The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 12, 1898, Image 2

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« L 7 A tvisSK ■*: / ,! jr’r * '">X§ < ; TKT V1 &*4 4 - W<OblW f ' W . :■>• wsszsssnflraß v . *2*< \ 4 ''33 Wfjdt&pjS K - Oh Wtf MB BA MHT WHh W W Mfe WKT KW BABB V i mb nniii 'IIIH■ M ML ■ w ■ ; j I* 11 t i 3 ’I -1 rs !; 1 W im 81 fe ■" ■'ill wl K fei hWhll ! I I iL..■'l ■ II w U lUU 1 f Bhf Jak ■ ;iiP BHBJBL9L.B I Have Decided to go Out of the Millinery Business. This is the First Tim. I Have Offered My Stock at Cost, or at Closing Out to Quit Business Figures. I Now Throw the Entire Stock on The Market and Will Proceed to Close it Out at Once-Everything Goes! ■ RBMEMBBR EVERYTHING GOESR- Fk ai JTi A V ■ ■ ih M W IB /I IJFW. ’ ■ 1 /B JK I 9 ■ H w/B ■■a wv r /K l?c /W U iW m 11 a & f w H B B B I -Wh E M B il XI >■ M wK-Jo VJi IB > wM wl MM wl/i ■naw V v.__ . Js» wF MHhi PERSONAL MENTION. | Mr. E. H. Jones, ot Dahlone ga, is in the city today. Mr. F. A. Garrison, of Win •ton, N. C , is at the Central. Col. I. E. Shumato, of the Dalton bar, is attending city •ourt here today. Mr. Felton Adcox, of Senora ville, spent yesterday in the city, the guest of friends Warter’s “twofers” the fa mous “Terrell Speed” cigars are | growing more popular each day ; Holiday goods, the and the cheapest, at the Racket Store—Everything being sold out. The many friends* of Mr Ray mond McConnell will be pleased to learn that he is again able to be out. New stock of Imperial Tab'e Jelly, including wine flavors, fruit flavors, etc., at Lloyd’s. Tryphosa, the dainty desert, 10c. Mr. Frank E. Shumate, the Southern Railway attorney, came in from Dalton this fore neon and is attending ci y court. Success comes to .hose who persevere. If you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla faith fully and per sistently, you will surely be benefitted. Postum Cereal, the new coffee substitute, m kesrich ri d blood. A fresti supply at Lloyd’s. Also, all kinds of up to date breakfast specialties. Hon . Clyde Shropshire, of Atlanta, came in Saturday even ing and after spending Sunday •nd today with his father’s.fam ily, will return to the Gate City t< morrow forenoon. If you appreciate fine fruit; cake material and want “good! have the nicest assortment by far of any house in the city, and their prices are very low’, Mr. C. J. Gamble, of tha Gate City is in Rome today. Mr. Howard Anderson, of At lanta, *s at the Armstrong today. Atlanta Peace Jubilee, go down via Western & Atlantic R, R. Cheap rates Dec. 13, 14 and 15th. Leave Rome 7 :30 a. m. 4 :25 p. m. $ 1.70 to A tlanta ana return via Wes tern &l Atlantic 17. R. Dec. 13-J 4 and 15th, limited Dec. 1 8. On Account of the Peace Ju bilee Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 14—16, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell tickets at very low rates. See that your ticket reads via the Southern Railway. Most i convenient schedule and best service. J. N. Harrison, C. P. & T. A. I ll# Racket Store Steck is be in;j slaughtered. Mr. Daria ia going to quit buainesa by the end as tha month and baa put < n prices that will sell the goods/, Annual Salos over 8,000,000 rai&s u’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS ■ ;<-h tn Wind and Pain in the Stomach, 'ii.ldiii‘-s.s. Fulness after meals. Head- Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings ,f Heat. loss of Appeiitc, Costiveness, i ot.-'.ies on the Si:in. Cold Chills. Dis , <rbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all X rvnus und Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIE! W TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffers will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. •XKUCWAM’S PIIA.S, taken as direct 'd, will quickly restore Females to com elf te bi allh. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver :n men, women or children Beecham’s Pills aro Without a Riva! And bflvp tha SALP Local HAPPENINGS. Wholy Smoke !