The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 07, 1898, Image 2

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■THE UTILE WIDOI' Will be Hie Rttractioe at Ntyin's Tonight. ‘HAVE YOUtREN BROWN?’ □ •lighted a Big Hcus* Last INight. The Whitney Players have made a “ten strike” in the Hill City. They were greeted last right by a big audience in spile of the inclement weather and it is need'ess to say that they sus tained their reputation made on Monday night. “Have You Seen Brown” gave the players scop* for some tine acting and that was all that the artists in the Whitney Players wanted. Tonight the attiaction will be “The Little Widow,” and the management guarantees this as one of the very best in their “reepertoar.” That is all that should be nec essary to pack the house —espe- cially as the show is put on at popular prices. PERSONAL MENTION. F Miss Maggie Thornton, of the Atlanta Saturday Review, spent today inth® city. Miss Bettie Ledbe ter has gone to Atlanta to visit her sister, Mrs. A. B. Arrington. Col. A. B. Montgomery has re turnad from a visit to relative and old friends in Augusta. Mrs. C. M.* Hardee, who bt s been vis tu g relatives in Roma, has gon® N.rth for the winter. Col. A. W. Walton is able to be out again after being confined to his room several days with grip. Mrs . J, B. Nevin, who has been quite ill, continues to improve and hopes soon to be fully re covered. Miss Gertie Speer, of Joplin, Mo., who visit'd Mrs. W. M Darby last summer, is again in the city. J comes to those who persevere. If you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla faithfully and per sistently, you will surely be benefitted. Soldiers remember the Atlan tic R. R. s sells you tick ets at half rates. Depot, foot Broad St. Johnson’s famous crystalized fruits and chocolate bon-bons on •ale at C. A. Trevitt’s. These are Georgia made goods and the aery best ever put on the market. On Account of the Peace Ju bilee Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 14—1 G, 1893, the Southern Railway will sell tickets at very low rates. See that your ticket reads via the Southern Railway. iMost convenient bchedule and best service. J. N. Harriscn, C. P. & T. A. HAS DONE MUCH GOOD. ‘ I hadcatairh in the head and could find no relief until 1 bf*gan taking Hood’s Sarsapa rilla, which cured me. My sister lias been relieved c f rheumatism by Hood’s, and my little brother took it after serious, illness and it restore* his strength. It cured my father of tfleets of sun stroke.” Sam Cain, Wingham, Georgia. Hood’s Pills_ cuie nausea, headache. C.RE FOB ASTHKA Diacovery of a Leading Physi cian. A Public Test Will b* MadeToinorrow atCurry- Arrjngton Drug Cw’s Store. All day tomorrow free sample packages of the celebrated ‘ Schiflinann’s Asthma Cure” will be given away at Curry- Arrington Drug Co’s store, 200 1 Broad St. The doctor wants each suffer |er from Asthma, Hay fever or Bronchitis in this city to call and get one. When asked regarding his reasons for giving bis reme dy away in this manner he said: “People are naturally skeptical about an asthma remedy, and when you consider the number of so-called ‘cures’ on the market you can hardly blame them. JAow I claim that my cure cures. It will instantly re lieve the most violent attack. It has permanently cured thou sands who had b< en considered incurable. If I did i.ot beheve it why should I be giving it *waj ? '1 he sufferer who gets a sample package can tell in two minutes whether it is as I rep resent it, and it doesn't cost him a cent. That is fair isn’t it? It certainly does not seem that anything at uld be fairer. Those living out of town can get a free sample by writing their name and addiess (only) on a | ostal card addresrsd Dr. Schiffmann, 315 Rosabel street, St. Paul, Minn., up to Dec' 15th, not k“ ter. SPAINS’ GREATESTNEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S C. Wet k nerves had cans cd severe pains in the back of i is h :d, On using Electric Bit ter 3 , America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He iaye this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tonaa up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life intc every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 2i cents. Sold by Curiy Arring ton, druggists. ’.'"se. -ar*. JJURY ON THEIR KNEES & Praykd For Guidance And Con victed A M an Os Murder. Wilkesbarrp, Pa., Dwc 7.