The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 08, 1898, Image 7

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7dMINI ST R A TOR’S SALE, . , and by virtu* of an o/- <f ordinary of ' r 'j Ga.. grui.te I at the "’uX or 1888.. H i'bJore 1.0 erort hw... „ the in Route Georgia b**- dr ' , gnl hours <>f rale, f< r T\nr lor d'«tribut'on am. i g ' a t 1-w of M. Dmndi, the r g real and personal prop. ‘roToiu" 8 “ n 1 lo,Rfi tu “ t ’ d 0,1 Broad street, lying between perty . r r. 0. w.ttor. .ud , Moore, th" I°’* h "" £ « P ftlt tract of land purchased by v Smith from the adminis J o r u - ,. Smilh :. d ": d Each lot fronting on Br ad 52i ieet add running jforll) width towards the Et h nver two hundred and ten >'o, feet, the houses being two i. story bouefrt. containing b'ven : ro or The said houses and L will be separately sold and ..■umbered h- follows: that ad- T . G Watters No. 938, , at adjoining J, T. Moore No that tract of land, the same ■impart of land lot No. two aedred and f'rty-six (246) in the jeiily-third (23rd) district and lin | [3rd] see lion of Floyd coun . kouwu »s the whole of lot o fourteen j '4] and ‘he south a |f of 1t N fifteen [ls] in the ] ant) f town hit# made by William Moore for William R. Smith, ie whois cont lining one and a alf [1 1-2] acres of land and 3Cffu a» ibe Merrell place, and r ;d tract of lai d containing twy onses and will be sold as a whole. Alio that tract of iand in the lotbran and Chisolm addition to liecity of Rome known i*s th** outhbalfof In. No. eighteen [lß] routing fif’y ['’ ,u ] taet 011 Ross |reet and running back ot uni ortn width one hundred and neuty five [ 125] feet, according o ibe survey made by George Uiworth, civil engineer, the suit) having a dwelling house burton. Also ib r ee [3] houses and lots nd one vicsnt lot to be separate*- fiold situated on lots Nos. nine ien [l9] and twenty [2o] in the .oibrau and CbisLo in addi ion 0 Ruiue Ga., the lame being a ulof ai d number two bund:* d ndlortyisix [246] *n the 23rd •net and Br<i section of Fioyd maty as surveyed by George idsworth in .p and plat fikd in ffice of the cierk of the euptri >r mrlof Floyd county the who'e detaining tlmu quarters [3 4s]| tin ac", commeinriug on the j forth side <t Bioad Sneet j itweeu Ross street end r i.e extvi -> ion of Broad street accoiding to hsaid map house and lot num* cron* 3? of this tract being de :ribed ts follows. Fronting on mtreet f: rty-tbree [43] ieet nd running back to Bro**d street mhundred and twenty [l2O]'eet lore or less. House and lot number two 3C I this tract being described a, •Hows, Fronting on Roes street irty-s veu [47 [ f.*et and running h ' k m Bro. d street one bu: dred iJ liilfeen [lls] leet more or * li use and in* numh-r three 28 •bi-* 'ract I vii'x described as 'h'Ws, bn nm gnu Ro--s street •tliuudreu ana live ieet more or is. Also vacant lot adjoining lot 2S fronting Ross street 105lt ®gin V shaue. Also the f, 1 owing unimproved I ‘d of land towit—l weive and ' eighths [ 12 7-Bs] acres more , s > ’f lanu out ol and from ; ''Hjuthwesr corner of lot of G( 1 number two hundred a'-d nrt y five [235] in the 23rd dis* ‘d and 3rd s >ction of or ginaily, erukee n w Floyd county’Ga.. Hie following shape and bound ri('9 towit, Beginning at the '•’’hwest corner of said It t of “pd tunning thence along or igiual line thereof North ter J Chains to a staked conn r on e r gin. thenct North forty-five V' e ’, East aix 16] chains and 1 [Bb] lie ks to a pine corner, [Bl] de -f <asf -ix [6] chains and [2o] nt,rh to h hickoiy l(1 - thence South seven |7 | West fo’irtPHo I 14] ch' ins " J ei l’j'ty’-[ ao [B2 ] links tn tin b lnill W < f sa.d lot of laid. ~i( , b g sa jj origit al [h] chains and elev-n J lb ks io th- begmtrng corner. ,tl!) t tract i.t land in the i, 1 .,. ’“Gicl and 3rd section <’f f Cl ' Ull ty Ga.. lying m the )r t [ bdß v cc, nt ' r °f land lot num -2351,? Ul "d rv d and thirt;-five itonta n .. k tweutvsthre [2B] II he 1C V " ll 'h tog»ther Wit 1 six r s “ r< ofnre su'd the Wn um?' D " 1 l ls i<uof the city ot •u n,. 1S " n ’hu Fort Jack. “Pt operi y. oihtfl? 