The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 08, 1898, Image 8

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5 -' I WJM|MI ts BT MK_ > W g '< I £Jb* ih W* wkw n«* c w w gb W- rs ipi VWi Mi PPf MR Pi Up a Ab K4I fcrjk JE. Xffi gufl jfsJf jU.>4 131 AND ALL AT COST 01 VERY MUCi I® THAN COST, Toilet articles, a big assortment. Handkerchiefs, the finest selections in Rome. Rugs, Ot toman!, Fine Trunks, etc. Big stock of Jacket* and Capes. We are trying specially to close out our Blanket stock this week. Wool has advanced a great deal in price recently, but we offer any Blan ket in our house at cost. Some of them, a little soiled, at less than cost. We will sei! you any article . of Dry Goods in the house at cost. ~ - U '" «-- -_ -- ' -11 -!Wr - -Xl-IT ---.,MMM—. U.- -n I ..»., , ..—..a . —.■»- ■■-...■■ , ■ ■■ , - -- ~ r - ,--.- . - . » . ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! Fine selections that sold at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 a yard, you may take at 98 cents A’l Hosi ry at costand less tnan cost. Shirts, and Ladies and Gents Furnishings at cost or lower. Notions at or below cost. So with Linens, so with Laces and Embroideries. Any article in theHillinery Depart ment at or below cost. DO YOU WANT A FINE TRUNK? Get it on our second floor at half value. AH Clothing and Hats at or below cost. fine shoes are the best. Buy tiiem from us, WE WANT TO QUIT BUSINESS AND OUR PR'CES ARE MADETO SELL OUT THE GOODS AT ONCE. COME TO SEE US BROTHERS & CO ■- -■ f tZAiJCxs*- Beware of •Stucfr OH* »UUA<Mi «■* * 4B» 2-CENT STAMP! WittMßd • letter to any putut in Unde Sam’s big « domain. For this very - ''£"V reason, if you arc tick., £1 ' •orc or suffering, this very trifling outlay .■ May Save Your | tf* I Here's just how £ LIIS i it is. You can '•’£ •••—•- write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to the “Washington Medical & Surgical listltuti, Atlanta, Georgia," And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients in the adjoining States, some of them hundred of miles away, and their cures are simply warn earful. CURES POSITIVE AND r n r r J CONSULTATION flt 11! In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot. Ware Lip, Cross Eyes and other surgical cases also in aL' forms of Skin and Blood disorders. Rheuma tisms, Sciatica. Catarrh of the Nose. Throat Lungs. Stomach or any vital organ. Liver. Kid uey and Bladder troubles. Nervous Weak nesses of either meu or women, diseases of the seaual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely. It costa you nothing if we tin dertake your case we shall send yot question blank for full particulars. If you, case is curable by hitman skill and perfect science WE SHALL CURB IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. AU letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical &. Surgical INSTITUTE. "FIXED THE JURY.” Mslntyre Claim j That Niore Fixed Two Jdrors WITJHHJTTHK ABBISTAIC Os His Pretty Wife's Danger* ous Blue Eyes. New York, Nov. 7.—Taw jurors iu th» Moore “Badger” trial are charged by Assistant District At torney Mclntyre with having been “fixod.” He significantly remark# that be regrets that the jury wai net locked up while the trial was oni, and rays, that their actions will be brought to the attenaion es the district attorar-y for present ment to the grand jury. The jurors Bay the reason they failed to agree was that five of them belisved th* state had not made out a case str< ng ei ough to remove all ‘‘reaaonable"d übt.” Assistant District Attorney Me* lutyrewas frank and outspoken today iu voicing tiia regret that he jury had dieagreed. “1 knew that there would be no agiet me nt of that jary. I have known it since Friday of last week.” When asked whom he suspected. Mr. Mclntyre dtcliued to mention names. Neither will he suggest hew th-jury was reached. It was said during the trial that thirty detectives hud been- r mpioyed to shadow the jurors, .Mr. L- vy, dur ing his address to the jury, spoke on this subjfcct, but Mr. Mclntyre objected, uod was sustained by the recorder. Abraham Levy said today that am ready to try Moore again on Monday. That is an answer for him.” The Moores' were sgain in court this morning. They were arraigned before Judge New burger to plead to the indictment for grand larceny found against them on complaint of Manager Boldt, of the Waldorf hotel. Moore and his wife were the first prisoners called to plead when court opened. The charge of larceny was read to them and they were asked what they would plead to it. Abraham Levy, their lawyer, entered a plea of not guilty, and they were taken back to the Tombs. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, eenfcUJA FLOYD COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the c^urtcf ordinary of said county and a'ao by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Floyd coun ty, will be sold before the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in F»brua”y 1809. during the legal hours of sale to the h'ghrst bidder, the fallowing property, to wit : Part of lot No. (1) one in the Etowah division of the city of Rome, ’ Georgia. situated ou the corner'of Broad street a d Fourth avenue, frosting on Broad »tr^t sixty four (64) feet more or less ana launing back same width towards East Fiiat street one hundred and six (106) fdtc. Also lot No. (72) SHventy-lwo ia the Etowah division of the city of R< me, G* fronting ou East First street sixty six (66) feet ar d 'running back the same width one 'hundred and thirty-two (132)feet. Also part of Jot No. (73) sev enty-three in the Etowah divi-iou of the city of Rome, Gs, fronting on East First street sixty-mx (G 6 feet »nd beginning at ’he South west corner of lot N< . 72 and run ning back towards Broad street uiuety (90) feet, thence at right angles across said let 78 Bixiy six (66) leet, thence eighty (80) feet to East First str-:et, H e..c» along East First street to the be- All that tract or paie lof laud situated lying and in the 28rd district and 3rd •wetton of Floyd county Ca., being that part of a >ub divided town lot out of land lot No. (275) two hundred and •event/sfive aeeeribed aa fol io wa; Fronting on Goidon atraet eighty-seven (87) feet and extend ing b ck a distance of on* hundred and eleven feet, lying in the north east corner of a tract of five acres bought by J. N. Wright rro ui J . B. Sullivan in 1884, with dwelling house and other improvements built thereon. Also pait of land lot No. (284) two hundred and eigtty-four in the 2Brd district and Brd section of Floyd county, Ga., in the Fifth ward of theeitycf Rome, fronting on Mains street 64 Fee: more or leaa and running back 800 feet along the line betwaen the proper ty herein described and Mrs. K. A ChwaV'-s, to the property formerly owned by the J. J. Cohen aetata, inerce along said Cohen line 48 feet, thence running back along the line between the property herein described and that owned by the E. R. Lumpkin estate 210 feet to a crook and thence 60 feet to the starting point on Maine street. * Also a iractof a..d in Cothrans boro, near Rome, known cu the •nap of Csthransboro ar lota N, 8. 51, 52, 58, 54 and 55, all on tbs east side of the Southern railway, fronting the right of way of said railroad 581 feet, and ' running eaatei ly from the north point of said tract 155 fee', thenoe south' erly 566 feet, thence 306 feet to the south point of said tract of land where it joins the right of way of said railn ad. 1 he same being the pr, pet ty of Mrs. Sarah A, Dailey, late of s-id conuly, deceased Sold lor the purpose of paying L gacics and delta. Terms cash. Sam'l Funkhouser. administrator d» bcniu non with the wilt aunt x d. pf the estate ol Mrs. Sarah a. D iley. deceased. At'txntd n» Soldiers ! The Western A Atlantic R. R , will sell you tickets at half rates when in uniform, up >n presen tation of furlough or discharge certificate. Quick and conven ient schedules, double daily ser u >3* HOLIDAY GOODS: GIFT BOOKS, PHOTO PfIRfIMBS, Fine Stationery and Story Books, also Games for the Little Folk. Harry Rawlins &Cto. Books & Stationery, 302 Broad 3 I | Ingram | t Mill I I Wateß 1 A • W 4$ BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, W A For Sale at Soda Founds of: <■ CUR RY-ARRINGTON CO, J- 9 T.Crouch and Jervis&W right'J