The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 12, 1898, Image 4

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tllSTilKlf THE HUSTLER OF ROME Established, 1890. -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Kstaollbhed, 18W>. Inad evei ■’ x Sunday aud w <■<■!<iy. 4* - PHIL 0. BYRD. J. Wi < 1. ~Mj PAhACiF. * And now we must go up against Mr. AgninabH. For tii- • fur- lough, the day approaches and the hourdrawetu nigh. A philosopher correctly ob serves that a hypo* rite makes awrs trouble m the world than a fool. With her colonies gone, Spain will now entertain a mere sis terly feeling foi her neighbor f Portugal. Senator Vest wants congress to investigate the charges of cor ruption in the conduct of the recent war vith Spain. The city fathers of the “Iron City” have voted against a “Greater Birmingham'’ —don’t want to localize the expansion idea. An Ohio floral journal offers . an Angora cat for getting up a club of twenty subscribers. Make ( it a Kentucky race Lorse and we . will try you oms. ! I Talk ng abi ut Illinois’ lace race troubles, there's every indi- ( cation that inslead of running, Chicago’s Aidermen will contin- . ue to hang ar: und. * Atlanta’s new “Tower” fcdoc not seem to be a tower ci'j strength, though, through its .„..i windows the “moonshiner 1 s enabled to see afar off. The Dons are howling be cause our president accuses them of blowing up the Maine. Will [ the Dons please tell us why this i country went to war with bpain?! ( — . I. $ Gov. Candler will hive Lisp staff ottjcers about him when he ; receives Presidency McKinley Wednesday. This wi 1 be the’ first gathering of the new Geor gia colonels. r When Uncle Sam has licked' • the combined armies and navies of Germany, France and Italy, then and not until then, will Koine undertake to pull off her lethargy and a peace jubilee. A Tu ii Oj nwd Finally I and DL . 2’ id Trouble B and Ira'je-. L Thorough C: ? • rar parilla Ccm. . Sy Gc‘. . . There is d.t , I ;>c. i. biooc Diaeas< Ing loth' ingsyniptoir. : i •-Gllu.t;". M'- duri. “ C. I. L’ “Gentle. nervouu ba me for two pronoun they < ot Id . ai adv of 65 a tun Was Very Painful but did .i though' , ■ • It fill! " ■ deal. . • 'd nothing tor . i mor i, -gan to rise inwai 11 about cti-. a.,ar’lla and thought * finis! i relieved. : ' ■ ; Sarsaparilla, u .kina J 2 bottles I was entirely n ). ut , well, have * i-Od ap • ! ’ t I owe my lite to jlocu - . ■. j. D. F'orij, Sarsa- -BflO'VL-a <1? parilla Hood’s Pills kLSSSi'SJ OoftL Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* ! ————— Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YORK. II I I II I ——M4—LM II MW— ——J ,r ■ «•- ' * I lli ■■NVIHBIII PROGRAM OF ATLAN TA’S PFAI E JUBILEE. FIRST DAY. WIDWDAY, I KI. MEEK. 14th! 11 a. m.—Arrival of presi dential narty. Executive com mittee and reception committee will meet party at depot. Ladies of Jubilee committee will also meet party at depot. 12m. — Lunch served in pri vate dining room at Kimball to gentlemen of presidential parly. Breakfast at Kimball, tendered by ladies of Jubilee committee, to Mrs. McKinley and ladies of the presidential party. 1 p. ni.—Governor and gener al assembly will receive presi dent at state capitol. 2 p. m.—Public reception at state capitol. 5 p. m.—Floral paraek. Presi dent and party will join ladle-* and review floral parade from president’s reviewing stand. 4p. m.—Dinner served in private dining room at Kimball to presidential party. 9 p. in:—Reception at Capital City Club. SECOND DAY. T.' L'K. PAY, DECEMBER 15TH 9 . . in.—Breakfast served in private dining room at Kimball to presidential party. 12 m. Grand parade. Presi dent and party will occupy re viewing stand, Peachtree street and Ponca de Leoti avenue. L idles of presidential party, ac companied by ladies of Jubilee committee, will occupy seats on president’s reviewing stand. 2 p. m.—President’s party and ladies of Jubilee committee will lunch at Piedmont Driving Club. £ p. m.—President will deliver i public address in 'auditorium at Piedmont park. Presidential party and ladies of Jubilee com mittee will occupy seats on stage. 4 :30 p. m.—Public reception at executive mansion. 6 p. m.—Dinner served in pri vate dining room at Kimball to ■ ladies of presidential party. 7 p. m.—Grand banquet to the president and other distinguish ed guests, at the Kimball. Bp. m.