The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 16, 1898, Image 3

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II iffljßm iiw<Wi^ iwtiOTto EVERYTHING AT a.a .. : ' I WE ARE GOING OUT OF THE . OL.OT frf im<s bvs sv ,-j. : -sx AND WILL SELL DUR ENTIRE STOCK <HP f v F!Q r T 1 V JR. Jff BIktIB -JBL ®a L--.a .. s U —— .•'. - ® ® « - AND WHEN WE SAY COST V T IS EXACTLY WHAT WE MEANi I THIS SALE. Ineltides All Our CE< )THINGi FURNISHING s'' r ( )OIJS ;ii]d HAT A JO J _A : : J ■i" >X<’ ;S Winter it i e jok® for th® fi r e* 1» s. t if. citss Sind the over -80 1 icetnon nalos it, th- c«' Mi loves it und. th fin plug ii» ;> > Ito it. Still it is the Bea s'i' ■ Glaus and, cold thing nt,:, wainn? many a ua tuit acts of charity- 000 Patt i replied to an eminent En g'ish u.uric un who cc niphinented her on her engagement to Baron Ktdeslmm: “Yea, I now look for-, ward c being happy for the firit t me in my lih,” coo Miss Pau !ie Aster, the only daughter of William Waldorf As tor, is report, d to be e-ng&ged tc marry the veung Duke ot Box hurghe. Mias Astor >6 19 vears old. 000 Miss Helen ©ould is now receiv ing about thne hundred letters a day. Many t .f them, as & re-ult of b»r videly advertised generosity, are begging otters and many, as shown by 1. ,r postmaiks or m some other way, are from soldi rs who have benefited from her bounty. 000 lhe wid .w of Demetrius Callios Bay, whose first husband was P T. IBaruuc®, is n ported to be engaged to marry a French nobleman . She whs rnadr w althy bi the death of Mr Bainu 1 in 1891, Her second husba; d, a rich Greek, whom she *et in Egypt, died in 1896, Mr?, Callios is 4 year* old, accom plished and till beautiful. 000 The Czar of Russia has given bis sanction to the scheme of Ba- Ton Horace Ginsburg, the great Jewish banker, of St- Petersburg, for a settlement of Jewish agricul turists on 10,000 acres of the Ba roti’s i-stat® in Bessarabia. The settlers will be restricted to agri culture and sueh stores and •om m-rc'ai establishm nts as may b< needed will be operated by Gea tiles, Baron Gunsburg hopes by hie Ixp riment 10 disprove the! idea prevalent in Russia that the Jiwsarn in hiical to egrionhure and wil 1 only engage in trad* and financial operations. 000 Senator Morrill, though he has hud M A. and LL. D. digreeej conferred up m him trom the uni- | versifies of Psiuisyl vania and \ er- j tnon' 8} ent all his early life on his I father’s farm, and was only at the roadside country I schools. 000 ) If local chironiclers in the two. places are to be believed, the sti eetnf of New Yoik are in such a t-»rribl»j fix that the man wbo has the iiarv® t® ci css cue of them is looked up. < n as a hsro. Those of Chicago i» Annual Sale® over 6.0047*000 Eoxaa tGR BILIOUS AND MEBVQUS DI"OH®E«.S 31i ch as Win I and Pain in the Stomavh. it Fulness lifter Heutl ii'q DizzinnHs, BrowsirrasA > lushings ,1 1%-it. of A.ipemij. Cos , Blot lies on t* lo Sk ’f. _C' ’l«t Chilis, Di . I,'rhed Sleep. Frightful Breamsand nil Kprvous and Trembling Sensations, THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF [W TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffers •vill i.ekiiuwledge tie in to le A W3NOERFUL MEDICINE. ’ UF.HCHIM’S PILI ’.token os direct . ] w ill quickly r-s’ero Female® to eom- Y". health. They promptly remove >-.lrtictioi. 1 or iiTM'Ul.'irilie* of the sya ■ l,i no-1 cure Mck iUadad*®- Fora V eak Stomach Impaired Digestion i Disordered Liver : IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN * Paecham’s Fills are , Without -a Rival ; And hnvc the | 1 arc.est sale • .fa.iy Med!, ine i« me World.- , 25c. at aft Brug Steres; ~1 the downtown district are a condition that the man who at tempts to navigate one of them, without a life preserver on, ; j re garded as a maniac or a« in >» tid ing suicide. 000 A correspondent sonde The L m- , ' don Chronicle the follow ing nj*. qtv certificate givGi by a Wei h cbrnn !er on the dea'h of a woina>: “<• ; ' into the Glatnorgan?h re Oat al, wberebjr she died and being .f iri ' round mind did kill 1,4 I his in the opinion of the Bnfliilo Commercial is nearly as go >d as j the verdict once rendered by an [old time -jcoroner wb • mid j thathis ‘’‘subject” died ‘‘ii'jml intern) perancH, chronic astli.ia. and the visitat on of God.’ 000 Minna Liebenburg, of MTwau !kes, has brought suit ag.inst Adolph Liebenburg for the dt-so lution of what were to the pair simply the bonds of an ei gge ment Both are Hewbreww, and last August, to bind their epg 'j'e raent they were married by a Jus ’tice of the Peace as a prelimi ary lo orthodox. Th® young woman later changed her mind and has since refused to marry her Husband according to the rites of the IL brew faith. She now sues fir u divorce and her husband isfiyht in g the ca so . _ _ --w ■!» 