The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 16, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH YEAR ■ T HRgK GEICTLB 1 1| | larrlage Wlut’i was Smasled SHIfTER END LAWTON —* " _ 1 A „d U«n»r*l F*nnlngt »n Have a “Narrow” Eacaito. It * >ta D’C. IB. — >r Gen* <ra l Sbtitrr and G»u«ral Lawtou ware the principal figun-8 in a gtreet car accident yptrter.lav after dood »lt pr lhe eIoBA l>f ‘h* eXHr ' o ij #s atthH auditorium that camo upsr resulting aerious'y for b&- h of lb-* distingnished guesta of the city. Tbt? cs’i’iage containing Goner H Shafter, G nora 1 . Law ton and Gen eral Pennington, of the depart* ■ent of ’he gulf, <aa being driven t« the city at the close of the pro gramme at t * andPorinm, and reaching Lir.d-m stre-st, where a esr track connects th» Pa tree ii d West P'ftchtree lines <f tie Conaol.dated, the driver attempted t>pass between the c ri.. r of the itrei-t and a car turning the curve to leave ’he main Peachtree track As a result of the carelessness of the driver, he carriage c.tngh* a telephone post and the car and (he oody of the carriage, hi well as the rear wheels, was lorn ti Di**ce». None of the occupants of the vehicle were injured in any way, although it was a very oarro* ist c»pe tor Gen ‘ r si Shafter and bi“ twocoinpnn o s T n thr e g-r erah took th«* nretTWity ami mad-no »-11 rt'oget c. ar of thv wreck. General L**tou fimlly »ngg«Bt fd that it wcu'.d be just as well to |et out, since ’he csiri.ige would be of no further use. The doors es the carriage were both closed, ene by the car and the other by th« large telep )ne post, and jump ing out of the rear of the s ra'.ter k! carriage, General Lawton and General Pennington asoiated Gen eral Shafter to alight. A carriage was provided for the party of j< nerals at once, and the te» driver was given instruetions t" ju *1 w nronnd the corners. 1 '.■■-a lf,S“ain had aiciptcd the tss friendly offices of the lait«d Seat eg before the war it Could ha»e secured several hun dred millions for Cuba and saved •hs Philippines and Porto Rico. i ■■ in i i»n t . . . ■ LLJT ne excellence of syrup of figs •due mH only to the originality and •®plicity of the combination, but also ‘•the care and skill with which it is •*«ufactured by scientific processed Bown to the California Fig BvriZ **■ only, and we wish to impress upon *7 the importance of purchasing the °® and original remedy. As the •■nuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured •y the California Fig Syrup Co. * - Y> a knowledge of that fact will **‘»t one in avoiding the worthless •‘‘Htions manufactured by other par **• lhe high standing of the Cali r** SIA Fig Syrup Co. with the medi *•* profession, and the satisfaction *"ieh the genuine Syrup of Figs has ?’*” to millions of families, makes "J* name of the Company a guaranty t t,l “’°Ac« l l ‘. of ihsiemtdy. It is "“’ in advance f all other laxatives, r*’t seta on the kidneys. liver . C W * 1 ’ without irritating or weaken • C them, and it does not gripe nor *"***at<>. In order to get its beneficial please remember the name of '*• Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S *N ' RANOISCG. Oak. i'OJML 4.K> THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL HOME GEORGIA. FRIDAY EVBNIHG. DLC MRIF 16, 1398. FIERCEFORBCrJKS I CiptOrf: a Village Ail Inidlge i in Htroeiifrs. CIISTIBLES BU fEHRRED —■———«• I I And Women And '.hj|dr«»n Ta kbii Captiva. San Francisco, Dec. 16 —Tar rible atrocities are reported fretn Formosa Two hundred rebels recently attacked a village, sur prising the people and looting the place. They burned thirty seven houses. A Japanese police inspector and six constables perished in repelling the attf®k. One co:- stable was captured alive. The insurgents fastened on his back the bloody heads of his companions and drove him be fore them into the woods. Rein forcements were sent to the vil lage, where this mutilated bodies of the victims were found. One countable; who escaped, killed his own wife and child with his sword to prevent them from be coming captivrs.' He was then killed by the savages. There is much disquietude among the inhabiiunts of Han kow sines the recent fire, in which 3,000 people lost their lives. Several smaller fires have • - 4* , t . ‘ occurred since; all believed .to b > t ie work of iMceudi.