The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 11, 1898, Image 5

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,' J ; ' ' , - • S^£SA LS FOR the next ten days* .. ©" GENTLE; .S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MA IN POSHES: All new Styles and to he sold for LESS than COST FOR CASH! I - I I | ‘ desirable styles. vVe >\ili sell the lot at o If regular prices CAFES AND JACKETS- Sample Lot of Jackets and Capes in ail the Latest KfJM <' ' < ■>. STYLES -AJSTD COLOBS! These Beautiful Goods just received and the entire lot 5” v ’ Will be sold 331=3 per cent less than eriginal cost c to manufacture. . CjT’J X¥ si Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, ( . ves, Corsets, Hosiery and al! kinds of notions, you can ' always fcsrd here at the very lowest prices, and very best dies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool and cotton, you will i .id fi» bottons.H» ere at pi n lower than any other house eorgia, and ydu will get the f very best qualities, no shcddy old goods in the line- i f IB IBM • ' : U I S * .. . Have Brains in Them Yes, there are .brains in Stetson Hats—braii s in making them and brains in w iring them. New Hal! Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats on sale. It’s a wise head that wears < Stetson Hat. ® I sis ' . A « ' ’ • ■ J “I muy not b-> noted for hard • Worfc,” mn ed the Thom i ; Cat as I hs ’iirveyc* ,the milk pitcher on | doorstep; ‘but, h -re'e where I S' t in eom >f my best lit ks,” o o o Iheonl v aig!; b nobb man wh»»' «*>• j-> •s t h<• itfilti? of w-tiri 4 bis k‘> ' n the a] e 'Ju wen lp Lnd F : , w ] oc ,t d the office t Mayor of WenTock this jear. e i ' : . nferrei on his aiict to?, .}< hn F< r. stor, : by a grant t ojh Ku -> ry Vlll ) o o o Au idle tietician has ‘-utima ted that-an uverige n/ui if 50 .V“ars ha- h G/;>’o s, • ’ >lept 6,00$ »n ■ : has walked 12,000 miles, ha beenj ill §oodate, has ?r • -. • nea •nd in them 15,(00 meat, 4,00'• .jouuds < f v • ible-> . •nd drank . 000 <► O G o Il is rep irt d that v•■■ry rich' finds of ci. quite as remark- i •b e®f (hj ; kind as thn alluvial,' deposit--. o, ;;■■!(< hive ben di en- B|p d in ■ .1 of the ore is alleged to have ahutftij per cent, of copper, < C»pt. S g«be» siya he nev.-r j knew that Bill An heny, i °* 'h* Maine, coolly r luted him , •’id, on a xh morab,eand exci Dug j OCCaß ion, ‘‘Sir, ti e ehip has been] blown up and is sinking,” until e saw it in tj )ft newipiipers. All HATS! We carry by far the largest and best line of Hats in Rome, and wo can sell them at less than other hous es pay for them. By a ll means come a.nd see them. ■ T ■ l ag— J’ ■ I j nnft a nra’ sinecure on the s'aga, 1 on thn strength of bisa!leg«d dra> | self-posse-s.GH , If the o«p~ i tain can’t remember it that may h••> accounted for, on the theory that he was excited t'.ud Strgt. Bi 1 was cool, had his mann-rs and m inory with him, and keeps them still in hand, ! o o o The Treasury Department has been enri h-'-d to the extent of : sl3,ooo,ooo—the uu xp n ded ; balance ot the N vy Depar mint’s war appropriation Ihe Navy De partment nut only si !•’« hostile squadrons with neatness and dis* , patch, Out dot s ts wotk oh vry ; moderate l-rms. 000 It turns out th it the dinner giv en by William Wald, rd As or at IC.iV'i-n for General Kitchener was n d, attend- i by tl'a c lebrity bt c just at tje h s’ n omei t he re* jciiv-’d-an invitation from the t Prince and Prine-ss ol Wales. • v\ l;’.n the Priuce learned that this : invitat .i n had deprived Mr. As ’ tor of ii- guest o( honor he w rote ah n.i'ome a; <*<>', exp 1 lining I that the Princess bad never met ' Lurd Kitchener, and this was her : only chance to do so, jo o o ; ft is believe by oil experts that ! W st Virginia is underlaid by a leeo of Detioleum. The ou’put of i white sand oil for 1897 amounted ' to over 18,000,000 barrels. 100 o 1 i While Colonel Roosevelt was i block .<!ed on a train b tween New ‘York and Boston duri g the re- i i sent snow storm he dictated to a < s-eno.iupher m three hours an ar- , tide-for One of the magazines < about the Santiago campaign, tor which he is to receive CHILDREN’S CLOI G. Knee pants . 15c Child’s suits 65c $2.00“ “ SI.OO $3 00“ £1.50 $4.50“ “ Boysss.ooSuitss .50 “ $7.50 “ $3.75 “ fit .00 “ 0 1 Sjineone, who d’-ea not tai-. into i | account the time spent by the ; colonel in Cuba, figures that this i in Disking money at the rite of,’ more than $5 55 per minute 000 z The Carroll Free Press is not j I'arin’d by the prediction that, , Georgia will be dead broke as er: the fir.-t of July. It says’ “We have been dead broke four or five y ars and never felt better in ouri He.” 000 The Cubans claim that the ne gro soldiers steal hogs, and a newspaper betters tne situition by advising th’e Cubans to rme caickens. 000 The Brooklyn Eagle is o ti t .opinion that a treatmtn. of SS, | soup. $ >ldiers and sermu; h, will , improve Cuba greatly. 000 . The narrowest etre-1 in the world is in Yarmoun'h, E The entrance at one end is only (twenty-nine inches and tl ■ th-r ; ftl'ty-R’x. Neighbors can easily I , shake h«nds across the s>i •: It , is called Kitty Withes Ro, . - 000 Prairie dogs are increa. g so rapidly in West Texas t a: the people.are holding public ,m et mg to formulate s <me ir> _n,‘j of protection. 000 To be s'nctly correct and up-to date one must say “prov-ust,” with the accent on the first sylla* I b e, and no “pro-vo.” By the time * the volunteers have been mustered outlt is possib e. that the correct ! pronunciation of “reveille” will be 1 evolved. There is very wide di- ! vereity of opinion respecting it ( now. According to custom in the i ■ ----- iEN’B SUITS. $5.00 Suits for $ ,50 $7.00 “ “ • $3.50 $9-00 ‘‘ “ $4.50 .■ll,OO “ “ > $15*00“ “ $7-70 All wool pants 750 $3 00 " “ s\so e5-G0“ ‘‘ $2,50 camp “rivil-be” gt>'s, but (li'ie are persons who claim that mi i- I tary authority doe’ n f eiv-r mt, - ‘ters of pronunciation.—Savannah Presj. 000 The negro will continue ro be » rotten apple of discord in this (country. The "latest indication) i ih’it w the Grand Lodge of Masons' of Maryland has resolved to ent 1 off’all communication with that I of the State of Washington, unless ! the latter body shall rescind its •iciioii extending recognition to the negro Grand Lodges ot the country.”—N-w Orle ns estates. HAS DONE MUCH (SOOD. “I had catarrh■ in the head and Con’d find no r<-lief until 1 b gan taking Hood a Sarsai-.-<~ rilla, which cured me. My sister h s been relieved r f rheumatism by II oil’s, and my little brother toi k it after serious ill'ne s and it restorer-’ his strength. It cured my father of -effects of sun stroke.” Sam Cain, Whigham, Georgia. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, headache. DEFEAT AHEAD For ANTiecALPiNG B ll In Sfn ATE. Washington, D. 0. Dec 9 —The passage of the antispalping I ill by the House last night ha« not dis>- furbed the Senate to any great de gree. There are four-fa/-Western m u whe are always opposed to legislation that seems to them t he interest of railroad corpora tion, and they will be able, if they I ■ USDERWEAR- Undershirts 15 50c kind 25c $ I 00 wool 50c Cant xr flannel drawers 18 c Heavy Canton flan nel drawers f- 5c worth 50c I ACOT rBIGEWSmE! - All Patent Medicines I Reduced in Price! W All Toilet Articles REDUCED TO MEET Competition Only When We Cut Every Custo mer get the Benefit. J. T. CROUCH & CO. so elect, to delay action until I seme other measure shall have bon presented ar d pa«B«d. Senators Allen. Chilton and Can <ler v ill hardly fath r Mr. Sherman’s bill, It will be ea#>y for a read under the law to give a scalping a cer'ificate f r a rtiouth and let him “scalp” to hit: heart’s I content WANTED—A DRINK. time: 2 a m. “Ma I want.a drink 1” “Hush d rling, turn over and go to sleep !” “I w:'ii. a drink !” * “No, you are nstless. Turn over, dear, at d go to sleep.” L •J^pW lute9 -] “'Ja. 1 wan • • « SHOES! For me i, boys, ladies and children- We iy ! you the very best quality for the the vary lowest price. Ladids good shoes 75e Men’o “ SI.OO Ta y are solid leather jsu :r;/jHur»sa»gcaNEaaMßHHßaiMßq|||* “Lie still,’ Ethel, au<i go to i ' sleep 1” j “But I want a drink !” “No you don’t want a drink, you had a drink just before ytu wi nt to bed. New Be still, and gc ' right to sleep.” “I do too, want a drink!” > “Don’t let mo speak to you, ag in, chi'd; jo to sleep.” | At er five minutes. ] “Ala won’t y u pl as'' give me a drink?” ”ls you say another word. I’ll get up and spank you. Now, go to sleep You are a naughty girl.” | After two minutes.] “Ma, when you f.ut up to spank me. will you ' g,ve me a dr.nk. ” —Lif*. Mr. R. W. Childress is able to ( be out again after an illness of several days. MNBMMML . T Ml 111 —■ ■ I I. . IIBMIM ■■ ■ _