1 '’ 11uet b in d i> the 16 citv to nmb«r ♦ Uonl6 kn,,w «- “«• ••-'t ß br “ twenty*one [2l] twenty- •two [22] twenty-three [2B] ai d twenty four [24] twenty.fave [251 tw-miy-six [26] un d twenty-eevef [ | all fronting on the West side of Broad street. Those ate all Traotiona parts »f lots c mmenc ing with twenty-seven [27] which joins other properly’ ot M Dwi- ( uell’a and extends along the left sale of Broad street to the corpor ate line of the city,of R .me, the Mine being all of -aid lots above n tmed lying on the W*-st side of Broad street. Also the fnllowng Tact of land i n Iho county of b i,\u n.-ar the city oi Rome it being a part of the plat known as t;.t. Waiter K Weister place de-d-d by said Webstar t<> L. 1). Bur .ell by Burwell to Satnue M gne-s, Dec. 31st I N>3 Ihe «V ebs’.er lot is de eci i bed as follows C -m uieuciug a t a black oak corner on a line of a part of the J H. Lumpkin lotauC i mining North along sa d line one hundred and twenty five [l2s] yards, thence East one hui dreu und twenty-five[l2s] yards,thence South one hundred and twenty five [l2s] yards to line of the piece of said lot sold to Dr. Jordan Reese thence along said line to the beginning corner, also including u strip fi teen st'pa wide at the Northeast corner along the East' ern side of said plat. All of this plat is included in this tract of land excepting one and a halt acres of the Western part thereof sold prior to February 1898 to Green Ray colored. Also that tract of laud in the upper part nf the city of Roms Gu., ia what is known as ‘‘Mutton Hollow” commencing at an alley between said properly and lhe property of Mrs. J. H. Lumpkin where said alley intersects East Boundary street and running iu a Northwesterly direction a long said East Boundary sireetont hundred and four [lo4]feet mors or less to he pr< perty otj A Bale thence in a north easterly direetion two bun dred and seventy seven (277) fast more or less alei g the line of said B-is's and J. T. Warlick slots to Brooks street owe bundled aid twenty-nine (123) feet more or ess, to said aLey, ti erce down said alley two hundred and twenty feur (224) ieet more or 1* ss to tha original starting point on East Boundary afreet, all in ihe twenty third (I'B.d) < istrict and third (3) sectlan of Floyd county, Geor gia . Also that tract (J f land iu the t. wn o. Forestville, Floyd county. Georgia, being lot number one i undrtd and five (105) with dwel ling houses and improvement* tisereon fronting on the Kingston read two hundred and ten (210) feet more <*r less and running back me -ame width three hundred (300) feet more or less, same being the lot bought by Ayer and Mc- Donald from J. B. Hine. Also four hundred and fifty (459) shares of the capital stock of th« R und Mountain Coal and Iron Company of the par value of one huudrsd dollars (S 100 each. Ail sold a« the property of M. Dwinell, deceased, Bam’l Funkhovsru ) Adminis- A. Dwinell, ) irators Os the estate of M. Dwinell, dec. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION GEORGIA, FI/'YD C'’UNTT. To all whom it may concern: C. M. Alexander having in propn form applied to me for permanent etters'of administration on th« estate of Henrietta Alexander, late of said county, deceassd. This is ta cite al’ and singular the creditors ai d next kin of Henriet ta Al xandsr to be a. 4 appear at inv office Within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any thay can, why psrmanent administra tion should not be granted to C. M Alexander on Henrietta Alex, ander’s .state. Wi nay hand and signature this sih day of Dec. 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FL YD COUNTS. To all whom it may ron.en Janrns E. Iv.y having in proper f„ rm npplM to m - tor p- nna.>en. lat-ers of administration on the Major Maxwell late. cf said c unty Ueoeased. 