The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 09, 1898, Image 6

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•4 1 h■■ < V Ni 4 . ■ ■■ »/ 1 ) i . H t | ’4r4 < V anjXiW X X Jal M —a» X Wvk" X oa ■< W w/Xm )£■■ I WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE . I W- ’ ./ H ■! —I .... .AG I BHBF; -r -- ■ -y § BUS -i X j AND WILL SELL DL. . STOCK H s 1 . F | rt: ‘h < ■ LAjdk swh ■ ■ rn WUM . ‘i’ * - J ID IEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE MEANj THIS SALE Includes All OurCLOTHING,' FURNISHING G( ADDSar)d HTAS [IJ.A.GAM] I6N&CQ.I ■—* ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ A' * f A ■■■ i j ,_ in 1 ■—-—it i m i i -_.j inm —-~ ~- ■»—— ii ■.» , ■t ~ - ~~~ ~~j ~ ~ r- ~ i -*•»■««<•»<»»»»»•■• - -~ . . - _- ». 11. ni»-i.--r ■ji——f»_ii. u,i u.—!, —nrrujK-.-w o - . . «——— - < t 4‘ '• \ /r«» TL- n .-EMW—I*?-... -IL L~l rEBMITir grCaTC ;> 7¥--M t f7’/ rrfWVA-Wl—.. .7 **• '*'** ’■• J u / Freni OiJr London CGiwpoatat. i Loudon. Ga. Dec. '9.—Mr. Wilburn, of Acworth, Ga., has leased the Martin farm and has moved his family up here. Mr. Wilbu. n is sowing a lot of wheat ( and other grain and advises his I brother farmers to follow his ex ample and stop the inevitable ruin which cotton is slowly but surely bringing on the Southern farmers. What we tit ed is more men liks Mr. Wilburn. If we had more and better farmers times would be better and every body would be happier, and we would not have lo depend on Congress or the pre idont 01 Mr. Anj<>' dyelse for relief, but would help ourselves out of trouble and give the whole world something to eat if we would • nly stop so much cott< n plant ing, for everybody knows that the farmer has the whole world to feed and clothe, and if the farming industry was to st' p twelve months, trade and com merce of e- ery description would be paral z d. The farmer is the man that ♦ B makes the Evelii o< d for the world and the farmer is the man that has the least to do.with the governing of the wo’ld, which in reality belongs to him and to him alone. J. 11. Proctor went to Cedartown Monday on ,business. Mss. L. B. Reynolds is visit ing her father, Mr. E. White, at Seuey, where she will spend the holidays. “Annie May, the pretty li'.t’e ■ four year old of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bass, is quite j ill. We are iu receipt of a letter from Mr. Monroe Goddard, who enlisted in the U. S. Army last May. He is now at Manzanilla, Cuba, and is enjoying good health and has not been sick a single d«y since he has been in • Cuba, He says that he likes ar-' jmy life fairly well, but weuldi i rather be back .at home picking j cotton. Eggs are bringing SI.BO per dozen, and it is nearly im-j possible tc find paper and stamps where he is. ' Mr. J. Henry Ransome spent, last Saturday and Sunday at Pinelog. I Mr. Byrd Prince is quite sick a’ his home in R ‘ynold’s Bend. . ■ II,JJ • —W? TRIP ENDS TRAGICALLY Iriquois, Out. Dec. 9 —Reu ben Cassels, Isaac Mayers aid Mason treats, left here in a small boat Sunday to visit Wad dington, N. Y. They were seen 11 start from the opposite