The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 08, 1898, Image 6

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MATfiDCR NEEDED , ! i PEDBStjlvania Glulrcli Goers i Stampedsd. ' NJGGERRMD R FftT MRN Tossed Into The Air and B b'es • And Hymn Bonks Lost. Phoenixville, Pa., Doc. 7 —Be lowing in thunder tones and run ning like a wounded animal after a matador in a Spanish ring, a maddened bull tore into Tcenix ville this morning, frightening mm, women and children and sending them scurrying for safety. The big animal is kept confined in a farmer’s per. just outside of town, but this morning broke away the bars and stampeded for here. As a raging bhzzard the animal lew down the road and burst in upon the churchgoers. People flaw in affright as the animal •tamped and snor ed in a vicious manner. Tossing his great head, he spied a woman in a red diees. With * roar of rage tbe bull leaped forward. Then he madly rushed to and fro, Scviral persons haring nuriow escapes “OLb” were plentiful from . the women, and, gathering up tbfeir skirts, they crowded into doorways. No • tore in town ever made half the display of hosiery. A colored man, who never heard that discretion was tbe bet ter part ot valor, gazed too long on the scene. Toward him the bu 1 charged. The man made an in effectual attempt to dodge, “Save me ! Help I help!” he cried .* But the bull bellowed louder and the other men ran faster. WERYTHIHG- AT COST FOR CASH! SS=X WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE CI_OTHK*I<2 z AND WILL SELL DUR ENTIRE STOCK StWfi /*,W .1 o| P&t M f-J ;.... T.L . ■■* O V AT * ; s>♦ fws .• Ai Po W '■ V'A'i / a pa MR » A JL JL ■ ——W— IWH 111 I ® •*■••“■ AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE BEAN] THIS SALE. Includes All Our CLOTHING,' FURNISHING GOODS aqd HATS TF A v ff'.', R 1 wHF w3«l AsMJ With a (hud and an “oucL” fl’jn the victim, the bull caught the colored man and with a shake us bis mighty neck sent bim ten feet into the air. Lege and arms flew around like a windmill. Then the bull started for other vic tims. The man came down as slowly as he could, keeping one eye on; his four-footed assailant, but he' landed with a thump that knocked out his wind to make room for a more extensive knowledge of bull tactice. His hat flew politely off. “Fo’ de Land’s sake,” he groaned. “Ketch dat bull,” and away he went to a safer spot, The bull’s next victim was a fst man, who bad taken too much time to laugh at the “gennman from So’ Ca’iina. “Bins my soul I bless my eou!” ha cried as the bull started for him. “Get away,” he cried at the animal, who with head down, was making a 30-yard iuu. “Get away. So, boss, so boss,” but in a moment he too, was on a trip to the church spire. He larded safer than he went up and hobbled aw.«y. Finally the winded animal was turned into an incloeure and when assured that he couldn’t get loose •the church-goers went around picking up disc aided Bibles and hym books and proceeded on their way. HAS DONE MUCH GOOD. ‘•I had catarrh in tbe head and could find no relief until 1 began taking Hood’B Sarsapa rilla, which cured me. My sister has been relieved cf rheumatism by Hood’s, and my little brother took it after serious illness and it restored bis strength. It cured my father of effects of sun »iroke.” Sam Cain, Whigham, , Georgia. r Hood’s Pills’ curejsk n außea, headache* ALL AKE DEMOCRATS. Tennessee's Three New Rail road Commissioners. Lynchburg, Tenn., Dec. 7. The official vote in Tennessee gives the s x-year term as Rai road Commissioner to Judge N. W. Baptist, of Covington, the four year term to Hon. John N. Mc- Kenzie. of Lebanon, aud the two year term to Col. T. L. Williams, of Knoxville. Judge Baptist was a Bryan and Sewall Elector in 1896. Colonel McKenzie was Ignited States Marshall lor Middle Ten nees e under President Cleveland. Colonel Williams has been an un tiring party worker for yqars. BlocU Contagious U l ood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely br-' ak forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Fensylvania Ave.. Wasli ington,D.C.,say4: 1 was ,or a - on ß V time under treat i> meat of two of L the best physi- r C - J a cirns ot this city, kL.s p / for a severe