The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 08, 1898, Image 1

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N |NIH YEAR ROME. Eped pastor Dsiiuaslra lion in Rn ■ iiiafU Cfe'Jrsh. sssssi •—'— ~~ EsTj.HLWmS , u , for Sermons Critlcis- KoiherCre cis And Safety. ■ u-.Nts '-.. "“»• B ~ A Btnk ' UliU »ual <1- lustration, the ■ ct opposite of th it which oc- Ji 1 Ba P llst eharch ■ticngo, several vnir sgo, when U ‘ v 1)f - G '°’ L ° ri,n ’ n y () t temp’e, Boston Hr |g ;ippis“ fPI : - v bis congregation i/ti 'l'-- expression at the Bgoeralofone of its members was at the Third* Baptist ■chur'di ' ere ! .st night, the pastor Kr. L. G- Brought u, being jeer ■ed by a P orl ’ on f his hearers, ■ f| l9 w is it.e outco i.< of a ■ disiinsioa regarding the disposal ■ e s(. me ohu’ C i | roparty. A reso- ■ jtjtioi) ordering the saie was <b ut ■ foleput wlen an amendment ■ differed to the effect that the ■ ifti nos th? committee favoring I tbe?a e should first be rat.tied by I th* cogon gallon. Dr Broughton left the pulpit, end, coming to ton fl ior, said the >n»ndm‘n' just offered had been unt i'.i f r no other purpose than 4o prolong the fight which was on in the clnrch over the disposition ol the real eslats Hi&biy excited, h» said; “For the : k - pae in the ohurch let s fijfi th- thing out now and settle the question ” H- was in’i’errupirxt and called to order by one oi the opposing force, and in a moment the church wasin an uproar. First came laughter from he female portion es the audience, then gome one applauded with the ieff and then ths eu'ire dissatisfied element clapped i heir bands, r ipped their e»nea and umbrellas on the seats, and the ehuroh rang with 4 their laughter. Dr. Broughton attempted to quiet the tumult saying there W one bii g he Was sure of, and that de religion. This was greeted »i ii • "I doubt it,” fr m one of the d’a id nts, and agslu mere was la iight*i. Dr. Broughton returned quickly te th* rostrum, and after •aiming himself, administered a scathing 4iww / viWXbJBb THE EXCELLENCE SYRUP 0? FIGS is duo not only to the originality and s-mplicity of the combination, but also *e> the care and skill with which it is *nn nufaetured by seientifi<: processe. known to the California Fio Svnu r C-*x only, aiid we wish to impress upon al l the importance of purchasing tin true ami original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured •y the California Fig * Syrup Co. • u ly, a knowledge of that fact will assist One in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par *•««■ The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi •n-l profession, and the satisfaction Fvhich the genuine Syrup of Bigs has given to millions of families, makes the name of tl < Company a guaranty of the excell. • <>f its reins dy. It is ♦ar in advam. < ail oilier laxatives, ■* it acts on tre kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial «#u«ts, please remember the name of tlie Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL *«BUV«t/LK. ’ Vfc.w lOUK, X. r. THE ROME HUSTLER-COMME RCIAI GIN BURNKD! Wille oi the Ninlli Bale a laUli Fired the Cotton. GIN 10UCHT YESTERDAY By Mr. S. D. Camp Fr*m A. P. Redmond & Bro, Al 11 o’clock thia forenoon a match in ths gin kindled a blaze that consumed the big cotton gm in the Fourth ward. The g n building, a frame two and one-half story affair was lo cated at the Fourth ward end of the Fifth avenue bridge. The match that kindled Che con flagration went into the gin with the cotton of the ninth bale of th* morning’s work. Mr. Camp saw the da gr aid had alarm box N>. 41 pulled Thia would not work and an ala m was telephoned in to No. 1 sratio house. No. 1 leeyonded promptly but not until the fie had gotten be yond control. No. 2 was tele phoned and responded at once and th»n the fire.ladaieß began to hem in (he blaze and *uceaeded in con-fl fining ihe fire to the gin and corn mill building. The engine and boiler rooms and the saw mill building were saved. * There was in the building that burned, about $75 worth of cot* tow, $l5O worth of seed, four g’ua nd a ore null, w h o”icb ma chiueiy Mr. Camp says that he bad, on yesterday, trraded to A. P. Bed mond A Bro. a farm for the gin and that he believed that Cothran & Co. h»d SIIOOO insurance on th* plant. This is the s -c >nd time that this mill has hurtbid, though times without number it has ben on fire during ihe past few years. rebuke to th* disturbing e'em*nt without further interrup'ion. The resolution was passed and the sale oidered. Dr. Brough'on’s sermons have caused more comment than tiose of any otner minister in this city, because of their fiirc i opppo|itieu to ether creeds and attacks upon Atlanta society, He came her* from Roanoke, Ya GROVER CLEVELAND ” Opposes to the “Amexation and Expansion Business ” Princeton, N. J., Deo. 