The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 12, 1898, Image 3

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dmini ■'• ..1 »'<)i ale, Vndi r and by vir’ue of an oi , . url f >' of fluvii >< >uuiy Oa.. gra t* I M tli» j * pi-i, term of • >»id com rt 188# will’ lj Bold bsf r. the c urt Lou., dour on the 111 R'-nie Georgia b>- l <s .n l»K»l hours of sale, for cit i nd fur disinbiit'un among ! t j, H j r a at law of M.Dwindl, toe; s on g rtai and persorial prop-, •rty town.— j'wo bon* s and lota situated on uppar Broad, lying b»tw**u th» property of I’. G. VS altars and J. f. Moore, th* Jot* ben g a pa t ~f that tract of land purchased by Anne E. Smith from the admime iralor of William R. Smith, de t'Riad Each lot fr nting on Br u<] i rset o i feet tt{ id running back o f uniform wid'h towards -ne Er o«rab river two hundred and ten (210,- feat, the houses b-ing two ( 2) story houses. containing s -ven (7) rooms The said houses and lots will be separately sold and are i uinha'. - * d as follows: that ad j.>ining T. <1 Watters No. 938. that adjoining J. T. No. 940. AGo that tract of ’and, the same b»irg part of land lot No. .two kuodred and f >rty-six (246) in the twetriv-fhird (2Brd) district and ( ~; i ; [3«*o ] v-ctiou of Fl -ydcou* tv, .luuwti ixb toe whole of lot No, f urt> r; [i 4 | and the south half of lot N . fifteen [ls] in the plan of town k lx made bv William AMi'orefor William R. Smith, the wbola containing one and a half [1 1-2] acres of land and kjcsn *• the Morrell place, and said tract of land containing two hoii-rs and will be sold as a whole. Also that tract of lai din the Cothran and Chisolm addition to I the city of R me known as tb* sou'll, half of lot No. eighteen [IS] fronting fifty [so] feet on Bose street a'd runnr g back of uni' form width one 1 uudred and twet.t. live [l2s] feet, accjrdmg to the survey made by George Wadsw rth, civil ei gineer. the having a dwelling hou-e the; son Al«. ,h-ee [3] houses a id lots »ud ot;< vscant lot to be separate* ly so'd situat'd on lots Noe nine teen [l9] and twenty [2o]in the Cothran end Chisi.o ru addition to U< me Ga., the same beii g part of and number ir <> bui di-d I Mid fort.y-.eix [-*'’49] ft L SBrd | district and 3rd deem n <>f Floyd county as «uiv<«ed by George Wadswortn m‘>p aid p a; find m office of the Clark • f the superior i court of Floyd county the whole] containing it i e qiiari'HS [8 4s] i c»f an ae~» comm- i.ving on the North side of Broad s rest between Ross street -nd tbe extern »i> nos Broad s ieet ecc nding to Hie e.;id map house and lot num ber on* 3° of ibis tract being de scribed xs follows .—ld en ng ou Boss street f. ty-tbree [43] Let •nd running back t > Bro d s eye hundred and twonty [l2( jteet, more or less. iL use and lot Dumber two 8C of this tract being d-scribed .» follows, Fr.di ting on Ross street for--■ ven [47] feet, and running hi' I. i. Bro’d street one bui dr'h si .fi io,.’i) [lls] feet more or le < n - and lot our. b r three 23 of I act le.ig u.t-ciibed as f< l;., ■. br< hiu ; "ti R itS street < hundred and live feet more or less. Also vacant lot adjoining 10l No. 28fron'iog Rosa street 105 ft being in V eha e. A ko the f 1 owing unimproved tract of land towi'i —'i’we ve and •evt n eighths [ 12 7-8«] acn a moreH °r i< ns, f la: at ut ui hi d from the S.u bwih ci'im r of lot <fi laud i.un.ber two hundred ar Vi I thirty-five [2Bs] in the 23id di" triut and Bru s -ot on of < r gina ly Cherokee n-w Fl< yd c ui.ty Ga. . of the following shape ai d bound* flies towit. Beginning at the Sou hwoat corm rof said le t <f j laud and luntiing thence along j the original line thereof N >rth ten [lo] Chama to a staked coiner on the right, tl nee North lorty«five d-gnes