The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 08, 1898, Image 4

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HOSTLER-COMMERCIAL THE HUSTLER OF ROME Established, I WO. -HE ROME COMMERCIAL kAUlbli.sbtd. IWj. Isacd *r*ry *v«blb*. except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. *“ 1 >l4( MAN A GBR, - ■* 1 ntearr College presidential timber seems tube scarce “down east.’ The war is over —except in the magazines es the printeries of the country. Brannon's bills to put pen sioners on an indigent basis are on the right line. The assessed valuation nf Tex as this year is $11,000,000 in I excess of last year. 'The republicans in congress will now attempt to pull down the democratic Vest. Atlanta’s “Peace Jubiloe Arch” is being erected. The Ju bilee coinei next week. Senator Morgan has declared war on Nicaragua. Let the smokeless '.owder burn! Uncle am has lieked the Den— but it’s a job that ha is not inclined to boast of. Who said John Sherman was in his dotage ? Old John has clear ideas about the Philip pines. >’ 11 1 There may be plenty of spiee in the soldier’s life, but the boys es Co. H, Second Georgia, now find the mustardout— The presses of the ! of this nation have begun to ■bed torrents of rich, black blood—all over the late war. Shockley, who murdered Bishop in Atlanta a few weeks ago, has been adjudged insane J and will be sent to Milledge ville. Naval exports put down the active life of a modern battleehip at about fifteen years, provided the ship dees not belong to Spain while a war is on with the United States. A $200,000 cut on schools won’t redace taxes much—and the white pecple paying seven tenths of the negroes tuition and the negro taking it with never a word of thanks ! 1 ! 11 ~ '■ , SCROFULA It Is Foui Blood’s Advertis*' me.Tt But It Is Curod by Kood’f Sarsaparilla. Yea, Scrofula, if any ti r,g,T'«.) hacilk-i' the advertiserr.Lnt of foul ’ -a. It i-.j th •courge of the worl 1— off* nsn , p dnful. debilitating, . . . , well p.'tp ■nondurable. Outward applications do not cure, the; only drive th? -'iffieulty to re-,; currier- Emollients may palliate, they canno abolish the evil. There is but one eurr way out, and that ia to eliminate t£ic taint from the bl ■< i. Ther- in ene remedy hat can effect tbir. and it is the only or.e that, po far as know, hac almost invariably succeeded even where the system has been poisoned by long year* . ,'iges to be repaired arc tremendous. That remedy is Hood’s Sarseparilia. Read this: “My daughter was af’icted with im pure blood. There were running soret all over her body and they caused her much suffering. We tried medicines that wero recommended as blood purifier*, but could not see ths': they did any good. A friend told me about Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and I began givi’ g the girl this meet icino. The result was tlist she was per fectly cured ai r taking a few bottles. Che has l:al no . y ptoma of scrofula BOrej since that time.” MaHiETTA 11. Hkith, Lcsth Middl boro, Mass. LT Sarsa- u ' .i o parilia lathe best—in f;. tthe One Tnn Blood Purifier. Insist upon Koon’s, ... • no substitute. Hnn/I’a OiU - ham. .niousiy nOQC’ ? xIILS Uwd . s BarSMlMr flj» RotyL Baking Powder Made from pure crejuu ui tartax. Safeguards the food against alum, Alaaa b*kiar pow«Ur» art tW as soar,-eat to kaakk of the paaaa*t *ay. Wtfl BAHMfB MBv A button cut from the eoat worn by Gen Shafter during the Santiago campaign was recently rattled off at a charity bazaar held at Wichita, Kan., and 250 chances were sold at five cents each. By a curious coincidence the button was won by Mias Marjorie Knorr, the girl who had solicited Gen. Shafter to tend it to the bazaar. After the shaking of the bones the baton naturally returned to its Knorr mal condition. Obituary notices seldom touch on the shortcomings of deceased person®, and for this reason the item from The Pleasanton (Kan ) Ob s erver of which the following is an extract is rather unique: “His greatest fault was th* extravagant use of profanity. It was almost impossible for him to engage in any sort of conversation with man, woman or child without using it. He no doubt often swore unconscious ly-” From the expression of the “mug” in the Constitution, there is grounds for the opinion that an egg has been broken in the lace of “ ? he Gentleman from v\.ll » —there appearing the “shell” a:.d the* 4 white”—which ought to “settle it.” The common council of Bos ton unanimously voted on Thursday evening last to pay all city laborers $2.25 per day in the future. The election oi municipal officers in Boston, by the way, will be held a we*k from next luesday. Munkacsy, the noted Hunga rian artist, now confined in an insane asylum near Bonn, has lately been spending his time before a miiror painting his own portrait, which is said to be an excellent likeness. ML! '■■ 11 ”’2J!" The legro editor, Manley, who escaped from North Caroli na by the light of th* moon, is going to start a daily in th* me tiopolis. He should secure th* “Grannis woman” for his socie ty editress. A Western newspaper has been accused of unfriendliness to Germany. This reminds us of the Ohio recently wrote, “If Spain had taken our advice at the beginning she would be in abetter 6xnow.”