The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 11, 1898, Image 4

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OSHMOJ THK HUt OI • ° |.;>takiUhed, isitO. —HE ROME COMMERCIAL E*tabU.-he-l. IWl>. i,u.u »v»ry ■ - ■ ■ 1 • ' ” Sutidav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. n ,’il h i - L> 1 ZNZ 01 R The Centr il Vmeiican states refuss to h n . t<>. et er. Cubans st • pto v ant dm ling legalized by h gislation. • _— . Now let Hanna be mustered < ut and the country may set be saved. An open door is not the only thing that hinges on the Phil— ij pines. Between told w.ves.alid hot b .xes, travel in the North meets many delays. The dock property owned by the city of N w b ork is valued at $150,000 OdO. Ths Populists must bs ma king money on •» cent cotton they have ail quit their party. The President’s message was built on the expansion basis, if it's length is to be considered. Hobsoa’s latest feat, in the raising business, was to raise a ' mortgage on 1 s mother’s home. A new religious .s< ct, known . as the Church of tie New Eaith, : has. been organized at Roanoke, Va. - .wrfWtaMil There will be forty-one lav. yers in the'New York assemb for 1900, and only about sev- ' teen farmer-. When a ft How is too proud to beg, too h >ne.-t to steal Jnd too lazy to woik, why, he buys on tick and never pays. And now they toil us that Pe ter was the shortest man in the Bible—because he said “silver and gold have I none.” ■’ -T” With the War Inquiry Board in Boston, some light may be thrown upen the depridations of the phantom fleets of Spain. Considering the real estate in the OostanauY, it is right tnd proper to speak of steamers ploughing the waves of that riv- er. The First Baptist church of Philadelphia, was 260 years old y esterday and the membership had a cool day for their celebra tion. Adam couldn’t take a dare from a woman —he’ masticated the apple and raised Cain—and we Irave ail descended f om that stock. France’s national debt is sll6 per capita or $6,000,000,000. Spain should asquif e the f. og eatina habit and expand her credit. it will require X raise to ena ble Georgians to see ho -v to sit at banquet with the McKinley 1 parly at the Atlanta Peace Jubi lee this week. If Spain could only tra le Weyler for a mule and swap Don Carlos’ pretensions for a saddle, she could ride and also secure a kicking assistant. —... “Hamlet,” says a contempt rary, has made more money than any i lay in the language. uiay be because it had sev- IBertd bundled years the start of Texas Steer.” There are now thirteen dis pensaries in operation in Geor gia which .ire located at the fol lowing plac< s : Athens. Ularke county ; Barnesville, Pike coun ty ; Camila, Mitchell county; Fort Gai Glay county; Blak ly, E irly county ; M rgan, (Jallmun • county ; Pelham, Mitchell county ; Meigs, Thomas sountv ; Whigham, Decatur county ; Dawson, Basse? and Bronwood, Terrell county. Judging by the way the press of Georgia is howling, and by Hhe way in which the legisla ture is slashing down expendi tures, Tennessee is not ti e only state where th tax-eater has proven himself an outright | glutton. No community in the South seems to be ih a r ght bad way, except the so-called “Em pire State .”—Chattanooga limes. * t\ Judge in Michigan has ruled that the tender by Freder ick A . Baker of 364 silver dol lars ih payment of the principal and interest of a mortgage was legal aud sufficient, but the holder of the mortgage will ap pt al the case to the Supreme Court. The fool who refused to take the silver should be • made lose his claina. . The scriptural promise “Bless ed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God,’" is interpreted by the av erage Atlautian to mean bessed are the Peace Jubilee makers for they shall feast upon suckers of the laud, while they them selves are the children who keep in the swim. i Having gone into the land g i‘> ing bu-iness, it is emin e th ,eo < r for the McKinley . ) to send either Ci. tor Th tto represent us at the court of St. J nits . In the language of the Albany, Herald its a case of Hog aud Harmony. Upon his arrival at Manila Gen. Merritt asked Admiral Dewey In w far on the island his jurisdiction extended. The reply was : “From as elose to shore as 1 can move these flat-irons (the ships) to as far inland as 1 can throw a shell “ ‘Ef at first you don’t suc ceed, try, try again,’ ’’said Un cle Eben, “is a good motto; but es it ain’t fised wif jedg.nent, it’s liable to be ’sponsible foh a heap o’ bad singin’.”