*ries. I he Sh-nghei ii-.ily Press a -.ya five Chinese were caught in the act of igniting as many dwellings They were thrown into the flames and burned alive. •smbt-t*—: 11 .ms* O NE KILLED Shootinc Affray Between Sou* •ins In Pulaski Ceu»ty. Hawkineville, Ga. ( D o 16 —A serious shooting affray occurred about ten miles south of here last eyenit gin which oie man w s killed and another sencusly if not fatally wounded. John Joiner and “Bose’’ Turner, who are cousins, went to a party in their neighborhood and on their way heme bad a misunderstanding about something. Both were armed and began shwoting at each otter.and 1 urner was shot through the ab domen and is not expected te live. Joiner was shot through the heart and instantly kill* d. What the cause of the tr üble was or who was in fault is not known here. Both boys buing o> good families and are. related to best people here. Joiner was twen ty-two years old. while Turner is twnutv*o WM. LEWIS SCHLEY DEAD. Baltimore, Dec. 16. —Colonel William Lewis Schley, veteran ot the Mexican and civil wars, died at his home here today ol Bright’s disease. He was born in Frederick City seventy five years ago and was a first cousin oi Rear Admits! Schlay. He organised the Fifth regiment Maryland national guards. Since the war he had prac ticed law. He was a mlsician •nd p“et of considerable ability. TMCWII A COLD IM OM® DAT I Take J-««»iv» Br«» Tebl' AU the ha i»y if it f*il» Mt? - j •*» L B % »* • »eh tcAbie*. VILLAGE SHIP'S Kidnapped by Sdllivs win Yknahite Btll Th3Hi unless nmYmso'-? I ■ ■ I Are Paid at O' «• Pnl „ 1 I N*ws From V .. j Vies uh, Dec. 16 —A i Arnsuts ia aid Bervi< have cu>> Tied off from the vill.p-* Ist hree village bell»-B. ThtAm.'U’F 'hr aten to sell the g.rls aoros« th' frontier unless ransomed t r 25 * 000 grotc'iens. The par n's hv* been ab e only to raise 4< OO by selling their al l , and the villager* are contributing. Today's Hungarian orpsrs <f ths National party declare nnam tnously that the united opposition has no more sacred duty than tb> continuance of the campaign o\ adoption of means far Jioc- etrin* genl and anniailaling than here* tofore. Tue people’s organ, the Alkot many, publishes a maniftst< chargin g the electors tc turn th present crisis t« by a tot . ’ • miailatsou of the Liberal paHv' and Liberalism in Hungary. ■ IHL3- 1 ■!! 1 —Mt *. lIRACU OUSCUBF . OF ASM The statement p üblieh'd H low confirms thr elaim of' Dr 1 Schiffmann that he has now discovered an absolute remmh for Asthma, a disease which has her»tof®ie battled the skill of th* moet noted physicians. Mrs. Mary Zaehery, Phi sanl Hill, La., says: “I have Lund your Asthma Cure a permanent Cure for Asthma, for which I used it 7 years ago. I have nev er had the slightest return of the tr-üble since. I have al o found your remedy excellent in Bronchial affections. I shall ev er have a feeling of gratitude for the benefits derived frem your Cure. Packagea of Sehiffmann’s Asthma Cure may be obtained of all druggists at 50 cents and SI.OO per package or by writing to Dr. R. Schiffmann, Box 804 St. Paul Minn. M’KINLEY PLEASES GOADON Approve The President’s At lanta Speech Fully Richmond Ind., Dt>c 16.—G»-n. Jehn B. Gordon, of Georgia, who lectured here last night, said in ait interview concerning Preeid*fit MfeKiuley’s speech at Atlanta. M I have read the speech will much interest and "as grmtly de lighted. It was probably <* <iirpris‘< to eome of our people, but it was not so to me. 1 have known President McKinley for a great many years and have had the pro foundest respect for him ss a none . and a patriot. This Atlanta speech] is in entire keep ng with what I] bav« known to be bis liberal im-i pulses toward the south fora nutn-l her of years Tie a very broad \ man as well as a capable m e ” ! ;UCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biuicee sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, . Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, ~ and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or" money refunded. Price 25 I per box. For salu by Cu- ry Ar rington Co. > IWjW ■ r’liiTYtr noi T [Tf f I Wil rJ ■ J ...lljj | ON lISSDAT r Everyday and evening till Christmas [ we will have the greatest display ef;*. ■ all New Holiday goods ever shown | I in Rome. We are the only house in | Rome sending a buyer to the mar- | kets for Holiday goods only, and t therefore, have the greatest display ! of new and beautiful goods, especial- | ly for heliday trade. | New Dolls, New Toys, Doll Car- I rlages, Wagons, Go Carts, Engines, I g Fire Wagons, Hook and Ladder Truck | with horses and drivers, Herns, | Masques, Books, Games and ten thousand things to make your gift* giving easy. Come to the show and bring the little ones with you. | The second floor of our Broad Street Store one \Great Exhibiton/ of all New Toys and Dolls, not a lot of | old out-of-date, fall-to-pieces. cheap | toys of by-; one years—but the very . best to be had in the great cityjof New York, and /they are new and ' priced (Jown. BESIDE TOYS AND DOLLS WE HAVE NEW GLOVES NEW CAPS < Fost’s Kid in the Ju«t received and bast black and colors, Priced down to sail, a and pi ices d iwn at great lot of the ve.y Fir ß » f bottom- | newest and bests jn- | - HANDKERCHIEFS 1 fants’headwear. You | tee in all thp dainty, snowy should see 'them be- | J seal op and embroid- fore they Bare picked X 7 A \.'iec! edges, from thei c»to iO to the fine one>.\ ovei • Will AND SONS I IO CENTS PER WELK