The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 06, 1898, Image 4

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IrSTLEII-COOEOL II _ -- |h : HUSTLER OF ROME KitatelUbed. 1890. t 8 - = ROME COMMERCIAL Eikablished. 1*95. Il every !«v*niug. • except Saturday. . Sunday and weekly. ■ Iff PHIL <i. BYRD, tBl’lOK./ND MANAGER, t ' \ ' • dr. Borton Whacker has not I withdraw n. {While it takes time to beat !fa band, it takes the leader of > band to beat time. |A few more days and the ,orgia legislators will evacuate p City-by the-Kiniball. And now the horrible charge pi ad e that (.fficers sold red oss supplies entiusted to their I re. Miss Jess Schley is the peace 1 gel for the Czar to appoint as Si anti scrap guardian of Eu- pe. Pet Stahan and her baby blue ■ es should be sent to do gairi a duty in Cuba —for every oore. JI “The vane on the church leple says ths wind is east.’’ ,Vell, that’s pretty high au ■ority.”—Boston Commercial mil letin. I 'he friends of the railroad Sjamissioners have successfully cketed that bill that reduced e commissioner’s salary from 1,500 to $2,000. Atlanta proposes to put up a ace jubilee compared with . iich the Chicago and N*"v ork efforts were as naught. olumbus Enquirer. ' Blanco says we have misjudg- Spain and Blanco is right. 0,000 volunteers would have |pen an “illegant sufficiency’’ fir all of the war’s demands, — I Talking about Georgia losing > much land in her returns, re inds u» that Brigadier Bill’s lin is still taxed by the acher {nd the pcopla are not letting im dodge a rod. Says the Columbus Enquirer un : Unless the pruning knife put to the Georgia pension I ill it will soon be as big a scan al, comparatively, as is the ational octopus. - I I “Idaho,” says a contemporary, will have two women members its next legislatere, .and, as i®y represent two parties, there s no reason for presuming that he session will be a dull one.’’ A Montreal dispatch says that he Khan of Dir *has acknowl edged defect at the hands of the lad Fakir of Swat. McKinley’s rar investigating committee jhould be ordered to the scene ♦ t once. ; Ihe great thing that is now iGeded m the United States is a trong and steady demand lor American ships for the foreign rade. When a fair profit is at lured to them the demand will >e created. Gen. Wood says there has not •een a murder in Santiago since he Americans occupied it. At anta would do well to remember ihis and amputate “ward” from per next mayor’s name and have i mayor “Wood” of her own. She needs a dose of something |'hat would slop thj killing »ania of her kind-hearted chil dren. Hood ; Sarsaparilla Cures Curoo Scrofula, which is one of the wore* af flictions o> the human nice, uni comes from impure bio<xl. Eczcnw f » most often* ire and nneemfort able ejection of the bkin, al* due to impure blood. Salt Rheum, a torment to the flesh, a dis flsurument to the body, and » drain on the system, also du* to tinted blood. Pimples, which, so disfigure the skin, and make the human taco divine anything but a: thing of beauty, but whir b are Nature's ad ver tisoment of foul blood. Catarrh, which very often comes from » chronic affection of the clrcuh Cion, is a constant offense t ens’s self and ell his friends. Khsismatism, which all authorities now attri b,i a tc virious acidities in the hl- d, which this great blooc purifier of the age, liood’a Bar ysparllla, corrects. perlite, l< sold by ail >1; r!.x for so. Pre ■i red only r? C. i. M< ->d & 00.. Lowell, Mass roi'Mi’e I’illc W’Use beet altor-dinne » ’WU 3 1 SJ.-L r .jS. turf diKa-tion. ase. The Savannah Press says that when the army transport gets up the river to pronounce it as if it were spelt Man-i-to-BAR, with the accent on the bar. The “accent on the bar’’ is good—for Savannah —and nat ural. Now listen for the trans port’s captain to put his accent on the bar when he arrives—and his vessel on the bar before he gets back to sea. Hall Caine says in a Boston interview : “I have read criti cisms on myself for having ut t red opinions of my own work, ‘The Christian,’ whereas really 1 have maintained" an absolute si’ence. I never have given my views on the subject nor can I do so consistently.” Now let the fellow who has ' been “raising Caine” step to the front and apologize. Hanna has made prosperity