The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 16, 1898, Image 6

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HDSWCOIIMJJCIAI! THE HUSTLE fl 01~ RCML Established. iniO. ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 18U5. every iitiini’. except Satuiday. Sunday' and weekly. PHIL (j. BYRD. ) ) ’lt 1 lh b MZ NZll R, The scene of co.iH.ct has been transferred from Paris to the I ui« ted States Senate. The demands of the religion of China require the emperor to fast sixty-four days in each year. A man in Philadelphia named Button, refers to h.s half dozen children as “the six Button kids.” The Methodist preachers are all getting settled down in their new homes in tills neck of the moral vineyard. Andri w Carnegie has paid s9oo* 000 for-a plot of ground in New York, upon which he wdl erect a $1,000,000 house In taking home the dust of Columbus the Dons may want ♦o emphasize that they are giv ing Cuba the dead shake. The Washington Post says that owing to the activity of the criminal courts the United States senate is constantly in danger of being deprived of a quorum. One of the fust acts of the Flour Trust will be to cut down the price of wheat in this coun try ;in other words, to make harder the conditions of living in the United States. Gen. Garcia’s last words were: “The victory is ours; there are only four hundred of them left.” The general was evidently fight ing over the battles of the recent war, in bis delirium. If Mr. Dingley doesn’t show up at the end of the holidays with an automatic closing de vice for that open door, he will be unworthy of his mission as drum major of the protection ists . The W ashihgton Post thinks that silver coinage if not dead is at least a discarded issue, and that the democratic party will come together in 1900 upon the common plane of opposition to colonial expansion. CYr mystery Zg' * ll d JT J_! i 'death has puz- zled many a jJ,’ j' / wis< man. 'The Jkx / xl V 1/ i M V'k alchemists of £ V M.I|lL v\ old searched in 1/1 \ \ va ’ n f° r s °me : Z_T < ' )t / combination of I | Wwi drugs that * p l > W -<Ak?< x > I would prolong *S?Oy \ W7 f *£\ ! mdefinite- A) ) ly Common / - I/ t \A. , \ tr >' and n*«dicaj science have f* I f ■ combined in t his "age to show man the way to a long and healthy life. Common sense teaches that a man should not over work or over worry that lit should take ample time for his meal-, for resting *nd for recreation and sl< tp: that he should not neglect the little ills of lift because they are thi precursors of wetiou- and fatal maladies Chemistry has enabled men to make combinations of drugs th, t were im possible in the days of the alchemists, Biedical science has taught win n how and nthy these combination# of drug- should be used. Dr I*:, !ms covery is th. most valuabb o h fdtb restoring medicines, and the >n< t effei Uve It# first wotk i“ upon :of life— the stomach A man wh i veafc and impaired stomach anil who does iu* properly digest his food will soon find that bi* blood, ha i ished, and that his whole bodv is improp erty and insufficiently nourished. This medicine makes the stomach strong. facil itates the flow of digestive juke - restores the lost appetite, make s assimilation per feet, invigorates the liver and purifies and ennehe# the bloo<l It is th. , Maker, flesh-builder and nervt tonic ft makes men strong in body, active in mind and cool in judgment It doe# not make flabby fat but solid Muscular flesh, nerve force and vital tn *rgy- All medicine dealers sell it. J Jordan H*q., of Corbin, Whitlev Co yy.. writes "About two.,nd a h.-.lf ve.nrs ago 1w “ taken with severe ps.u. n tin < best be «sn to spit up !>loo<l w ,.- troubled . ith night * n< ?, V', " short " !, i J^‘- V Tfh haH a "" ,t 1,: “’ Pierces »«rolde,> Medical Discovery and hav< improve* »oth ia strength and weight The medicine dealer who urges some jabstitute is thinking of the larger profit 11 make and not of your best good. 1 ~.. 111, II «■ ■ Ml nv ■ . ■ 'iiuiiaißßir-....■iia<.'ir'»um- Absolutely 'Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAK INO POWDER CO., NEW YORK | SOUTHERN ACTIVITY. Capitalists are beginning to lay new emphasis upon the south as a field for investment, per ceiving the opportunities afford ed by ihe contiguity of its ports and supplies of raw materials to the new fields opened to trade by the acquisition of Porto Rico and the occupation of Cuba. The strides made by that fa-- vored section in the industry of’ spinning and weaving cotton are ' being quicaened. North Carolina in ISB6 had 80 cotton mills, running 199,433 spindles. Tiiis year it has 1,010 cotton mil’s, which turn 1,044,385 spindles. Georgia has shown a marked ■ increase in her plants for making , cotton cloths. Texas, Mississip pi, Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina have all madei good starts in the establishment of cotton mills. It is beyond question that the South is today the most promis ing iron district in the world. Alabama, East Tennessee and North Georgia are adding to their manufactures of iron continually and their blast fur naces and coke ovens are grow ing steadily in number and ca pacity . Steel making has proven so successful at Bessemer and Mid. dlesborough that two new steel plants have begun building at Birmingham The average ex port <?’ pig iron from that town s now 1 1)0 tons per day. N< w in.itioads are being built and u d oa s extended; crops are being diversified ; fruit culture, cattle, sheep, horse and fowl raising aro being promoted ; oil wells are being bored: lumber mi Is are being increased; cotton seed oil mills, furniture factories and other industries are spring ing up in several of the southern states;and a general air of prog ress is noted oyer the greater portion of their area. The south is not merely looking up in a business way; she is forging rapidly to th* front in the race for agricultural and industrial supremacy. James R. Keene estimates that the country is one billion dollars and a half richer than it was four years ago. The Haver hill Evening Gazette wants to know who got the stuff, and says mighty little of it has drift ed in that direction. One of the Spanish peace commissioners says, concerning | the Philippines: “America does | not know the difficult responsi-; bililies she is undertaking." The difference between American government may remove most of the knotty points American women will oppose tiie < ffort of Brigham Roberts to ' take his seat in congress as &■ re| reaantative from Utah. They' probably feel that a man with a plurality of wives cannot retain th* sarsnity pf mind necetsgry to lawmaking. | SIX BALES OF COTTON ON.j ONE ACRE. John Vi- BOLi a pi farm-' er who lives near Yorkville, crea ted considerable astonishm. nt among our cit zu- a f K w days ago! by announcing that he had an acre I of land which produced six bales i ot ci ton Ibis siuson, Mr Vinson I exp’aifiea what seemed to ba uni inq Odsible occurrence, by saving ijhat the acre was planted in Irish 1 potatoes and produce 1 < nprigh to firing a sum of money equal to 8 x bales ci cott n at present prices. He has been selling potatoes here in Rockmart at ore dollar per bush el. Mr. Vinson has solved the prob lem of farming in the a >uth aid of growing four cent cotton at a profit. He raises bread and meat and produce for home consump tion and for the markets, and j his cotton piy s. even at our cents. , “Hard Ti nee” aan’t be induced to :go near his home, but “Prosperi ty” stops there fmm January Ist to I) icemb r 31 t —Piedment ' Slate. Ou the British Islands there i are mere than half a million I grown up people, British born and British bred, who have never learned to speak the En glish language. If Spain had accepted the tendered friendly offices of the United Scales before the war it could ha v e secured several hun dred millions for Cuba and saved the Philippines and Porto Rico.- Forain the .French caricaturist, was recently asked whether he fom d depravity the deeper among the rich or the poor. “There is noi such thing a? depravity” he re* plied with all the disdain he could pu: into Ins void ; “at' the top it is diseased nerves; at the bottom hunger.” A POPULAR MISTAKE Regarding Remedies for Dyspepsia and Indigestion The netioral dilate of Ameri can* is indig stiou or in ts chron ic foi m, dyspeps a, ai d for the very reason that it is so com n on many people neg’cct taking proper treatment fur what the/ consider rrill ng stomach trouble, when as a matter of fact, indigestion lay.* the founda ion for many incurable diseases. No persons with a vig orous, healthy stomach will fall a victim to cot.sumption. Many kid ney diseases and heart trouble date their beginning from poor digest'oi ; thin, nervous people a>e really so because their e are out of gear; weary, languid faded out women owe their condi tion (j imperffcpt indigestion. hen nearly every person you meet is atfiicted with weak diges» tion it is not surprising that near ly K\ery secret patent medic ne on the market claims to be a cure f r dyspepsia, as well a score of o her troubles, when in fact, as Dr, Wuthier says, there ie Lut one genuine dys[ e t e>a cure wh cb i peifeotly and reliable, and iu> reaver, this remedy is not a I pa ent m • icine, but it is a son-n | till: combitation of pure pepsin (lr ‘e