The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 12, 1898, Image 5

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('/- : ... :. ==“S EVERYTHING AT COST FOR CASH! WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE CB-OTI-lirtlCS BUSIftIES! ANO WILL SELL DUR ENTIRE; STOCK AT CORTI ' -- «d « -~«<WSPIBSr AND WHEN WE SAY COST THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE MEAN? THIS SALE Includes All Our CLOTH IL’CT-, iOODSarid HTA« <J AG AMMON & DO. k —J FOORS DREYFUS Narked Dianes in French- Pilblit Opinion. I 7 OeKIGIMJ EL9W \ 1? ft t 'y Patty Was the De-? cisj jn Fur a Stay. Paris Dec. 12. —Th<? de- veldpments in the Dreytv affair all tend in favor of. Dreytiis, ai.d public opinionjn Franca s un doubt dly vering Io his ?ide. The derision of the court of cm- ' sation, which postpones the Pio I vjuart courtmartial indefinitely, is a dam *gii g blow to the military party, and the attempt to discredit his evidence has f tided. A violent anti-ievision organ shrieks against the dvision ns a judic al coup' d’etat, But its geceral reception in 1‘ liew is favorable. Great ef forts are being made 'o Btcuro; Picquart’s provisional r lease, but the court, of cassation has n > pow er t > ord< r it. The de I’Hamme nblishes the nov-’i proposal t> io.ce the government to obtain Picquait’s j relent , suggesting a strike «f all oi the intellectual professions— | teachers ref using ta teach, tnose’ who ,rv ■ Meers of the reserve and territorial ui my (tending in their resignations and artists and man j ufadurers who are preparing for. the exhibition oi 1900 withdraw ing. In the meanwhile Picqaart re*' mains in theCherche Midi prison a dis fairly eomfurtablo, He oc cupies a largo first floor room over looking the street, mid is allowed to write and receive any letters. I He buys his own food at a restau-l rant, and th»\ prison r has just had a windfall in the shape of a egacy fiom an uncle, a banker, amounting to thousands of pounds sterling. There is some serious ' talk of running him as a candi date f.r the senate at the next election for 'he Seine, I his is in itself an indication of the Paris 'feeling. i * i BROKE WORLD’S RECORD. i jW. H Patton Postal Clerk on Southern, Chattanooga. Tenn , Dec. 12. W H. Patton, a postal roue agent on the Chattanooga end Rome division of the Southern railway, broke the record Satur day in an examination for a pro motion. He handled 10,815 cards, dis tributing them to postoffices in Georgia, Alabamn, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and Missis sippi, in five hours and tw nty seveti mmutes, with only nineteen frrois. His percentage was 99 89 out of ' rt i oesible 100. Chief Clerk Welch j gays that this beats the world’s • record, and is the best ever mud ' J IU an examination, either in the i United btates or England. CAN DO LITTLE HARM i * sy ,vesta' Soovel Restore To Favor. : Washington. D c 12-Sylvestm fScovel newspaper correspondent 'who was exclude from all naval ’ships and yards wd army r-serva j tl ous and posts by formal order, I has been restored to favor. Ssore , tarv Long today r-vok»d the or der of May 17 concerning vessels I and ft similar order will issue from the war dypartment Go to the Racket Store, in the 0 D Wood old stand, and se cure holiday goeds atyourewn | prices. ROMANS — ——— HrsJ.B. Mason,Of Bam- nah The Hostess of— GftPT. STKWfIRTS BOYS Riyal Feast Spread For The [ Georgians Saturday. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 12 he ladies of Savannah treu <d the boys of the Third Georgia regi ment to a bount'.>ouß repast Sat urday. In spite of the freezing and very inclement weather they vent into the work heart and soul the Third Georgia men were kept warm lor u while at least and had aii they could eat. The Auguta company f was fed at the Catholic library bbl, com pany L, with Capt. C. E 1; ■ belt ot Perry, assembled at th Guare s’ armory,company D, Cap . Stowmi went to ihe home of Mr J B Johnson, company M. Ct pt L. F. Garrard, Jr,, of Columbu-, was t the home ot Captain an i Mrs J. H Johnstone, and company K. Capt. Henry Kolshorn, X .vai nah, was entertained at the V r<t regi meu'al armory. Iheother compan ies were looked after in h»' camp on Dile avenue and m oy Savan nah ladles went ' out. gethcr the boys had the beet d y ti:-y have known since their -r *1 in Savannah Col. Berner has information fom Washington that the regi ment will be sent to Neuvitas, with Gen. Carpenter's brigade as | firrt ordered. Headache W Jet Mlles* Pain Pills. Uonthlv F»lns cured by Dr- Mites' Pain ,i cAsrUs, W A.RX THE WEST. TG ARKANSAS . TEXAS. I Schedule in Effect Oct. 4th, 1828. NORTHBOUND. No. 2 ‘ No. 4 N 0.70 N 0.72 Lv A lantft. . 