so lavish that McKinley doubt less found it necessary to give the country that magnificent — in point of length—measago in order that they would have choice literature with which to while away the long and tedious Holidays.McKinley is a fatherly ruler, and so is his Aunt Hanna. "'g' I “ T— *~ BRIGHT BITS. Handsome is as handsome very seldom does. lhe nntorman on an electric car is a non-conductor. The man who is dissatisfied with his woi k is never happy. Speaking of fireworks, David was the original giant cracker. The man who starts out to meet trouble never has to go half way. There are people w ho actually believe their troubles interest : , • I others. It isn’t necessary fora woman ■to be an artist in order to draw , attention. A man often has more respect for his swryant than his servant has for the man. Mtn take opposite side* on tiie money question, but the majoiity are on the outside. The French may be fickle in ; everything else, but they are ‘ always faithful in their love—of * chaige. i In China a wife is never seen by her husband before marriage in this country some wives sel- see their husband* after marriage—Chicago Daily News. If the war department is de termined to receive the negro into the regular army ad infini tum, says the Americus Times Recorder, it should first see that there are sufficient army posts in the north to accommodate him, when on garrison duty. In the sense of being a real friend of the negro, the south is far ahead of any other section , be cause here he exists in such numbers that we know his mer its and demerits lie is all right in his place, but when vested with the least semblance of au thority, he becomes an Mito'er able nuisance to his superiors, which is invariably i rovocative of riot and bloodshed. This, of course, is most likely to happen where the negro population is large. Gov. Jones, of Arkansas, is right in protesting against a negro regiment being sent to do garrison duty at Little Rock. “Spain trusted me,” says Miss lessie SchUy. Os course Spain did. Spain was troubled, heartsore and dispondent. She had appealed to the nations for succor, and found there was not a sucker in the lot. When she hearrf a kindly voice and, look ing up, saw the pitying face of Miss Jessie, she didn’t do a thing but lay her throbbing head on Miss Jessie’s gentle bosom aild sob. “Miss Schley,’’ said Spain, in a broken voice, “I trust you End the war if you think best.” Thereupon Miss Jo sie made sure that her hat was on straight and went out and ended the war.—Kansas City Journal. A French scientist has discov ered a serum that will cure a snakebite if injected into the system within four hours after the bite of the snake. If the dis coverer should happen to Le bitten by a Georgia cotton mouth mocasin he had better drop his serum and imbibe about five doii of red eye within ten min utes if he wants to see his wife children again on this earth.— Americus Hern-d. Every member of the old Portland (Ore.) lav- firm Mitch ell, Dolph & Simons has been elected to the United States senate. Mr. Mitchell, is retired, Mr. Dolph is dead and Mr. Simons was elected last month. Lillian Russell says she never eyen heard of the husband who is now trying to alivorce her. Can this comic opera star be trying to spring an “astral mar riage” game on the public? j B “ How Do I Look ? ” How frequently a woman asks this question! How much thought and study she devotes to it! It ir natural. A woman hates to think that sh_ is growing day by day less charming and attractive and youthful to her husband’s eyes than in the days of courtship. A woman may alwavs retain her charms and the vivacity and freshni ss of youth if she will take the proper care of her health. A tremendous percentage of ill health in women is due to weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Preset iption is an unfail ing remedy for all disorders of this nature. It allays inflammation, hi Us ulceration, stops debilitating drains and soothes and tones the nerves. It preserves in a woman all the charm of healthy youth. Thou sands of women have testified to its mar velous merits. “ Favorite Prescription ” is sold by all re spectable dealers in medicines. Deal only where you are honestly treated. Any store keeper who tries to give you a substitute for what you demand is not treating you honestly and you should take your trade elsewhere. “ For nine years I have suffered with falling ofinte rna! organs,” writes Mrs Marv Williams, of Raleigh, Wake Co., NC. (Boa 196). ' I wa, troubled with bearing down pains. I had Indi, gestion and female weakness and nervousness. I could not sleep at night I wns constipated and had urinal trouble. The doctor here said that no medicine would reach my disease. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Golden Medi cal Discovery ' and ‘ Pleasant ‘ Pellets ' have cured me." An every-day necessity in the home. A good home medical work Send 21 one cent stamps, to cover mailing only, to the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.. for a paper-covered copy of Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad viser. Cloth binding 31 stamps. RoAfcL Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the gyeateet menacers to health of the preacot day. ROYAL BAKIN6 POWDER CO., NSW YORK. The Petit Journal Pour Hire, I of Paris, has made such outra-. geous fun of the trip of the Ger-; man Emperor that, at the re quest of the German Ambassa dor, the issue containing a long and offensive article has, it i> eaid, been suppressed. Part of the article, which is illustrated, gives what purports to be ex tracts from the Kaiser’s diary, v hich show him to be displeas e 1 that he could not walk on the Sea of Galilee, but determined to try sgaia at Berlin, when the frost sets in. The Spanish naval appropria tion for next year w ill doubtless be invested in life preservers. This suggestion is food for thought, and if not acted upon, the Spanish men-of wars-men will continue to make food for fishes. If Uncle Siaih doesn’t soon let up on his winning gait in die international cake walk, the en vious rage of French and Ger man newspaper editors will make those gentry unfit for pub lication. The New York Journal says “If the Vanderbilts want a rep resentative in the United States senate, they should send a Van derbilt, and not Jtheir man in livery—Chauncey Depew.’ NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. I Mrs. A. O. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Beits, Hair Ornaments ano Buckles, ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices before buying in Millinery, FOR BAILIFF Deputy Sbecifi J. M. J >hnston announces himself a candidate for the office of Bailiff of the Rain* District, and aska you "o vote for him on election day. I announce mysolf as a candi date for bailiff of the 919th dis trict, Floyd county, and request the v ite of frieucs and others in the election on the first Sat urday in January. Geo. W. Bkaufjrd To my friends and the voters of the Rome district, I desire to state that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Bailiff for this district ana most res pectfully solicit your support. If re-elected I pledge to do my full duty on each and every occasion in discharging the obligations ot the office. Very Respectfully, R. II Copeland. I hereby announce myse'f for B%ihff 919th District G. M., Floyd county, Ga. E ection first Saturday 7 in January, 1899. D, B. Bryan. Another fool has broken into the legislature and he has in troduced a bill to tax the people to pay damages to the sufferers from mob violence —rapists and lire bugs included. 1 here is no danger ot the bill pa sing, but if it shouhl honest old Alien D Candler w< sld veto it—Spring place .) implicute. liush, Clarence ; don’t talk out so loud in meeting. Remem ber, that idea of placing a re ward, or rather free life insu rance, upon rape originated with 'the late a Iministration. Ex-Gov. Atkinson lie t advanc ed the idea in an Atlanta Joui nal interview. But you are em inently cor:ect about Old Allen knocking tin- stulfi i out, of the bill if it passed. Dalton Argus. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful wordi written by Mu Ada K. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, laying I eould not live but a short time. 1 give myself up to my Savior, determin eti if I could not stay with my friende du earth, 1 would meet my absent ouob above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King s New Dii covory for Consumption,bought and Colds. I gavv it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured aae, and thank uod I am stved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrijigtoa 's. Regular sire 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. THE REV. IRL R, HICKS Annual Almanac and monthly paper, Word and Works, are known from sea to sea. We are pleased to call the attention of our readers tq the almanac for 1899, now ready . It is a splen didly printed and illustrated book of 116 p’lges and the storm forecasts and diagrams and as tronomical and scientific matter are superior to anything that has ever been seen before in a 25 cent book. His monthly jour nal, Word and Works, s one of the best literary , home am) scientific magazines in the coun try, betides containing monthly storm forecasts with explanations. The s; '>scri.<iion price m W' id> and W orks j s •SI.OO pel year and a copy ot the Hicks Almanac .a s ’.it as-a pre mium to ev' ry yearly er. Singh-copied Vv ords and Works 10 cuts. Send your or der to Wcrd and Works Pub. Co, 2201 Locust btreet, St. Louis, M ». C ■ -Mbs Wil——Z. "’WWi 4 A CH I'IS I MA'S OF FERING. of fancy, plain or black drtsa goods, put up in patterns for holiday presents, a box of fine Frenc > stationary for ladies or our fine scarfs, kid gloves for men,or something that is useful, will save you making any mis take when you,, mc.Ke a Xmas gift. Our holiday stock is varied and well chosen, W. H. COKER. . P. S.—Coming, a big ) lot. $5,000.00 worth ot new andlup to-date clothing, bought from manufacturer at 60c on the $1 W. 11. COKER 11 Broad St. ’ 1 ( V T TJ]? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Rewind for any ca.-e of Catarrh that cam o: be cured by Hall’s Catari b Cui e. F. J. Chekky & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersign* d, hnve known F. J. Chenev for lb® last 15 years, and believe him to bs financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West <fe Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. Waffling, Kinnan Murvta Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,®. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaewi of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the est b Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS CO - _ . k "’"I '<'■_! Jt ■wm mfysiomi mos ATTORNEYS. J. SRANHAM, Law Ott'c -200, East First reel.St, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornay at Law, Kotuj' Craporaion Onlyr ■w. j. n3:e:i_, Attorney at law Will practice In allocart*, Special attention given to commercial rkw and the examicatlou of land titles. office In King building. Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co. ’s. LIF’SCOMU- dr .WILKIN OH AM Commercial Lawyers. Grace in Armstrong hotel ullding, Rome, •» 11 ■ ' ' "■ ■ ■ ■ - ■' ■ ■ . ■ n M. 23 HUSANKS, Attorney at law. oiHceKing Building. Rome, «>a. W H. ICNISriS, Attorney at Law Will Practice In all court* Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, J SANTA CR.’.v j.*' O < - Attorney at law. T? ~uO , Ga. Collei lions specially. M.ieouic Temple Rome. Go. MOSLS Rl lUT. HARPER HaMILT’-N WRIGHT cl HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. OiliceiNi 14 Posluffiue Buildiug CHARLES E. DAVIS ATTORNEY A" AW- Colleet: a a otcial»y. > id prr. tfci ia all c< a ,s. e asvtiic Ter. \une., . Rome, Ga LeNTISIS. 3 • . > ZIILLS* D. D. -S? •, Office 240 1-2 Broad. # Over cantrell & Ovrer J.L PENNINGTON. I) D S.,M D KNTIS'I?- unit e, .105 1-2 Broad street. Over Wanks Fut Dlluic Co. PHYSICIANS. o. -TYKTSzILL, ro W, D- Physician and Surgeon office, Meulcal Building Rome, i»a. Q ce ’puoae No. 62. L<. J=». H-A.MD.IO2SrO. M D-. Physician and Surgeon, Office In Medlca building. Residence, No. 4U3 vl est First •* ceTl'hoNo. d TO 4 RAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, Ti e 'Old Reliable.” operating the Csntr hotel Barber rthop, invites ynutogiv* him trial,.uid promises to do the rest. Only skill*«l men employed on th# chairs . HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Huns .if a skilled barber, employs Ouly th* very best artists in his tonsoral studio, iu curry Budding, opposite the Armstraug. Her* lou are made comfortable while your work is being done. PASTEUR FILTERS The crib Germ Prr ot Filter in the world. water pure and clear so-i sale byjiThe Hanson. Supplv Co