The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 16, 1898, Image 8

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■ *• < -< ■ »-*- • Ur—]- AftTTPT PC! Pftß MOM wh do mm Io Isl € JtflOh BBB $& ■ ■ -rs H A* HRIST ™ar IOWURf " !Pve||lWP4 AND ILL AT COST; OR VERY MUCK LESS TON COST. Toilet articles, a big assortment. Handkerchiefs, the finest selections in Rome. Rugs, Ot tomans, Fine Trunks, etc. Big stock of Jackets and Capes. We are trying specially to close out our Blanket stock this week. Wool has advanced a great deal in price recently, but we offer any Blan ket in our house at cost. Some of them, a little soiled, at less than cost. We w ill sell you any article of Dry Goods in the house at cost. • ALL DRESS GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! * 4ne selections that sold at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 a yard, you may take at 98 cents All Hosi ery at c less than cost. Shirts, and Ladies and Gents Furnishings at cost or lower. Notions at or beiow cost. So with Linens, so with Laces and Embroideries. Any article in thenillinery Depart ment at or below cost. DO YOU WANT A FINE TRUNK? Get it on our se«ond floor at half All Clothing and Hats at or below coat. ' ■ S&? Krippcndorf’s fine shoes are the best. Buy them from us WE WANT TO QUIT BUSINESS ANDOUR PRICES ARB MADE TO SELL OUT THE GOODS AT ONCE. COME TO SEE US BASt'M BROTHERS & CO Rheumatism I* * blood diseaseand only a ' lood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew werse until I was un- SfigF ab'.eto take my food or handle myself in any wa y. I was abto lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I -juwfe w ‘ is soon able to move r ’S ht arm J before long I coftld walk across the room, and When I had finished one dozen bottles waa cared completely and am as well aa •ver. I now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy* ss .S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. (guaranteedpurely vegeta ble} is exclusively for the blood and it recommended for nothing else. I* forces out the poison matter 1 ermanen' ly. We will •end to anyone ««r valuable >3 f' $ books. Address V’k •wist Specific a Atlanta, Beware of Imitations I 4MM* SONS MFt' Wbmjh T&bulM cure can braatM. ■ttabs Tatulea: olMaant liuovt W>*aa cure dlzzlnesa. 18 fl BIGAJHIBT. F?t Strahan’s Alleyed iiij band Milcily Married. A WHITE HAIRIB WOMAH In Th« Witness Sox Springs a Sensation. New York, Dec. 16. —In no trial in the courts of New York, civil or criminal, have there been such questions asked as those propounded by the law yers defending William A. E. Moore, now being trieii for the second time before Recorder Goff, in general sessions, and in no trial probably has a witness been subjected to such torture as Martin Mahon was yesterday and t >day. Shocking, horribly shocking a- th* cross exuininatiuu of Ma li >n w<is, the spectators in the court room craned their necks to grasp every word and gloated over the disgusting details. Common decency precluded th* admission of women to this legal burning of incense to the memories of Sodom and Gomor ri.h, but they would have b<en there had not the recorder’s in junctions upon the court officers kept them out. As for the men who revel in the debauchery de scribed in this trial, they are ol respectable appearance, well dressed and piovided with some sort of credentials that admit them. Cray-haired, bent old men are there, vigor- us middle-aged ’men and youths. Poor Mahon, forced, th* dis trict attorney sajs, to tell hit*’ miseiable story ef-dalliance,rob bery and disgrace, was yester day’ and today more the defend ant than Moore, the man on tri al for blackmail and robbery; His conduct an the stand to day was not so nitiable as it Was yesterday, yet be squirnled under the lawyer’s lash, admit ting his associations with Fayne Strahan Moore while he was a husband and father. With parch •d lips, burning face and legs drumming a tattoo on the floor, Mahon, this New' York hotel proprietor, sat for hours before the jury and the crowd, compell ed to pose as an execrable mem ber of society. On the opening of the court at 10:40 o’clock this foren ion Mahon’s cross examination was resumed by Abraham Levy foi the defense. Evidently he had fortiled himself for the ordeal. He has a Milesien brogue, a consequential way of speaking and snaps off his words as though et joying the sound ol his voice. T hat voice has a suspicion of the falsetto in it. All the details of the oc< urrences in the rooms the Hotel Grenoble on the night of November. 4th last, when he was confronted by Fayne Stra han Moort’s husband in her room, were gone over again. Many things were ea:d that arc not fit for publication. * Two or three times Mahon broke out in pretests against questions by the defense. ‘When Moore left ycu that night, where did you go?” “To my hotel.” “You did not no toyoui wife’s ho.nt?” “No,” exclaimed the witness, “and see here, Mr. Levy” (pointing Lie finger at tl e law yer, “my wife is as good as yours is or as you are. I had her for eighteen months with me in Eu- rope five years ago, and —’’ ‘ Oh, neyer mind that, this ■ outburst is merely for effect,’’ interposed Mr. Levy. The cross examination was jcpntluded at 11 :45 o’clock, and Assistant District Attorney Mc- I Intyre started on the redirect (hie of the krst questions he inked brought out this from the 1 witness’: “Must I answer that with .these ladies prevent?” The ladies in question had managed to gain access,knowing the recorder’s injunction, but at this point "ware-escorted out. At 12 :05 o’clock . Mahon left the stand and Alonzo W. Foster, Mahon’s manager, testified to Fayne Moore’s hotel visits, cor roborating hit employer in every detail. Mr. Levy made an endeavor l to have Mrs. Moore produced in court for the purpose of 11 denli tication, but the record j r de clined to accede with one excep tion, namely, that put on the stand as a witness. This was objected to and every one was disappointed at not being able to gaze on the beautiful prisoner After recess Detit live Cuff re pealed his part in the affair as told in the former trial. A young man claiming him- S'df a “mixologist” was the next 1 ailed. Noone knew what that meant, ond everybody asked for an explanation. It developed that he was a bartender. His testimony was of minor import ance . ■"'■J' 11 I Aknovkcb. —To th* publi« that 1 hav» ••.wired t.k» »erviu»» of William M*Olellat>, an expert | tanay eaady maker, who hae baei f*r the paet two year* with tfm hiarrow fatt>>a< «aa4y k.tehee ie Atlanta. We are new maku g daily oil kind of fiae tad at. ecce.nant, creaaii, aonfate, etc. All we atk 11 a trial. We cau please you A. M. Axroawej.i, IIOLIMY fiOODS: picMrMi GIFF BOOMS, PfiOTO PARTIES, F IWY MINORS, Fine Stationery and Story Books, also Games for th* Little Folk. Surry Bawlins &Co, Book* & Stationery, 302 Broad 5 TWW I ■Wisuar-y -a—*•- »-—■>/ —I IJ .1 e, 1 IngvaK 2 | LITHIA f | Wateßi & BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM,W Mr & For Sale at Soda Founts of: w CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. J T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright,