The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 07, 1898, Image 8

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«■ ask. AorPToT * & ®dr w w w W wk TOr VW * aA 1« wdw * v afc M&dS l&w #w jf<; / j *w 8 ■/■ $ 't-\ ia S : *3 fe * •' Jll W t B AU) IJTJ AM, ANO ALL AT COST OK VERY MUCH LESS iiAN COS?. Toilet articles, a big assertment. Handkerchiefs, the finest selections in Rome. Rugs, Ot tomans, Fine Trunks, etc. Big stock of Jacket* and Capes. We are trying specially to close out our Blanket stock this week. Wool has advanced a great deal in price recently, but we offer any Blan ket in our house at cost. Some of them, a little soiled, at less thancost. We .will sell you any article of Dry Goods in the house at cost. ' ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! > Fine selections that sold at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 a yard, you may take at 98 cents. Ad Hosi= ery at costand less than cost. Shirts, and Ladies and Gents Furnishings at cost or lower. Notions at or below cost. So with Linens, so with Laces and Embroideries. Any article in the flillinery Depart ment at or below cost. DO YOU WAN fA F INE TRUNK? Get it on our second floor at half value. Ail Clothing and Hats at or below cost. fine shoes are the best- Buy them from us. WE WANT TO QUIT BUSINESS AND OUR PRICES ARE MADE TO SELL OUT THE GOODS AT ONCE. COME TO SEE US. BROTHERS & CO. "FIXED 1 HE JURY.” • Ntlotyre Claims Tiiat Meore Fixed Two Jirort r WITHOUTTHE mimic Os His Pretty Wife’s Danger ous; Blue Eyes. New York, Nov. 7. —Two jurors in the Moore “Badger” trial are charged by Assistant Distrust At torney Mclntyrg wilh having been “fixed.” He significantly remarks that he rcgrers that the jury was net locked up while the trial was on, and says, that t'.-.eir actions will be brought to the atteneion of the district attorney f< r present ment to the grand jury. The jurors say the reason they failed to agree was that five ot them believed tin state had not made out a case strcig er ough to remove all ‘‘reasonable, d übt.” Assistant District Alton ey Me- Intyre was frank and outspoken • today in voicing bis legret that the jury Lad disagreed. “I knew that there would be no aglet ment of tl al juiy. I have known it since Friday cf last week.” When asked v h< m be suspected, Mr. Mclntyre declined to mention names. Neither will fie suggest b®w tin-jury wat react.ed. It was ■ aid during jhe (rial that Unity detectives had been employed t •hadow the jorers, Mr. L»v'y, dur ing his address to the jury, spoke on this sul ject, but Mr. Mclntyre objected, and was sustained by the recordt r. Abraham L vy said today that Mr. Mclntyre’s state meut übeut the jury was absurd. “It is-simply a tquel because Me was licked,” said Mr. Levy. “I am ready to try Mooie agrin on Monday. That is an answer for him.” The Moores were ggain in court this morning. They were arraigned before Judge New burger to plead to the indictment for grand larceny found against them on complaint of Manager Boldt, of the Waldorf hotel. Moore and his wife were the first prisoners called to plead when court opened. The charge | of larceny was read to them and | they were asked what they would plead to it. Abraham Levy, their lawyer, entered a plea of not guilty, and they were taken back to the Tombs. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, 1 7 1 GKOFGIA. FLOYD COUNTY. i By virtue of an order of the i c-uitcf ordinary of said county • and a so by virtue of a decree ot the Superi r c< urt of Floyd coun ty, wib be sold before the court house doer of said county on the first Tm s-day in February 1899, during the hgM hours of sale to the high st bidder, the fell wing property, to wit : Part of lot Nq. (1) one in the Etow h division of the city of Rome, Georges. situated , on the corner ot Broad street a. d Fourth avenue, fronting on Broad street sixty four (64) fket more or lees ana running back same ' width t( wards East First street one hundred and six (106) feet, Also lot Nj. (72) s-venty-two in the Etowah division of the city of R me, Ga fronting on East First street sixty six (66) feel ard ruuDirg Lack th * same width one liu'idnd am! thirty-two (132)feet. Also part of lot No. (73) eev tnty-thrve in tn- Etowah division of the city oi Rome, Ga, fronting on East First street sixty-six (66) ■ feet and bi girmii g at ’he south west corner of 10l X . 72 and run , ning back towards Broad street , ninety (90) feet, thence at right angles acrois said )»t 73 sixty six (66) tert, theme eighty (80) feet to First sir et, thence L along East First street to the be ginning point, ; .Also an uudiviihd cne-balf in . teiest in the following leal estate 4 town:. All that tract or pa:C lof Di d situated lying end being in the 23rd distnct an I 3r i s >ct oh of Lloyd county C'a., being that part of a sub divided town lot out of land lot No. (275) iwo hundred and seventy-live cits. ribed as fol lows; Fronting ou Gordon street eighty-seven (87) L> t and extend ing back a distance i f on* hundred and eleven feet, lying in the north east corner of a tract of five acres bought by J. N. Wright trom J B, Sullivan in 1884, with dwelling house and other improvements bui't thereon. Also pait of land lot No. (284) two hundred and eigtty four in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., in the Fifth ward of the city cf Rome, fronting on Maine street 64 *eet more or less and running buck 800 feet along the line between ’he pr ( per ty herein described and Mrs. E. A Cheavi-s, to the property formerly owned by the J. J. Cohen estate, tneuce along said Cohen line 48 feet, thence running back along the line between the property herein described and that owimd by the E. R. Lumpkin estate 210 feet to a crook and whence 90 feet to the starting point on Maine street. Also a tract of,a.,d in Cothrans boro, near Rome, known cn the map of Cothrapsboro a? lots N s. 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55, all on ttv east side of the Southern railway, fronting the light ot way of said railroad 581 feet, end running easteily from the nor.h point of siid true 155 leet, ihenoe south erly 566 feet, thence 306 feet to the south point ot said tract of land where it joins ths right of way of said raito ad. The same being the property of Mrs. Sarah A. Dailey, late of said conuty, deceased. Sold iOr the purpose of paying li games and del ts. Terms cadi. Sam’l Funkhouser. administrator de benis non with the will anm x-d, of the estate ol Mrs. Sarah A, D iley, deceased. —, —— —r . "U--: 1 Attention £ LniEßs!—The Western & Atlantic R. R., will sell you tickets at half rates when in uniform, upon presen tation of furlough or discharge certificate. Quick and conven ient schedules, double daily ser vices. Depot foot of Broad St Call on C. K, Ayer, T. & P. A. lIOLIDfIY GOODS: PICTURES! GIFT BOOMS, PHOTO PAR Fjlto MIRRORS, Fine Stationery and Story Books, alsoGt mes icr the ; Little Foik. Harry Bawlins &Ck Books & Stationery, 302 Broad S t ■ ■ - - ----- - ’■ -- —’ ” ■ £ if LITBIA S | Wateß t Z. > I£ BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, W X For Sale at Soda Founts of: M & CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, .1. w T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. j KI - 1 . ■' “« YCL'NG A.’ D 01 Wen of as live so c '.cf «L 1 that ;;ever i»quire the Md of dm t. r.i.u medicine to •• v\lier» you can get tb«m p«* afc proper prices. W® *i® mod®sl abcut th«s« points— -w* can give you whatyeu went >• patent mediciu®s, sundii®!*, toilet articles and* 4, Prescr ptiohs a specially. J. T. (. kcUUN & C®., 800 Broad Stake*;, Thm Tailob M. Sta.kv th® popular tuil®r • now open for orcT»r» an<l Butiueesin bi» new bu«i»»»> o*xt door to Wooten e drug in the Clark building. Mr. St»rkv Lae a sphmdid line of "***•* g jods and invitee you to call •• see hi tn and them . Zii'/ri .-E es I I an. Ma® *® r ’****'