The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 16, 1898, Image 7

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LOC«' HftPPENIWGS. •I» Yovn Scalp Bad?—lf so go tv Howel) T»y> or » parlor, in the f>rry L.ildinf on 8»«oi>d Avenue, let him wure It by applyir»R dandruf ©x torß>!»-»«r»’>d bah regenerator, will cure yo» every time. Fjs£ Nkw FkuitCakk—a Hue of delicious new fruit from one of the very best tooses in the country, just re eieved a t Lloyd’s. Also a hand iera» Hue of fa,)C J assorted cakes, at most reasonable prices. ’’Ladtc Rest. —All that wai ■oital of the lamented R, T, Har pave was laid to rest in Myrtle Rill tbi» fcrenooD, the funeral ce aorriog fr onj the l a,e residence on Fir«t St. and being conduct ed bv D r - Eake©, pastor of the jTjrat Methodist church. Peace to bit memory. If you expect to have a swell ©ran entertainment of any kind, you ei»n get every thing needful and up to date at Loyl’»> aud at prices no small dealer can r-fford. Large fancy celery, fancy new Nuts, cluster Baisiue, colored Wax Candles and other nice things. A Baisdsomk Pearl Laet night Dr. C. ll l milton bought a ■uart of thb fine Norfolk oysters bhhdlAd by the Gom*z Case, and while enjoyir g gome ©f them foi anpp r, discovered a very large and bar,diomepearl. Mr. Johnnie Root, if th*- Case, say? be d ies not guar antee a pearl with each quart ci abaters sold, Berber does the Ca e imive mineral interests in sales, Bfdvcti. nln Pbive© .—Begin airg with '‘A Tutkieh Bath’’ com pacy the regular heu«H priest tai tbs balance if the season at th- Optra h- uee will be sevsnty-tiv tents for reserved stats fifty (.eutf ler dress circle unreserved, am twenty-five eer ta for gallery. Any show charging more will be eharg> lag advai cad prices Manacek Ofeka Hou©«. Ohtwejjj letuhw*. —Mr. He»- tnaß Ortwein, foreman «i Mr, S, M. Stark’s well known tailoring bnsioe-e, has returned liern At lanta, his attorney. Hon. Nat Harns havii g the ease against Onwein dismissed in an Atlanta Justice's court. Or.wein should never have been arrested, and the Banner in wbieh he was carried away from Rsme amounted to a young cate of kidnapping. The only eharge agaicat him was a plain me of debt. AiutveHome.—Mr and Mrs J. J. Lockridge, who ware mar rii'd ' n the afternoon of the 14th. •t the home of the bride’s par ents m (Jonyers, arrived in the city last night and are at home •t the Armstrong Mr and Mrs. Lockridge are exteued a most cordial welcome by Roman ,-ho Join in wishing the haj py young coaple a long, happy and pres psrotHa HU. The OeiNTT Cfain«an© Bapt. Hackney is making final “rrangemenis for moving th* county chaingang into the gang’s winter quarters at the r<ck quarry camp. The gang will be put to work crushing stone and repairing the streets of the city —“■an not before many of them naed said repairs, either. Supt. , hackney has made some splen did roads in the county during lhe past season, and don© the work at a very economical out l*y of public funds. A “Dull” “Lively” Day.— ■ a moderation of tempera tare today, came the walls of clounda, »o ©hronic of late, shut ting out the sun and shedding Cloons in the hearts of the afllict •d, ths weary, and the unfortu nate—in other words depressing lbw majority of th* masses. But all that, somewhat of the •pirit of the approaching holiday •••wan Bas beau abroad iu the old town and traffic on Broad way has been brisk. Today has been a very “lively” “dull”day —or a “dull” “lively” day— just as you elect. Matinee Muriel —The “Mali nee Musical ’to be given by th* yeunger pupil. of the Soßtbern Conservatory of Music, will take place m the miuie ball, a t 3 ; gQ this afternoon. Miss Cam»-Box KKD —A re cant event in which society was well represented was an enter tainment by Miss Florence Mil ner in honor of Miss Eva Camp, of Rome. Miss Milner .cted the part of hostess with much grace and hospitality. Delightful re freshments were served. Musi© was u. enjoyable feature of the evening.—Ca’-tersville News. Eugene Pentbcoit —Mr. Eu gene Pentecost is now occupying the clerk’s chair for the White Btar Line Steamboat company, having succeeded Mr. W. 8. Lang ford, who res-gued a few days ©go and went to the Pacific .lope to make his future home. Mr. Penta cost, while baling from Gadsden, is an old Rome boy, his father, Capt. Pentecost, having resided in this city for many years, only movii gto Gadsden about two year. »go, A Deserved Prom tion.