1 I,lri ‘ ' citH all and singular rhe creditors and next of knot Maj r Maxwel O be and appear at my Office with' in tne time a.h wed by law and H |. o w cause if any they t‘an why i mintstrutiof> sbculo permanent «d"> '‘ ‘ R tot he gran ed to , Jau n . on Major Maxwell a eat te. ,ur tO« Slt d«v I’*"'- IB'S JOhN P- Davih Primary- . ' 2 *'■*> ' W SALES M W’PJ 1899. NEORtIA FL.OYD COUNTY n ill be sold before the court house doer in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legul hours of sale, nn the first Tuesday iu January 1899 the following described property to wit: That, tract or parcel of land be ginning at the Northeast corner < f •Vest Seventh aveuus und West Fir*t street in th. Oostannula di vision of the city of Rome m said state and county and running along West First street a dis'ance off 6 feat, thence m a Northerly directioirin u line parallelled with •Seventh avenue a distance of 96ft ’o the South line of lot of Mrs. Kstherine Baumgartner, thence in • Westerly direction along th» Baumgartner line 66’ feet to Sev enth avenue, thence in a Southerly direction along Seventh avenue 16 feet. to the starting point. Also Mo. 104, Seventh avenue described as follows: Commencing on East side of Seventh avem. 75 feet South of the corner of Seventh avenue and North Boundary street running thence in an Easterly di rection parallel with North Boun dary a distal ce of 75 feet. theriM at right angles Southerly a distance s f 20 fest, thenea a s right angles Easterly a dii t.uc. of 46ft to Mrs. S. Chids.y’s lot, thence at right angles Southerly a distance f 82 feet te C Baumgartner’s lot, thence at right angles Westerly a distance of 120 feet to Seventh Av.uue 52 to th. starting point, ail “t said described proper ty being parts of lots 68 and 63 in said Ooslanaula division of the city of Rome Georgia. Levied on by virtu, of afi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of the Exchange Bunk of Rome Georgia against Mrs. Mattie M. Under wood as the property of >he A o . fer dant, Also at the same time and place the following described property ♦owit: Lying and being in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome, c.uuty of Floyd, state of Georgia beginning at th. Soathwest cornor of Forest and Main stre.t, the..c. West along the Sou h side of For es’street 185 feet to a 15 foot al ley, thenc. South along the East ■ ide. of said alley 51 feet, thence East 135 f-*et to Main street,thence North along the West aid. of Main street 61 feet to the point of be .inuing. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued fr.m Floyd superior court in favor of the Lt ratal/-* Building and Loan Associaiion vs Salli? Q- Green as th. property of the defendant. Also at th. sam. tim. and plao. nil that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the Fourth ward of the citv of Rome Floyd county Ga., in block “B” d*sonh d as follows: Commencing at West First street (formerly Center St.) at the corner of Laucast.i’s lot »nd running thenc. in a Westerly hr.ction along West First street, thence back the same width 150tt th.nee back the same width 150 ft to satisfy afl fa in favor of the Nashville Burial Cass Co., against W, 8. Richards and W. S. Lans lell on the abov. described prop erty of W. 3, Richards, he btmg tn possession at date of levy Also at the same time snd place that tract or parcel of land lying and in the 23rd district and 3rd Section of Floyd couuty Ga Known as part of lots 208 a.nd 204 ther*in; beginning at a point co the West side of th. Summerville road 285 feet North of the center of the tract of the Rome and De -Btur rhilroad, thence West along a line of plank fence as now built 1820 feet, thenc. at right an gles Southerly 338 feet more or lees o sfcid railroad right of way. hence Easterly along said right , f way to thr. Silmns* rvilla roid, thence Northerly along said Sam merville road to beginning point xoepting a lot 50X110 feet off th Nc rtheast corner of the tract to a church. Also that tract in the Fonnh ward in the city of Rome Ga., known as all of lot No. 87 in Block “B” m Mitchell’s survey of Desot* conveyed by C. b, McCra- T to Seaborn Wright by deed dat „d May 1895 excepting that pari ■inv.'«d by said Wright to Lan ham. Levied on by virtue of a fi f* issued from Floyd Superior court in favor Rime Mutu I Loan AH. >cia ion against J. D. O’Bryan a» the property of the def.n iant. Also at the same tim. an 1 place t h„ life esta'e of E. G- Har ** ur ii tn- following property . 8 acres off ,f ; o t No. 531, lot«N.o 532, lot N > 533. 94 acres off of lot No 584 ah in the 18th district a >d 4rh action of Floyd county Ga. Lev ied on hv virtue of a fi fa issued from the justice court of the 140d.i district G. M. loth in favor of IW, H. Coker 4k Co, against E G i HaH, r ss the propartv ot the de u tendent. L°vy mad* ey R 11 Cope land L C. Ala < at the sam° time arid place lot ui 'ann No. 120 in the 25th district and 3rd section of Floyd comity Ga., containing 160 acres mor. or less,Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Carrie A Gilreath against Lou Gilr.atb ae the prop erty of the defendant Also nt the same time and place 3 acr -s i fi of lot No 531, Io No 532 lot No 538. 