8. —For- mer President Grover Cleveland was interviewed tolay on th* new policy of the United States, dictated the following for the As sociated Pres.t “ Without going at all into de tails. I wish to say th it I am ardently opposed to every feature of th>s annexation and expmsion policy. “The public ought to know pretty well what nay convictions • re, from the di«po»ition made of tne Hawaiian question during my adminsiration, “I have not changed my mind, and am oppaed io all thia annex ation, from Hawaii to t® the Phil ippines.” , L JI.W ■ TO CIRI A COLD IM ONI DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggiate refwai the money if it fails to eure. Me. The genuine ha* L. B. Q- * B •aeh tablet. Warter’s “twofers” the fa mous “Tei*ell Speed” cigars are growing more pbpular each day* GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBi: NIR. 8. GOME TO BLOWS French statesmen Grow Bel-' llijerenl j WITH MANY SPECrfITOBfc « - - . . a Farj* Excited Over The Spaeoh of British Ambassador. A e —r J Paris, Dec. B.—An exciting incident took place last night at the opening of the New Comique which replaces the structure recently destroyed by t"8. The houte opened with a performance of “Dame Bdanche” in the pretence cf a brilliant audience, including M. Faure, members of the cabinet, senators, deputies, Russian grand dukes and all the leading diplomatic, ..rtistie and literary notabilities in Paris. President Faure’s arrival was' signaliz-id by shouts of "Vive • I’auneG,” which were answered by shouts of "Vive Picquart.” '1 hn rival crowds tame into collision and there was some fighting. M ONSO'N ’S BPEECH. Official And Diplomatic Cir- Vv cle‘3 Surprised. Paris, Dec. 8 —The Paris newspapers today vigorously denounce the speech delivered last t veiling by the British am bassador, Sir Edmund J. Mon son, as the annual meeting of .the British chamber of com merce here as being a commen tary and warning in the most offensive form. They say the French ambassa dor at London, M Paul Cambon, will cei tainly be instructed to asx the Marquis of Salisbury whether it is by his orders that Sir Ed . u id undertakes to lirect France’s foreign policy. The ambassador’s speech has caused a sensation in official and diplomatic circles. The officials here are inteniely surprised and exhibit a certain disquietude as it is anticipated that Monson’s remarks will have a bad effect iu present condition of French sen timent. Collisions And Fights. Marseilles, Dec. B.— M. De Presence, foreign editor of the Temp*, addressed a large meet ing here last evening on the Dreyfus affair, pointing out the necessity for revision, a number of collision* and fights took place, and some twenty persons' were slightly iejured. The police made several arrests. WHAT JOYFUL FKILINu. With ihe exhilarating B<-nb* if, renewed health aud *tre >gth and iuterp*! cleaoline**, which follows ■ the use of Syrup of Figs, is un known to the few who have not progressad beyond the old-time medicines and tha cheap substi tutes sometime* offered lut nev. r accepted by .the Buy the genuine manufac ured I y the California Fig Svrun Co. I 1 -'.“■l? I..JU—. Ther< is one sentence in Oov. Candler’s m»*s*ge which every memb*r should repiat to himielf auiil it bt-coiaes indelibly fixed in his mind, It is this: “Tho«e who pay t»X“s entitled to as much consideration as those who get the benefit of them.” —Marietta Jour nal. ■ ■ ' - -Yi AT T 'V ShK - aNS: V's • A • p • i J Wti 1 vW V ‘ JV L --'A'. I /■'/ fl/ Cl *W FWRI ■■ - s i ■■ K. r rices to seH’/lOur second floor on Broad street Isa complete clothing store, with a .nice new line of men and boys and children’s clothing at prices you can’t get elsewhere, if they de advertise to sell at cost, etc. Our prices are lower than theirs, and all we ask is a chance to show and price and let you be the judge. Men’s fine suits, been selling at $9 50, we now sell for a id anything in clothing at equally as great reduction. ft;*- We sell shirts ' idba9 cheaper than you ip’ s|H| can buy elsewhere ml We sell the Stan- ; | iyshirt atjoc, oth I [I Zg er merchants get | I r| I '"1 75C a*d SI.OO for M H them. The sav- "j 8 j in;* will be yours. WMBaamßßagaMßißjLiL. - * vnoßwr’-Trnwr* S Gentlemen’s Heavy Wool Fleece Lined Shirts Something real good at only 50c, They areworth esming to see. , I want to close out a n ® wrapps ~ r . ,! g|LpX; ; 1 * and w'll name prices that will Intercut you if A' < you care to save mon- r/ X ■ , \ ey, Ladies wiappafor F % about what th» cuting L. t *,*'■ '■ flannel _«o*t, and tie 11 J. , work throw» Ir. ••'■’a V * v<7 r-trairer-'!--.- ** r_iA_IDTES CAFES’ Ciipes low as, aash, , ip* Pretty Plush capes for $1.35 Pretty Plush Cspes, braided and beaded, Thibet trimmed, for only . , .sl.s* Capes and Jackets both cheap and fine, at prices tesaii. LANHAM And SONS IO CENTS P<iß WEEK