Eaet six [6] chains and eighty [Bo] lir ks to a pine corner, thence North eighty*' !)' [Bl] de greet Ea«t nix [6] chains and twenty [2o] inks to a hickorv corner, thence Sou ; b seven [" ] degrees West fourteen [l4] at >d t ighty-two [B2] links t® the original line of raid lot of land. theucetW(.Bt along original I'o* eight [B] chains and eleven [lll iiika to the beginning corner. Ako that tract of laud in the 23rd district and 3rd tw.ction of “}‘d county Ga., lying in tie Northaast Corner of land lot num- Uo hundred and thirty-five [235] Containing tweutv*t hr<*e[2B] acres and which together with six [s] acn-8 heretofore sold the \Vn- Commission of the city of Rom d is known as the Fort Jack •°t> property. A It* that tract of land in the othran and Chisholm addition to Ins city of Rome known as lots nuibers Uantysoue [2l] twenty- ■ ■ ' B]and ’B v !ou> [-4] tw tity-tivr [2s] M 'dy-S'X [26] amj twenty sHvei; |!*GJ*'l iroutiug on the W.-m o< Bro * d "’rest. Th«»« •« M h 'rao ioua parts as lot-c-mmenc *ith twenty-seven [27] which Jems other properly <t M Dwi "eil’s and extends along the left I* ie of Broad stteef to the corpor ate line of the city of Rome, the | Mrae being all of ..aid loin above nsmed lying ou the Westside of Broad street. ] Also the folk w ng tract of laud m he ecu ity of F oyd near the vity of Rome it being a part of the plat kn wn as tu* Waiter K Weister pine* deed'd by BH.d Webster to L 1). Burwell by iG.irwt ll io batuue Magnets, Dec. 81-!. 1864 Tih Webaisr lot is de scribed as f< 11 .is C mmeuciug at a lack oak c rn. r< n a me of a pa tof me J H. Lumpkm lotaud ruuuii g North along ea d line one hundred and twenty five [l2s] yards, theuCe E*«t one hu died and twenty-tiv'[ 125] yards,thence South m e hu-died and twenty* fivi [l2s] yards to ine of th* piace «f said lot sold to Dr. Jordan Reese thencs ah said line to the beginning cornar, also including <■> strip fi. teen at-pa wide at the Northeast c iruer along the East* hin side ol said plat. All of this plat is included in this tract of land excepting one and a halt ncres of the Western part thereof ald prior to February 1892 ta Green Ray colored. Also that tract of land in the upper part of the ciiy of Rome Ga,, in what i< known as ‘‘Mutton Hollow” commencing at an alley between said property and the properly of Mrs J H. Lumpkin where alley intersects Eas r [Boundary street and lunning in a I Northwesterly direction alonfsaid Ea-t Bouudarv street one hundred and four [ KMji'eet mors or less to the property otj A Bale thence in a north easterly direouon two htm dred and seventy seven (277) fest more or less aloi g the line of said I B le'sandJ T. Vlarlick's lots to B.oi ks street owe hundred awd t v ’Dty-nme (129) feet twore or >»«, to sai i alley, tlouce down said alley two hundred and twenty icur (224) feet uh re or less to ths original starting point on East Boundary st rear, all in ihe twenry tbi.d (28rd) istriet and third (8) section of F,eyd county, Geor- Also tha' tract of laud in the i.'V.u o. Forestville, Floyd county. Georgia, being lot number one ' tiundrrd and five (105) with dwei iln f houses snd improvements th“reon fronting on tha Kingston rc sd two hundred and ten (210) f< et more or Lss and running hack the sama width three hundred (800) feet more or lets, same being , Ayer and Mc- 'Doaald t rom J. B. Hine . A>o f ur hundred si'd fifty (4 9) .Ware's of the capital s o<‘k ! <.f ii. R und Mountain Coal »nd i Iron Con pau* of the }»r value ■ one lui.disd dollar* (S 100 •ach. Ail so’d a* the property of V. D*id»ll, di-ceas'd, Sam'l FukKhouhbu i Adminia* A Dwinell, ) tratora Os the (saiiite of M. Dwinell, dec. LET FEES OF ADMINISTRA- TION GB' RGIA, FL' YD COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern: 