The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 11, 1898, Image 2

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* ’’' r \ MBBaaanMHMMMB EC . '-■••_ .~’rr •-•■’.■.■ ■ -. O f - ; •£ a f* t“ B is r -i *• f! •. ’. , Il J >: j .' / ' I ' •’’?•■ wKJot Wlk .■o - -'*- ■ ata -jaßram W”* L„ '. ■»:. -I-' r~T ’ ■•' WWWMT£Wi —. ■lbw $• W *- St .• • j -■». •. .sj| ~-j» .;', j <■“" jfIHBM Iff K- 1- M , - -- &* -■ ■ *■■ . & -- - Ibl 1 < - I E ■ &■ y afw II i i ” 11- f r -1 i>■ # rjif ab h ® l Have Decided to go Out of the Miliiii&j :> Tim IL OfW Mj Stock at Cost, or at Closing Dot to Quit Business Figures. I Now Throw the Entire Stock oa The Market and Will Proceed to Close it Ont at Once-Everything Goes! ->RBM’BMBBR EVERYTHING; GOB 3- H 4 TTW g TA NRii Ga cßAltil SPANIARDS. KICK Bmta The President D- them of DLONIMG U? THE MAINE. - - ■ *>» The Dons Continue Feverish ; I And Cranky. Paris, Dec. 10.—Senor Morin!' Rios, presideni of the Fp;* v • peace conirui-sion and r no Oj d», secretary, are still eoi to ‘.heir beds. The illness of Sr.i< . Ojpfla delays ei grossing the treaty and it it doubtful whether it will be signed before M >ndny. The Americans ted their usual ea I eitn this morning. The Spaniards continue making bitter comments concerning Pres ident McKinley’s .eiere, ce to the Maine. When a corre* pondent of the Associated Press Senor, Gan ;ica, of the Spanish ‘cuuimib sion, tor further details of th* I treaty, he said : “The luct that you n present al! the Americans and English papers is really a re.ienu why I shouli say nothing. But what you s'.ow me as hiving been cabled is sub stantially correct. T he exact num ber of aiticles is still undetermin ed. It depeucis upon hew Secre taries Ojeda and Moore divide tha treaty. It may be twelve or twen ty articles. The a nei cans are to pay the indemnity within three months of the ratification. We shall appoint aoubula in Cuba, porto Rise and the Philippines is lands without leiay. The Cuban consul wi Ibe accredited to the powprs tbnt be ” Asked why tha Spaniards re fused to grant the United Hates a ccaling station i.i the Caroline is lands, ftenor Garnica said: The Americans cculd hardly expect hat we should agr* i p direnss mai tors after the le* m we have had from llnm on thi* ' point. When we wished to dir ts the Cuba debt ih**y al i- * iused to consider H, a- d tin n .. ■ * : ask us for whatever they w<n Quelle toupet (what cheek), yet, the Cuban de or ■ , airs an im-i portai t (pi stiei .< t tlem-nt. • In regt’■ d t® the Sm mrds ti i*t proie.-t on tn sulj ct •!' the Maine, Smor Garnica reHiarktd; That protest now becoaaea his tory, and "it if embodied in the p otocol, We do not wish to res , main under an imputaticn which would perpetuate animos.ty and hatred Against us and which would be a source of constant ir ritation. in Spain. It must be cleared up, in justice to our*-lv*s There are many other causes to I brii’f hatred between th' two iia- ■ tious without the addition cf such a one a‘ this. “As to the future relation** of ■ tho two countries, that is one of things history alone can dt-kr mine. Many nations which nave b#»n deadly enemies are speedily recoi.ciled.“ I Senor Garnica was then ques tioned as to the future or the Philippine islands, and he said: “The United Steles has inaugu rated a policy which will bring it much trouble and mai y respouei-i biiities. Tt e Amerisai 0 n re pie pand for the «o r K they are ab ut , to uudertade. ” “Your democratic rystem must inaugurate an imperialistic system and you must i.icrsas® your army sad navy With the rssult that there will be cons ant friction between yourselves ar'd the Europeai pow ers.” Tbt Amer.cur.s prepsrvs secrecy regarding the tsrms of the trebty. This is partial y through the in fluence <»f the three senators ®u ths body, who represent that it would b* dißcou. tesy to the senate t* publish the terms btf r< the trea y is present d to that body by the president. Ti e protocol of the treaty will almost reach the dimeutdout of a, ■lvolum*, »* it will e«ntain every I fer.lten stat. icjr-nt presented ooi in .u s oes cemg .hs conference, Ih- Spaniards ma lea ast cjutri ,4llo,l • -’sordf-y on tne astern- Ilin got ne com ■uisston. ’ S-nor Montero Rios then .pie seated a vigorously werdtd p-<»t in which the Spauiard declaied I they had yielded io force, but (that they invoked tbo confidence of the nations against the abuse : of the rights of nations of which I they were the victims. 