The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 16, 1898, Image 4

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Knifing EverytliinG- J SPECIALS FOR THE NEXT TEN DAjV <3 f/V GENTLEMEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MACKINTOSHES: All new J..' I I 1 Styles and to be sold for LESS than COST FOR CASHI ( I LL J® : ■ ■ I >; t| . ZS Just received a Sample Lot of Mens’and Boys’ l ine Over Coats and all of them are good and most desirable styles. We will sell the lot at ° ne j regular prices. ~ CAPES ANO JACKETS- | ’ Sample Lot of Jackets and Capes in all the Latest ?» STYLES -A-ZN-JD COLORS! . These Beautiful Goods just received and the entire lot ■ •' J TW Will be sold 33 1-3 per cent less than eriginal test to manufacture. Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Glover, Corsets, Hosiery and all kinds of notions, you can always find here at the very lowest pricer, and very best qualities. Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool and'eotton, you will find butt ®2HlF •re at prices much lower than any other house in Georgia, and you will get the v*ry best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. i' ” rYn Stetson Hats «.» Xi * *4 * * Have fn Them Yes, there^re!brains in Stetson Mats— brains"iri making them and brains in wearing them. New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft Wats en sale; .-it’s a wise bead thet wears a Stetson Hat. GKN. IM FREE —■ . I The Senaicsfi’isoiiltioß sau-. cd The Ites ■' PRISONER AT BARCELBNA “ —— He V/as Liberated And Now In .... t - New York. NewjYork Dec, 15. —General Rivera, the Cuban ‘Genera! rs coolly liberated by the Spanish Govs rnmeut from prison, wae a pasae.igwr by the -steamer La Champagne troth* Havre which nr- ' rived here yesterday. General Rivera beard at Quaran tine of the death of General Gar eia and was deeply grieved at the] nows. Rivera had a strong regard j for General Garcia, but had r.otj met him for IS years. Gan. Rivera was greeted by his! wife, General Tomas Estrada Pal*' 1 ma and a few other well known j Cubans. sii Ce his liberation from! life imprisonment General Rivsrai baa part y recover, d his health- ; The resolution pasg -d by the ■'i United States Senate,” said Gen. i Rivera, “scoh after my capture) in Cuba in March, 1897 surely i ( saved ni" from b ing c. ui t-rnar-' tailed and shot. As it was 1 was | Dever tried at all, but iurecretli was ordered to be imprisoned for j' life in Spanish a fortress. While] 1 in the hancs of the ennny some- ' times I was treated well ai d at 1 others pretty badly. < £Four days after my release I I I HATS! W’ecairy by far the latest and best lint ;0i 2lj.ts in Rome, and pwe can sell them at ( than other hous es pay for them. By aj] means come and see them. was forced tQ remain in hieing to e-cape the violence of the popu lace of Barcelona. The Spanish people were wild at the outcome of the war, and threads were made that 1 should not get out of the sountry with life, I succeeded in getting to Paris and here I am, improving in health day by dry. “In the Spanish hospitals the doctors did their best to kill me. At the Hospital Ignacio they oper ated on me for an abscess of the iver, and instead of being in a ward at the time I was kept i» a madman’s cell After the opera tion peritonitis set in, but 1 also got safe'y over that. “When as a 1 fe prisoner I ar rived at Barcelona on December 31, 1897, my hands were chained HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hanuabal, Mo., lataly had a wonderful deliverance from a frightfu l death. In tel ling of it tie aays: “I was ta ken with typhoid fever that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs be eaine hardened. I was «o weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. 