—That is to .say, that if you want the best cigar on the market and the one that gives the most fragrant smoke, you should ask your dealer for one of the Warters’ Rome made brands. A Fine Stock » f New Nuts. —J ust gotten in one of the nicest lot ot bright new Nuts of all kinds at Lloyd’s, including fancy Almonds, fancy English Walnuts, Cream Nuts and fancy Pecans. Guaranteed the best and freshest lot ever brought to the citv. Atlanta Peace Jubilee The Western & Atlantic R. R. wilj sell roudd trip tickets Rome to Atlanta and return at $1.70 Dec. 13, 14 and foreneon trains 'of the 15, good to return until Dec. 18. Trains leave Rome 7:30 e. m. and 4 :25 p. m. Recorders’ Court. —M. B. Eubanks presided at this morn ing’s matinee and fined Annie Brown and Carry Sim.ns each $7 50 for drunk ami disorderly conduct; Will Jackson, plain drunk $3 00. The three above mentioned were of “Darktown.” Bob Neel, drunk, $3.00; Shorty Parsons, drunk, $2 50 and Dave Brock, $2 50 and $5.00 for two drunks. City JCourt, —Judge Harris convened the Dect mber term of the city court this morning, and proceeded to take up the caseß as previously’ set for today. The case of MoOrary vs. Horton, in which about SIOO is involved, was the first put on trial, and at noon the attorneys were address ing the jury. Hon. Seaborn Wright for plaintiff, Hon. Moses Wright for defense. Santa Claus Window. The Santa Claus Wirdow of Lanhan & A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying J could not live but a sboit time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if 1 could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and uow a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s.- Regular size 50 cents and *I.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. . -. 1. ” ' ' . '?*''“ T " ." 1 . as much attention as any well reg ulated sideshow has a right to en joy when a three -ring doll-circus and toy menagerie is in full b at*t and such will be the case when Lanham & open up their hol iday poods department tomorrow. Dvst In The Air:—The street sprinkler has been in evidence to day by not making war on the dust hence Rome real estate has been riding triumphant on every wintry blast and the fiel d who never shuts the d* or has been kuesed from Dan to Bersheoa. Rather Blustery —Fur a few minutes this forenoon the heavy, overcast skies shed flakes of snow to beat the band. The white flake melted however, as fast as they kissed the face of mother earth. At noon the skies cleared and the sun shone, out, but at this writing, sundown is two hours off, and no man can imagine what the weath er people will serve us by that time. Go to the Racket Store, in the C. D. Wood old stand, and se cure holiday goeds at your ewu I Married in Texas. Mr. R . L. Roundtree, senior editer of The Optic, was married to Miss Eva Soswick, at the Methodist I church Sunday evening, Dec. 14, 1898, at 7 o’clock, Rev. J.W. Clifton officiating.—. Mt. Vernon ! (Tex,) Optic. . 11 " 3 ■ HOLIDAY RAIES VIA SOUTHERN. On account of the Christmas : and New Year iii.l days the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets at the very low rate of out and one tiiiru ; f.vre for the round trip, 'pickets on sale D u. 22, 23, an 1 25th ; also Dec. 30 ami 31, 1898, and ' January Ist 1899. Tickets will also be sol’d to students of schools and colleges upon presentation oi cer .ideates signed by the superintendent, principals or presidents thereof, Dec. 16th to 25'h inclusive w’lh 1 final limit January 4 ii, 1899 ; For tickets and lull - tioii call on J. N. Harrison, C . i T. A. JOE LEITER’ A VENTURE. Going Into the C- m pres«Dd air Motor Business. New York, D.e. 12 Joseph Leiter of Chicago today bought from the International Air Pow r er Co., the Hoadlty-Knight pat ent rights for foreign countries. Mr. Leiter said that he intends going to Louden in January to form a company to finance his new scheme. Mr. Leiter intends to intro- ' duce compressed air motors into ' the busses and trucks of Lon don, Paris, Berlin and other continental cities. ws ■ ®| SPAINS’ GRE A TESTNEED • Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Garcelon ia, S. C. Week nerves had cans cd severe pains in the back oi his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood ; sind nerve remedy, all pain noon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows I it cures liver and kidney trou- I ble, purifies th' hl ood, tunes up I the stomach, strengthens the | nerve”, [ uts vim, vigor and new! life iutt every muscle, nerrsj tul (j-ga.'. us the body. L weaLl tired or ad ng you need it Es-B e?y bottle guaranteed, only cents. Sold by Curiy Airing- 1 tt>n. druggist#. IA tF^T^tI 4 • j\P<Wl I • I I 4LJ I [5372 A] fl CONVENIENT, SECUKW PORTABLE. ■ Iq bouses where closet rO W Ls limited a Wardrobe is ( ’“ W the most essential article 0 fl FURNITURE- ■ and these who take h a ' t ‘ 1 ' .fl care of their Clothing sho cure one of the handson» J| well made Wardrobes W line we have in stock. ■ Ligh! and dark woo.« ■ been used in their con ■ add there is a great?* 11 - fl styles to choose from. , « ’ Rhu.y, H^ v,y A ' ?Blfl 137 Brw* a 8 ■