—Wash ington S f ar. New York society men are now wearing bangs. Their ex cuse is that society girls have robbed them of the pompadour. Bangs will prove tough for Jim Corbett also for bald headed gentlemen. I Cuba and Porto Rico will open up good wheat markets for the Southern wheat men. There are 2,0?)0,()00 of the outeaten est hongry folk down there that the tropic sun ev« r fanned. Piof. Roentgen of X ray fame has been made a baron by the Emperor of Austria and is now offered « valuable hair in the University of Leipsic. Another I remarkable case of X raise. ■ A .-^—— A gignantic Flour Trust will probably begin to grind, and the breadwinners of the country may as well prepare themselves for a squeezing between the up per and nether millstones. The formation of the Ship builders’ Trust to raise the pi ice of warshipe, show how much this, class ui patiiots is willing to ' do for a country that has done so much for them. •k IV mu ' s .. /V O' Bet '■ wdet Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food againsi. alum* Alum baking pov uers are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING PO'WGER CO., NEW YORK. FOR ru MATE colleges. The decision of the United 'States supreme court in the Fayerweather will case inci dent! v sustaining the bequests made to educational institutions is of general public interest. The amounts bequeathed to va rious institutions were as fol- I • lows : Bow loin College, Brunswick, Me.. $100,000; Dartmouth Col - lege, Hanover, N. 11., SIOO,OOO ; William -College, Wilbarustown, Mass., SIOO,OOO ; Amherst Col lege, Amherst, Mass., sloo,ooo' Wesley ■ Univ rsity, Middle town, . .on!i , $ 1 ; '’0,000 ; Yale College , New Haven, Conn., $300,000, Columbia University, New York city, $500,000; Union Theological Seminiry.New York city, $50,000 : Hamilton C liege, Clinton, N. Y , $100,000; Uni versity of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., $100,000; Cornell Uni versity. Ithaca, N. Y., $200,000 ; LaFay-tte College, Easton, Pa., 451,000;* Lincoln University, Lower Oxford, Pa , $100,000;! Uuiver-’ty of Virglna, Char lottesv ■ 'e, A’a , $ 100,000; Hamp t m V iver-itv, hwmpton, Va., SIOO,O m; Mr.r v lie College, Maryv b . Leun , $100,000; Ma rietta Coi ege, Marietta, O , $50,- 000;Addbert College, Cleve land. 0., $50,000 ; Wabash Col lege, C » fordv lie. Ind., $50,- 000, an Park-Cu lt ge, Parkville, Mu., $50,000 Journalism m Oklahoma al ways li ; a h'c:ic complexion and a high pulse. For instance, The Kay Coui ty Sun in scoring a political turncoat says : “Had 'vo vitriol for ink,a sword for a pen and the tires of hades for brains we could not do jus tice to an Arno' 1 who has I urn el traitor to his benefactor. Lal his political ashes rest in peace, but let no dec. nt m n look him in the face!” Let the long-horn bull in I’ ** above paragraph be turned ov rto the Havana au thoriti 'S and when it is. slain in the arena, let i's fie h be served to Blanco’s departing mignims in a farcweil ’possum ; upper. • The public school fund paid to white teachers in North Car olina last year w ts $ 151,574,and to negro teachers $227,195! The average attendance of both racts at school was 110,677 whitesand 58,548 negroes. And, as in Geor ga, tii whites paid th* bulk of the freight. BUCKL EN’ S A RNIC ASA LV E The best salve in the world for cuts, biuii se sores, ulcers, Salt Rin urn,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hand , Chilblains, Corns, ar.d ail Skin Eruptions, and po-itivi ly cures Piles or nc pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar rington Co. Don’t forg t Trevitt’s Re moval *.a e ami you will remem ber an < vent fioug'it with inter est to Mi and with materal bene fit to yourself sbt.u d you act upon the knowledge. When Alaska furnishes a vol cano that spout r v.u siT red hot oc.’d then —but no! till t an— fart well llanna a--— ——-y- •* Ther*' i bound to b - consid erably more light on the re sources of the Alaska country »iuce Mu'it All in went into ! the volcano business. There may be some kicking against an increase in the army but watch the navy get all it asks for and a c< rdial “keep, the-change” thrown in. j It is a' good thing for the peo to have confidence in the hon-. esty and judgment of the gov ernor, and that is the situation Georgia in having Allen I). Can dler at the helni.—Marietta Joui nal. • \ wj iif?r , Tg— Pin ckj II owa rd Gould doesn’t have to pay $5,000,000 for a wi e, after ail, but he has shown his better half that ho was will ing t) foot a bill to that < xlent if necessary. Howard aud bis sisti r He tn, . are a pair of oricks . z €rjv. Tanner says he will kick the ofli er out of doois when he Comes to arrest hyn on the Mac c< npin county indictment. And its about Tanners size to talk that way. He sets a pretty example for the people of his state ! Henry Reenaan and Mar\ Rind all were inmates of the O bourne county (Kan.) poor house up to a few days ago, when they eloped, be i nd them a notice to the super that tiiey had “gone into the gardens of hope, to sip of th* fl i versos ] »ve.” Now Usury is b u-i I lo 'ifj and M a ry has beet) R • o Jed. A ferry for transportation of loaded cars between Tampa, F'a., and Havana is being talk ed of. The idea, according to Southern papers, is to build suitable tracks at both ends ami load cars in Havana with fruit and perishable goods, run them on the ferry boat and then send them away across the Gulf oi ’ram; a. At Tampa the cars could be run en the tracks ano s< nt to Northern destinations. SUNDAY IN BILLVILLE No sei vices today. A stoim blew efl’ the church steeple and the m uister levied on the light ning’ rod for his salary. The Mormen missionaries in our midst. A man who advo cates a having three wives these hard times ought to be either lynched or married to them. [ All man led men in Billville have gene to Atlanta and pitch ed their tents for tne Jubilee. '1 bis world is a bright world ; j but it is not a consolaaon to J think that the next one is bltz ing.—Atlanta Constitution. BITS OF HUMOR. Watts: One half of the world does not know how the other j half lives. Potts: Nor why Indianapolis Journal. | Soulful Youth (at the piano) .—Do you sing For Ever and Ev ;er? Matter of Fact Maiden :No; I stop for meals. —Tid-Bits. Customer: Do you suppose you can take a good picture of me? Photographer: I shall ito answer you in the negative, I sir.—Pick Me Up. I Nervous Employer: I don’t pay you for whistling. Office Boy: That’s all right, sir; I can’t whistle enough to charge extra far it yet. 11 ax : What’s the matter with tlmt man, Saint Vitus’ d>in»e? J ix : No ; lie his -the apue and I i!T !i j ing t » shake it ofl Pniladi Ipliia Recqid? “Tin re arc 208 bo.ic- i i the human st: ucture,’ s iid the Corn • fed Philosopher, “ ind ths elm I desire of .man seems to ba to liv ✓ long encugh to gel rheumatism iu all of them.”—ludianapoli: Journal. Dodson: Did you kuow you Wife’s first husband? lUbson (with a sigh): Yes ; but he nev er put me onto his domestic as f urs. confound him !—J u.lge. She: Do yen think there i« any such thing as retributive justice upon this earth? He: Oh, yes, I’m sue of it.A man who ouca ei. i . avuied to kick me cut of his cft:e for ask ing him to Ist me have his daughter, struck the door cas i ig, broke his knee-caj> and has been a cripple ever since. Whal’s ’ more, his daughter is getting to be an old maid.—Cleveland Leader. T COURTSHIP CUSTOMS, The maroon populati >n of Ja maica are descendants of runa way slaves, who, escaping from the plantations, f und a safe refuge in the ifmunt-rins. Lady Blnke in her interesting account of these people in the current iiumb*r of ’1 lie North An eiicaM Review thus speaks of their cus toms with ia>} ect to courtship and marriag* 1 : In the good old days’,now gone by, a maro >n might hare as many wives as he pleased ; but few bad more than two, on ac count of the expense, for on manking a present to one wife the husband was obliged to be J stow a gift of <qtr>l value on each ot (he others. When a girl wat old enough to be married it was usu-il for the parents to kill a pig to make a feast for their neighbors; rum flowed plenti fully, and the people amused themselves dancing and sing mg. Each guest was expected to place a piece of money in the girl’s mouth, Th ; s .entertain ment was the intimatio i on the part of the fainiiy that the eli-- gible young men might com forward with their suits < girl’s debut in maroon parla; c was called “she hub killt d hog ’ In our m< derii nii.l civi’.iz.d life i'- girl is old enoii .b to be mat tied her paicnt-, in . Mead of kill ng a j - to make a fe. t forth ir neighbors give :« le: or a b l, whicl. bus lie same obj ct and answers the shi purpose. The ia vit rble Jen kins ti en