1 expected to »oon die of coneuni ption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Dis covery. Ona bottle gave great relief. I eontinued to use it,and now am well and strong. I can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvelous medi cine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular siz es 50 cents and 11.00. Trial bot tles free at Curry-Arrington Co’s drug store ; every bottlej guarj an teed. J CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. Knee pant* 15c Child’* suit* 65* $2.00“ “ SI.OO *3 00“ “ $1.50 *4.50“ “ $225 Poya ss.ooßu' " 87.50 “ $3.75 “ $K .00 “ $5.00 J- KUTTrWER before me.,and I was not. alhw-d to wear n»v < übai> u if rm. The] Spaniards wan ed to maks a great exhibition of me. and they suc ceeded. Manacled as I was, they / I led me through the principal streets of Ike town, surrounded by a large detachment es soldiers, po lice and Pecret service men. It . was a gala day in Barcelona, be- 1 I cause they were unveiling a monu ment to tke great Ooioa. M V arri val was a sort of a sideshow. I wa« j inarched past the new mo uinent and the crowd, strange to sty, did nut hoot at me, Passing the Col umbus statue I remarked to my ! guardian: - ‘lf your countrymen brought the discoverer of the Western Continent home in chains, what can I txpect from th m?’ “When the protocol was signed, General Fernandez, the Governor of the L rtre-a, became mors friend ly to me. He had me changed to the hospital, where I was relieved of the sentries and fairly well cared for. Next came my ui Con ditional release, “In the course of the next few months I will sell out my busi ness in British Honduras and go. to free Cuba and live in peae j.” General Rivera ai d General Pal ma left la‘e this afternoon far Washing! tn to attend the funeral of General Garcia. ,C< tt a(;ft For Rent. —The . pretty cottage residence of Mrs. , A. 0 Garrard, on Maine St., in the Fifth ward tn offered for rent by Mrs, Garrard. The cot tage has a splendid cistern, a ' good well and is also supplied ; with hydrant water. The garden j is in excellent aonditicn and ] there is a stable on the premises j See Mrs, <aiTard, , 1 MEN'S SUITS. $5.00 Suits for $1,50 $7.00 “ " $3.50 $9 00 “ “ $4.50 $11.00“ “ $5.50 <515.00“ “ $7-70 All wool pants 75s $3-00" “ $1,50- $5-00“ “ $2,50- NO HIGH! ’lO UGLIN E-SS I "•■■■ ■ I The woman who is Ipvely in face, form and temper will al ways have friends, but one wl 6 would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sick lj- and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trou ble. her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin erup tions and a wretched complex ion. Electric bitters is the best medicine in the world to regu fote stomach, liver rnd kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 50cts at Curry-Arrington Go’s drug store. mJ I ’lftALz' 2? Im IlTIWt' j It aL BL' DAHLONEGArGA" ~ | A collar*edaeatlou in tha rea U f s.ll <B* B.S Normal and Rudneva Mau’s' cku'ram. ! Good laboratories; healthful, in vieoratlna IW ' m-.te; military diecipiine; g-ood mvr *l rel’trlous influences. Cheapest b..*id i B th. Stale; abundance of country produce; from »75 to »1« a year; bmtrd i" or private families. Special license .onrue fee teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the central of the University. A collar* preear I atory elaae. Co-education of aearg. The Uet< tattort founded specially for etuAenta of limited 8»»d *>r cafoloroa te the ProaUee* Jva- 8. Brvwaav, A,WL UNDERWEAR- I t Undershirts 15c j ‘ 50c kind 25c “$ 1 .00 wool 50c Canton flannel drawers 18 o Heavy Canton flan nel drawers 25c * worth 50c A CUT FMCE DRUG STOKE! Ail Patent Medicines Reduced in Price I All Toilet Articles reduced to meet Competition Only When We Cut Every Custo mer get 1 he Benefit. -I. T CROUCH & CO. - HUhMsn. januvav .. ~, *—»— mm—— .; 4W tfW ss n wtfa Vg VsWWk aee r r IB SkH. P. WOOTEN & BRO., 5 I i , te* .I Successors to rf* ROME PHARMACY, g 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. J * pi have bought the entire stock of the Row* Hr.iiKy au j prepared to supply your want* ia •L U ®’ and patent medicine line. Our y ° C uj* C ° a!, d of the very highest grade. 9 ’olicit a part of your patronage and shall eu dL tim V ° r -v' ' our ability to please you s* • ii "* 1 ' j e pleased to have you call on n * *nr»k J 1 - llia druggist’s suu Iries, toilet arcicGs a ai /v*’” 1 are lls ' l *lly carried iu a first cl*** J rf *r< ' 7 *K a! ’B and tobacco. J? Come to see us. <3* SHOES! For m?a, toys, ladies and cnildren- We arye you the very belt quality for the the very lowest price. Ladids good shoes 75« Men’o “ “ SI.OO They are «olid JeaFur