0. M. Abxni der having in proper form applied to u • for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Kennetts Alexander, [bite of said county, deoastd. j This h l» cite al.' and singular the j ci> dilors and next kin of Henriet* ■ta Ab xan<!» : ' ,o b*i and appear at my office within the time allowed bv law and cause, if any they can, why parmanent administra tion Should not be granted to G. M Alexander ou Henrietta Alex ander'-estate. Wi.B 'te oay hand J and sign at urn thia 5 h d»y of 1 cC. 1898. ' r., John P. Davi«. Ordiaary, letters OF ADMINISTRA- TION. gkoxgha fl yd county To all wnom it may conaern Janies E. Ivay having in proper (orm.pplM lom-for pe r ro a..™t if administration on the of Major Maxwell late of saido. unty diseased. 1 cite hll and singular the and next of ki-> of Maj L. * io be and appear at my o inUietlHiß allowed by law and .how cause if any they can why permanent sdministration sbou not be granted Ivsj on Major Maxwell s estate- B(iS8 my hand and °® 101! ‘" lure this sth dav of Dec. let Jobs r. Dat», Ofd,l “ f r-- djklfasjfklsjafioejfklafjsklafjioe MW MS KIJIMi .1 RXiiRWIA FLOYD UOONTY A ill be sold before tlu court I house d .wr in the city I Rom*, Floyd Co. Qa. between ne Lgal hours of sals, on the firs' l'u - d y iu January 1899 the -H (described property to wi That tract «r parcel of hi.-i be ginning at ths Northeast corner . f 'Vest Seventh av»uus ami Weal First street in the Oostn' »n*a di vision of the city of Rom ■ in said • tat® and county and running a'ong West First street e dis ance of (6 fest, thence in a Northerly direction in a line parallelled w ith Seventh avenue a distanr < ' 965 m the S.-Uth lineoflut f Hre . Ks-thenne Baumgartner thence in a Westerly direction along th- Baumgartner line 66 fee to Hey s; th aven us. thence mar ut fieri v direction along Seventh av one 16 fest to the starting point. Also! No. 104, Seventh avenue described • •follow*-: Commencing on E s • ide of Seventh avenu* 75 Let i"iith of the corner of S ventli ! • venue and North BoumUry street | running thence in an ffe-ter •/ di rection prallel with Nor h Boun dary »trsel a dietui ce i f 75 r eet i theuaa M. right angles Sou i:<-r'v a distance < f 20 fest, thene ight angles Easterly a distant’ < f 45ft to Mrs 8- Chidssy’s lot, t 1 nee at right angles Southerly a di»tance of 82 feet to C Baumgartner’s lot, thence at right angles Westerly a distance of 120 Let to Seventh Avsuue, th nee along Sevi-uth av* •uue 52 Let to the •tait ng point, all < f sffid described proper ty being parts or lota 58 nd 63 in • aid Onatanaula division of the city of Rome Georgia. L vied on by virtu® of afi fa is»ti 4 from Floyd city court in favor of he Exchange Bank of Rom* c eorgia • gainst Mrs. Mattis M Under wood ss the prop rty of ha de fin dant. Also at the same time and place the following described property lowit; Lying and bsirg in the fifth ward of tha city of Rome, caunty of Floyd, rtat* of Georgia beginning at ths Southwest corner of Forest and Main siresi, the ca West alo i'g the Sou h side of For sat street IBsLettoa 14 foot ul ! ley, thenc* South along the East •ide of said alley 61 feet, thence East 185 Let to Main sirest,thence North along the Westside of Main sirest 61 fest to the point of be jiubii g. Levied on by vbtu 'fa fi fa issued fram Floyd superior court in favor < f the JuterstaL Building and Loan Association vs Sadie Q. Green as tbs property of the defendant Also at ths saws time a’ J p ass all that tract or parcel of iaud ly ling and being in the Foui b ward of the citv of R'lni* Floyd unty Ga., in block “B” desenb d as follows: Commencing at W-.s' i F'ret street (form-rly Cet 'er ’i ) at tha oraer of Lancast ,’s lot and running a Wes'erly direction along West First S’. 50it thence back the same width 152fi to satisfy afi fa in fivor of ’he Nashville Burial Cass Co., igaiuit W, 8 Richards and W. 8. Lane dell on the above described prop erty of W. 3. Richards, he being in possession at date of levy Also at the same time and plans that tract or paieel of land ymg and being in the 23rd d.s’rict »nd 3rd Section of F’oyd county Ga . known as part of 10t5.2i3 and 204 therein; beginning at a point cn the West side of ths Summerville road 285 feet N< rth of the Center of I I s tract of the Rome a id De catur rt-ilroad, thsuce Wast a ong • linu of plank fence «• now built 1820 feet, thenc» at r>ght an gles Southerly 838 fest more or k s.- to said railroad right of w y, thence Easterly along said right us way to th* Sumnt«rvills road, theuc? Northerly along •aid 8 im mervilie road to beginning point txeeptii.g • lot 50X170 feet off th* Northwest corner of ths 11act it- a churok. Also that tract in the Foanh ward in th# city <d Rome Ga ~ known a» all of Ist No. 87 in Block “B” in Mitch. ll’» survey <>f Dssota conveyed by C. F, McCra ry to Saabtd Wright by d* «d dut •d May 1893 excepting that part convs’sd by *aid Wright t' Lan ham. Levied on by virtue of • fi fa issued from Floyd Superu r cart in favor Rims Hutud Loan a»socia‘io:i against J. D. O’Bryan as the property ol the defendant. Also at the same time and place )he Ufa estate of E . G. Harbour it the following proyerty . 8 acres off of lot No. 581, let No 582, lot No. 538. 9$ seres off of lot No. 534 all in ths Ittth district and 4th -ection of Floyd county Ga. Lev ied on by virtue of two flfas issued from the justice court of the 1458 d district G. M. Noth tn saver of t W H. Coker 4 Co, against E G I ILitbor as the prop-r y bt the de- I ipi dant. Lsvy mad -cy R II C« p*- Lnd L C. Also at the same time and nine j j lot of and No. 120 in the 25th; district arid 3rd section of Floyd i county Ga., centainii g 160 acrei. more or less,Levied <m by virtu* of a fl fa issued from Floyd city court in fayor of Carrie A Gi reulh • gainst Lon Gilrsarh as the pri p erty of tha defendant A’so at the »arn« time and pl-» 3 acres < fl of lot N 0531, k>’ No 532 lot No 588. 91 acres off o. lot No 584 all in the 16th dietri t and 4th section of Floyd county Ga. Lev ied on by virtue of a ju»tice conn fi fa issued from tie justice coun of ths 1458 district G M in favor’ of E E Forbes against E G 11 »r »• ur as th ■ property of the de fendant, A’so at the Bsnie time and piece the following VThCts or parcel of; and situated lying and b.i"g in ths 4i h dints ict and 4 n «ec ion of Floyd county Ge-, rgia b ing th« whole of land lote Noa 210 and 211 the East half ol 222 and all of k t 223 on the West side of the Bur ! usite Ferry road next to and ad I joining lot No 222, the s'lme being all of th» h< me p ace, except laud ot No 187 and part, oi lots 288 and i 21)8 in the 4ib district and 4 li section of said county, lying > • tween the farm road and land* of D H Shelton, more pi ticularly described as follow,-: Commencing at the ford ot Batch creek «r»d running Southwest 38 3 4 degrees and II chairs, thence S 'U'h 9 de grees, i*eat 33 chains t" a pop ar <ree on th# would spring bra >ch, tnence down said branch to Coosa r.V'-r, thence up the said river to I). H. Shelton la"d line to Beech ertwk, thence down said creak tc the beginning point. Levi«d on by virtue of a jnatic* court fi fa issued from the justice court es the 919 district g,M in favor es W E Baysiegal against I H Selman J D Turner and W T the preperty of J D Turner one of th" defsudants. Also at the same time and p’ace one undivided one half interest in the following: Ail that tract or parcel of land ’yin? and