—ln sober communities like Susquehan na a n.ird r trial is evidently re garded as a very solemn and seri ous matter, and all the proceedings are characterizi d by the greatest decorum. At the trial of James Eagan, charged with the murder of an aged farmer, the object being rob bery, when the case went to th® jury the 12 inen retired to the juryroom, and, kneeling in prayer, abkad f r Divine guidance in the performance of their so'emn duty. A verdict of guilty of murder in tho first d 'gree was reached in two hour . PEACE JUBILEE CELEBRA TION, ATLANTA, G \. On account of the above ocoa aii n the Southern , Railway will sell tick.t>» December 14'h and 15th,'.rith fi ,al limit returning December 19 at ore fare for the round trip. Tickets will also be sold on De cember 13th aid 14th and for tra'ns acheduh dto airive in At lanta on forenoon of December loth.. with final limit returnii g i December 18lh, at the rote of $1 70 For tickets ai d full informa tion call on or write to J. N. | Harrison, C. P. <fc T, A. LOCai HAPPENINGS. Mr. Will White, of Cedartown, spent yesterday in the city Wholy Smokk !—That is to say, that if you want the best cigur on the market and the one that gives the most fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of the Warters’ Rome made brands. Choi«r G>mf. —For the cho’oest game the market affords served in the most appetizing style, just cal 1 at the Gomez case, on Second Avenue. The finest Norfolk oys ters ever brought to Rome are to be bad at the case at all hours. RiciRDER Court—Only three small casea were tried before his Honor, Recorder Eubanks, at this forenoon’s matinee and as all the defendants eutend pleas of guilty iLe cases were soon disposed of. Considering the cold wt ether and the season of the year, the number of arrests made daily aie quite small fora city of Rome's size. Cottage For Rent.—The pretty cottage residence of Mrs A. 0. Garrard, on Maine St., in the Fifth ward is offered for rent by Mrs. Garrard. The cot tage has a splendid cistern, a good well and is also supplied with hydrant water. The garden is in excellent condition and there is a stable < n the premises. See Mrs Garrard. Arrives T< morrow.—Rev. “J. D. Turner ar d family will arrive in the city tomoriow. Mr. Turner is the newly appointed pastor of Howard Av». Methodist church and he and bis family will reside in East Rome. Mr. Turner was stationed at Buchan&n last year. He is a brother-in-law of Mi Santa Crawford, the popu's r yeung attorney. I Announce. —To the public that I have secured the services ot William McClellan, an expi-rt fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. Wears new making,daily all kind nf fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nougats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, b» xt door to Curry’s drug atcre Popular Ex-Roman. —Lieut E. F. Bawsell, of the United States signal service corps, was in tiie city last night. He is sta tioned in Augusta and returned today. Lieut. Bawsell was form erly with the Southern Bell tele phone company, and has been in the army only about five months. You Don’t Want Ice.—Now, Nature supplies this want, but we have something you do need and want, and that is the best grate Coal on earth. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Monte v<‘lla, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. Promptly delivered. Try a ton of our choice Jelico Lump and our word for it, you will be pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone 100. Yards Second Ave. HOLIDAY RATES VIA SOUTHERN. On account of the Christmas and Naw Year holidays the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets at the very low rate of one and one third fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale IXc. 22, 23, 24 and 2uih also Dec. 30 and 31, 1898, and January Ist 1899. Tickets will also be sold to students of schools and colleges upon presentation of certificates signed by tho superintendent, principals or presidents thereof, Dec. 16ili to 25th inclusive with final limit January 4th, 1899. For ticketsand full informa tion call on J. N. Harrison, C . T A Annual Sale® over 8,903,030 Coxso t’oa BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOEDEEB such a- Wind an i Pain In the StomH'h, aiddiu'-s.-’. Fulnens uft.