from animal m tter,) v. g-ta hie essences, fruit salts and bis muth. It is sold by druggists un der name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia tallies; Nd . xtravagant cuime are made for them, Lui. for indi gestion fir any stomach trouble, 'Q uart's Dvepepaia Tiblgls are fai 1 ahead of any romady yst discover. ed. fh'.y act on the f »od eaten, no dieting is necessary amply eat all the wh resume food you want and these tab! ts will digest it A cure results, hucatise all the stomach netdi is a rest, which Sjiuait’s Dyep psia T. b'.afu by du»ng the w oi k .c f digestion. D uggists sol I those tablets at 50cts. jer package. Circulars and testimoi ials sent free by addie3s iigF A Stuart Co., Marshall, Micb, PUT YOUR BOY TO WORK. Put your boy to work if he is not in school. If there is noth ing else for him to do him/ 1 to whitewashing the back fence,, keep the lawn mowed, and even cut the wi •.ter supply of wood ! Anything is better f or him than loafing about town at a rear end of a cigarette slump, learning all the evil and con- I trading all the vices that the ? I devil keens afloat to catch the ' idlers. No honest labor will hui t your i boy but tne evil habits he may contract on the streets may kill his soul and poison his moral nature so as to mak3 him a det riment to the community in which he lives and bow down ; his gray h tired parents with i sorrow. If the fathers and mothers of, I today would only leant the im portance of training their sons to be industrious and keep them off the streets, the coming gen eration would be inestimably better off for it. ' THE PRESIDENT AND THE NE WSBOY. “He’s a better Democrat than Grover Cleveland,” says the Irish policeman, who had just removed his elbow from my side, referring to the Presi dent as he drove by in the re cent Peace Ju /ilee at Chicago. “Yes,” says I ; “he is that .” “ j’ow to fight,” says my neighbor. “Yes,” says I. “4nd a hard man to whip,” says Country Kerry. “He is.” “And he don’t lock like a man who’s give away them is lands Dewey found, either.” No man’s guess was worth mo.e than another’s on this point. “He’s fond of children,” says Duggan. “Yes,” saj s I. “Yes,” says Duggan, “I see him over on Congress street be fore the parade started. He was sitting in his carriage, next the walk. A guard of soldier* stood round the carriage. People were crowding up to shake hands with him. If they looked like they had a bank roll the soldiers let them pass If not, not. A gang of newsbiys stood in a bunch ' near the horses. They looked at ■ the Pns dent with bigeyes. Fi nally one of them thinks he’ll cmne over closer. A soldier pushes him back, The Presi dent sees it, and motions for the boys to come on. T hey fall into line, and he uhakes hands with each one, smiling and saying something pleasant to them all. ‘ ’ I'is a pity,’ says I to myself, •that he has no children; he’d be a goed father,’ ” —Frank Put nam in the Christmas issue of “The National Magazine.” I B >oki-r T. Washington says: i “Each day convince* me that the salvation of the negro in the country will be in bi* cultivation f habits of thrift, economy bon sty the acquiring of education Christian character, property and industrial *k>ll,” FHUNNY graphs He who hesitates is lost. He who never hesitates hasn’t been found, either.—-Chicago Record. “What are ‘the Powers of Europe’that the Americans al lude to so frequently whenever there is any rumi r of war?” in» quired thp fayorite of the harem. ;, lho»e my dear,” answered the Sultan, lazily, after pausing to drink a cup ot c< ffee and light another cigarette, “are merely cony raational powers.”—Wash ington Star. There is no eas’.»r W ay in the Uorld for one to lose H ood name than to leave it engi lVt .j on the handle of au umbreL t , Baltimore Life. » Seeing how dearly the Geor gia legislatute loves a d<>g, the newspaper h ’iow* ‘oi.tinue to ♦ xpn ss p ■ :■ is t the member* of that I oily When a drunkt n loo], or anv other animal h; s *uccessfu!ly eluded the fool-killer, goes up I agaii’.st a lire horse, the engine gives him wings. During the year just passed one person in twinty-nine in Indiana ret l ived poor relief,and die average amount given each person was about $5. The penitential les > f the couu i tiy are hungering after a few I United States’ srimtors. The j sooner t. is appt lite is appeaser i the better for the people. Now is the lime for the farm ier to look after the comfort of his dumb animals. Give them ■ sufficient food, and shslter them from the wintry blasts. Forty.five million dollars is sai I to be this country’s toy bill, i That’s a big figure, but it will be pretty evenly distributed