9| acr**. off o. lot N<> 584 all m the 16’h distri t and 4 h section of Floyd couuty Ga. Lev ied on by virtue of a justice court fi fa issued from the ju.tice court of the 1458 di st rict G M in tavoi of E E Forbes a gains' E G Har b< urns ih» property of the de fendant, Also at the same time and place the following tracts or parcel of 'and situated lying and being in the 4th distaict and 4th secion of Floyd couuty Georgia being th<* whole of Is nd lota Nos 210 and 211 the East half ol 222 and all of 10l 223 on the West side of the Bur nette Ferry road next to ar.d ad joining lot No 222, the same being all of the heme place, except land lot No 187 and part of lots 288 and 258 in the 4th district and 4'h section of said county, lying be tween the farm road and lands of D H Shelton, more particularly described as follow.-: Commencing at the ford of Bsvch creek and running Southwest 38 3 4 degrees and 13 chains, thence S >uth 9 de grees fi*st 33 chains to a poplar tree on the eould spring branch, thence down said branch to Coosa river, thence up the said river to D. H. Shelton land line to Beech creek, thence down said creek tc the beginning point. Levied on by virtue of a justice court fi fa issued from the justice court of the 919 district g M in favor of W. E Beysiegol against 1 H Selman J D Turner and W T Selman, as the property of J D Turner one of the defendants. Also at the same time and place one undivided one half interest in the All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the sth district ai.a 4th section < f Flojd county Ga.. known in the plan of said district as No 164 containing 160 acres more or less, being the sanr* deeded to J M Smith and W A Horton by W A Knowles, executor of May H Knowles, deceased, on Nov. 2nd 1898. recorded on “• gg” of page 90. L* vied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd Superior court in favor of Chas H. Hartshorre for use of officers of Floyd superi or court against John M Smith, as tl e property of the d.fendai t. Al*o at the same time ai d place one bay inaie mule about 10 yeais old. 1 one-horee dray and harness. Levied on by virtue us afi fa ia -med from Floyd Superior court in fsvor of Frank M. Utt against Pa'ton Sa.h Door and Building Co , as the property of lhe defend: ant. Also at the same tim. and plac. one residence lot with improve ments thereon in the Hfth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county and s ate cf »a , said lot fronting on Maine street 300 feet running back the sane width 300 feet and bounded on the North aud EhSI by Lytle property, .n the West by Rup-e property, on th. South by Main street, and being the same on Oct. Ist 1890 owned aud occu pied by said defendant with a spe cial lien a. of dab* of Oct let. Le vied on by virtue of a ti fa issu.d from Floyd -uperior court in fa vor of the trustees of Ripon C>l lege, Ripon, Wisconsin, against Jessie C. Lytle a« the property of the defendant. Also at the sam* time and place cne residence lot with improve ments thereon. being city lot No. 104 in North Rome, Floyd county ■a., fronting on corner of Broad street, 30 feet and running back same width 90 fest along Third St, being one block from the Rom. & Deea.ur railroad depot. L-vied on by virtu, of afl fa issued from Floyd superior court in tavor of Miss C A Blakeman against W M Bridges, as the property of the de fendan . AGo at the same time aud place the f illowine described property mention! d in this mortgage, one hay horse mule named Mike about 7y* ars old. one bay horse mule named Minn about 7 years old. Levied cn by virtue ora mort gwge fi fa issued from . Fl-’Vd city court in favor of R. D. V nDyke against T. C Aver, agent, as the property of the defendant, Also at the sam. time and place ail that tract or parcel of land lying nd being in Floyd county, tta . and particularly described a» I land lots Noe. 300 aud 801 in the 22t,d district and 2ni section of Floyd county, G- . I-»-» 20 acres defied off of !