The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, December 18, 1898, Image 8

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Kw HI— III -jH kErfrS iß’/ ■T Fl W ■ ' A & 9 WW# # - _ _.. I w 11 1 I JL E/> W ®* .-Xsawti?/.• • -J r X^.72Cm2l^3rTC3L'£'C.SSKKrr»“ . -USK33F ’JOMB • "xrcv \ -'.WiTV. .- -TasaM ■ ■ ' M H '''’ w® Ml WMI « > Ira Efl ?'i r IL* * ; >?. iky j vW.* 3 pL-’- pts£ W >- jgffii ®”S IfcF V' W Mi ® @E y* sci IE kci Spw ■• ■* MSA RM 13 IE ’B® IM Hf ■ Hi w i&J n N 5! ’#■ <'<■■ -E SB SH eg! ISSA; r ' ; tfe EL O ® ■« r I ■'■' ’ m -»“ >zJe> r ®L O ■■&, hL IL I Ba ■ffiF ■ H HwH lw ■ ■ ’ ■■’V . “38p UT4y-'«iwßl ‘<g> ' b ’JK> , J MH WR, 3 l* fcv|>B ; Xi? JL |Li ]HE ; >W Sh Sk- WVI M■ SO i I,r 1 • ri b limo fl ft lUh ■ wHr lA ■aßyl Jra Jw|y mIiA rW W MEs.-a;a . . wwc ra.®mfireaa2F SfflEL. .‘.sxii/ JraLdJk SSk.ii ra WWwBHr I 1 Have Decided to go Out of the Millinery Business. This is the First Titnt I Have Offered I Stock at Cost, or at Closing Out to Quit Business Figures. I Now Throw the Entire Stock d The Market and Will Proceed to Close it Out at Once-Lverything Goes! -REMEMBER EVERYTHING GOESE MRS. GARRARD TOLD TO JIOI/E Itily Doesn’t Want Carlos in Rsr Borders. IKK FRENIff LlFESfim, ®i< Rafts Carried on Ev«ry Steamship Deck. Rome, Dec. 17. Don Carlo’?, whose whereabouts lately have been a matter of speculation, is now knowjto be in Venice,where ho is holding a petty court. As a resultot the Spanish Ambassa dor’s protest to Don Carlos’ presence in Italy, the goveniuent has given him a hint to “move O«.”r New Lifesavek. Paris, Dec. 17.—1 n connec- Bection with the construction of naw French Transatlantic liners to run between Havre and New ork, the French government ia being urged to practically test a scheme of carrying two great well equipped rafts, so const! net. ed that they cannot be submerg ed. These rafts will be carried as shade decks, and in the event et a ship’s sinking, as La Bour gogne did, the passengers will haves prospect of being saved. Messianic Coin, Paris, Dec. lz. —M. Boyer d' expert in coins, has recently purchased what he re gards as a specimen of the M.s sianic coin, which was in us amond the Jewish Christians during the first century after Christ. r I he coin bear* on one aids a profile of Christ with the! word "Jesus” iu Hebrew, and ou the other the inscription, "I he Messiah, the King, will Come in Peace.” Petroleum Drinker’s. Paris, Dec. 17, —Official re ports note a new habit among the French, which is making vast strides. It is petroltum drinking. Already many places called “I’etreUugues” have been opened for devotees of the habit. The effectof the liquid is said to be soothing though depressing. : Might Hurt Their Feelings. , London, Dec. 17.—Several > Englishmen have written to the , papers protesting against Bar- > num & Bailey’s new spectacle, j "The Destruction of Cervera,” ■ now being produced here. They say it will hurt Spanish suscep l tibilities. k - , I’rjnck Victor And Patriots. London, Dec. 17.—The Chron icle asserts that it h;<s learned i from a trustworthy source that Prince Victor Napileon, who was recent y in Paris, conferred ; with Gen. Mercier, ex minister of war, who, it is believed, rep resented the officers lately impli cated in secretly communicating . with the Pr.nce. The latter gave ian audience to Paul Deroulede, president of the League es Pa- !iriots. U . j '—• —’ ■-* NOORE DECLARED GUILTY. Husband Os Pet Strahan Roto be Martin Mahon. New York, Dec. 17.—Wt», A. E. Moore, accused of having rob bed Martin Mahon, the propretor of the New Amsterdam Hotel, on 'he night of November 4 las’, hi Grenoble Hotel in a "badger game, m which Fayne Moore, the defendant’s a'leged wife wts charged with Lavmg taken part l was last night convicted by a jury before Recorder Goff. Thia was Moore’s second trial, the jury hav inu diaagr. ed in the | first, and was continued for five days. Today was occupied in sum ming up, District Attorney Gardi ner making the closing speech for the proaecutionr. The jury re'urned, after bdng out about three hours, with th* verdict "guilty of rohberv in th*- first degree as charged in the in dictment. with a recommei el ition of mercy to the court,” Moore maintained the same -tolid indifference that has char acterized him during the entire triai. Sentence will probably be pronounced on Monday. The trial of Fayne, the so-defendant, was set down by th* recorder for Monday at 10 a. m ——wiwW" TW* HE FEARS NO FOE. — Dewey Ready to Hold out Against the Worle, New York, Doc, 18.