— The many friends of Mr. Thos. Milner, who has been ©sergeant in the Third Georgia Regiment, now at Savannah, will re joice over Lie promotion to the rank of second lieutenant, which wai given out by Gov.Candler,Tues* lay. The young man is a sou of fudge Thoma. W. Milner, of 'his city, and was a bright member of the legal fraternity prior to entering the army. His friends look lor further promo tion in hie ca«©.—Cartersville News. Chief Fiiw fsHiee —Quite a 'ood many rumors are afloat oday growing ont of the fact Jiat at this time Chief of Police Shropshire has overstayed hi. leave of absence, granted him that he might attend th© Atlanta Peace Jubilee. The chief has been away a dry or so longer than Sec’ty Blount Hamilton, of police committee granted him. His fronds say, how©ver, that Mr. Shropshire will return to thi. city this evening ©r tomor row. In the meantime Mayor Seay and Secretary Hamilton have named Deputy Marshal Guice to fill the office of Chief and Officer Horry Wimpee to succeed Mr. Guice. WHAT JOYFUL FEELINo. With the exhilarating sens© of renewed health aud strength ane iuttrral ch aoliue.?, which follow, the use of Syrup of F igs, is un known to the few who bave not progressed beyond the old-tim medicines and the oh°ap substi tutes sometimes offered I ut n» V-» accepted by the weil-Rformed Buy the genuine m»nu aohir»J by the California Fig S YJ H P “A TURKISH B VTH.” ► Will inaugurate The New Hcu jo Prices At Tbevitt’.. Physicians have d>elarad that “A Turkish Bath” is • panels for every human ill, almost. This referred to the process through which on. gees in an in* atitution lull of furnaces, sluices, showers bathe, and iron wnsted individuals who scrub and knead the unfortunate “bath.Y” inte uuconscianenws. The “Turkish Bath” which will be teen at the eper. house Satur day ia one out of the ordinary. Il may be termed a mental ■‘Turkish bath, performing for the nerves and spirits all that the orthodox bath does for the body. It takes op dull care and throws it away, It revives the drooping spirits and makes one forget a'l trouble. Tfaere is uotbiag but a constar t round of laughter from begmmug r o end, with not one dull moment. The is g medly of fun and ludicrone situations. Beginning with a “Turkish Bath” ou Saturday next, the re gular house prices at the opera hoase for the balance of the sea son will be seventy-five .ent. for reserved seats, fifty cents for dress oirele seats unreserved and twen ty-five cents for gallery. Any at traction {charging more will be charging advanced prices. Soata at Trevitt’s new store. 1!1! "F lynching averted Only the Council ©f Coolsr Heads Prevented it. Hazleton, Pa., Dec. 16 —A mob of able citizens, armed with guns and revolvers, pursued and captured Joseph Baloue, an Italian, and only the counsel es cooler heads prevented their lynching him. Balone, during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Artol, at Tresckow, entered their home and assaulted-their 12-year old daughter. Balone was removed tc the Mauch Chunk jail without having a hearing, in ©rder to insure his safety from the mob. M’KINLE’Y PLEASES COADON A ©©rave Th© Prealdenr’s At lanta Speech Fully Richmond lufl., Dee 16. —Gen. J©hn B. •ordon, of Gaergia, whe lectured here last n ght, said ia an interview concerning Presid»iit McKinley's speech at Atlanta. tt l have read the speech with much inti rest and was greatly de« lighted. It was probably a great surprise to some of our people, but it was not so to me. 1 have known President McKinley for a great mauy years and have tad she pro foundest respect for him as a man and a patriot. This Atlanta speech is in entire keep ng with what I bave known to be bis liberal im pulses toward the sonth for a num ber es years He is a very -broad man as well as a capable on© ” WM. LEWIS SCHLEY LEAD. Baltimor©, Deo. Iff. —Colonel William Lewis Schley, veteran of the Mexican and civil war©, died at his home here today of Bright's disease. He was born in Frederick City seventy five years ago and wa« a first cousin of Rear Admiral Schl©y. He organized th© Fifth regiment Maryland national guards. Sinre the war he had prac ticed law. He was a magician and post of considerable ability. 