<>t 801 to Mie Fan ny Stamey leav iug3oo *uu small, property poinud out in said mort gage fi iu and m possess >n of th* d* teiidant. Levied < u l*y Virtue <>| a mortgage fi ’a issued fr m Floyd city court in favor <<f R D Van- Dyke against -L v\ . ILiiiie, a« lhe property of the delendant. A so at the same tim Hid plac* all 11, a I tractor pur ci o: ianj d lying Hi.o being in th* vi age formerly kn r wu us South R> ;n» n* w 1- itth war i of *h. city ot Rome being the south-ast ha l es tit-eeli feet sold to Muran lr D.miei on the south sid>* kn wn and bound'd as follows, f.On inn Pennington avenue one hundred net and running back n right angles one hundred filly f ur feet, bounded on the sou h by street known as Coosa street, on the east oy ine property ot Miranda Dan iels and containing 1 6 of an acre with all the impr- vemmis the.e oii u being the same propeity a- ed. d to ttie defendants by J D . lin ner .he 21 t day ol May 1892, deeds recorded m the cleiks- oftic. or Floyd sup erior court book ‘‘l”l”de.d page 198 L vied on by virtue of a tux fi fa issued from thu justice court Os th-' 919th dis trict G M. in favor of Jno. J Black transferee vs. .lames Ri«h ardaoD, Thos. Richarhson and Warren Richardson, as the prop erty of the defendants. Levy made by K, H. Copeland, L. C. Also at the same time and place, one undivided fourth inierest in City lot No. 48 in the Etowah Di visu n of the city of Ruine Floy d ct unty Ga. and beiLg on the cor ner of Fourth av nun and East Third street and fronting 182 feet mor. or less on Fouith avenue, be ing tb. propeity lately deeded to Mis. H. b. A. Word by Mrs. Elia H. Murphey on the 20th day of July 18V5, also a one u divided iwentbth interest in lots cf land Nos. 238, 257 & 283 all in th fouith district anil 4>th section of originally Cherokee now Floyd county Ga. except 2. acres of let No. 237 which was heretofore con veyed to Dr. J;. E. Burkman and which is fully - described ia his deed and of which his grantees are now in possession), the above de scribed property containing in all 475 acres more or lees with ail and singular the improvements there unto pertaining. Levied on by virtue if an attachment 6 fa is sued from Floyd city c urt in fa vor of L-vy, Dreyfus Co. vs. Mrs. N. L. Johnson, as tho property of the defendant, Also at the same time and place 40 buehela of corn more or less in crib on tbs place and in posession of H Y. Pratt. Levied on by vir ttire of fi fa issued from Floyd county Court iu favor of W, H C* ker & Co, against W. H. Mahan and W. M Goss, es the properly of the defendants. A ! so at the same time and place, one dark buy mare named Mary about 7 years o'd, one bay hors-i mimed John about 9 years old oi e ’arge black mule named Georj e about 3 years old, one large light bay mule named Jack about Byea'S old, ene medium size light bay mule named Henry about • years old, one medium size lighr bay mule named Jane about 10 years nld. Levied on by v.rture of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor of Bates Kiiigtberry A Co. against G. G. Burkhalter as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place one blacK horse mule-named Jacs ah ut 14 hands h g" and ten years old. one moua* co oft d mare mule about, 15 hands high six years old named Ida, one dark bay ma:e ab> ut 14 bands high 10 years old named Minnie. Also one colt about H years old, one mule cob about Q months old. Aso one two-hoisi wagon about half worn, also I,cotton planter 2 one-horse plow slocks 1 doublefooted p'ow stocks, 1 one horse turm r, two sits of pow gear, 76 bushels of corn m >re or less, 1200- bundles of fodder more or leis in .crib, five acres cotton in field, 40 bush els cotton seed more or less, a'eo he entire 1-2 interest in 12 acres of cotton in field, also 28 bushek of co’-n in the crop of A E Sco't. nisi 35 bushels of corn and 1-2 interest in ‘our acres of Cottor in fie d, l-4th interest 500 pounds of seed more or 1* ss in the crop ol E McCollum Levied on by virtue if a fi fa issued from Fioyd city ceurt in favor of W G Duneho* transferred against W G Brannon as the property of the defendant. J. P McConnell, Sheriff. Successful Physicians. We heartily rocomrasno Dr. HalLaway A Co. >f 31*4 8 Bro«d St., Atlanta, (m.. as