shore on their return, about 8 o’clock at night, but nothing lias since been heard of them and they .ire believed to have been drowned. HAS DONE MUCH GOOD. ‘•I had catarrh in the In ad and could find no relief until 1 , began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla, which cured me. My sister i has been relieved < f rheumatism ' by Hood’s, and my little brother took it after serious illness and - it restored his strength. It cured , my father o's eff. cts of sun ' stroke.” Sam Cain, Whigham, - -- m BIBB! I .IBIIBIM LIUIL I Ge jrgia. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, headache. KILLS CHILD AND HERSELF Womam Sh >ots Docior Bes re See Commits Suicide. Detroit, Mieh. Dec 9.—When Frank Brooks cam" home from work last night be in one i bedroom his wife, shi t dead and m !an ither his tiine-yeat>>old daugfr ; ter, m!«o dead In a not-? that he ! found fem hi- .wife, she stated I that sbe w;S tired < f lite and was t) li.»tV ;i an I take her little ! daughter with her, from which, it is supposid, she c'in nitted the tnurdor a..d s liciJe. She han h?en in poor hsa'th for some tin *. Dlaao . WAD Ulvvul k VlMvlli Contagion?. THond Fni-mts has been ap- ■ prcyriately called th< ; ■,e of maukird. I It is the one disease that -hysicians can- I not cure; t’>r ’ mercur *1 and potash remedies only bott’e up the poisoti in the system, to sure'y ; eak forth in a | more virulent form, msnking in a lota' wreck of the syste i. Mr. Fran B. Martin, a prominent | jeweler at 936 Iknisyiva Ave.. Wash <7 ' inylon,D.C.,says: 1 s f °y '■* tc-A V( !. e under treat k ; nreut of two of " _ '. •. •.< ' ' ■ti •’ XV ; / lor a severe case Xsej-' < * r cf hlood poison. y"'"--- '". but my condition ■ worse all . •, while, net wi'Ustanding the r V. ,7 fad that they . d. , ' ch; ■/■?<! me ’ / h■< «* • hundred dollars, mouth was filled with eating sores; my tongue was j almost eaten away, so that for three j months I was unable to taste any solid | food. My hair was coming out rapidly. and I was in a hurril.le fix. Iliad tried I various treatments, and was nearly dis i conraged, when as: end recommended 1 S.S.S. Alter T had Ud;. n four bottles, J ! began to get better, and when 1 had finished eighteen boules, 1 was cured : sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have bad no return of 1 the disease. S.S.S.ssveu me from a life es misery. ” S.S.S. (guaruniccd pui i.’y ' vegetable) will cure any case of blood Ipoisou. Books on thedisease I and its treat- /5?3b nient. mailed ’ V > x free by Swift Specific Co., k k?I I Atlanta, G*. ire® AND hT wh P BBT THE V ST. • TGARf .3 h? TEXAS. Schedule Jb Oct. 4th, 14'.'?. “■f : j FORTH HOUND. No. 2 No. 4 No. 70 N 0.72 fv AtJauta . 51-'aai| rfSo-.'.ni 4’dCpini sSppij Ar ’ aUPita .. -i V Idpi.i! 54 Tm 636pU “ Rome 1J KturJ i 7450 m “ 1’ .-ten. . 11 Ou:.-. : 1 Or>r.; Blf “ C'li'it'nooea 1 I4jr. o l'X*nti 9 31pn- • Nashville . «Mpm 8 «;»m *’ '■ pi <3 ml Ev KissS vilie j »%>•,.)>. 7 5tiam1................ A St 1,, ,17 :. 7 '•yr . . . bl :u r l::c ' . ... '~~7 Ar Chicago.. I & il-an. b. -,-ii Dr N.i.sii-.-I ie . 