being in ihs sth district ar.a 4th sec’ion < f Floyd county aa.. known in the plsn ot said district as No 164 containing 160 acres mors or les*, being the •anr'deeded to J M Smith ai.d W N Horton by W A Knowles, executor of May H Knowles, deceased, on Nov. 1898, r°corde 1 ou“«gg” of d°ed P, 90. Levied on by vir tie of a fi fa issued from Flovd Superior c urt in favor of Chai H. Hartshorre for use of < fficer» of Floyd superi or court against John H Smith, as ti e property of the defendant. A ho st the same time sud pl»ce one bay maie mule about 10 years old, 1 one-hor?' dray and harn*a». Levied on by virtue of » fi fa i»- eued from Fmyd Superior sourt in , favor of Frank M. Utt against Pa'ton Sitsh Door and Building Co , as the property of the defend: ant. Aho at the same tims and placs one residence lot with improve ments thereon in tbo ward of the city of Runs F’oyd countv and s’ate if sa , said lot fronting ®n Main* «tr»et 300 t*et running back the same width 300 feet and bounded on the Nortl aud East by Ly le property, *n the West by Rup-e property, on th* South bv Main street, and being the same on Oct. Ist 189 U owned and occu pied by said d*iHnda'it with » «pe cial lien as of dat* of Oct 1, 1890 Levied on by virtue of a fifa issued from Floyd superior court in fa vor of the trust**® of Ripon C •!- lege, Ripon, Wisconsin, against Jessie 0. Lytle a» the property of th t defendant. f Also at tb« same time and place cue residence lot with improve ments thereon, being city lot No. 104 in North K me. Floyd county •a., fronting on o >rn»r of Broad street, 30 Get and running hack same width 90 feet along Third St, being one block from the Rom* & Decatur railroad depot L vied on by virtu* of afi fa issued from Floyd superior court iu favor of Miss C A Blaktinan against VT M B idg' S, as the property of the de fendant. Also at the same time and the following described property mentioned in thin mortgage, one bay horse mule named Mike about 7 y-iars old, on« buy horse nauie na ned Pei* ab< ut 10 years "Id, one bay horse mul* named Dave about 10 ye»rs old, one moui» colored mare mule named Minn about 7 yeirs old Levied cn by virtue ora mort gage fi fa issu*d from Floyd city court in fav >r of R. D. Van Dyke against T. C Ayer, agent, as the property of th* defendant, Also at the same time and place »all that tract or pared of laud I ■ H.nat. d \mi : d i»< mg in th< v i llage f"rmi i|v kmwn u outb ib' ni< n w Fifth v. urt of h« city i' I Roni- I Hi? lip -ou’h rsr ha t ; til '-'hi 1 ’-I s d t i Mn«n ’ ; D oiei <n lhe w u'h bid • nwn a dbi und-d H-- f'llh .-s, t (»n ng Pcnnmg'ot' avet u- one hundred feet and nmning back xt right angles one hundred fifty f ur feet. ; ttounoed on the south by street known a* Coosa street, n the West by ’he property of Miranda D,n --p-ls and c.ntaiuing 1-6 of in acre withall the. ini pr vi si' 1.1 a 'he «• ou i bstng the •.• tns ?-• •i» f ' (i' eiled to tlx- defends t. e by J D. riiui r .he 21 t day o May 1c92 Heeds recorded in ’he ole k* < the < i Floyd »uperior court b< k “1'1” deed page 198 L vie 4 on bv virtue of h ti fa iß«U'»'i tr< n th*> justi •" court of h» 919 t. , <1 s r riC' G M m 'hv or >1 Jno J Black traiisfereK vs, tiin'-a Rie <- i '<!.•- ■■ , t'l.’ ■■». Kiel: rh ■ n ■m. vVarit n Ricbsrds'ii. a* t.l"e pu p ertv of flu- dt-lendanb, Ltvy ni’uh by K, H. < p lai.d, L C. Al-o at th" -ame time and pl 'ce, np lll.divided Ll nh m't reU' in v >ty J © N 48 nt - E■" JD - vision o the city of R »me Fn yd c unty Gh. and be tg on th C - iu-r ut F-uitb sv iue ai d East Thiid stieet ami ti< n'.u g 182 fee!, mor* or less on F urlh ,vi nue, b. - mg tk» property deeded to Mrs. H. b A. Word by Mri. Elia H. Murphey on the 20lL bay of July 18V5 aso • one u div ded iweari'lh ml*ie«t in lots of lam; Nos. 238. 