81' 30nrr 4 50pm rSOnia Ar Marietta.. W V ».n S lupin 54joim U26pu “ Borne 11 2ttem 746 pm “ Dalion 11 41am 11 41pm 81(>pm “ Chafnooga 1 (bpm 1 OOam 93upm “ Nashville . 8 65pm 8 40am “ Memphis .. 7i> ai.i 4 33pm Lt Nashvili- I 730 pm. 7 aism A r I .noif. ,17 PSr n' 7 'C’nm . Ev .■mrl.'ie i ilpni: i .Mimi i Ar Chicago ■ HOsanv 880prn _| Lt Nashville . 7 M>m 720 am Ar Louisville. 2 8 lam I*2 25-on e Cincinnati. 7 05am‘ 4 (Kipm Train No. 2carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville. Fla., Atlanta a id Nashville, con senting with vestibule train for Chicago. Train No. 4< arile», Pullman Sleeper Augusta and Atlanta to Nashville and St. Louie through without chaniro. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to Chattanooga, passzugors remain in car until 7 o’clock a m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta t» Knoxville via A. K. & N. Ry. Train No. 70 connects a' Boyoe wi'h Q . 4b C. for Cincinnati. This train carries threugt eom’h Atlanta to Rome. To the South and East. SOUTHBOUND. | No. 1 | No. 3 | N 0.91 N 0.73 tv Nsbiville 9 Warn lu'.Upm, “ Cl at noupi *;>spin 3 20am 655 am “ Daiton 4 11pm 4 Ztum 7 I'am Rome 4 26pm . . ' 746 am ... “ Mar;etta . tlh.prn 6 47>am # 45ain T Csrm Ar Atlanta 7 opm ■ uraWiam BOGam Lv Atlanta ■ 7 frJpm 7 4 05pm Ar Macon... 11 lopnrll loam JAlpm “ Tifton. I 2 60am 3 05pm “ Jaek'nville S 4,uain‘lU>>m T7 a lanta ... 7 vom sam, 4U»pmi I Ar Mimon . 11 l,.pm 11 ham' 730 pm “ Albany....l! 827pmll()6pm “ Thm’svllle I 6 30pm; “ fiavannah . Hoi«m POOpim tv Atlanta . 7 soti:n 3 10pm Ar Angvs a... 5 1 »m 120 pm 8 26pm Ar Charles on 11 Ovam 800pmj “ Columbia .10 55am lu lupin Lv Atlanta, i 7 s;r>n; 12 'JOm il2 00m I I Ar AJ-.ens 1021 pm; 2 l>)ptn 2 iflpin “ Richmond. 6 16pm. 7 i.'am 7 15»m “ V asb gto 'lO liOpmpl 31am 11 81am " New York. 65.i.m. 5 2.5 pm 62,.->m . .. Train No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Naeh- Title, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville. Fla. Ti ain No. Scarries Pullman Sleeper St Louis •o Augusta without change Pullman Sleejier (Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passengers Chattanooga 9 o'clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper ; Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. A N. By. Per ftsrther information write to | H. F BMITH, C. E. HARMAN, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pana. Agt. Rf ri' 1 LE ) df and for a jwlly good time with family or friends, there is noth in" like an often surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies,ti aps, cart#, wag onettes, canopy top, t r open sur rey* xre lipht e :sy, comfortu bl and beiu’i.u) in constiuo tiou, trimming?, and finish. We Iso repair an It v rhaul vehicles; *»1..0 carry lu big line of fin | harness and lap rebes, Rome Buggy Co, 8509 511 Broac| street,Rftme f a. Fattfi im.dWilliams, A «nt». TERREL speed Warier’s MA I CH LESS “T WOFERS” w«ar| the brand of TERRELL SPEED, the renowned! “Coon Skin’’ Staiesman of Floyd. The sa’e| of this brand has be?n unprecedented. But then Thomas Warters never put «| orry cigar on thj market- He is too enter! oHsing and to d hon 3 st. Every cigar is ex act I iy what si cl J med for its brand, and the War I ters cigars -are aoso' utel/ the best on the mar-ii ket. FO -i SALE BY ALL DEALERS.j* /r ■ I // V/'/ CATzIAkHC | ■' itpatjon I Me II Jfe ask .tjrursrrrs ’ I ■ -- 1 j. y.g«» L’VEFtf, SALE AND FEED STABLES,] I Offers the public th* fi mt tevxn, b*to'j cv | nuces aud most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of horws and mules cu sale cc*' Hantly.g 7 ■ * ■ ■ 7 ■ . -7 ■ • ■ ....b