to little figures about Christmas time. One had is well go into the “rub-’er neck” business with a hen-girrff or iadv ostrich as to try to get democracy out of the teachings of the Macon Tele graph. Ten natives ol Ohio will be in the next senate —Foraker, Han na, Baker, Carter, Alien, Kyle,. Eikins, Fairbanks, 'l'urpie and Allison. The “buck-eye” seems to be tu’ned senateward. Among expansionists, Henri Watterson is ranked as a but cui. Take a few sk bs off tbi* stock and put it - u die square and it will be (• u.i<‘ a cross be tween dote and vindshakt. John Wanamaker canies One million five hundred and fifty thousand dollars in life insur anse policies, and qot one dollar of it is made payable to Mat Quay. Uncle John’s “dead corpse” will be worth lots o' i boodle, though. Queen Lil wants Uncle Sam to give her > 6,000,000. If Uncle Sam has that sum about person and wants to J e it t 0 Ciflud he will find lots ui j icanmni a home—and th y have quite as royal a kirk! in their woi 1 as has ( l.u black princess. The Ge rgia f irmers are now telling the | eopie how much hog and hominy they are going to plant next yea: . In due time, however, tho supply merchant and the guano man will shut off this output and p ’occed io name the cotton acreage p r plow,and record the mortgage. i . ■ ■ i Referring to the statement in The Hustler-Con mercial that Lord Forester is the only Eu»- lish nobleman who enjoys, the privilege of wearing bis hat ia the presence of the queen, a subscriber writes: “John De Courey, Earl of Kinsdale, has bad the same fa vor conferred on him and his heirs to the title to this day tljftt is, of wearing his hat in the presence of royalty. He ac cepted a challenge from a Frenchman and slew his adver sary.” _ ~ '“■’'TP "R. Hanna may not think that by | urging a higher duty to be pm on tea he is inter fe' ing with the poo;- mail’s brer Han- j Un’s idea is, perhaps, that the poor man should be a prohibi tionist to the extreme that he needs no drink but cold water. I HOW’S THIS? *" W.> offer One Hundred lars Reward for any Catarrh that cannot be e Ured liall’s Catarrh Cure F & Co.,, We, Fie undersigned, |)^ p known F. J. Cheney for the 15 years, and believe him h b. financially able to carry out any obligation made by their West & Truax, Wholesale Drug.. 1 gists, Toledo. O. 8 Walding, Kinnan <t M h rvi i( Wholesale Druggists, I’oledo. Q. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon , the blood and mucous suifam* of the system. Testimonials sent: freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold, by’ ail Druggists. Hull’s Family PiH B aie est b ■ r-r Coke chepper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and ! cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Ciean and economica l . For further particulars see ROME GAS GO ipsoftssiomi w ATTORNEYS. J. BR.A.NHAM, Law OBle ‘JOO. East Firstreet St. CHAS W UNDERWOOD A rteruay at Law, Roma* Crcporaion Law Onlyr 'W J rJEEL Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocurti. -p.-clal attention yiveu to commercial itw auil tbe exanucimoa cf laud titles. Office in Hing building. Home, Ga. "VVAI-iT'aR. HARRIS. Attorney at law au<l J. P. Office oxer F. J. Katie & Co. ’s. LIF’SCOMB Ar WILLI.SUHAM Commercial Lawyers. iffiee In Artnxiroog hotel bull.rig, Rya>». tla I M . E3 Atterney at law. O|k» Buiidlar. U<‘die, <‘a. W . H. 2IMNIS, Vtrorneyat Law Will Practice in alt «oiru otlite. Masonic Temple. Kama, Ga, J SANTA ORWJ'OV, Attorney at Law, Home, Oa. Colle' sns specie Uy. Masonic Temple, Rome, Uo. WRIGHT & 11-UWW A T TORN EY s At? i • Orifice:No. J I PosH’^.y-j■ building CHARLES E*. DAVIS AT LAW- > Cvllevtion a cal-y. W*d friactfce in all I ecu Its . Aiat Lie Tcxjij Ift;/, mf. fiin DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. Office 24C 1-8 Broad. * Over cantre.l'^o** 1 J. L PENNINGTON. D D D RNTIBT- Office. AOS 1-8 Broad street. Oxua Hanks F« r mture Co. PHYSICIANS. - ■ - ..U— ' l *' O HAMIIj ro N. M D- Physician and Su/geon Office,. Medic*) Building Home. Ga. Ott ce ’phoue No. L P. T-I A- XZI NlOKriO M D - Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medic* biUhiing. Residence, No. 403 ee/nhoNo. ft TONSOR/L PARLORS LEWIS BARRETT. The "Old Reliable.” operating the Cent’ hotel Barber Shop, Invites you to give hiru Inal, and promises to do the rest. Only alb l1 * inen employed on the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employ* very best artist., in his tonsoral -J’jdio. V'utry BuilGing, opposite the vou are made comfortable while,. you r wor using d-jue. ‘ " l **i PASTEUR ’’"he cub Gernl Prcoi Filter in woriel. Ma kes w pure and cle..r I sale byL’lhe Ran son SupplvCo