287 4 288 all m th f >nrth district and 4'h »cct ou < f originally Cherokee now F’oyd c< unty Gs. except 25 acre* ol b t No 237 which im hereto orec n v-y.’d to Dr. L. E. Burkmrm n o which is fully described in hi* d eel and of which hie grante-s are now in possession, the above de scribed property containing in all 4 5 acres myre or less with aU and singular the improvements there unto partaining, Levied on by virtue fan attachment ifa is sued from Fl >yd city c »urt in fa vor of L vy, Dreyfus Co. vs. Mrs. N. L. J boson, as th* property of the d*f> ndant, Also at the same time and place 40 bu»-h*ls of torn more or less iu crib on th,* p sc* aud in p >»'-••! u of H. Y. Pratt. Lcvi'd on by vir tnre of fi fa fssa*<t from Floyd city Court in favor of H C ker it Co, ag inet W. 11. Mah .n and W M utoss sb the pr..p*rl\ of th* defendants. A so at. the tame time and placs. cue dark bay m»re named Mary about 7 year* nd, one bay horn named J bn ah. ut9ve«rs old one ■arg" black mule named George about 8 years old, one ihrg*-ligbt bay Q;hie Jack ahou■ 5 ' ears old ene medium eiz* light Lay mule named Henry about 6 y-ar» old one medium sik™ lighi bay mu e named Jaue sboiu 10 years ■ld. Levied on by v r:lire mortg«g" as« issued from Fioyd Superior I'ou't in favor ot B»l*s £ gjp rry & Co. against G. G. Burkhalter aa the properiy of the defendant. Alho at the same tune and place Oue blaca horse mulenamed Jac« ab<ut 14 hand* hign aud ten years old, one mouse co ored mar* mtile •ib ut 15 hands high s x years "Id nam<?d Ida, one dark bay mare ab< nt 14 hands high 10 yearn old named Minnie Also one colt about 1| years old, onu mule coil about 6 months old. Aso one two-hoisi wagon about half worn, aiso 1 cotton planter 2 one-horse plow stocks. 1 doubletooted plow i-t'sks, 1 one horse turner, iwo 83is of powg‘ ar 75 bushels ol corn more or ks-, 1200 bundles of fodd*r more or le*s in crib, five acres cotton in field. 40 bush els cotton seed more or le*s, a so h" entire 1-2 interest in 12 acre of cotton in field, also 28 bushel* es co-n in the crop of A E Sco’t. «!•■) 35 bushels of coru. and 1 2 interest in -our acres of Cott, r i“ fie d, 1-4 h interesi 50- pounds of ie> d more or 1- s- in the Co p oi E McCollum L vn-d on by vi tue t f a mortgag-fib) issued fromFioyd cityc. urt in favor < f WG Duuehou i traii.-fpriew against U G Brannon us ths property of Thu defendant. Also at the s«tn« time and plac* aii .hat tract or parcel of land lying and being m Floyd county, Ga , and pariiciiiarly described a» land .ot* Nos 300 aud 801 in the 22 d district »nd Sr' 1 a* c ion of Floyd county, Ga , l> 20 acres deeded ctf of lot 801 to Mrs. Fan ny B’amey leav mg 3 )0 acr- s iu all, property pointed out in ea:d mort gage fi it and in possession of the defendant. Levied >n by virtue ol a mortgage fi f a issued fr m Floyd sapsn >r court in favor of R D VauDyke agaiustJ. W Hanie as ihe property of the defendant. > Also at the ame time and place on th* following 4*««ribsd r*al ?•■ rate towit, an undivided | interest in lot es laud No. 164 iu ihs 5.h ' 4th section of Fioyd i . i _ ~ ? r o..utity Im., containing 160 seres more or less, property pointed out ’> plnintff’s attorney. Levied on ' y virtue ut «fl fa iSßued from In’ ii'tice court of th- 949 h dis . ict G. M. tn favor < f Montgom ery & C o . against John M.. Smith • nd Jhh. M. Smith, *s the proper t' ot John M. Smi h, one ot the defendants. Also at the same lime and p ac* the following r«»l eilat* sitiatefi in said County tovi : CO »<:<•• of land more or less fi’ ot North side i f 1< t No 207 lying sud b*iug *»<> West side of Alah uh road iu 22, d district and 3rd •* tion of •a dS' unty, said property being