— ■ ■ ■ - Col. Wood, Brigadier General Wood, Major General Wood—it seems that this Wood must have been a cutting from the famous green-bay tree. Dr. Wood is a McKinley favorite. 1 ’J. SB. .. » The Keely motor inujt have Wall street connections ; it fak°d the suckers out of millions and only l*ft the heirs of its invent or an estate of SIO,OOO. '•«■■■ ii" i, ■ Let the indignant pension bills pass. The poo*- people should not be taxed to pay wealthy pensioners—be they widows or cripples. After taking a look at congress the chaplain prayed fervently for that body. FLOYD, ONE OF THEM. Floyd is one of the eighteen counties in Georgia that pays into the state treasury more that’, she draws out for schools and pensions. The names of the eighteen counties and the figures are given below and will make mi >st interesting reading : County Receives Pays’n Bibb $ 44,264 $ 95,653 j Chatham 45 585 192,450 Clarke 19,395 35,155 Coffee 11,459 11,000 Dade '4,630 5 151 DeKalb 23,486 29,542 Dougherty 11 4 348 23,301 Floyd 23,638 45,102 Fultom 94,443 291,319 Glynn 10,793 28,691 Irwin 7,404 14,688 Lowndes 16,369 19.694 Muscogee 28,625 69,730 Pierce 7,331 7,680 Richmond 56,297 125 348 Spaulding 16,683 18,397 Sumter 34,083 31,242 Tattnall 13,464 18,581 Ware 11,085 13,377 Wilcox 8,788 10,088 Total $479,100 $1,086,093 Christmas less than three weeks off. It may net have been done as a reflection on Canada, all the same, when Uncle Sam went into the expanding business he selected his future partners down in the tropics. am W l '- 1 JLJLS 1 Atlanta is not going to have a “piece” of a jubilee, but a whole hog. McKinley is going to be there—the man who hogged the Spaniards out of the Philippine Islands.—Marietta Journal. —I I And now it is the Duchess of. Marlborough, an American girl, who has been selected to christen the new English battleship, Ir resistable. That’s a very pretty name for a battleship christened by an American girl.—Nashville Banner. Having licked Spain, many brave Americaus had about ex panded their courage to the point where they were willing to risk a battle between our army and the -Cubans—though the president’s message make* that an impossibility now. “Two-Boois- Staciing-Together has been deposed as chief of the Tuscarora Indians in Northern New York because he has declared himself in favor of woman’s right's Previous to thia decbtralion he had been respected and loooked up to by the warriors of hi* tribe, much trouble tito the world.” d Bolingbroke, much more in going out of it, that it is hardly worth while to be here at all.” If a man and a p h ilosopher comes to this conclusion, hat must be the itural conclusion f the thousands f suffering who undergo untoHrt torture in bring-, fng their babes into the world? Philosophy of this k .id is based upon gross ignorance. The fi..-' is. that there is no necessity for the st vet e pangs under gone by the average W' man. If a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way, motherhood means to her but little suffer ing. The trouble lies in the fact that the majority of women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine or ganism and are unfitted for motherhood. This can always be remedied. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a sure, speedy and Sermanent cure for all disorders qf this escription. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned, making them healthy, strong, vigorous, virile and elastic. It banishes the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby’s advent easy and almost painless. It quick ens and vitalizes the feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thou sands of women have testified to its mar velous merits. Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as “just as good.” "I suffered fourteen years," writes Mrs. Mary J. Stewart, of Box 46, Saratoga, Santa Clara Co., pal., with female weakness, nervous ness and general debility. I tried everything to no avail. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery’ cured me." The names, addresses and photographs of hundreds of women cured by Dr. Pierce’s medicines are printed by permission in the “ People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser.’’ It’s free. Fora paper-covered copy send 21 one-cent stamps to cover mail ing only. French cloth binding 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Every womfin needs a great medical book. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad viser fills this want. It contains over ioqc page* and nearly 800 illustrations. DR. WURTH,S OPINION-' OF THE NEW DiSCOVtRY IM MED ICINE. A Remarkably Successful Remedy For Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Stomach Troubles. Dr. Wurth i* commenting on tecßiit. discoveries in jn fc< Lcme .aid: There i“ none which i* cer tain io be so valuable and tar reaching in benefit as Stuart# Dys pepeie tablet*, the m w stomach remedy, I «av tar reaching, be cause pec'pL little realiz* how im portant * aound etc maob and v:g \.r*u* cLigeeliou ia to eVery Ui«n, woman and child. ludigealion ib the starting point of ceiusemption. heart disease, Bright’*4ißeasb, diale es, uuivou* prostration, liver troubles, why ia uhi* so? Simnly because every nerve, muacle and ti*sue in our bodies is created and nourished from the food we eat. If that 'food is, by reason of a weak stom sch, compelled io lie for hours, a «our, fermenting mass of half di gested food, it poisons the blood and nervous system, creates ga» which <j*tend* the stomach and ’Dowels, caußing pressure on th* heart, langs and other organa, and seriously impeding their action, He says further, the point to direct attention ie m t the nerves, uor heart, nor lungs, nor kiduey*, but tl>* stomach, th* first cau-e of all the mischief. The remedy to use for indigna tion and weak stomach* is not l*i>nie cathartic, but a remedy which will digest the food, in< crease the flow of gastric juice, absorb the gases, and S'uart* Dy* papsia Tablets will accomplish •xactly this result in any case of stomach troub e, because these i ablets ate composed of th* diges tive acids, aseptic -pepsin. Golden Sealand bismuth, pleasant t* lash 1 , and not being a paten 4 med icine, can be u«ed <>y anyone with perfect »afety. I b-lieve B'uart'e Dyspepsia Ta>>l< t> will cure any form of md'gestien and stomach trouble except cancer of stomach . Full *iz* packages of Sluart'» Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by druggists at 50 cents or by mail from F. A. Smart Co , Marshall, Mich A book on stomach di»« eases together with thousands of testimonials will be sent by ad dressing above or call on your druggist for th°m . Jo* Jefferson, the veteran ac Itor, is recovering but will no 1 appear again upon the stage un ril the winter has passed—it then. FOR BAILIFF Deputy Sheriff J. M. Johnston announce* himself a candidate for ths office of Bailiff of th* Rim- District, and ask* you >o vote for him on election day. , I announce my-rnlf ae a candi date for bailiff of the 919th dis trict, Floyd county, and request the vote of friends and other* in the election on the first Sat urday in January. • Gho. W. Bkauvoed. To my friends and the voters of the Rome district, I desire to state that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Bailiff for this district and most res solicit your support. If re-elected I pledge to do my ful duty on each and every occasior in discharging the obligation* of the office Very Respectfully, R. H Copeland. I he r eby announce myself for Bailiff 919th District G. M,, Floyd county, Ga. Election fir*t Saturday in January, 1899, D, B. Bhtan. To the voters of th< 919th dis trict (i. M. (Romo district) J nereby announce myself a ‘candi date for re-election to the - flk-e of bailiff, Election on January 7<h, 1899. . IM . Byabs. The late Dr. Blns was for many years Gen. Sherman’s physician. Once when lie soldier c mp’ain • d “Y ur t ofl’s doii g me n go (1 ” he rip ied: “Tak>- Shakes* peart ’e advic-<, li en, and throw it to the dogs.” 44 I litre are t to many valuable d in our neighbor hood,” rep'ied the m .n who act cd ho funi y with lire wbi e he was louring Georgia fays the A I any Herald; Tie reappointment of Hon. L. N Trammel as the chairman of Georgia Railroad Cou.ra:*sion by Governor Candler i* nothing mon than the people of the 6tate tx p«cted. No other appointment that ihe Governor cou d have made would have given m re general satisfaction. Floyd is nuw the only c*unty in the state, north of Atlanta, that is building good roads with convict labor—the truth