anneunees in the so ciety column of some new spa per, and with or loss- cir cumlo lUti'in, tha' the lov ily Miss (wh is nf antique lin- eag 1 ) “hab kill -6 hog,” or, in other wc>Vd s, :s re idy forp: q> > sals. The truth is that many of our customs which are most a ireful ly ho-nored ia their observance have their origin in harbarou times, and among a barb rou« people They have been modi fied ami cloiht-d in civil zed forms, but the real substance and motive have been preserv ed, That motive springs from a natural cause, and serves a use ful purpose. Moreover, whea Jinxins, by the aid of his imagination, seeks to heighten the attractions of the lovely Miss , who “hab killad hog,” by telling his raad ers that she is of kin to some illustrious personage he appeals to a common infirmity. We would all like to find an iilu tri ousname in our pedigree. It s hardly honest, however, to in vent it. Some of our republic in neigh bors who have very (ittle in 1 DM WURTH,S OPINION. OF THE MEW D»Sco VERYINM D •ICIN£. Al.'. n-.;.rkat ly Succe 8 .f U | R ror Dyspepsia, lndig e8 t icn ay Stomach Troubles. Dr. VV tilth in commen i ng reent discoveries m ' said: '.'here is none which i B Cer . turn to be so valiuble ai d f ar thing m bemfitas Sm arlsD e P psia Jableu, the m w b t omach remedy. I say fur reaching, cau -v peopb little realize how i m . p.H taut a sound st< macb and vig2 r 'tis digestion ia to ruM IBM) and child. Indigestion is the atarting po i nt of eui.sumption, heart d lß ease bngbt’Hdmaae, diale'ea, nejvoug pusirution. liver troubles, why i 8 Illis 80? Sinmly because every *el ve, mutcle and ti«bue iu our bodies is crated and nourished from the food we eat. If that food is, by reason of a weak stum, ach, competed to lie hr hours, a sour, f rmeuung mass of half di gusted food, it poisors the blood and nei vous system, creates gas which cistenda the skniach and bowels, causing pressure on the .. art, lungs and ether < rgans, and seriously impeding their action, He says further, the point to dinct attention is mT the nerves ' or heart, nor lungs, nor kidneys, ' ut t- e stomach, th* first cau-e of all the mischief. The remedy to use for mdigegY tio:.' and weak stomachs is not seme cathartic, bat a remedy which wid digest the food, ins crease the flow of gastric jnic j , aks and Suaits Dys pepsia I abb *s will accomplish exactly this result in any case of stomach troub e. because these tabl. ts am c imposed ot tl.e diges tive acids, aseptic pepsin. Golden Seal and b smuili, phas'int to tast ' , and i. rt being u paten* med icine, can be used <»y anyone with perfect saY- y. I bditve 8 uart’s Dyspepsia Tablet* #ill cure any form of md’gestio and stomach trouble except can. ir of stomach. Ful ! size packages oi Siuait's Dyspepaia Tablets are sold by druggists al 50 cents or by mail f;om b . A. S.uari Co, Marshall, Mich . Abo k on stomach dis e.ises together with tbonsaeds of timouials will be ?»• .1 by ad • dr 8.-mg ab v- o; cad on your Lit uggi ,-t f nr t iHtn . ■ - ..mon with aristocratic jhfir !i- t-riotics and upon that ground could hardly reid their title clear, do not hesitate *o claim dq e nt fr m roy ally. Still, there i.- u tiling ti prevent their put ti f. rward tins pretension and stipo' rt; ,:g it with a genealogical I asy as tracing on > ieire t from Alam. As iinii g A him to h ive been the progenitor of mankind, some suspicion that his blood flows in our veins may bo cherished by us all, white and bla k alike. Supplying with the aid of inven tion missing links in the chain of h scent, no man, and especial ly no woman, need despair of tra-ing his or her descent from the Baiuns us Runnymede, oi fr m the founder of any royal race tha! exists or ever has ex isted. But, al .s ! how pitiful ridiculous and unamerican i h- Let the young man who aspires to a noble success in life depend upon his brawn and brain, and not upon geuealogy, real or ficti tious, to plume ins flight. Lrt. the young girl who “hab killed hog” rely upon her united charm* of mind and body t° bring lovers to her side, and not upon the fallacious love of high degree which tha flattering P pn of the social chronicler rashly ascribes to her. Tin I ick That Hurts.— We v* licked Spain our g«na «» d now we ni'ist ick S2O,COOIAS w. rth of r.'.euue n'anape to pay h< r for tba Pb lippine island*. This lickin. busr ess ba» S° ts l I down to wl ere t do*sn t ta st * gofld,--Cariersvi leN»ws.