7... ■ i ::. ■ml Ar I, lu.isviile . 2;l am 1- Zv tn' • Train No. 2carrion Pul man. Sleeper botwtoa Jrck. imillo, Fit*., Atlon ■ ■ a ’d. Nashville, coa- Bcoiinj '.vith vestibule ;. for Chicago. Train No. 4 carries,Pullman -!le«p<v.- A ayuetl er-..! A. .anta to »i ■ Ule and St. Louis througli without, change. Pnliinrui S!»:,iper Atlanta M Ohatianoo.ja, puss /a," -a remain In car until T o cl< -X u m. Pul' ■au Hlarper Atlanta t« K ioxvil:» ria A. K. Ac N. Ity. 'Praia No.7oaonne•.• a at Boyoe with Q. A O. for Ci -innuti. T > train oarnos through ooaoh Al::iata io Romo. To the South and East. BOUTTTBOUN©. j No. 1 No. 8 [ No.ol ! N 0.78 tv Nas'hviile iTTo ~~ i........ H Chat nooga SGhpm BBtim 5 55am! •• Delton.. 411 pm 42Sam 7 Ham “ I&oriio . . 4?i,pni 7i; urn “ Jln-ietia . fl-.: •>,!■:! B 4 Aid i 9 4iam 7 Csam Ar .A : . L 7 ‘ i .. 3 (Knag I. ’• .A ■ ..■ ■ ' ll 4 SpIB Ar Macon 11 li am 720bb> ...... “ Tifton .. 2 .■> .<.'• . I “ • .» A '■■ ■' i ■ ' | Er ■ ■ ' Ar >u . 11 lupin U Vian. 7 kiipm “ A.0mu.v.... j 827 pm 11 Cipin •• Ti r-. ' vine .. ; fi.’Xhrm; . , *' ' ' . A • . t , ,| tir . A, ia- ‘a . 11 !'■: ..u .-i ::C. Ar AugvH'.a... 6 l;aml 12t)pm 8 2opm Ar Charle.H’on 11 (Xiain Btopin’ ** Columbia .10 85ai.. ! "; lt)pm| Lv Atlanta TTS . ~ Ar AUAns W2iprn 2 l ! !p» 2 b'pni ' “ Riuhmon ’.. 6 ISumJ 7 15nn? 7 15am' V aau gto ilio 80pin 11 .'l':un 1! 31am / r " L a>u. .. i ni ... Train No. 1 carries Sleeper Nash ville, Chattanooga cud Atlanta to Jackson ville. Fla. Train No. Hcarrics Pullman IToener St Louil Jto Augueta without ohaujje P- In.4a Sleeper C .attanooga to Atlanta open for passengotv . Chattanooga 9 o’clock p. m. Pullniau Sleeper ! Eaorville to Atlanta via A. K. & N. By. For j further iufoematiou write to i H. W SMITH, C. E. HARMAN, Traftie Manager. Gen. Fsusa. Agt. ' * ’ RI BTLK AND cOMFOR L' »tid for a jediy good time w!th family or friends, there it noth i«p 11kt? an open suriy for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled And our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies,traps, C": Lb, ■W'-ir anettes, canopy top, <r open-bur reys xre Irrht axsy, roinfmta ble and be r .t ; id in constrvr, trm iii ..‘-t and finish. We also repair ; u y. r’-tn) vehicles; '1 o ci.try a big 'n r of fin hi mess am -• ii.ho° Bomm; C r , > 509 oil 1 road sii< «t,Ror < ( j. f a .ip,' j) i.n V 11LL .Air-. A> ents. TERREL SPEED . War I c r’t ATC H LESS “ T WOF ERS’ ‘ wear ths bra id c' TERRELL SPii 2D, the renowned ‘ Coc n S k .'J'Statesman of FioycE The sale of this bran 2 has unorecedented. But then Thomas Wartcrs n ver put a sorry cigar on the market- He is too enter P ’isin'j and too hon t very cigar is exact ly what si claimed for its brand, and the War ters cigars are abso’utely the best on the mar ket FO i SALE BYALL DEALERS.' - -nxiiww-TT— - n __t_.ii j i •*-“ »-■■***• A CANDY A ) cAT.L'.anc & V'”'- ) Tul T COKSTEVVnOTI >Oc .’■• r - II ' . U! I l"-AA4JWP' r ~ L'VERY, SALE AND FEED STA3L ESK < • Offers the public team*, b.jtco t.V anefs and most polite and courteous drivers Tho best stock of horses and mules on B»ii co r 1 i ■ t •. , -ul - r