—A Ma nila dispatch t<> the Evening Journal says that Admiral Dew ey, in an interview teday, de dared that he was ready to hold his position against the whole world. Admiral Dewey, the dispatch asserts, refused to express any opinion as to the political situa tion in the Philippines, but *s a naval officer, lie declared that since his fleet had been strength ened by the monitors, he had no f ear of any foe that might be sent against him. He said the insurgents a a rule were friendly toward the I uiied States, more so at pies ent than at any previous time sines the fleet sailed into the bay May Ist. ENGLAND CHECKMATED Will not be able to get Held of Delagoa Bay. London, Dec. 17.—1 t has been discovered that the real mission of Dr. Leyds, Seeretarv of tate of the Transvaal, who (came to Europe as an emissary ;of President Kruege , was to help raise a loan for Portugal, so that »he would not have to lease Delagoa Buy to England, by the acquisition of which Eng land would surround the Trans vaal. It is reported that Dr. Leyd’s mission h been successful. If so, England’s move to acquire Dtlagoa Bay is checkmated. Dr. Loyds came to Europ ■ ostensi bly to.protest against England's claim in the Transvaal. HIS LIFL WAS SAVED. Mr. J E Lilly, a prominent eitizen of Hannabal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In tel ling of it tie says: "I was ta ken with typheid fever that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs be taine hardened. I was so weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed Nothing helped me. I expected io soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Dis’ eotery. One bottle give great ‘relief. I eontinued to use it,and now am well and streng. I can’t say too much in it« praise.” '1 Hie marvelous medi cine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throi t end Lung Trouble. Regular six es 50 cents and |1 OP. Trial bot tles free at Curry- A i rington Co’s drug store ; every bolt gu*i. anteed. SKIFF CRUSHED BY |<JE Railr»ad Man’s Perilous Situa tion In the Ohio. Vanceburg Ky.,Dec. 17 —W. j L. Franks, agmt for the C. A 0 at Buena \ ista, three imlee above here, was caught in a skiff be tween large cakes of ice. The skiff was crushed into kindling wood. Franks jumped for his life and, , swimming and leaping from cake j cake, managed to get almost to'( i shore, w hen he tell con pleteiy <x hausted, and would b .vs either frozen or been drowned had not S. J. Wheeler, the night operator heard his cries and hurried to the rescue. SPANIARDS WILL WAIT I . Till Uncle Sam Acts Bes se Ratifying Treaty. f’ Madrid, Ded 17. —It is annuun ced today tha», us the Amer Ct senate must ratify the pence t re a t y | before it becomes efi Vd ihe Spanish Guvermjrnt * I wait for such ratiiicutiou bcivi■> red ng teint.-ry thrt the Ur ; .1 Sta'ra Senate iw not ace p’. ’’ w®rw-- • r A BOUT CATA I;RH. It is canted by colds or sac cessioa ot aolds, cumbuied with impure blood. Its sym; u>rna ar* paias in the h*ad, discharge from the uou, ringing noises in the ear's. It js cured I \ Hood’a i Sarsaparilla v, Inch [ urifDs and enriches the blood, sdoilats and I rebfcilds the tissues and relieves all the disagreeable sensations. Heosl a Pills cure all liver ill*. Mailed lor 25c. C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Maas. •"- ——... J, r1 RUSH TO ARMS. Native Arabians Hava Arisen Against Tui ks. — . Cairo, Egypt, Djc. 17.—The na tive rebellion against the Turks iu Yemen, a chief division of Aara-< bia, is becoming formidable. Thir- 1 ly thousand Turkish troops have - 1 been amhi iz»d in the distriet Mohammed Um, the insurgent ' chief, is said to resemble the Mahdi, ihe M hammedan war, f rior proj het in religious fanaticism md rules his fo]|< wers desp< tica - y. It was a eimi'ar on break 15 r years ago under the Mahdi tha' ' swtpt the Sjudan and etded in t the mkßsacre. Os Gordon at ■ Khartoum. Alden, the chit i town ( of Yemen is English. Gin COW JUD! r I l 7“ i ' Named By gaiienir in Fihay Niyil. JUDGE JOHN fl- ® Gets Th* R*me Office Ji Cadhm. n Gets Atlanta’* A t k, is, Ga., I’es. K- I ’ senate liasing jusistsd on a tn> ndiaeut to the local 81 bills relating to the eleelioo judge of the criminal court e lauta by the people, the an was left in the gevernor'i bi and he last night appointed J A. E. Calhoun of the r *« er< court to succeed Judge Berry” term txpires n*xt August, The goveruer slso tpP^ l Frank Park judge of th* court of Worth coardy. A Herrington, jodge of the court of Emanuel county- H Reece, judge of th* c< of Rjtm; J. A, Ansley, *o ,ic of the coun tycourt es Bni»t« r i Io the latter vacancy Mr. R. Winchester had b®* B point*d, but was withdrawn account of objection by Br*’ 1 ,Dodson of the senate* . Tnismornisg these *PP o1 ments were cenflrined by Senate. The appointments s’ -01,1 by those who ar« in pe»i' 1(, “ know, ae fine a batch as ” er * eent in for the Senate to »• on. Tt Ct 11 A COLD DAY Tsk* LsxsUvs Brass* T*klsts. AH * f th* ns*ji*y it it fail* * • ur * | n* t*B«j»* kM l. >• * fliWtet.