case TtSL I blood poison, / ss. bit* my condition WOrse all the while, not- Y.ahstanding the Afi'.ct that they h f ' cl,: r K ed me tbree Ifiwiw /iy dollars. Mv mouth waa filled with eating seres; my tongue was almost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, a.l when I had finished eighteen bottb’s, I was cured sound aud well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had. no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life of misery.” S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable) will cure any case of blood poison. Books on thediseas* S free by Swift ‘ 7 f ’ Specific Co., k Atlanta, Ga. W/i.E.a '■ THE WEST. .. TO ARKANSAS L & TEXAS. Schedule in Effect Oct. 4th, 1893. aroRiHBOUirD. No. 2 ‘ No. 4 i No 70 j No TJ Ev X tfanm . Ti.'iwu 8 s6prr 4 tiipra 5 §opi» Ar Maiokta.. jl’.ira 9 Irtpin 5 4-rptn 6 ifipiX " Rome 11 Ztiun 746 pm •• Patton. . 11 4 lain 11 41pm 81 Bpm “ Chnt nooga 1 (X);.m 100 am ODopm ■ Nsehvllle . ftlopm; fl 4i:am “ Mem phis .. 180 a m! Ovym Er Naxh viile 7 30pruT 7 Siaml 17.7..... Ar St Lnnie. . 7 20'mj 7R2nm_ . tv . i • . j.k a Ar Chicago.. | 9iMam! 82.0>m , E» Nashville . 7&lpm, 7 2lam Ar Louisville. 2 30am 12 25-in ** Cincinnati. 7 (bii-.a 4 jOym Train No. 2 carries Pullman .Sleeper between Jacksonville Fia., Atlanta and Nash'rille, con netting with vestibule train for Chicago. Train No. | carries, Pulltrftm Sleeper Anguetl and Atlanta to Nashville andtit. Louis through without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta t< Ohs.ttan<»oga, paast/ngers remain In car until 7 o’clock a. ra. Pullman bleeper Atlanta u Knoxville via A. K. <Ss N. Ry. Train No. 70 oounects at Boyce with Q. 4b O. for Cincinnati. This train carries through eoach Atlanta to Roms. To the South and East. lOUTHBOUND. No. 1 No. 3j N 0.91 N 0.73 Ev Nashvfjfo f 10am 10 lOptUp Chat'noo&a i&opm 3 20am 5 65am “ Dalton . 41i pm 4 28am I 711 am •* Rome 4 25pm j 741 am Marietta . B43pm 6 4oam 9 46am i 7 GStvaa A r Atlau;a T tOpm 1 7 aOamllO 36am 1 BOvam Ev Atlanta 77 TbUpnii *1 50am 4 55pm Ar Macon... 11 13pm 11 10am llcpni ~ “ Tifton. 2 3 05pm “ Jaek'nville 8 45nni|10 2opm Ev~Atlanta ... Tiopm * 6'ium; 4 &sp>nI . Ar Macon . . U lapmlll 10am, 7 Alpm •• Thm’sville . I 8 80)>m| •’ Savannah . fl 00am fl OOpno t7v Atlanta . il oipm 7 tCainl 3 10pm Ar Augusta... ( loam IZDpn, 8 26pm Ar Char es'on 11 (Kai a 800pmI. “ Columbia . tsitm-. lOlOgm! Ev Atlanta. 756pji)il- (Kan 42 00m 7 Ar Athens .. llOShpm 2 l«pm[ 2 l*ipm “ Richmond.! fl llipml 7 16an»i 7 15am' •• Waoh’gton;lo ;ilamill Siam ...77.77 *‘ New York 5 s..'am I 5 2i;ptnl &22p8l ’.7.77 Train No- 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nssh- Ville, Chattanooga and. Atlanta to Jackson- Vilie, Fia. Train No. 3 carriee Pullman Bleeper St Louis 9t> Augusta without change Fub,.iaa KleejAf Cuattauoega to Atlanta open for passenger* Chattanooga 0 o’clock p. m. Pullman Slesper Knoxville to Atlanta via A K. As N. Ry. Jf al tn rther information write to H V SMITH. C. E. HARMAN, Tram.- Manager. Gea. Pase. Agt RF STLE AND COMFORT and for a jelly goed time with family or fiiende, ibere is ncih in<r like an open surry for either inter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies,traps, er ris, woo. cnettes, canopy top, t r open sur reys, are brlit shk), comfoita ble and be*’ H ul in ( vc— bun, trin :.iiii .r ! -> and finish. Wo a’so repair <■ nd , v r';au’ vehicles; '1 o C-iry a big ’inc of fia hft ness am ip n b r ~ Home Ct , < r so'J 1 street,Ror "Ga. 'a 'ii: j j n J' V i’ i. A <nts. TER IIE L SP EEI 3 W arler'c MAT CH LESS “TWOFERS” wear the bra id of TErtRELL SPiidD, the renowned ‘‘Coon Sk’n” Statesman of Floyd-. The sa'e of this brand has been unprecedented. But then Thomas Warters never put a sorry cigar on the market* He is too □rising and too honast. Lvery cigar is exact ly what si cL imed for its brand, and the War ters cigars are abso’utelj the best on the mar ket FO4 SALE BY ALL DEALERS.' A candy ■ . ; < CATHARTIC 4 Cuh:.H CONSTIPATION ,Oc 25c SOc —-o^--- L'VERY, SALE AND FEED STABLEST Offers the public t'vi fi 1 t 3 t ns, bßcj f y antfc s and most polite and courteous drivers The best stcuk of horses and mules on ssle co etan tly. a : ‘ ■ ■" 'v- JI ' A- ' * <