The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 08, 1898, Image 5

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KXXIf IHjB? WliFff iFtli 1 "an ex* Mfei&KaM \&y tAata A fESSA^ B FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS? r *' ' " <tf• -‘v) J| | GENTLEML.'TS, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MACKINTOSHES: All new J •|| I 1 Styles and to be told for LESS than COST FOR CASH! | If %/ I(J j ? OV£2T*COrltS SSt *eceived a Sample Lot of Mena’and Boys’ Fine Over Coats and all of them ' s CAPES AND JACKETS- Sample Lot of Jackets and Capes in all the Latest <S- > STALES ZLTTI3 COLORS! x f Cr ?k These Beautiful Goods just received and the entire lot C \ Ys ’’ jO* Will be sold 33 1-3 per cent less than original cost \ ; to manufacture. ‘ , C!TT Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Glover, Corsets, Hosiery and all kinds of notions, you can «>»’• mLW""always find here at the very lowest prices, and very best qualities. Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool and'eotten, you will find JQ- wo here at prices much lower than any other house in Georgia, and you will get the iftL-y- very best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. f y, Ia _V*l I \\ JI- Stetson Hats Have Braiaa fa Than Ym, there are brain# in Stetaaa lats— brains in making them and brains in wearing them. New Fall Stylea in Stiff and Soft Bats en tale. It’s a wise head that »M’i a Statsaa Mat. MUST GE T OUT. sip Office-RilderiToldTo Vacate. UTIZEJISARE IN EARNEST Burety Companies Refused To Bond Colot ed Men. Ralegh, N. C., Dec. 7. A mass tte ®tinj of ■be white citizens of New bern was held lest night which ®ppoii t u d a committee to call on lb" Republican county and ciy officials to invite tl em to vacate. 1 hat County has « larg.* a negro Majority as New Hanover, anjl Mere are many negro tfficiais. Seme of these have been recently ®lect-d and are unable to give onds, as the surety companies doline to furnish th>m. The Shsr’fY is a white man. but 1 6 surety companies notified him that if | e employed negro deputies ° r jailers they would not furnish oudsfor him. The committee c "Q ou Republidans yesterday nvited them, to step d"»'ii tl 2 our. The Citizens say that in °y are in earnest. O't Account of the Peace Ja bil°e Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 14—16, the Southern Kailway will • p ll tickets at very low rates. ee that your ticket reads via ’ Southern Railway. Most convenient schedule and best •ervice. J. N. Harrisom, C. P. 4 T. A. HAI S I We carry by far the largest and best lint of Hats in Rome, end we oa> sell them at less than other hous es pay for them. By «11 means oome &nd see them. .S|IO DEFIANT. France Lays Claim to On? of Siiauchais Siliilrtt. WARSHIPS ON ’HE SCENE . Protest Made by American, Bi it'sh ano Japs. Peking. Dec. 8 —France sc aim 1 to Po-Tuiij. a suburb ot shanghai, which is occupied chiefly by Amer ican and British wharves and I warehouses, has caused a grave Complication. , American and British diplo matic represents!' ives, aided by ’ the Japanese Ambassad r, ol j'-ct |*d. 1h« French Consul at Shang- i bai threatens to seize the Niug-Po i joss house. It is said the b >ench Pare making this an opportunity to I seize the arsenal and Pagoda. . I Britssh and Japanese warships I have to Nankin to g ve moral ■support to the viceroy m repelling 1 the French dwin inds BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SaLVI i The best salve in the world , for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcere, ' Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Petter, j Chapped hands, Chilblains, i Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, ! and positively cures Piles or no j pay required. It is guaranteed I to give perfect satisfaction or money refused. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by J rington Co. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. • Knea pants 15c Child's suite 65e $2,00“ “ SI.OO $3-00“ “ $1,50 84.50 “ “ $2 25 Boys ss.ooß< “ $7.50 “ $3.75 “ SIO.OO “ $5.00 mwwik j B B JOHN WON It Io Favor of Rejecting Th Treaty. WISHES AGUINALOO WELL And Hopes He May Prove The .Washington of His Country. < A Boston, Dec. 8, —At the meet ing of the anti-imperialism league's executive committee to day a letter was read from John Sherman, saying • “My hope is that the senate of the United S'ates wiil reject the treaty md leave the pe 'pie of the 1 islands free from the shackieS of Spain and the distant domination of the United States, I sympa thize with Aguinaldo in his ambi tion to found a republic m th- China s a near the equator, and hope he may become the Washing tin of a new natien, absolutely free fr< m European ai d American influence.” Bishop Potter, of New York, and James C. Carter, of NeW York, were added to the list of vice presidents of the league More than 500 petitions protesting against an imperialistic policy re garding Spain’s conquered posses sions have been received at the Washington and Boston oflees ol the league, each petition bearing many signatures, and it was de cided today to begin at once pre senting ths petition to the senat a MEN’S SUITS. $5 00 Suits for $1,50 $7.00 “ “ $3.50 $9 00 " “ $4.50 $11.00" " $5,50 $15.00“ “ $7-70 All wool jants 75e $3-00" “ sl,bO $5-00 “ “ $2,50 15 What The Filippinos Are Hungering For WITH A PROTECTORATE From Th a Government Os The • y United States. Manila, Dec. 8. —The native press continues to advocate in dependence and h re-emhurssmeat t» the United States government of the amount to ba paid Spain for the Philippian . The Independcia quotes liberal ly from Piesident Mchinley’s last speech in Chicago, to support >ts contention that th" Americans are p edged to g v» th i Filipinos in. dependence. Chief Aguinalde and hi' principal a ivisor freely re cognize the impotauce of a strong proiectorate in such a form. One of the latter i.ven ventured the assertion that if the Filipinos .ere granted independence in ac errdance with the demand of the leaders of the United States would be immediately asked t» establish a protestora'e as otheiwiae the Phileppines must sooner or later become the prey of a lees liberal county r. This statement- is borne eut by attitude of the better clae3 of Fil ipinos m the Vicinity of Manila. The numerous stories as to hosti lity felt and displayed and their part toward the Americans are UNDERWEAR- ’ Undershirts 15c *’ 50c kind 25c “SI.OO wool 50c Canton flannel drawers 18c Heavy Canton flan nel drawers «5c worth sOc A CUT PRICE DRUG STORE! * aissu rjanMHSKHanK.ur/., TjaatJiwFr, All Patent Medicines Reduced in Price! All Toilet Articles REDUCED to meet Competition Only When We Cut Every Custo mer get the Benefit. : .1. T. CROL’CH & CO. without foundation- The United States authorities expect o.i the pert of the natives an acceptance of the inevitable. j'L'B '!'■ IN HAVANA HARBOK Cruiser Anchored Where The Maine Was Destroyed. Havana, Dec. B,—The United States cruiser Nsw York arrived here at S .25 p. m. yesterday Immediately afterwards the New York saluted and Captain Chad wick paid a visit to Admiral Mau terula and General Caatellanoa. A naval liewtenant promptly re turned the visit on board the New York, SHOES! I For mo i, boys, ladiee and cnildren* We 2iye you the veiy best quality for the the very lowest price. Ladids good shoes 7oe Men\ “ “ SI.OO Th&y ar® solid leather .ANDREE’S RESCUE a Sought by Some Frenchmen in a Balloon. Vancouver, B. C., Dec. 8 —The steamer Dirigo arrived from Alas ka today. She brings a report that a party of French scientists, head ed by Mr, Turwange, reeantly started in a ballcon from Mount White, Alaska, in search of Prof. Andree. Wholy Smokb I —That is to aay, that if you want the best cigar on the market and the one that gives the most fragrant i smoke, you should ask your j dealer for one of the Warters’ Rome made brands.