in p issesßieu of Flem Shiflet and bwir g kvu d on as the property of 54. A Shores defendant iu fi fa property pointed out by defend ant -Written n tice waived by th* 1) fi.Lovi*d on by virtwe of a jaa iice court fi fa i«su*d from the jii ice i on, 10l the 15U4 h district G . M. in favor if Simpson Grocer Co , v W. A. Shor*s t s Ijo prop rty i f the d- f-ndant. Levy «>adb by J. A. Jones, egal collector. A’.roat the same time and place two certain tracts or parcel* of n.nd m the 22nd di-iriet and 3rd «► ction of Floyd c unty Ga., as .1,9 ■ pr tn >ty es th" <G endant Jas. \ . Mitchell, the sume being 80 O'r.s (tr of E. sl P »rr. of lot < No 59 at d4O acres <II the West ' -uh "1 Bid I>t Both d .vid'-d from ihe ith r part of the let by a i straight line running North »>n / South an<[ both toge'her cou'air ing 12t act‘"s. The first uarcel is Ju. p i■<whereon the defendant resid d the first of March 1889. Di ed med-and record'd in ti e (1 rk's ffice for the purpose of '■ vy and sale Levied on by vir tue of h fifa issued from F'oyd superior court in favor of Everett C Learned vs. Jas. W. Mi'chell a? tii- property of the d. feudant. J. P McCobu«ll, Sheriff. —■r— —— - - - '"'.'m* jrwr LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GK RGIA FLOYD COUNTY. - To nil whom it may concern A. M. Ant'gnoli having in proper f ii m applied to me tor permanent G’t r-i * ailminisiri.liou ou the estate jf Stephen Jones, late of slid coun-y deceased. This is to cit» all an I . jugular the creditors snd next of kiu of Stephen Jones to he and appear at my office within the time allowed by law ond show cause if any th-y can why permanent administration should not be granted to A. M. ’iitogno ior some other fit r-’ d proper person on Stephen J< wb’ estate. Witness eiy hand and < fli cial ignature this sth Jday of ' Die. 1898. John P. Davis, Ord.nary, , ———-j'.n-rmu LEIiERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. GieoXGlA FL >YD COUNTY. T<> Ml whom it may concern J. P B .Hanger and P M. Story,Jr., having in proper form xpplied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate, of > Mrs. J. A. Bagwell, late of said county deceased This is to cite < all and singular the creditors and n. xt of km of Mr*. J. A. Bagwell to be aud appear at my effiae » within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can • why permanent administration eh uld not he granted *«’P, M. ' Story Jr., on Mrs. J. A. Bagwell’s , e-itaie Witness my hand and ofli ) cia signa’ure this sih day of Dec. 1898. > John P. Davlb, Ordinary fru'm.. . . .j... ■( ' LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GE RGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all ' horn it snsy e< ncern. ug'u B Kyle having in proper form applied to we fur permanent Gtiers of adminis’ratii u- on th* estate it S- H Kyle.late of said c. unty d ceased. This is to cite all a d singular the creditors and next c 1 kin ot S. H. Kyle to be a d appear nt ray office within the time allowed by law and show chub* if any they can why perma ujut administration should not be granted to H. B. Kyle or som* other fit a d proper parsun on S. H. Kyle’s (statj. Witness my Land aud official signature this slh day of Dec 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. ___ . ,'CU.H CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GKORGTA, FLOYD C )UNTY. io all whom it may concern, Samuel Funkhouser admiuistraror de boms non, with will annex ed,of Mrs Sarah A Dailey, decea d han iu due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell tne lands belonging to the estate of [said deceased and said application ‘will he heard on the firSt.Monday lin January next. This 6lh day of ; | Dt cemcer 1898. Joh.n P. Davis, Ordinary.