11 10 I r 1 WaHniiyt * HOLIDAY REFLEC TIONS. Will be pleasant if you buy h©re what Farnitureyou need for gifts. We have an excellen ine of Desks, Book Caaes, Chl aa closet©, T*rlorCabinets, Sba vine stands, Pictures and other undsome and durable piece© aitable for presentation either 0 yourself or some friend. These gojds ar© not the kind nade up solely for the Holiday trade, but ar© high grade, aud the equal of anything ever sold by us. Os corns© our prices will m©et vi-th your approval.J Rhudy, Harvey & Co-, , Mo. 337, Broad Bt. PERSONAL MENTION. Get a “Turkish Bath” ticket! Are you “iu it” for the “Turk ish Bath?” M iss Jessie Huffaker ia spend hag a f©w weeks with relatives i n A tlautK. Miss Edna Ckin, the talented editress of tlia Summerville News, is iu the city. Mrs. John M. Echols and lit-* tie daughter are the guests ot Mrs John Brewer. There’s a deluge of fun in a “Turkish Bath.” Try one, st Nevin’s tomorrow night. Rome ia to have a rural maib delivery within a radius of teu miles.—Ringgold New South. Tartar’s “twofert” th© fa areas “Terrell Speed” cigar© are growing Hi©r© popular ©ach day Mr. Georg© Howell, o! Howe I’s X Roads and Capt. Davi© of th • same place, were in the fcity to day. Capt. W. L. Wim’iish i» “en joying” a severe cold at his home. He will be out again iu a day or so. A cannou cracker exploded in the hand of Harvey Robertson at Brunswick and badly matil lated hie Augers. New stock of Imperial Table Jelly, including wine flavors, fruit flavors, etc., at Lloyd’s. Tryjffioea, the daiaty desert, 10c. Mr. Aimer R. Davis, of Home Ga., a graduate of the '96 law elass, was in the eity yesterday visiting friends.—Athena Ban ner. tineoa©© oom»« to thoe© who p©rs«v©r©. If you take Hood’© Sarsaparilla faithfully and per eiatently, you will ©nr©ly b© teeae fitted. The “Turkish Bath” posters indicate a breezy z performance and a deluge of fun and clean pleasure. Try one, at Nevin’s tomorrow night. A real good’ sweet juicy bam for 10c peund, you don’t get ©very day, but you will find them at Lloyd’s. Beiler get one quick, or they'll be gone. Mr. H.H. Arrington was over from Rome Tuesday and called upon the druggists, one of the mast prominent in the Hill City.—Cartersville News. “How can one toll whether or net a man ha? wheels in his head?” “By the spok*s that come from his mouth, my boy .” Judge. Mr. and Mrs Eugene Ward aw, of Rome, are expected in t>he city to apt nd the holidays wiili the latter’s mother, Mrs. I’eccoa Collins, on G Imer St.— Cartersville Cuurant. r WhuLY Smokk ! That is to *©y, that if you want the best cigar on the market and th© on© that gives the most fragrant •moke, you should ask your dealer for one of the Warters’ {tame ©aade brands. NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. O. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Belts, Hair Ornaments and Buckles,ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices before buying in Millinery. i fiFIOMI SALE S Within the next few days Willjnove into my elegant | New Drug Store * J NEXT DOOR TO MY OLD STAND- J Immediately upon moving into my ©tore, I u ill open up a beautiful line of . . . * CHRISMS AND f | HOLIDAY GOODS | All now <tn<l ires!)* Don t buy until joti see them. Until then I offer the public big reduc tious on everything in my stock. . . g FRIGES THAT WILL SELL* It will be cheaper for me to offer you the goods al prices iliut will sell them than to move them. S Perfumeries and £ Toilet Articlesl $ Remember that this sale will not last long, and advantage must be taken of it at once. Come to see me anil I am sure that my price will induce you to buy • < $ fill DicsGrliiitaarG * j Most GarGlullu Gompoundfid. J ; BA.TMVITT. j - -- - . HIM ■ ft F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. X I THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. | g Plumbing and Tinning. j g Engineers’ and machinists' x t* supplies. Stoves, ranges and g tinware. Gas and electric fix- 3 tures. INSURANCE [gasoline $ stoves. Water meters. $ S 325 Broad st. Phone 32. • ® J©©3©©©Q©2)©C'i « Suuiw; MJW MH M* s S. .Vi Stark, | a. • a S LIDIEI AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILED S --w-i Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A * *** ■ a itdiiiiiiHlHHH-iitilH mERIMNOWT