—Theaier party at Grund, tendered by the ladies of Jubilee committee to Mrs. McKinley and ladies of the presidential party, Sol Smith Russell being the attraction. 11 p. m.—Lunch at Capital City Club to ladies of presiden tial party. la. in. President and party will leave city. \V. A. Hemphill, President. T, 11. Martin, Secretary. All’s fair in love and war; fair exchange is no robbery, so j let’s swap the Philippines for I Canada.—Augu-ta He aid. Which would be neither love cr war, but folly, in that it would bring our troubles nearer home. Saturday will go down in his tory as the day when thes x-day bicycle race ended—also as the , day when the Spanish peace treaty vas signed, ' Other matters- have prevented much talk in the N» w York pa pers recently of the candidacy 1 for a Senatorshi of Chauncy i M. Depew , but there may be! significance in the fact that a banquet given by the doctor last Thursday evening was attended by twenty-three of the thirty four members of the New York State editorial Association. One New York newspaper story is that Gen Wade is to be Military Governor of Cuba, ami another that the place is Io fall to Gen. Brooke, who has al ready recommended Gen. Lee as governor for Havana, Gen. Wood for Santiago, Gen. Sny der for Puerto Principe, and Gen. Carpenter for Pinar del Rio. No one expected that the col or question would reach as far North as Canada, yet there is a theatrical manager in Montreal being sued for excluding a ne gro from the parquet of his the atre, and the suit brings out the fact that there is a law there against such discrimination. A few more days and the*‘gay and festy” law maker will turn the midnight hand of the clock baek for a few’ hours, and then the next morning catch the first train out from the City-by-the- Ki m bal 1. The farmers of Morrow coun ty, Oregon, whose wheat ripened l ite, were forced to the use of flails, as the threshers refused to handle it because the late wheat is so tough it breaks the ma chines. Ex Governor Thomas G Jones, of Alabama, who bore one of ihe flags of truce at Ap pomattox, was the orator on the unveiling of the Confederate monument at Montgomery last week. Had we been a “wicked and perverse generation no sign” would have been accorded us by the Dons; as the Don] found us to be piece makers he registered his name to the document. "..MT It is estimated that the subur ban railroads of London dis charge 900,000 persons daily on the streets. These people are fired with a desire to go some where Perhaps they call him th* “dark horse” in politics because when he enters he always makes it look black for the other fel lows. ■■■ ... ■ ■■ ' - ' • 11 " Baaut y and Power.•• rs “CesCrjS secret of a wotnna’a eV jf > J2&L power is in her complete **>£womanliness, both phys ical and mental. This T 5 * d° es n °t mean per ‘ )fcction of outline ZW< ’ BOT regularity or of features. It v y J} does not mean W *L nor ta ' cllls ** . .'' A n or acco ui - gar’wei Z> Iplishments. It * ie/ means that physical at HA~ tractiveness f HH \\ that comes / US \\ from perfect I ( ‘ bodily condi tion and the bright, happy cheerfulness of disposition which only complete health can insure. A woman with a bright eye, clear com plexion, mantling color in the cheeks and buoyant elastic step and manner has a natural attractiveness that no artifeial Agency can counterfeit . A woman who is afflicted with the morti fying misfortune of a dull, sallow, pimply complexion or that listless movement and attitude which provokes only t and revulsion in the opposite sex, ought to avail herself of the purifying, invigorating power of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, which makes a strong, healthy stomach and digestive organism . purifies the blood and imparts a natural stimulus to the ex cretory functions , insures healthy weight. Clear skin, bright eyes and the animated manner and bearing of perfect health. A lady living in West Virginia. Miss Anna Callow, of Kyger, Roane Co., writes : "It ia with. pleasure I write you after using a few bottles of Dr. Pierce’s ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ and ‘Golden Medical Discovery,' and I think them valuable medicines for female troubles and weaknesses. J could hardly go about ray work I had such inward weakness mid constant misery in the womb. It worried me so that I would give out in walking a short distance. I had a bad cough and my lungs hurt me all the time. I got very thin, my complexion was bad, •nd my eye* would get so heavy in the evening they seemed stiff in the lids. I could hardly move them. Many persons were alarmed about me. I looked so had and had such a cough , they were afraid I would go into consumption ) felt so badly every day that I had no life about me. I used only five bottles in all I shall ever •peat in praise of yout-grand medicines. They are blessings to suffering females.” Another good thing to have in the house is a vial of Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets. They cure biliousness aud constipation I mid never gripe. ( BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world i for cuts, biuiese sores, < leers, j Salt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price ‘25 cents per I ox. For salu by Cu.ry Ar ; ringtou Co. The public school fund paid to white teachers in North Car olina lust year was $451,574,and to negro teachers $227,195. The average attendance of both races I at school was 110,677 whitesand 58,548 negroes. And, as in Geor gia, the whites paid the bulk of the freight. Judging by the way the press of Georgia is howling, and by the way in which the legisla ture is slashing down expendi tures, Tennessee is not the only state where the tax-eater has proven himself an outright glutton. No community in ihe South seems to be in a right bad I wa y, except the so-called “Em pire State . ” —Chattanooga Times. ' S fir- ■ A CHRISTMAS OF FERING. of fancy, plain or black dresa goods, put up in ~ tteriyi for holiday presents, a box of fine Frencn stationary for ladies or our fine scarfs, kid gloves for men,or something that is useful, will save you making any mis take when you matte a Xmae gift. Our holiday stock is varied and well chosen. W. H. COKER. P. S.—Coming, a big lot. $5,000 00 worth ot new and up to-date clothing, bought from manufacturer at 60c on the sl. W. H. COKER 11 Broad St, FOR BAILIFF Deputy Sheriff J. M. Johnnton ainiouiices him&elt a candfChtA for the office of Bailiff of the Rame District, and asks you o vote for him on election day. I announce mysolf as a candi date for bailiff of the 919ih dis trict, Floyd county, and request the of friends and others in the election on the first Sat urday in January. Gko. W. Beauford. To my friends and the voters of the Rome district, I desire to state that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Bailiff for this district and most res pectfully solicit your support. If re-elected I pledge to do my full duty on each and every occasion in discharging the obligations of the oflice. Very Respectfully, R. 11. Copeland. I hereby announce myself for Bailiff 919th District G. AI., Floyd county, Ga. Election first Saturday’ in January, 1899. D, B. Bryan. To the voters of the 919th dis trict G. M. (Roma district) I obrehy announce myself a candi da'e for re-election to the office of ( bailiff, Election on January 7th, 1899. . M. Byars. When Alaska furnishes a vol cano hat spout- 1 r ; vei« o f r<- ' hot i pwld ' (n-n but ’<oi !1 t >n | farew el 1 1I ■■ n • >, Can< r< ss very promptly pass ed the L ili providing for the sup port of the army and navy to (July Ist, 1899. 'There is bound to be <■< nsid irably more light on the-re sou ces of the Alaska country since Mount At! in went into ■the volcano business. I 'There may he some ki< king against an increase in the army but watch the navy get all i asks for and a cirdial “keep the-change” thrown in. The man who runs a “blind tiger” and the fellow who beats his wife, should be kept on a parity, and upon conviction, Le sentenced to a lino of SI,OOO each and to 5 in the peni tentiary, f<>r ever\ < ffense. Plucky Howard G uld doesn’t have to pay $5,000,000 for a wi e, after all, but he has shown his better half that he was will ing to foot t. bill to that < xtent if necessary. Howard and his sister Ile’en, are a pair of bricks . Gov. Tanner says he will kick the officer out of doors when be 1 cornea to arrest him on the Mac conpin county indictment. And its about Tanner a size to talk that way. He sets a pretty example for the people of his state ! Senator Quay elected Gov. Stone, und new it is said that G jv. Stone is applying all the patronage of the governor’s office and all the influence «f his posi tion to secure the eh c ion of j Benatei Quay. One good turn dt-serves auoJier. Augu ia Chronicle. A Judge in Michigan has ruled thin the tender by Freder ick A. Baker of 364 silver dol lars in payment of the principal and interest of a mortgage was legal and sufficient, but the holder of the mortgage will ap peal the case to the Supreme Court. The fool who refu.-ed to' take the silver shouid be made I lose his claim. Henry lieeman and Mary Randall were inmates of the 1 ' O bourne c unity (Kan.) poor house up to a few d..ys a n (> > win n they eloped, be hind them a notice io the super intendeai that tiiev had “gene out into the gardens of hope, to sip of tin.' flowers of love ” Now Henry is bound for life an 1 Ma ry has been R email ded. Journalism m Oklahoma al ways han a hectic complexion and a high pulse. For instance, Ihe Kay County Sun in scoring a political turncoat says : “Had we vitriol for ink,a sword for a pen and the fires of hades for brains we could not do jus tice to an Arnold who has fum ed traitor to his benefactor. Let his political ashes rest in peace, but let no decent man look him in the face!” Let the long-horn i bull in the above paragraph be turned over to the Havana au thorities and when it is slain in the arena, let its flesh be served to Blanco’s departing miguions < n a farewell ’possum supper. J Grandpa (finishing the story)—And, so, poor, dear little Ahi 1 went to heaven, and naugh ty Cain was sent to hell. The Listener (Mter a pause) Cain—he must have hud a hot uld time all aloqe in hell with' the d«vil.—Life HO'WTHIJ? VVe offer One B uildml fnr '•• H’h that cannot be p Ul( ,j > Hall’s Catarrh Ou le . ly F. J. UuE. KV<V p. o T()] We, the undersjgned h . v ‘ known F. J. Cheney forth. J lo years, and believe him financially able to carry o ut \ J obligation made by their «r ln West & Truax, Wholesale D ri . gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Rinnan & Mhrtin \\ holesale Druggists, T ( .| ((lo J . bill’s Catarrh Cure is internally, acung directly urx.n the blood and mucous suifacft of the system. Testimonials se Qt freo. Price 75c per bottle, by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pil] s a , est b ’ Goke 2hep per than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heatingand cooking purp jses. N o smoke or soot. C ean and economical. For particulars see BOMxl Gs CO tMiIJSIDIIII tlilli ATTORNEYS, J. ERANH AM, , OH c. 200, East Fintreet st. | CHAS W. UNDER yVOOD Artorney at Law, Rom,' I Croporaion Law Onlyr I ■W. J. NEEL I Attorney at law Will practice in allocuufl Special attention glveu to eonitnercial and the examination < f laud titles. ■ OUICe 111 Klug building. Rome, ila. fl '‘yVAXaTHfR, fl Attorney at law and J. P, Office ov.rf.jM Kane & Co.’a. LIL’SCOMB dr WILLI NG HA.\fl CoiHiuercial Lawyeto. fl i (IfHoe in Armstrong hotel building, Romt, MRS LTT3A.N KIS, ] Atterney at law. tiHlceKing Building, fl Rome, i a. fl W H.Ei-TNIS, fl Attorney a Law Will Practice In all Office, Masonic Tom/ile, Rome, Ga. fl J SAKTTA. CK.VZI*’ D I•» ■ Attorney at law, R .u<-, Ga. Colic tl»u specialty. M Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES M RIGHT. HARPER HAMILfoM WRIGHT & HAMILTON .Attorneys at Law. ■ Office: No. 14 Postofiice buiidioß CHARLES E. DAVIS ■ ATT< him: Y AT ' aw- M (': 11< ctiei. a special G • V. ill FO' 1 •' 1 in ' r r. t-1. IH W bevDic T< id] le n» ix, n g - • i.i ■ ■ ” ** - DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D.D.5.J o:r< e UH l-2 Broad. » Over J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S ,M • . KNTIST- i ? Broad street. Over Hanln 1 niture Co. PHYSICIANS. fl O HC-KMILa TO N. M D- K Physician and Surgeon Office, ■ . Building itoin-, Ga. O co ’pU..oe N °' L, x J YIxYMMOISrLL M Physician and Surgeon, Office In building. Keaidence, No. est Fk- Cft, ’pho No 6 TONSGR/L PAjvLGffl LEWIS BARRETT. fl The Old Reliable. ’• operating the hotel Barber Shop, Invites you to giv« i rial, and proim <es to do the rest. OnlJ • men employed on the chairs. HU WELL C. TAYLOR, H Himself a skilled barber, employ’ " 'j n fl very best artists in his tonsoral s' lll ' curry Building, opposite the Arms 1 M you are made comfortable while p u Hg being done. IS PASTEUR FILTER® The cnl G “'l Proof Filter in world. Mpkes w a ‘l pure and cle r J sale by.The Harj® SupplvCo