1 he protest was for purposes of record and ' consisted of an argument m sup- , port, of every concession demanded I by tbo Spaniard* and which the ' Americans refused some of them peremptorily and without appor tuuity for discussion. The pro'est concluded: “Rut there concessions which we are obliged 'to make touch us I less than the insult w' ich has, been inflicted on our nation by President McKinley na hie sage. “We agiin prate?' solemnly against the accusation hurle against us, connection with th' Maine, and we intend to ugan eubmit th- question to an interna tional tribunal, comprised of Emz ( !ri d, France and German*’, t> de-1 i (ermine »ho shall bear the re -1 sgcruibiblj of the catastrophe.” icEM WHEELER UNDECIDED Whether or Not he Will Resign From fongresw, Washington, Dec. 10—Maj. Ge*. Joseph Wheeler authorized the following brief state ineat ns to reports that he hud decided to resign from the house of representatives i “I was surprised to t»*t \»hat purports to be »n interview about my resignation fiom con gress. I have never gone fu.eher than to say that I would consid er the question when I had , time and would take such iu . ion as my friends would approve. Thus far, however, I have reach ed no final conclusions.” ' Itsfl* >■ i. • i A NARROW ESCAi’E. Thankful word- v. r : tten by Mrs. Ada E. Hart. C t " D. “Was taken wth ■ b'd c-'d which settled on my ' 'g‘; cough set in and flna i■ nated in Consumption. 1 m doctors gave me up, say. g . could not live but a slioit time i 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay i with my friends on ear'h, 1 would meet my absent ones I above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Co<ds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank uod 1 am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at I Curry- irriugtcn’s. Regular size 50 cents and M.OO, guarantetd or price refunded. GO VIA SUEZ ROD I E. f<*xt Expedition to Manlln VVil| bail From New York Washington, Dec. 10.—The | next re ,’imenls ostiftfar Ma , nilawili embark at New York about the end of this month and v ill go through the Suez ' canal The ex ped lion will con sist of three regiments of regular infantry, dibtriuu<.ed between; two ot the larg st converted transport* owned by thegov*rn ment, with peihaps a convoy of two Wttl’bhips. YELLED AT MOURNERS. ... A Man Sp r ake Out in Time to Keep From Burial. Dover De'., Dec. 10.—Theo dore Hopkins went in a cataleptic state ai d many of h>B friends, be ng posit Ve that he desd pro - ci to r&ist ii'O yto give him a decii't burial, all p’ , < j paration& were being completed when Hop kins e»t up in bed and exclaimed to his leeing friend : ' “I eiu’t dead, thank the Lord, bit heard every wrd you sad, ■ but c 'didn't in vu. ” Toe man is stiil paralyzed from Li.-i hips dowa, ATLANTA’S PEACE JUBIuEE I < : e . Whet ler at the tie ast of ha I Old Cavalry. Atlanta, Dec. 10. —With t e J übilee still five um_vs <ll he executive committee is <-> eured of the p-e.-iuce in A ' u ta nn tha 14 ,h and 15th of Ml lliuir'inviitd guests. Attormy GroC.i.l Giiggs is the last to-erd his acfpptance. Gen Joe Wueeler b..i» ex jressed 'his willin;ue-s to ride at th head of his old cavalry. Am ng the acceptance*, re . ieved ia one from Miss Helen Gould ml i [;372 A J CONVENIENT, SECURE, PORTABLE. In houses wher« closet room it limited a WarJrobe is one of the mod essential article of F U RN I T UR E. and these who take particular care of their Clothing should se cure one of the handsome and well made Wardrobe* from the line we have in vtock. I ight and dark woods have bee 1 used in their construction add there is a great variety c f styles to phoose from. Rhupy, Harvey ci U 337 Broad St. .A'Cl nßHM*niiß»m* •| MONSTER TRUST . JiM $75,000,000 1$ m , Slim TCi'i Uamtii PLUG TOBLCCO JifiKEHS ' Name* of the bigConce ns that M ake th* 'Trenton. N. J , Dec. 10—Ar 'ticks of incorporation of the Icoutinpii al Tobacco company ware filed with the secretary of state of this city today. The capital stock is $75 000,- 000 one half of which i« t» be preferred, with 7 percent, n o ' 1 * cumulative dividends payable quarterly. The company is au thorized to cure leaf tobacco mid. io manufacture t< bacco in all it’ forms. The incorporators are B Duke, Pierre Lori lard. J r > John B. Cobb, Harrison J- Drummond, Mark L'opi’ly Frank H. Herbeit L Terrell, O iver H Payne, Thomas At' kinsoii, James B. Hughes, I a u Brown, c«Kei Doeii ! lie ;;.; • : -nt- B. Schley and Urea Scolten _ MR R. C ROWAN DIES- A Prominent Clt-ztn of Bait*- County. \{r. Cartersville, D e. 10 R. C. Rowa i, a well to dofa” , er and one of Bartow cot 11 best known citizens, die* 1 day morning at 8 uciock home on his farm, two m from Carters ille. His deatj was due to pnia'y sis, v” " # he was stuck n )<-' ' j B week ago, while 1)1 the some wood from the } a. house,