1 — YuO Don’t Want Ice.— jScw attire supplies this want, but ,e have something you do need and want, and that is the best grate cual on earth. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery,ou Second Av> , and can supply you with the Monte veila, Wooldrige Joltco Coal. I Promptly deliver'd. Try a ton i jof our choice Jolico Lump and] our word for i. , you will be; i pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone IbO. | Yards Secopd Ave. • - 1 X .. l RJIM 0 THE WEST. TGARKANSAS 0 TEXAS. I Schedule in Elect Oct. 4th, ISJB. ■ “ I ' ~ I MOR. HDOWD. No. 2 [ No. 4 N 0.70 ,No 72 Lv xflnntu. ~7 8 1 r n-ni S-SOinn 4 M*ptri sSlftpn ' Ar Us latte., ft'.'a-nl M 16j»i:i 54'|»ni 8 •• Rama .. .11 2ia.-n| 745 pm .. ; “ D'ii<on. 11 4l*>i;'!l 41pm 81Cpm Cl-• nooga 1 <Vpni' 100 am 935 pm I ** Nashville . 8 55pm' (’> 4Jant •' --..iphis .. 73 am 4 rm Lv I tn|................ Ar St I j 720 a-o 7r'*’v»ii . Cv -,i ru.t: .| i -".in.. .■. . .•<l. | Ar Oliicny>. I Wli.’am .| Lv Nashville .1 7.7;pm, 7 'l.-iaii' Ar Louisville J 23 am l 2 Jjpm! ,** Qinefa»ati.| VOSami 4o..;mi| Train No. 2carries Pullmaii Sleeper between Jacksonville, Fla.. Atlanta ami Na-,hvilla,oua ■o:iinv with vestibule .-mu tor Chicago. Train No. 4 carries, Puaman Sleeper. kuguat« ana Ai'anta to Nash . ilie and H. Ijr.iis through witho-.i' change. Pullmai S.l'-eper A anta tc oga, pass zaire s remain in car until 7 o’clock a m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta 14 Kno.» vil:e via A. K. & N. Ry. Train N0.,70 coni.e :s a: Boyce with Q. AO. for Ciminnati. This train carries through eoach Atlanta to Rome. To the South and East. ®ovthhou:.t>. | No. I j No. 3 | N 0.91 No. 73 Lv Nnshville 9 10am 10 topm. , “ Chat’nooga 2 jopm 3 5 5.7 am La .t ->n 411 pm 42 am 71 nm Rome 4 25pm 745 am “ Xarietta . ti4sam 9 4uain| T OBam Ar A tla. '.i i .r'am 8(»am Lv Atlanta TTTfiSpm 7 ikiani: 4ufipjni Ar Macon.... ,11 Kami 11 10am 7ZU;>m “ Tition. ; 2 ?,oam 305 pm.! I “ Jo 'k'nyißej. 8 4.'j>in|lo2snm| |........ Lv Atlanta...' 750pni| 7fi>'-am. 4Us;nn Ar Macon . . . Ul3piu 11 lOam 7 Alpm “ Albany 32,0 m 1106 pm “ Tbm'aville Savannah. fiOtain fUijom £T.vlanta . 11 Morn 750 am :i Hrmi Ar Augusta... 5 I'am 1 pm 8 25pm Ar <'h*r e- on 111 tm 8 00; tn “ Columbia .10 55am 10 lopml Lv Atlanta i 7>m 12oOm 112 00m Ar A • ■<•.•,<» 1021 pm 2 l' , pn-., 210 pm EichmoniL 6 15pm 7 15amI 715 am “ V. n».iLt ilO .'Ormrll 31am 11 51am ** N« Vo k. 5 am 5 Ifopml eßßpm ...... Train No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash ville. Chattanooga and. Atlanta to Jackson- I ville, Fla. T; ain No. 3carries Pullman Sleeper St Louis 1 40 Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper (Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passenger* Chattanooga 9 o’clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper ; Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. & N. Ry. For i further information write to j H. F. SMITH, O. E. HARMAN, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pasa. Agt. -jjli — - : .iip >-L -*'7 w'-'C'L- - .3 ’■ ■ , i<r SCLE AND CO4 TO R f »nd for a jslly good time with fair.ily.or friends, there is noth i«'f like an open auriy for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bout®, bug ci?®,tiaps, carts, wap «nettes, cam py top, < r opt n sur rey®; >re lipi t e sy, comfoitft >li and br*..L .1 in •couidiKe i.ion, trimming-; and finish. We ■ » J V • • ••• ■ • »., -■* - - -------- . . also rapair an 1• v- rhaul vehicles; alr.o carry a big line of fin harness and lap rcb; s. Rome Bu««y Co, 5509 fil l ftread street,Rome Ga. Sattfi ; iei.e & V\ jj liams, At ®ntß. --- - I 1 . ■ ■■.' 'gg. 1 * ■ y*? r? : : LMfflUtL tereel speed Warier’s MA f CHLEt?,S t “T WOFERS” W.»ar the brand of TERRELL SPEED, the reno wned ‘‘Coon Skin’’Statesman of Floych The safe of this brand has be&n unprecedented. But then Thomat Wartors never put a Forry cigar on tha market- He is too prising and too honeV. fc.Very cigar is exact ly what si cl limed for ifs ora ad, and Fie WAr ters cigars are ateotutel; the bdyrton the mar ket. FO i SALE BY AL L__DEALJBRS4 w«wwv r. mm.- XTRR-* M w 11—m 1» I /r CATHA-vnc ■ iiistn W . STffATKHI Kk 2*c 50c —u. afy.’G >; •'» 4 - - if Aw~ jx-r-zAt-f •; ;r--- ——r — m.• . -.—w- w'JJ iwm • L'VER r, SALE AND FEED STABLES! Offers the public tha'fimt ts i n-f, biic> ev ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of horues and mules ou sale co.' -i ' ‘ ■X • I.’ YfM L I \ _L 'z-.c- J