-r meals, Head wb<-*. Dlzz.ln ■*». DrovvbineßH, Flushings d H. d. Luss of Appetite. Cottiveiu"* Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil Nervous and Trembling Sensations THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIE! IN TWENTY MINUTES. Evoiy suffer®! will acknowledge Diem to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BF.KCHARrn FILIN, taken asdirect- i -i<i, will quiekly r's ore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstrnctionsor iri of the sys tem suit cure hh-s* ».aduche. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pil!s are Without a Rival And have tbo LARGEST GALE rfany Patent IKcMlcine in tbe World. Or,n. 'it all l)rii;z Fitores. IfiNY BHalgeT Hive 1)283 Made 3y General Weed in Santiago. HAVANA’S DEATH RATE |» Appaling And th® CJty Must Be Ceanssd, Sar.liago de Cuba, Dec, 7. — Gen, Leonard Wood, govern >r of the province es Santiago, hag wrought Vi enders in Santiago. From the very commencement of his regime in the city disorder be gin to give place to clean’iness and cuietude, although the people who wore being beneff led were the last to appreciate his efforts, Even be Americans who knew the Snn iiego in the past must admit now that not only is the city clean, but the people and ev»n the animals are lookii g het t i than at any pre vious time. Several of lhe main streets of the City are being macadamized. Gambling has been stt rnly sup pressed. The appointment of Senor Ba cardi, as alcade t or major, has given great satisfaction to the Cu* bans. CUBAN CAPITAL FILTHY Death Ratb In One Suburb Eyu al Annual Death Rate. Washington, Dec 7 —Advices received in official quarters here from United Sta ee officials in Havana depict the state of the Cuban capital as filthy and unsan itary in an almost inconceivable degree. This is true especially of the poorer quarter of the city, and it is apparent that the task of cleaning up the whole city is go ing to be of the greatest magni tude. An illustration of the condi tions there is afforded by ths fact quoted that the death rate per day in the suburb of CSuana bacoa now equals the entire ai - annual death rate. CONDI HONS PLE ASING. Gen. Wood Says People are Returning to Work Washington, Doc, 7 —Secre'a ry alger has received a letter Lorn Gen, Wood as tro couditicns at Santiago. The general says that matters of every Kind are adjusting themselves to the new condi tions and that people are return ing to their homes and to work: that I usiifess is recovering : the churches and schools are open ing and everybody looks to bet ter and happier days. To the veters of ti.o 919. h dis trict Gr. M. (Rome district) 1 Hereby announce myself u ‘Candi da's for re-election to the < slice of bailiff, Election on January 7-h, 1899. • .M. Byars. • $ ft C s.ft ft $& 6 1 MVil M f I IlLlilllinL unLL « Within the r.ext few days | $ Will move into my elegant o J Jfow Ifiig Store* S NEXT DOOR TO MY OLD STAND- £ Immediately upon moving into my store, I I will open up a beautiful line of . , * CHRISTMAS AND S * HOLIDAY GOODS? w All new and fresh. Don’t buy until you see ? them. Uatil then I offer the public big reduc- X tious on everything in my stock. . | PRICES THAT WILL SELL* It will be cheaper for me to offer you the got ds ■ ! at prices will sell them than to move them * ■ % 5 Perfumeiisß and S < To: ; Articles! # 1 I ST, R member th it this sale will not last lons : L, and advantage must be tnken of it at once. I Come to see me and I am sure that my price m - will induce you to buy. .... j fill proscriptions arc * Most Garcluim Go: pcunde.d. 101 TPfiWl jM ' ’ V > "111 I* ’V $ LhmnmnmnnHiHW •e-- 2 S • « £ S. Al. Stark, 3 2 2 K Mi IM till 1 j 3-1, Qouzharty Elc.g, 2nd A- J •04, . 2 •04 j . 4 RELIABILITY - . £ 1.. is a quality some newspapers have lost sight o days of “yellow”, journalism. They care little or - and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its It prints the news—all the news —and tells the nt about it. . J it is the only American newspaper outside New Yor that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service own staff correspondents and artists at the front is hemispheres? It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the wor Its war news service is unapproachably the best Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: , “We read the war news in the other then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECOK see how much of it is true.” SclJ by newsdealers everywhere and by al) postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO Madison street, Chicago.