being per reliable and remarkably Bn<xew*ful m tbs. t . atment of chronic disease* of men and women. They cure when others fail. Our road-ire if in noed of medical help ihould certainly wn^ e theee eminent doctors and you will receive a rre< ind axaert opinion of year cw® retain f CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. Oil RG . FL'*YD COUNTY. jo s luh m it may concern, Samimi F .nkhemw-r adminislraror de tion s non, with will anuex ed.of Mrs. Sarah A Dailey.deceas'd has iu due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell tne l> i’ds belonging to the estate of •*aid deceased and said applica'ion wil he heard on the first JL uday in January next. This 6th day of DiCpmcer 1898 John P Davi< Ordir try. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GE' RGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas J E . Kinnebrew,guar <l an of John M. B iley, repre setits to the cour. in his petition inly filed, that he has adminis , t* red John M. Bailey’s rstue and i hat he has turned over to said ward all of his es ate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said guardian should not be dis eharged from his guardianship and receive letters of dismission . on the first Monday in January, 1899. T.iis Oct. 7’h 1898. F "in P Davis Ordinary I ~* . LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA , TION. GE' RGiA FLOYD CoUNTY. ’ To all whom it may concern A. M, Antognoli having in. proper . f• *rm»npp 1 ied to n?e tor permanent letters of administration on the , estate ot Stephen Jones, late of ‘ said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Stephen Jones to he and appear at my office within the time al'owed by law s ond show cause if any th> y can why permanent administration should not be granted to A. M . Antognoli or some other fit and proper person on Stephen Jones’ "State. Witness tiy hand and offi ‘.lal j-ignature this slh , day of [ Di c. 1898. John P. Davib. Ord.nary, . LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- I TION. i GEORGIA FL>YD COUNTY. To all wh’ *n it may concern J. - 1’ Ballenger and P ' M. Story,Jr., - having in proper form applied to me fi>r permanent letter* of ad- f ministration’ on the estate of Mrs. J. A. Bagwell, late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of <Mrs. J. A. Bagwell to be and appear at my office ! within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent administration should not he granted to p, M. Story Jr., on Mrs. J. A. Bagwell’e estate Witness my hand and offi cial sigiiat uie this sth day of Dec. 1898. John P. Davls, Ordinary ' LEITERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. i GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern J. M. Miller having m proper form applied to me for permanent let ters of administration on the es tate of Jefferson Miller late of said county deceived. This is to cite all and singular theerediters and mxt of kin of Jefferson Mil ler to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law a.'d show cause if at.y they cun > Any permanent administration hould not be grant d to J. M. Miller on Jefferson Miller’s estate, i Witness my hand and * fficial sig .ature this 6th day ot December 1898 John P, Davis, ordinary. 'f LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD CCUNTY. To all whom it may concern. Hugh B Kyle bating in proper torln applied to me for permanent letters of administrath n on the estate us S. II Kyle late of said county d-'Ceaeed. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin ot S’. II. s Kyle to be , a d appear at my office within the time allowed by law «nd show •auß« it any they can why perma nent administration should not be grunted to H. B. Kyle or some >ther fit and proper person on S. I. Kvle’s estate. Witness mj ‘-and and official signature thia stb day of Dec 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. .. i.ami i> II ANY PERSON flnhina to know the truth in regard to thate ( »Mlt.n *lio-.ild net fa* l to *nd for a valuable Mid | -fvvr &4-p«ge t which will bo sent FREE ■ -r a short lime to tho- • who mention this paper. ■ "Hie book ia published by the eelsbrated P“/s»- tans end specialists Dr. Hathaway aid <_-o. oj I jux 8. Broad St.. Atlanta, Ga., wbom yon should I stress. Write to-day.