. Bh’!,;rn >r“, D 5. —The most tbvir-.- wind and rainst rni that . trer visited Baltimore fur yeait prerailed today a;jJ did tlousaudt of dollars of damage. Sixty miles an hour is the wins Telocity given t ut by the weather years. Fuiiy 800 houses in the city am yiciuity were unroofed, chimney* ionanierahle were blown dcwi , htes uprooted »ud poles levelled. Telegraph, to '. phone, e'ectrio light and trolley piles were blown down like -o ruany te.» pins. Large eectioi s i f the city ar-* in darkness tonight and the telegraph ailu telephone systems uri badn Wrecked. Ddrinj the hei;hi of the hurri- CttLe a 1 ,rje , a -upuly tank at the corner of Sc< tt and Osli nd sue-. .a exploded and cieated a panic in she neighboi ho >o . No damu.e was done. The British seamship Orthia, which sailed today for Glasgow, *as blown agr >und in the chann* 1. casualties hnve be m reported. SNOW CAUSES WRECK ctorm Throws A Signal Pole In Promt Oe Fast Passenger Tba n. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 5. —Yester*- da y'a heavy wind storm blew down & •igual pole on the New York, Ontario and Western railroad at A few minutes later a pasienger train that was to th : s city through the blinding snow storm crashed into the pole and I the engine and t nder left the I track ai.d down an embankment, ! killing th fireman, Davis, of Car bonda'e. Ine engineer, Reabuen Lewis, of ibis eity, At caped. The passenger coachee remain ed on the paiis ai 1 ai tne ■ gt-rs escaped with sli/.h' I raises. I ENTIRE CREW DISAPPEARED Schooner Report- E .countering A Dismantled Yessi l At Sea. New York, D e, 5 —Thu Nova Sc tian schooner Wuile ia arrived .sterd’-y iiom Cenaiveß and re | ports that during the he ght o'| tho hnrucane on Nov. 28th, in la- j titud* 86:22, lon ■.. rude 7-30, she 1 sighted a dismantled schooner ol • about 700 tons flying signals of ! distress. It was nearly d rk at th * time I a-d her crew cou ; d be sen on th. d. cks g st'calaf mg frantically for assistance. The Walleda bare down on the stronger and gutclosi tin d«r h**r lee and hailed her. They shunted ’hat the vessel was sink- 1 mg and a-ked to be taken off.; Kt mp t the rn that hie boats were stove aud useless. Ihe> said they wou d come to the Wa - led.i in (heirow 1 boat 1 . Anoth> r thre -mtt- d schoon-r dine o her ast iiiante tnd assum ed a ?ob ion to the Wind ward of he wreck Both of them stood I v until duyilgi • Wi. jn tnornii £ broke the wreck was seen t. be d.sermd and the boats pone. It is supposed that the unf wtn nate men had attempt d to launch their bo its during the night, which caps z-and h h «*> were lost. VED BY A HORSE A Vicious Hog Nearly Killed A Youth. Rochester, N. Y„ Deo 8 Gvorge Howard. 1«, who at the hospi nl her. suffering from the bite ol a vicious hog yesterday, owes his life to bis f.itbful horse. Yesterday, while hogs were jo-. ; ing slaughtered, one 'of them gw II - » I Bill —. 1 ■ ■ fe g T. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. I THEEANSON SUPPLY CO. 1 r Plumbing and Tinning. ’X • ' • X Engineers’ and machinists supplies?. Stoves, ranges and tinware. Gas and electric fix- 5 tures. INSURANCE’gasoline lx stoves. Water meters. ■■l 325 Broad st. Phone 32. t . ■■■■—l ■■ IN” - away and ran to a barnyard. Young Howard was standing it ttie barn door when the anima rushed upon him, planting its , nharp teeth in his leg, throwing ' him to the fl mr near where his I horse was hitched. Ihe hog r - ! uowed the attack nd was gnaw ing a the boy’s thro»t, when th horse turned sideways, and u f ti»g both f«et the bruit to the floor. RI'AAWAY SHIP British Steamer Leaves Qveeni tjwn With A Bailie On B aru. Philadelphia, D. 3. — The Brit ish steaaßVi’ Br ardeue, iwhosi master Captain Johnson dt 3<l rhe English admiralty c uit and sailed from Queenstown Nov. 18 h arrived at tbs D I.‘nve break t> ter tnday. Th' court had s z*d the steam er for dvbt »nd th ■ marshal had placed a bailiff on beard, Captain Johnson leit Q;p ns> town with the bai 1T on board. -T W l>~ ' .'"I ll'l"! «■? vrrliAA.r •»> i*. by ji > lVEWAieawfiK. jr. • ■/’iwr* ek .haartwrar r*.->■ .-tn i— • < TOE BILIOUS r . 3 N HIIVOUS DISCZSE2S jueh as Wind n r .l nia tho I : T. -iidd'i"-1- :i i< .-•* after : I tctie, Dizzin : . I>r<". -inc-s, 1’ . ::. s :t Hi it, Iw i i.f A, ;r : t.'. C s. Ui. ■ on ’’ turbed Sleep. : Nervous : J ' : S THE FIKST PC,.E WILL C .. ' . IN TWENTY ?'SUITS. Eveiy sui : re. will th in to to A WONIERFUL DErCMAIS .*. tall -a . sd. ct ed, willquicMy restore rer.i 'i . to c< ,-i --plete h<alth. They promptly : :n- > obstructions or ir: ■ liirities < the : ••-- tern anti cure kick Slifadacbe. Pur.. Weak S Lorrach Impa i red II) iges t >n Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN ©R CHII.ORutJ Beecham’s Pills a Without a K /a! A»’d hnvo the LAR EST SA* titan? Pi: tent.’ .Heine J>s Hu. World. 25c. at all Drug Eton ■ -~rr—r- ——. r ■ w > Lm bsownmiL *’ n ■ e ; v ’« I s SSMIBI il WfiUT I ji il osll il vW 1 -In 1 It pIP « . g FOR >ASH. Second Hand n>> Books cheaper uhan the || cheapest. Give me a call, a H. A. SMITH, | fHF OLDF BOOK STORE. » SB Si ■ ——r-’.iee—a —c eg ■ /OOT sN& BRO., Successors to < ’ I'OtVIE PHARMACY. ~ 309 Poa 1 st. New Clark Building. <|Q V r e ia' 1 6c ;1 tt a entire stock of the Rome your wants in 0 . ; < 1 ii I I;.edit ine line. Our . rj‘; is j ;e : -i of ie v y highe <t grade. j tri i>i von Aronage and shall en deavor to yto plea you at a ’. as. >u 1 b.- pi used hive you call on u Tu ’ . aru a'ssundries, toilet articles a ». uclii'i p.; ire us .ly car-i -1 in a first-class Ir » store. Ui / . and tobacco. Come t> see us.