is Floyd is the only county in the state building all macadam pikes. Let the good work go on. With 4 cent cotton in the south, a blizzard in the west, congress in th* east, the north froze up and an “open-door” in the Philippines this nation may well dread a case of “galloping consumption.” It has been a gi*at year for Santas—Santiago, Santa Cruz, Santander, San o Esperitu, San Domingo and thejike—but wait until Santa Claus toy* with the situation before you make your verdict. The serious trou 1 1b will begin when the orator* in congress undertake to pronounce the names of some of the Mew Amer ican posseisions. Americus Herald. ■"I II , A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mr*. Ada E. Hart, Graton S. D. ‘‘Was taken with a bad cold which •etllea on my lunge; cotfgh e*t in and finally t*rmi o*t*d in Consumption. Foui doctor* gave m* up, saving 1 aould not live but a shoit time. 1 aty**lf up to my aJavior, det*ruain*si if I «ould not st*\ vith my friend"* on earth, 1 Would meet my absent oik above. My husband rdvm ed to get Dr. King’s New I'L covory for Consumnflon,O< ugh, and Cold'?. J jjave it n trial, .uok in e’. aigh' b tllwe. D ha« cured «*, a»d ruank » ;od I am a» ve< and now a w«H healthv woman.” Trial botfly Cury-Ar ngton’-.. Reg "liar eiz* $0 Ci nt* •’ 1 00, gt.! rau>*cG or i rice r«fun<L d. _ - w , ■ ■ ■ K i' COPTRKJM ’ A CHRISTMAS OF FERING. of fnney, plain or black dresa jjoods, put up in pattern* foi loliday presents, a box of fine French stationary for ladies or our fine scarts, kid gloves foi men,or something that is useful, >vill save you making’any mis take when you niaxe a Xidsf gift. Our holiday stt ck is varied and well chosen. w. H. COKER. P. S.—Coming, a big lot. $5,000.00 worth oi now and up to-date clothing, bought fron manufacturer at 60c on the $1 W. H. COKER 11 Broa ISt H OW’S Till? We offer One Hundred D o] lurs Reward for any Mh , Catarrh that cam 01 be * uie(l y Hall’s Catarrh Cm*. F. J Chkvey&Co , Kled.,o. We, the .undersign, known F. J. Cheney for’»» * ) M * 15 years, and believe him »* financially able to carry out ** T obligation made by their firm West & Truax, .Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A. Marvia Wholesale Druggists, I’, •. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is internally, acting directly U po» the blood and mucous lurfa*** of the system. Testimonials seat freo. Price 75c per bottl*. g 0 by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills art est b Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or scot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS CO PfiOFESSIIJKJt CIHDS ATTORNEYS. * J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, Baar Flrstreet Bt, CHAS W. UNDER WOOD Attorney at Law, Rotas' Crcporaion Onlyr "W J. NEILL Attorney at law Will practice In all ocvt*. special attention given to commercial w* and the examicatlon of laud titles. office In King building, Roms, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P Office ovsr F. J. Kane & Co.’a. LIPHCO.MB Jr .WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyer*. Office in Armstrong hotel building. Rea*, *a MB BUB AbiKS, Atterney at law. OffioeKfng Building. Rome, ga. W H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice In all aoarta Office, Maaonld Temple, Home, Ga. J SANTA OH vZF JU Attorney at law. K.uie. Ga. Collccllnna specialty. Masonic Temple. Koine, Go. ..USES RIGHT. HARPER HAMILiUH WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Im tv. OfficeiNo. 14 PubLuince Buildiaf CHARLES E. DAVIS ATTORNEY A I I.AW- C'lltet.o.. a "peclalty. Wi..pia '.i. h> all t-. '■rsnnlc T< in; > \n ex, ?.■»*,•» .. ........ r2r_-.«f.' ’ rsrat -W» DEN 11STS. J. A. WILLS, D 1). 5., Office 240 1-2 Broad. # Over Cantrell & »”•' J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S.,M • ENTXBT’ Office, 306 1-8 Broad street. Over Hank* Tar allure Co. PHYSICIANS. O. M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phono No. *»• L>. B. HAMMOND. M- D . Physician and Surge on, Office In Medic* building. Residence, No. 4u3 West First at ce.’phoNu 0 TONSGRAL PARLORS LEWIS BARRETT, The 'Old it liable.” operating the Osntr lotel Barber Shop, invites you to give *>■ rial, and promises to do the reel. Only skilled nen employed ou the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employs o«ly <*• ery best artists in his tousoral s.udio, is urry Building, opposite the Armsirang. ■•’J •ou are made comfortable while your wsrk 1 being done. . ; , PASTEUR FILTERS The enb Gen® Prcoi Filler in the vorld. M' kes water sure ai d clear sal 3 byjlhe Hanso® SuppivCo